Slave Gold (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Slave Gold (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 3

by Becca Van

  She looked at them suspiciously and then drew away slightly when Gilmore touched the band around her upper arm.

  “Where did you find this?” he questioned.

  Licking her dry lips, Shannon stared at Gilmore and wondered why the bracelet seemed so important.

  “I found it in a shop earlier today. No, wait! It could have been yesterday. God, I don’t even know what day it is.”

  “We are mid Septem. The middle of the week,” Barclay clarified.

  “No. It can’t be! It was Saturday. I only just got here hours ago. Four days couldn’t have passed by without my knowing about it.” Shannon’s breath rasped out from between her lips and her heart pounded inside her chest. What the hell is going on?

  “Tell me about the slave gold.”

  Why is Barclay harping about my bracelet? Does he want it for himself?

  “I was going out to get a few groceries, and when I walked past a small shop I had never seen before, I felt almost like I had to go inside. It was as if I was being drawn there. Do you know what I mean?” The three men nodded as if they understood, but Shannon wasn’t sure if they were being sincere. She took another deep breath, pleased that her panic was slowly receding now that she was trying to explain what had happened to her.

  “Well, anyway, I saw the bracelet nearly straight away and for some reason I just felt sort of…compelled to have it. So when I found out I could afford it, I bought it. I took it back home, and when I touched it, I just knew I had to wear it. So I put it on, and then something really weird happened.” Shannon gasped for breath again. She felt as if she couldn’t get enough air into her lungs, and perspiration beaded on her forehead once more.

  Darby reached over, placed a hand on her back, and rubbed his palm in soothing circles. Gilmore lightly rubbed her thigh as if trying to offer comfort. Barclay took one of her hands in his and caressed his thumb over the back, tickling her skin.

  But if they meant to offer her comfort, their actions backfired. Her body tingled with sexual awareness. Her breasts felt heavy and her nipples achy. Moisture began to pool between her thighs, and when her pussy clenched, her juices leaked out onto her panties.

  Oh shit! I’m attracted to them. All three of them. Get a grip, Shannon.

  “What happened then, little one?” Barclay queried.

  “Huh?” Shannon blinked, trying to remember what they had been talking about. “Oh, sorry. That was rude. I should have said ‘pardon.’ What did you ask?”

  “What was the weird thing that happened?” Barclay asked, and she could have sworn she saw humor in his eyes when he glanced to his brothers.

  “It felt like the room began to spin, and I could hear a voice in my head,” Shannon began, glad to get her mind off her heightened libido. “Or maybe I was spinning, but I don’t think so, because I was hanging on to the table so hard, my knuckles must have been white.

  “Just when I thought I was going to throw up or pass out, it felt as if my fingers were pried from the table. I felt so heavy, like I couldn’t move, and then I felt like I was floating. When I woke up, I was in the middle of a field, miles from anywhere. You know the rest.”

  Shannon looked at each of them and found them watching her as if she was the crazy one. Maybe she was, but this all had to be a dream. Doesn’t it?

  The men were still touching her, and she knew she wouldn’t be able to take much more. She would do something totally out of character if they didn’t stop soon. Like jump their bones. Shannon pulled her hand away from Barclay and moved back from them, sighing in relief when they dropped their hands from her body.

  “Now I’ve answered your questions. What about answering mine?” she asked a little belligerently, crossing her arms over her chest and pinning Barclay with her stare, since he seemed to be the more alpha of the three.

  “You aren’t on Earth anymore, Shannon. Have you ever heard of Branwen, the goddess of love and beauty?” Barclay questioned.

  “What? What do you mean I’m not on Earth? That’s not even possible!” she practically screeched. Shannon felt as if she was living a dream. Nothing made sense. How the hell did they know they weren’t on Earth? “Why the hell would you ask me about the goddess Branwen? What the fuck is going on?”

  “Answer me, little one,” he stated firmly, narrowing his eyes at her as if he was waiting to see what she would do.

  “Yes. I learned about her in one of my history classes at school. What has that got to do with anything?”

  “Do you know of the legend associated with Branwen?” Darby asked.


  “Let me refresh your memory, Shannon,” Gilmore said. And then he proceeded to tell her of the myth of Branwen, daughter of Lir, God of the sea, and the story surrounding the slave gold bracelet she had bespelled. The bracelet, thrown to Earth by the dying goddess, would find whoever needed it and bring true love within his or her grasp. The bracelet’s powers knew no bounds of time or space. If it so chose, it could take the wearer anywhere in all the universe.

  By the time he was finished, Shannon had decided she was definitely dreaming. No wait, she thought, more like living a nightmare. She was so tired. She felt as if she’d been pulled backward through the wringer of an old-fashioned washing machine. Her muscles ached with tension, and her heart was racing. What in perdition have I got myself into?

  “Why don’t you lie down and rest?” Barclay suggested and pulled what looked like a cloak from the saddlebags sitting on the ground beside him. “Tomorrow will be a long day and you need to keep your strength up.”

  “Wait! You think that this”—Shannon pointed to the gold on her upper arm—“belonged to the goddess Branwen and I’ve somehow found my way to your planet because of it, don’t you? Now I know I have to be dreaming.”

  He held his hand out to her. When she took it, he helped her to her feet. He draped the cloak around her shoulder and wrapped her up in it.

  “Yes, I think that is exactly what has happened.”

  Shannon wasn’t sure what to believe anymore. Her mind raced through scenarios and then discarded them. It was the only thing that made sense in a world gone mad and matched the tale the shopkeeper had told her back in Moab. While Shannon supposed the whole thing could be some sort of fever dream and she was really lying on the floor of her apartment, every moment spent with these men made her believe a little more. Regardless, there was nothing she could do about her situation for the time being, so she let herself relax.

  Now that her hunger was appeased lethargy stole over her. She sighed, grateful to have something to keep the chill at bay. Since the sun had set it had gotten cooler and cooler, and she didn’t even have a sweater with her.

  “Thank you.”

  “You are most welcome. Come and get comfortable.”

  Darby and Gilmore moved off the blanket they had been sitting on, and Barclay guided her back down to sit, now that she was covered in his cloak. “Won’t you need this? It’s getting cold.”

  “I’ll be fine, Shannon.” He sat down next to her and then lay down.

  He pulled on her hand and tugged her off balance. Shannon squeaked in protest as she practically landed on top of him. A large, beefy arm wrapped around her shoulders and slid down to the middle of her back.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Shh, little one, rest.”

  She finally realized that he was offering her his body heat and his arm as a pillow. With an exhausted sigh, she let the tension in her muscles recede and closed her eyes as she rested her head on his arm. It was too big and hard, so she shifted around a little until she had her head pillowed on his chest. She let her worries drift away. Someone moved to her back, and then she was being cuddled from behind.

  She was surrounded by heat and let it seep into her tired, aching muscles and cold body. Before long she felt herself drifting toward sleep.

  Throughout the night, goddesses, chanting, slave gold bracelets, and triplets assailed her dreams.

apter Four

  Darby didn’t know how much longer he could stand being cuddled up against Shannon without making a move on her. She was restless, and every time she moved, her ass wiggled against his crotch. His dick was so hard and his balls were tight and drawn up so close to his body, he was worried he would spend in his pants. Her scent curled around him, heightening his arousal. He’d never smelled such sweetness before. The combined scents reminded him of spring flowers with a mix of honey and milk. He salivated, craving a taste of her. He wondered if she would taste as good as she smelled. And her hair was so damn soft and silky, he wanted to spread it out over his body and feel her tresses caressing his skin.

  Tightening the arm he had wrapped around her waist, he pulled her ass against him, trying to still her restlessness, but then he had to bite on the inside of his cheek to contain the groan rumbling up in his chest. Never had he been as hard and aching as he was now.

  Movement from near his feet drew his attention, and when he lifted his head, his gaze connected with Gilmore’s. His brother looked toward him, and Darby could see the heat in Gilmore’s eyes as he stroked a hand up and down Shannon’s calf. Turning his head, he looked to see that Barclay was also awake. It looked like he wasn’t the only one having trouble sleeping. Shannon felt so right in his arms, as if she belonged, and he hoped that Gilmore’s theory on the legend of Branwen and her slave gold was true. The last thing he and his brothers needed was to become attached to Shannon and then have her taken from them. The fear that she was in the wrong place with the wrong men filled him with trepidation. If that were so, then Branwen could somehow use the bracelet and whisk her away from them.

  Taking deep breaths and releasing them slowly, he let his muscles relax. Even though he rested, Barclay didn’t really go into a deep sleep. It was more like a doze, where he was still aware of everything around him and every breath Shannon took.

  Just before dawn he heard a female’s voice in his head, but he wasn’t alarmed. At first he couldn’t make out the words repeated over and over. They sounded more like a buzz, but he knew they were words being spoken. How he knew that, he couldn’t have said. Then all of a sudden they became intelligible.

  Whoever shall find the slave gold will know much turmoil until love unfolds.

  The voices will sing their hymn and pull you from within.

  The paths you take will be divided and the choices you make

  will be forever united.

  No time, space, or age will withstand or endure, unless the love you feel is pure.

  Love is a gift from the Gods and will last through the ages

  for those who will discover love untold.

  Darby opened his eyes just as the sky began to lighten. The words were still clear as daylight in his mind. He looked at Barclay and then Gilmore and saw they were both awake. Being careful not to wake Shannon, he removed his arm from her waist and eased away from her and stood.

  “I had the strangest dream,” Barclay said in a quiet voice, not wanting to wake the woman in his arms.

  “So did I.” Gilmore sat up and looked at Shannon.

  This was getting more than interesting, Darby thought. “With what we know about the bracelet and that Shannon isn’t from here but of Earth, I think the goddess of love and beauty spoke to me.”

  Gilmore and Barclay both stared at him, and then their lips twitched and smiles began to form on their faces.

  “Me, too,” Barclay said.

  “I agree.” Gilmore rose to his feet. “That cannot be a coincidence.”

  “I wouldn’t believe so.” Darby turned toward where their warriors were cooking breakfast. The scent of hot java permeated the air. He wanted to be able to awaken Shannon from her slumber with their morning brew and food.

  It was going to take them nearly all day to reach the village where their dwellings were situated. He just hoped Shannon became more comfortable in their presence. The dream had given him the proof he had been seeking. However similar he and his brothers might be, they had never shared a dream before. He felt certain that the goddess had sent them a sign. He and his brothers now knew that she was their mate, sent to them by Branwen. Now all they had to do was convince Shannon she was meant to be here with them and that she wasn’t dreaming.

  Now there was a task!

  After grabbing food and drink for their woman, Darby turned back to where Shannon was still sleeping on Barclay. He envied his brother, having had her draped over him all night long, but he also felt sorry for him. It had been a hellish night having her curves pressed up against him and not being able to do anything about it, but he wouldn’t have traded the hours of having her in his arms for anything.

  Just as he stopped a few feet from her, she sighed and then shifted. Her eyelids fluttered and then opened. She looked so damn sexy with her cheeks flushed from sleep and her deep-red hair tousled. Her eyes were still slightly sleep dazed, and she blinked a few times as if trying to focus blurry eyes. Then, as if in slow motion, she sat up, stretched her arms above her head, and arched her back. His semihard cock jerked against the seam of his pants, and more blood filled his aching shaft. She looked so sexy and was totally oblivious to the fact that she turned them on. When she saw him standing before her, she gave him a shy smile. It was enough to get his brain out of his pants.

  “I have brought you some java and food.” Darby squatted down and handed over the hot brew.

  “Hmm, coffee. Thanks.”

  “Coffee, yes. On Aeros we call it java.”

  “Oh, we call it java, too, but the more familiar term for it on Earth is coffee. I’m so glad you have it. I wouldn’t be able to get through a day if you didn’t. I think I may be addicted to the stuff.”

  Darby was secretly pleased that Shannon seemed to accept that she was no longer on her home planet, but he wasn’t about to say anything in case he upset her. He watched with fascination as she sipped her drink and closed her eyes on a moan after she had swallowed.

  “This stuff is a lot better than what we have.”

  “I’m glad you like it. Would you like something to eat?” He offered her the plate of thin-bread and cheese with some berries on the side.

  “Thanks. I’m really hungry. It must have something to do with sleeping outdoors.”

  After they had all eaten, packed, and washed up, Darby led Shannon toward his horse by the hand.

  “Whoa.” Shannon halted in her tracks, making him stop as well.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “That is the biggest damn horse I’ve ever seen.”

  “Our mounts must be large so they can carry us,” he said with a smile. “Come, I will help you up.”

  “What? Wait! Where are you taking me?” Shannon let go of his hand and began to back away.

  “Calm yourself. You have no need to be afraid of us, little one.”

  “Hey, I’m not small. You’re just…huge.”

  Darby took a step toward her but stopped when she took another two steps back. If he kept following her, she would end up backing into a tree. He didn’t want Shannon to hurt herself. He caught Barclay’s eye as his brother moved toward the horses, and Barclay positioned himself behind her and placed his hands on her shoulders. She jumped slightly but, after looking to see who it was, relaxed.

  “What is bothering you, Shannon?” Barclay asked.

  “He”—Shannon pointed toward Darby—“wants me to get on his horse.”

  “And why does that cause you alarm?”

  “Well, maybe because I don’t know any of you. And just maybe because I still don’t know where the hell I am.”

  Darby could hear the hysteria in her voice and wanted nothing more than to pull her into his arms and hold her. But he didn’t think she would allow it, since she was so agitated. “We cannot leave you out here alone, Shannon.” Darby stepped forward now that she couldn’t back away from him. “There are wild animals, and you don’t have any weapons to defend yourself. We have a spare room in our dwelling. You can stay
with us.”

  Shannon looked around, her eyes sliding from tree to tree as if searching for the animals he spoke of. Her next words confirmed it.

  “What wild animals?”

  “We have wild cats,” Darby answered and then searched his data bank for information on Earth animals. “And what you would call wolves.”

  “Okay,” she answered and walked toward him. When she was standing close enough to him that the tip of her footwear touched his, she craned her neck and looked up at him. “I will come with you.”

  Darby sighed with relief and relaxed his tight muscles. Shannon must come with them for her own safety, but he was loath to take her against her will. That would have been no way to start the courting process.

  He smoothed a hand down her arm until he reached her hand and then gripped it lightly. Her skin was so soft, warm, and smooth, he couldn’t wait to get her naked and touch her all over. Pushing his lascivious thoughts aside he stopped beside his horse, gripped Shannon’s waist, lifted her up, and placed her in the saddle. She was so light he barely felt her weight. Placing his foot in the stirrup, he swung up onto his mount, lifted her with an arm around her waist, and settled her on his lap.

  “Are you comfortable, little one?”

  “I wish you and your brothers would stop calling me that,” she said a little peevishly.

  “But it is the truth, Shannon,” Gilmore stated as he pulled his horse alongside. “You are small compared to us.”

  “I don’t give a shit,” she muttered. “I’m not small.”

  “You should not use such words, Shannon,” Barclay said as he maneuvered his stallion to their other side. “It is not becoming of a lady to use such language.”

  “Whoever said I was a lady?” Shannon muttered.

  Darby had to bite his tongue so he wouldn’t laugh out loud. Their Shannon was a feisty little thing, and even though she had just insulted herself, he knew she hadn’t meant it as such.

  Once they were out of the trees and in the open, they rode for hours, cycling their mounts from a gallop to a canter to a walk so as to avoid tiring their animals out too quickly. Shannon was quiet throughout the ride, and Darby was beginning to worry. From what he had learned about her in the short time since they had found her in that tree, she was not one to sit back and hold her tongue. Maybe she was still in shock at finding herself on another planet.


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