Dual Desires (Triple Threat Book 3)

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Dual Desires (Triple Threat Book 3) Page 25

by Bella Jeanisse

  I leaned my head back on his chest and sighed, still very groggy. The previous days were erased in my dream-like state. All I could think of was, I have Giovanni back.

  Chad moved his hand over my skin. He touched some of my bruises, and it finally didn’t hurt. Then he whispered, “I love you, Crystal.”

  I should have known it was Chad from his voice, but I wanted him to be Giovanni so much, I didn’t recognize his voice. I moved my broken arm as far back as I could and touched his leg with my fingers. I closed my eyes, and the dreams played back in my mind.

  I didn’t even realize I was in Chad’s bedroom. The dreams had felt so real that I was sure they had to be true. Chad moved away from me for a few seconds. When he came back, he poked me with his erection until the tip slid into my pussy.

  He grunted quietly as he tried to get deeper, but he seemed to have trouble. I bent my knees some more since I wanted him in to the hilt. He shifted his whole body down a bit then thrust forward again.

  “That’s it.” He sighed with relief.

  His strokes were quick and shallow at first. I grabbed the end of the bed with my good hand and pushed my ass back to him. He moaned loudly and pushed until he was in balls deep. We ground against each other for at least a minute, as we gasped and groaned. Then suddenly, he withdrew and shoved back in hard with a grunt.

  My eyes flew open. “God, Giovanni!”

  Chad’s hips stopped. “Did you just—”

  Instantly, I realized I was wrong, I felt terrible. “I—”

  He cut me off quick. “Fuck!” Then he pulled out and jumped off the bed. “I can’t believe you just said that!” He yanked off the condom and threw it on the floor. “How could you call out his name?”

  I watched him pace. “I’m sorry. I just can’t get him out of my head. I dreamt about him all night. I thought you were—” I bit my tongue, to hold back the painful words. “I’m sorry, Chad. I really am.”

  He lay on the bed again then helped me turn onto my back. “That really hurt.”

  I painfully turned toward him. My hip still hurt an awful lot, but I pushed away the pain. “I didn’t mean to do that to you. Seeing him like that really fucked with my head… and my heart. My feelings are all over the place. I can’t control them. Even all the pills can’t straighten me out.” I cringed from the pain in my hip.

  Chad suddenly pulled me toward him, turned me away from him then hoped on the other side of the bed. “Better now?” He touched my cheek as he looked into my eyes.

  I felt the pain I caused him. As I stared at the bed, I shed a few tears. “I’m sorry.”

  He pulled me close so I could lay on him. After I moved my cast so my fingers touched his shoulder, he put his arm around me. I rested my head on his chest. A tear fell from my eye. I had never been in that position with Chad before.

  He raked his fingers through my hair. “I know you’re confused.” He put his other hand on my cheek and caressed it. “I love you so much. Maybe we should take a break until you sort out your feelings. I can’t handle you calling me his name like that again.”

  I couldn’t talk any more. The position we were in brought back too many memories. My tears fell faster. I closed my eyes and felt Giovanni. I tried hard not to, but he held me that way so often. Moreover, Chad’s arms felt like Giovanni’s. He had worked so hard on them.

  “Baby, it’s OK. I’m not mad, just hurt. Don’t cry about it. Please,” Chad pled while my tears fell on his skin. “We don’t have to stop. We’ll do whatever you want. Just stop crying. I’ll gag you if I have to.”

  When I had calmed somewhat, I lifted my head and looked up at him. “It’s not that. He used to hold me like this all the time.”

  “I’m sorry. I just wanted to be closer to you.” He carefully turned onto his side and faced me. My broken arm slid behind his back. “This better?” Then he kissed my forehead.

  I looked into his eyes and saw pain. Not just emotional pain, but physical pain. “What’s hurting you?”

  “Nothing, I’m fine.” Chad obviously lied.

  I moved my arm that was under his neck and touched his hair. “You’re lying. Pain’s written all over your face.”

  He sighed. “It’s just sometimes… when a guy has to stop like that and not start up again, it kinda hurts for a while. It’ll go away.”

  I pulled my arm out from under him and tried to push myself up. There wasn’t enough room between us for me to do it. Then I picked up my broken arm and pushed Chad onto his back. With difficulty, I was able to sit myself up.

  “What’re you doing?” He sounded annoyed.

  “I’m gonna fix it.” I moved my body around slowly so I could lie down on my stomach. It hurt, but I knew it would be worth it. I rested my broken arm across Chad’s thighs as I pulled myself closer to him.

  “You’re gonna hurt yourself,” Chad warned me. “I don’t wanna finish it. I don’t want to hear you say his name again. Just go back to sleep. I’m fine.”

  I knew he was not fine. When I had my body in the position I wanted it, with my broken arm still across his legs and my hand on his abdomen, I looked up at him. “I promise I won’t say anyone’s name.”

  “You can’t promise that.”

  Then I leaned down, grabbed his soft cock in my good hand and quickly took all of it into my mouth, as I sucked hard. Chad gasped loudly. I looked up. He squeezed the pillow behind his head. When his dick stiffened enough, I ran my tongue around the head and reveled in the moans that he let out.

  “Oh, baby,” he moaned loudly as I ran my tongue up and down his shaft. “I didn’t know that’s what you were gonna do.” He gasped and moved his legs when I slid his erection back into my mouth. I rubbed the head on the back of my throat. “Oh, God! It’s been so long. I love the way you blow me.”

  I circled my tongue around, and he let out even more noise. When I started to suck on him harder and bob my head fast, he cried out my name again. Then I began to jerk his cock in rhythm to my mouth. His hips moved also. I tried to keep pace with him, but it was too difficult.

  “Chad, stay still. Please,” I begged him.

  “Uh… baby… I’m… sorry… That…. feels… so… fucking…. good.”

  He looked sexy and really close to orgasm already somehow. I glanced down and realized he left his legs open. So I used the fingers of my broken arm to lift his testicles and let his cock fall from my mouth.

  “No… Please… Baby… I gotta cum… Oh… Please!” I smirked then licked his shaft down to the base before I grazed his scrotum with my tongue. “Fuck!” he cried out when I sucked on a testicle. “God!” he yelled as I did the same to the other. “I fucking love you!”

  As soon as I had my mouth over his dick again, he put his hand on my head and fisted my hair. I was afraid he would push me forward, but he didn’t. Every time I looked up, his eyes were closed, and his mouth was open. I knew from his expression. He enjoyed it more than he ever had.

  To see what he would do, I suddenly swallowed so much of his dick that I gagged for a few seconds. Then Chad begged, “Do it again, please.” I complied, and his back arched as he moaned loudly. “Holy shit. That feels good.”

  Then I began to move my hand and mouth at the same pace. I took him as deep as I could and sucked intensely. Chad gasped, moaned and cried out my name continually. He didn’t stay still after a while, which made it harder for me to continue because of my broken body. I sped up my pace while I tried to hold his hips down.

  Very soon after, Chad called to me. “I’m gonna cum, baby! Fuck!” He let out the loudest sound ever as his cock erupted. I swallowed each burst without a thought.

  When I knew he had gotten it all out, I tried to get up, but I couldn’t. My good arm had fallen asleep because it had been in one position so long. I lay my head on his stomach.

  Chad’s hand slid over my back. “Thank you, baby. I feel so good, I can’t move. You OK down there?”

  I smiled. “Yeah, just relax. I’m fine. I love y

  Chad caressed my back with his fingertips, which made me sleepy. “I love you too, bab—”

  * * *

  I woke up with my head on Chad’s stomach, in a lot of pain. I turned on my right side somehow. Tears came to my eyes when I tried to move. I cried out from the agony as my hip slid across the bed.

  Chad jumped, which made me scream in pain. “What’s wrong?” He rubbed my good shoulder.

  Through tears I told him, “I—It h—h—hur—rts.” I cried harder as the pain worsened.

  He carefully moved out from under me. Somehow, I was on my back seconds later. He brushed the hair from my face as I continued to cry. Then he lay down next to me, held me for a while and kissed my face.

  “What can I do?”

  I couldn’t reply.

  Then he got up and left the room for a few minutes. He gently sat me up as I cried out repeatedly. Tears ran down both sides of his cheeks. He popped a bunch of pills in my mouth and put a bottle of water to my lips.

  As soon as he had laid me back down, both of our mother’s voices echoed in the hallway. Chad quickly jumped up. I heard him move around the room. Then he threw a blanket over me.

  A door opened. “What happened?” my mom asked as she smoothed my hair back.

  I couldn’t answer her either. I just looked up at her, in the hope she could take it away. I wished I was little and pain magically went away when she kissed my injury. This is way too much to kiss away, I reminded myself. My hip, leg and shoulder throbbed terribly. My ribs felt like they were freshly broken again. She sat on the bed and took my hand in hers. Tears fell from her eyes also.

  I heard heavy footsteps. Then Chad started to talk fast. “I’m sorry, Ma. She turned on her right side in her sleep and hurt herself. I gave her two of the pain pills. They should work soon. I didn’t have time to wash her yet. Maybe you guys can make breakfast or get her clothes out. I know we’re running late again. I’m sorry.”

  “I got it,” Chad’s mom said from the hallway. “I’ll cook, Pam. You get Crystal’s clothes out.”

  “Ma,” Chad called to my mother as she went to the closet. “She wants to wear the one with no sleeves tomorrow. So get out the other one.” Chad took off the blanket and picked me up. I cried out in pain yet again. He whispered, “I’m so sorry. The pills will work soon. I promise.”

  He closed the bathroom door most of the way and got in the bathtub with me. First, he washed my hair. Then as he washed my body, I started to feel funny. The pain faded, but then so did my ability to move. My eyes closed involuntarily. I heard the water and Chad’s movement, but I felt nothing. I tried to tell Chad something was wrong, but my mouth didn’t open.

  As my body slid down into the shallow water, Chad shouted, “What’d I do? Shit! Mom!” He held my broken arm and leg just above the water with his body. “Sorry, baby.”

  The bathroom door opened. “What’s wrong?”

  “Help me, Mom!” Chad called to her. “Her body gave out. I can’t get her casts wet. Fuck me! Why didn’t I call Dom first?”

  My mom’s voice drifted into the room, “Do you need help?”

  “No, Ma. Don’t come in here, please,” Chad begged her. “I’m naked.”

  Chad shook, as his body touched mine. I tried hard to pick up my arm or leg but nothing worked. My eyes stayed shut as well. I slightly felt my arm and leg lifted in different directions. Then Chad started to wash me again. With his mom there, he didn’t kiss my body like he usually did.

  When he set me on the bed again, he dried me gently. “You awake?” He picked up my hand, and I was able to move my fingers a little. “Good. I’m sorry I gave you too much medicine. I thought one wouldn’t be enough. Is the pain better?.”

  I squeezed his hand lightly. I felt like I was half-asleep. The pain was most definitely gone though. After a while, someone dressed me.

  Then I heard Chad’s voice, but the conversation was one sided. “She was screaming in pain, Dom. I didn’t know what else to do.” “I know I shoulda called you, but it’s too late. Is she gonna be OK?” “You sure? What d’ I do now?” “Just wait it out, really?” “He said she’s gonna be fine, just out of it.”

  Chad picked me up and then after a bit, laid me on the couch.

  “I’m gonna try to put your hair up,” my mom told me. She grabbed me under the shoulders and pushed me to a sitting position. I fell back on her. “Val, can you help me. She won’t sit up.”

  “She can’t,” Chad’s mom explained. “My darling son gave her too many pain pills because she was in so much agony.” I felt her hand on my back. “I’ll hold her up and you take care of her hair.”

  Soon, Chad’s hands held mine as I was still being, what I considered, prepped. “Baby, you OK?” When I moved a finger, he sighed. “Dominic said it’ll wear off, OK?”

  I lifted a finger a little. He kissed my lips, and his wet hair brushed my cheeks. I wanted to run my fingers through it. Even when I forced my eyes open halfway, they closed quickly. I was sleepy but fought it as hard as I could.

  Once in the car, Chad held me on his lap, my head on his chest. I groaned softly when my cast started to dig into my upper arm. Chad sat forward just before he put that arm around his neck. He sensed my feelings like no one else could.

  “I got you.” He lifted my other hand and laced his fingers with mine.

  “What are you going to do with her there?” Valerie asked.

  Chad pulled me closer to him. “I’m just gonna have to hold her all day. Not that mind.” He kissed my forehead and whispered in my ear, “I’ll be there for you the whole time. Not like yesterday.”

  “Won’t Rosario have something to say about that?” she replied.

  “Yeah, but he’s just gonna have to deal with it,” Chad countered. “I’m not letting him hold her all day. One day he’s gonna find out about us.”

  My mom joined the conversation. “He’s hurting too much right now to understand. Don’t tell him yet.”

  Angrily, Chad came back with, “Do you guys realize Giovanni was my friend too? I knew him for six years. It hurts me just as much that he’s gone. Why do you think it was so hard to bring his suit to Rosario? This whole situation’s overwhelming for me too. I’m trying to be strong for Crystal, but no one gets that.”

  He sniffled and pulled me as close to him as he possibly could. “I was behind them when the accident happened! I saw the whole damn thing. I knew Giovanni was gone as soon as the truck hit them. I thought I lost Crystal too. If you saw what I did, you’d get it. I saw her head go through the fucking window. Then I watched the van flip. It all was in slow motion, and I couldn’t do shit! I remember every one of her fuckin’ screams. I couldn’t hear anything else. She almost fell the fuck out you know. How do you think she got hurt so fuckin’ bad?”

  He took a few deep breaths and tried to calm down. I wanted to hug him so badly. Instead, I tightened my fingers entwined with his as much as I could.

  After a bit of silence, my mom spoke up, “Chad, no one’s saying this didn’t affect you. Just that you should keep your relationship secret.”

  “Pam, they need each other to get through this.” Valerie sounded like she was crying. “This could’ve been so much worse. He could’ve hit into them and then my little boy—”

  “Mom, don’t think of what if.” He sighed. “I did almost hit them. Something made me hesitate when the light turned green. I had just enough time to avoid them.” Chad shuddered and blurted out, “When I pulled her out of the van, it hurt so bad to yank her away from Giovanni. But I had to. I knew we couldn’t save him, but her—I had to save you, baby. I’m sorry. I saw the pain in your eyes. I wanted to make it better, but I couldn’t. You were bleeding so much...” He started to shake then he sobbed while he cradled me in his arms.

  It was the first I heard of what he had seen of the accident. He didn’t talk to me about it. I hoped he at least talked to Chris about it. It hurt so badly that I couldn’t console him. I gathered all the
strength I could and squeezed his hand.

  He lifted my left hand and kissed it. “I know you’re here for me too.”

  Chapter 29

  As soon we entered the funeral home, I heard Rosario’s voice. “Why’s she sleeping?”

  “She’s not sleeping,” Chad explained. “During the night she rolled onto her right side. You know how bad that looked, right?” He paused. Maybe he waited for an answer. “She woke up screaming in pain. I gave her an extra pain pill and now she’s out of it. I’m sorry. I was just trying to make it better.”

  Someone touched my back. “You don’t go in her room and check on her during the night?” Rosario sounded upset. Then he touched my hair. “I guess it’d be exhausting doing that every night. You found her like that this morning?”

  Chad hesitated. We didn’t want Rosario to know we slept together. He had to choose his words carefully. “Yeah. She woke me up with the screaming. I had to do something. I couldn’t let her suffer. She can’t sit up, but she’ll squeeze your hand.”

  Rosario took my good hand in his. “Is the pain gone?” he asked in my ear. I moved my fingers as much as I could. Rosario kissed my forehead. “You’ll be OK, sweetheart. You’re in good hands.”

  Then we moved again. Within a minute, Giovanni’s mom asked, “What’s wrong with Crystal?”

  “She’s OK, Mom.” Rosario’s voice got too quiet to hear for a while.

  Then she touched my cheek. “Oh, Crystal. You were hurt very badly in that accident. Weren’t you?”

  “Yeah, she was,” Chad replied for me. Then he kissed my forehead. “I’m sorry I gave her too much medicine. I didn’t mean to make this harder on you.”

  Maria lovingly said, “My dear, it is hardest on our Crystal. She bears the brunt of it all. I only have to deal with losing my son too young. I know he didn’t suffer, but she was not as lucky. She suffers every day. I saw it her eyes yesterday. She must be in constant pain.” She touched my hair. “You’re so beautiful, my dear girl.” Then she lowered her voice. “You’ll heal one day, and maybe handsome young Chad will fill your empty heart.”


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