Kiss of Death (Blood Brothers Book 1)

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Kiss of Death (Blood Brothers Book 1) Page 7

by Annie Harland Creek

  “Suck up.” Anna smiled as she opened the locker marked with her name using the key that Derrick had supplied on an earlier tour of the building. Her mouth dropped open in surprise. “Wow.”

  “Hey, no fair.” Susie flung open the locker door. “I didn’t get anything like this. This sucks.”

  “I thought Derrick was the best boss in the whole wide world?”

  “Yeah, so did I, until now. Geez, Anna … Chanel.” She took the large bottle of perfume from the top shelf to examine the packaging. “All I got was a can of perfumed deodorant.” Rifling through the other packages she continued her inventory. “Shower gel, body lotion, talc, salon quality shampoo, and conditioner … Anna, there’s even a cosmetic case.”

  Anna opened the case with Susie breathing down her neck squealing with enthusiasm and delight.

  “Oh that’s it. I’m putting in a complaint.” Susie almost snatched the case from Anna’s hands. “I couldn’t afford all this if I saved for a month. You lucky duck, there’s even a couple of Nike tracksuits in here.” She rifled through the contents of the locker. “And what’s this….”

  Lifting a hanger from the rod, Susie held out a dress covered in clear plastic with a note attached.

  Anna ignored the slinky black frock to read the note. “My sincere apologies for last night’s behavior. Please join me for dinner tonight.”

  “Shoes too!” Susie was still sorting through the treasures in the locker. “Asics gels and a pair of black stilettos. Damn girl, what do I have to do to get all this? Or should I ask, what did you do?”

  “I didn’t do anything.” Anna hung the dress back in the locker. “Derrick made it perfectly clear that I’m not good enough for him.”

  “Ah, so he’s the one who got your knickers in a knot this morning. By the looks of all this, I think he’s trying to make amends.”

  “I can’t be bought.”

  “Anna,” Susie shook her by the shoulders. “In all the years I’ve worked here, I’ve never seen Derrick give a woman anything like this. Sure, he’s generous and kind but there is no way he would try to buy someone’s affection. There is no need. Women throw themselves at him every day but he never gives them any encouragement. Since you arrived in town, I’ve noticed a change in him. He lights up when you walk into the room. Seriously … he has it bad.”

  “That doesn’t change the fact that he told me that it would never work out.”

  “He told you that?”


  “I’m shocked. Well, I guess still waters run deep. What are you going to do about it?”

  “Last night I made up my mind to become the type of woman he and Patrick want. When I have them in the palm of my hand, I’ll crush them and leave them in my wake.”

  “You go girl. Wait a minute … who’s Patrick?”

  “That’s another story.”

  “Your stories sound a bit nasty. Does this one have anything to do with spending the night throwing up?”

  Anna nodded and laughed.

  “Well, I still need to freshen up so you can tell me while we shower.” Susie took her own toiletry bag from her locker and retrieved a towel and a change of clothes. She turned to see Anna staring blankly at the contents of her locker.

  “You know, Anna. If you’re truly serious about becoming the woman of their dreams, you have all the weapons right in front of you.”


  The day flew by quickly and by the evening, Anna had decided to take her new friend’s advice and take Derrick up on his dinner invitation. She spent an hour readying herself for the date using the armory of weapons he had supplied and when she’d finished, she felt prepared for battle. She made her way to the foyer to wait for her prey.

  “I see you’ve been in your locker.”

  Anna spun around to face Derrick, expecting to see him in his usual attire of white canvas training Gi. Her heart skipped a beat. Dressed in a navy blue evening suit and cream-colored silk shirt, his dark hair combed back and a twinkle in his eye, he looked the epitome of masculinity. Handsome didn’t come close to describing him. He was perfect. The sight of him, standing before her in with his youthful good looks and smelling so agreeable, made it difficult to remember why she had been so angry in the first place.

  “Not teaching tonight?” she asked casually, hoping he wouldn’t notice the catch in her breath.

  “I called in a favor. Are you ready to go?”

  “Don’t I look ready?”

  As Anna did a little swirl, her new black dress floated in soft waves around her knees. Derrick caught a whiff of her perfume—Chanel. She was wearing the fragrance he had bought for her and as he had suspected, the combination of her body chemistry blending with the designer fragrance made for an exquisite scent. He breathed in her fragrance, closing his eyes as he savored the moment before returning his focus to her beautiful face. He noticed that she had drawn some of her coppery curls back to produce a half up style and the effect drew attention to her eyes, making them sparkle with life. Her makeup was understated despite the fact he had purchased enough product to cover every season and color according to the sales assistant, but he liked it that way. Anna’s features didn’t need artificial enhancement. She was a natural beauty. Staring at her pouty bowed lips, he fought the urge to kiss the glossy pink color from her mouth.

  “Well, do I?”

  “Oh, sorry.” Derrick realized he had been caught up in the moment and was still staring. “You look beautiful, Anna, absolutely stunning.”

  “Where are we going anyway?”

  “It’s a surprise,” he answered, offering his arm but no information about the evening.

  As Derrick led Anna down the flight of stairs to the car park she tried not to let her emotions get the better of her. She had wanted to tell him that he looked pretty damn stunning himself but that would put the ball back in his court and she wanted to play it cool tonight.

  Susie passed by, giving her a thumbs up signal and Anna smiled in reply despite the thumping of her heart.

  Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all? If they were going somewhere high class, she would surely do something to embarrass herself. The last time she’d tried to act upper class; she had spent the night feeling desperately ill and this time she was in the company of someone who was actually accustomed to living in high society. Patrick, by contrast, had been putting on airs and graces, he probably knew as much about the elite as she did. But there was something else that gnawed at her insides, something that warned her she would be in danger if she got into Derrick’s car. By the time they reached his Porsche, she was hyperventilating.

  “Maybe this isn’t such a good idea.” She told him as he opened the door.

  “Why not?”

  “I’m not feeling very well. I think I’d like to go home.”

  “Anna.” Derrick stroked her cheek tenderly with his finger. “There’s no need to be afraid. It’s only dinner.”

  “I just don’t feel like being around a lot of people, that’s all.” Her gut instinct warned her that there was danger waiting for her—a sinister presence watching, waiting.

  “Well, luckily, there will be no one besides us.” He helped her into the passenger seat before she had time to protest, then ran around to the driver’s side.

  “Where did you say we were going?” she asked once he started the engine.

  “I didn’t.” he drove slowly out of the underground car park, passing a few people Anna recognized as gym patrons at the exit. Momentarily, she was distracted as a couple of women tried to see inside the car but the dark windows blocked their view. She was tempted to pull a face at the rude women who stared blatantly into the car

  “They can’t see us?” she asked.


  “Why the tinted windows? Do you fancy yourself a rock star?”

  “No. I just like my privacy.”

  “So you became a teacher and you work in the fitness industry. That doesn’t make sense.” />
  “Why not?”

  “Wherever you go, people recognize you as their Sensei. I’ve seen the way students react to you, especially the females. You can’t tell me you don’t enjoy that.”

  “I enjoy teaching. The rest of it—well let’s just say that’s a cross I have to bear.” The corners of his mouth curved in a sly smile, as if he was remembering a joke.

  “Then why do it?”

  “Part of being a Martial Artist is sharing what you’ve learned with others. I have been fortunate enough to train with many masters over the years so I feel it is my duty to pass on my knowledge.”

  “That sounds noble.” Her voice barely concealed her surprise. It didn’t sound like the actions of a man who flaunted his wealth.

  “It may sound noble but I haven’t always acted that way. It may surprise you to know that there was a time when I went looking for fights. I was a bit of a brawler in my day. For many years I kept my experiences to myself and concentrated solely on making myself a stronger and faster fighter. Like you, I preferred to be alone.”

  His words touched a nerve. Alone? No Derrick. That’s far from the truth. She wanted to tell him as much but the words caught in her throat. Instead she made light of the subject.

  “You talk like an old man.” Anna giggled. “In my day … we hung out at the local tavern…” she teased, in a voice mimicking his.

  Derrick smiled. “It’s nice to hear you laughing. I do believe that this is the first time I have heard you laugh since we met.”

  Anna’s cheeks reacted with a slow burn. She turned her head to look out the window. She hadn’t found many reasons to laugh since returning to her old home. “I haven’t felt much like laughing lately.”

  She felt the slight pressure of his hand on her thigh as he gave her leg a squeeze.

  “Well, the smile becomes you, you should do it more often. I think that I’ll make a point of trying to make you smile every day.”

  “And how will you do that?”

  His laugh was immediate and intoxicating. He grinned wickedly as he said. “I have my ways.”

  After around thirty minutes of awkward silence with intermittent casual conversation concerning the freaky weather or the running of the gym, Derrick turned the car into a driveway and pressed a button on his dashboard to open the large metal gates that blocked their path. As they passed through the entrance, Anna gazed in wonder at the huge estate. They travelled for another half a kilometer before she noticed the huge house, high on a hill top surrounded by palm trees and lush gardens full of tropical flowers. She had lived on the Central Coast of N.S.W for most of her life and never knew this place existed. When she turned to Derrick with her mouth agape, he shrugged.

  “What can I tell you? I always wanted to live in Hawaii.”

  “So why don’t you? It looks like you can afford the move.”

  “The climate doesn’t suit my … condition. I have allergies to the sunlight and as you probably know, Hawaii is sunny most of the time.”

  “I wouldn’t know.” The subject of Hawaii was a touchy one because she had made plans to go there with Patrick for their honeymoon. Worse still, he had taken some bimbo he hooked up with at his buck’s party. She was still thinking about her wedding fiasco when Derrick pulled up in front of his house.

  An elderly butler hurried over to open the door for Anna. “Good evening, ma’am. Master Derrick.” He nodded to Derrick who was on his way around to her side of the car.

  “Is everything ready, Evan?”

  “Everything is as you instructed, sir.” Evan shuffled up the stairs to the main door.

  Anna noticed he had a slight limp and arthritis gnarled his hands. He struggled with the door knob. She thanked him as she stepped into the foyer and after excusing himself, he left for the kitchen.

  “A little old to be still working isn’t he?” She suspected he should be resting at this time of night, curled up on a couch in front of a television with a hot casserole and a cold beer.

  “He’s been with us for many years and refuses to retire.” Derrick motioned for Anna to head down the hallway. “We only have him do a minimum of work now. It makes him feel useful and we can keep an eye on him.”


  “My brother, David and I.”

  “Oh, that’s right. Patrick told me you have a brother. He was with you at the restaurant.”

  Derrick nodded. He led Anna through the house and opened a large sliding door at the end of the hall. They stepped out onto the balcony. Anna stood transfixed. The scene was something from a fairy tale. The sound of violins floated through the night moments before the musicians stepped into sight. There was a small round table set for two. A fragrant candle burned in the center of the white lace tablecloth surrounded by fresh yellow and white frangipanis and pink hibiscus. Illuminating the surrounding area, a multitude of fairy lights twinkled and as the warm summer breeze caressed the flame of the candle, causing it to flicker, and the fragrance of tropical flowers filled the air. A crystal decanter of red wine sat beckoning to them beside its matching bohemian crystal goblets. Anna suspected that she had stepped into a dream.

  “You’ve gone to a lot of trouble.” Anna noticed as she accepted the seat Derrick had offered her. He tucked her in before taking the seat opposite.

  “Do you like it?”

  “Yes. It’s very nice.” The beauty of the setting was overwhelming but despite the enchanting atmosphere that Derrick had created, unease had settled in her chest. Her senses were on high alert. There was a foreboding in the wind, a hint of something rotten that even the fragrant candles and flowers could not mask. Something or someone posed a threat to her. Someone close by. Stay cool, she reminded herself.

  Derrick reached out and touched her hand, his contact drawing her back to the conversation.

  “I’m glad you like it.” His beaming smile freed a kaleidoscope of butterflies in her stomach and lifted her spirits. “I wanted to make up for my behavior last night.”

  Almost as quickly as it arrived, his smile disappeared and his expression changed to annoyance as he glanced over Anna’s shoulder. “Looks like we have a guest.”

  A tall, handsome man popped his head around the corner and made his way over to the table to stand beside Derrick. Anna recognized him as the brother, David. She would have known they were related had she not been told. He had the same dark hair and violet blue eyes but there was something different about this one besides his rounder chin and higher cheekbones … something wild and unreserved about him. He looked like the kind of man accustomed to getting his own way, especially with women.

  Derrick crossed his arms over his chest and growled. “I thought you were out for the night?”

  “On my way out, brother dear.” He slapped Derrick across his back. “Aren’t you going to introduce me to your little friend first?”

  “Anna Derwent… this is my brother, David.”

  “A pleasure.” David took the hand Anna extended and kissed the back of her palm, before turning it, lingering for a moment at the wrist. “Chanel?”

  “How did you know?”

  “I spend a lot of time in Paris.” David’s bottom rested on the arm of Derrick’s chair, his attention focused on Anna. “That dress is from their spring collection.”

  “Is it?” She looked to Derrick for confirmation.

  Derrick nodded.

  “So, do you spend a lot of time at French fashion parades?”

  “Not unless I’m dragged there kicking and screaming by a beautiful woman.” He grinned wolfishly. “But, I promise I won’t protest if you want me to go to one with you.”

  The smile escaped Anna’s lips before she had time to stop herself but when she saw the effect it had on Derrick, she was glad she did. He stared daggers at his brother.

  “I’ve never been outside the country, David,” she told him, eager to encourage the brother as she suspected it might get a rise out of Derrick.

  “Then the world is a sorrier
place for not ever meeting you.” David’s smile was disarming. Not as beautiful as Derrick’s, but very cheeky and even contagious. She watched with delight as Derrick’s face flushed with color.

  Derrick rose from his seat with such force he almost upset the table. “Didn’t you say you were leaving?”

  “Aren’t you going to offer me a glass of wine first?” he winked at Anna.

  “Bugger off!” Derrick gripped the edge of the small table. His knuckles turned white and Anna wondered if he would take a swing at his brother.

  David ignored the curse. He lowered his gaze to Anna’s chest and as he reached out his hand, she opened her mouth to protest. He lifted the cord supporting the stone on her pendant. The gesture appeared to infuriate Derrick even more but he returned to his seat as David remarked.

  “Tiger eye. It’s a lovely stone, always a favorite of mine.”

  “I saw it in a shop window the other day and felt compelled to buy it.” Anna was surprised she had disclosed the information.

  “It is supposed to protect the wearer from the evil eye.” David turned to his brother. “As a matter of fact, there are many types of protective amulets and tiger eye is one of the most common.”

  The word common hit Anna with the intensity of a physical blow. Common. Is that what she was? Was that a message he was trying to convey to his brother? She noticed Derrick glare at David and wondered if he had come to the same conclusion. David seemed oblivious to her reaction as he continued to admire the pendant.

  “But this one, this is a really lovely piece, Anna. The setting is very unusual, very rare. Do you know much about its designer?”

  Self-recrimination flooded through her. Once again she had jumped to conclusions and taken offence at a casual remark that was not meant to slight her. She had been doing that more frequently and if she kept it up, she doubted she would have any friends. Her self-esteem had hit rock bottom and her nerves were frayed. She smiled at David and shook her head. “I found it in an Op shop. I have no idea of its history.”

  David allowed the cord to slip from his hand. “I have a friend who would probably be able to tell you a lot more about it if you would like to know its origin. She has a knack of knowing things, if you know what I mean. She owns a crystal shop around the corner from the gym.”


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