Love Never Fails

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Love Never Fails Page 3

by Ginni Conquest

  DT, you are the best. A smart ass but the best. Thank you. We should be landing in about an hour. I trust you can get your friend there in time?

  Yes Boss, already text him. He will be waiting for you when you walk out of baggage claim. If he sees the doctor with you, he will discreetly move the sign away. Just look for a white rose in his lapel.

  DT, a white rose?

  Yes Boss, he says it’s his signature style, gets the ladies all the time.

  Well, it won’t have an effect on me but at least I will know who he is. Thanks DT.

  See you Tuesday Boss. Let me know if you need a driver over the weekend. If not, I’ll pick you up on Tuesday at 7am as usual. Happy 4th.

  Happy 4th to you too DT.

  Ok, so that was taken care of. Since I’m getting ignored by Princess Selina, I’ll close my eyes for a few minutes until we start to descend. I can start to plot and plan how I will win her over.

  Chapter 7 Houston

  “Damien, we are getting ready to land.” I looked at this formidable man as he slept. His eyelashes were so long, they were the kind that women would be jealous of. Looking at his mouth and hands, I had already known firsthand what he was capable of. I decided to give him my cell number. It would be nice to have a “friend” in Houston. When I looked back up to his face, he was staring right at me. I was lost in those blue depths and really couldn’t gage what he was thinking about.

  “We are getting ready to land. You were sleeping for the last hour.”

  “What were you doing while I was sleeping?”

  Of course he guessed I was looking at him from time to time. Who wouldn’t? He was gorgeous.

  “I got a good head start on work for my new job. Wrote a few emails, made up lists of what I would need for my new home, that kind of thing.”

  “I understand. Would it be too presumptuous of me to ask for your number? I would love to see you again Selina, once you get settled in. I could show you around Houston to get you acquainted with the area.”

  “I would love that Damien.” Reaching into my bag, I grabbed one of my cards. “Here’s my cell on my geologist business card. I start at my new job on Tuesday and will know after that day how my hours will be. I also want to thank you for your kindness towards me on this flight. I appreciate it.”

  “It was my pleasure Princess. I look forward to seeing you again and sharing some more kindness with you.”

  As I felt the redness creep into my cheeks, I sensed he was going to say something else to me. Just then, the plane touched down and I needed to gather my belongings. To say that I wasn’t thinking about what we shared on this flight would be a total lie. I really hoped he would contact me but if he didn’t, I could remember my flight adventure with a smile. When I was ready to exit the plane, Damien stood and let me out of the seat first. As I felt the heat of his body radiate towards me, my body reacted to how close he was. I could still smell his cologne. Closing my eyes for a second, I yelled at myself to stop acting like a sex crazed woman. I was trying to be sophisticated about the whole experience but was failing miserably. Feeling Damien put his face down to my ear, I felt his breath.

  “Are you ok?”

  Shaking myself out of my thoughts, I actually did a little jump as I didn’t expect him to say anything to me. I heard him chuckle deep in his throat and felt him brush lightly up against me.

  “Yes Damien. I’m fine. I just sat a little too long.”

  Heading towards baggage claim, Damien walked next to me. He reached for my laptop to carry it for me. God, he was totally the type of man I loved. I smiled up at him to thank him again for his kindness. He knew that I was anxious at starting my new life and just wanted to help me while he could. Coming off the escalator, I saw my driver holding the sign with my name on it.

  “Well Damien, this is where I’m going. I see my driver right over there.”

  “And my driver is over there Princess. Here’s your laptop. Good luck with your new job and I’ll call you next week to get together.” He leaned down to kiss me on the cheek. His cologne lingered on me when he pulled away. Looking into his eyes, I already missed him and he didn’t even walk away yet. This was ridiculous.

  “See you soon.” I walked over to meet my driver.

  “I’m Dr. Harrison.”

  “Welcome to Houston Dr. Harrison. My name is DT. How many bags do you have?”

  “I just have one to collect.”

  “Ok, let’s go and pick it up.” DT tipped his hat in my direction and gave me a big welcoming smile. I looked in the direction to where Damien walked and didn’t see him anywhere. Oh well, I will most likely not be seeing him again anyway. I didn’t get his number so if he doesn’t call me, he will be a wonderful memory that I will have. I really didn’t need complications in my life right now anyway. That’s what I tried to tell myself. But wow. What a man! With my luck, he is probably married. I didn’t see a ring on his finger, but that didn’t mean a thing nowadays. I didn’t even think about that until now. Nothing I could do about it now anyway.

  Moving forward with DT, the luggage was already going around the belt. Thankfully, my bag was one of the first ones that came off the plane and then we were on our way to the car.

  Making our way to the parking lot, I noticed that DT escorted me right to a limo parked by the curb. How nice of DP Stone to send such a nice car to bring me to my new condo. I could definitely get used to this treatment. DT held opened the door for me and then stowed my luggage in the trunk. Hearing my cell ring, I looked at the call coming in. My heart fell a little that it wasn’t a Houston number that could be Damien but was my Mama.

  “Hola Mama.” I felt it was so much faster to speak to my Mama in Spanish. It also gave me good practice too. Launching into explaining that the flight was just fine and that I arrived, I assured her that I would contact her over the weekend to let her know that I’m settling in just fine. Catching DT looking at me in the rearview mirror, I ended the phone call so I could look around the scenery as we drove thru the different neighborhoods.

  “Sorry DT. I had to take that call.”

  “That’s fine Dr. Harrison. Are you Spanish?”

  “Yes, Spanish and Irish. It’s easier to get my thoughts across to Mama in her native language.”

  “I understand that. My family is Spanish too and it’s the same thing. I’ll take you to your condo now. It’s in a complex right near the company. I have a packet that I’ve been instructed to give you. It has your key card to your condo and a key card to get thru security on Tuesday morning. I will be picking you up at 8am to bring you to the office. If you want, you can even walk to work but I’ll be at your disposal. If I’m not available, Jose will be your driver. My primary job is to drive Mr. Stone. Is this your first time in Houston?”

  “Yes, it is. I’m excited about this new job and what it entails.”

  “I’m sure you will do an amazing job Dr. Harrison. Mr. Stone expressed his pleasure about you joining his company. He’s really innovative in this business.”

  “How long have you worked for him?”

  “Since he took over; about 5 years now.”

  Looking out the window, Selina looked at the different neighborhoods and the stores they passed.

  “Is there a grocery store that is nearby the complex that I could go to? I need to pick up some groceries to get me thru the weekend.”

  “Yes, there is, within walking distance. Everything is in the packet. However, Mr. Stone’s assistant stocked up the fridge with basics for you: fruits, vegetables, milk, bread, a roasted chicken too. He spared no expense to have you here Dr. Harrison.”

  “Please call me Selina.”

  “Will do Selina. And here we are.”

  Driving up to the gates and a security guard, DT informed the guard who I was. Rolling down the window, I introduced myself to the guard as he welcomed me to the complex. Waving us thru, DT drove me to my section of the complex and helped me out of the car. I stood there looking around at my s
urroundings. It was a beautiful stone building that had a water fountain in the circle of the driveway. It was all lit up this evening. It was definitely an expensive complex. I was excited to see what my condo looked like. Coming back over to me with my suitcase, DT handed the folder to me and the key to my condo.

  “Here you go Selina. It’s everything you need. The office is right over there, the big towering one.”

  “Which floor is the company?”

  “The whole building is Stone Oil Industries. Welcome to Houston where everything is on a larger scale. Here is my card. Call if you need anything. I’ll see you at 7:45am on Tuesday. Oh and Selina, Happy July 4th.”

  “You too DT. Thank you for everything. Oh and what does DT stand for?”

  “Don Tomas. Buenos noches Senorita.” As he drove off, I took a deep breath and walked into the building. Noticing that I was on the 14th floor, I stepped into the elevator with a bit of excitement building inside of me. Reaching the 14th floor, I looked at the number on the key card. Number 1440. Walking that way, I found my door and slipped the card in it. Hearing the click, I opened the door, turned on the lights and my heart stopped at how beautiful the place was. I realized I walked in with my mouth open and just let the door shut behind me. Placing the key card on the counter, I left my bag by the front door and walked into the room. I couldn’t believe how amazing this place was. Wall to wall windows which overlooked a beautiful lake was breathtaking. The lake had lit up aerator fountains in it. There was a deck outside the sliding doors that I could sit and relax in the evenings. In the living room, there was a flat screen TV with a sectional couch facing it. It was plush and it looked like it would hug me back when I sat in it.

  Running my hand down the granite counter top, the kitchen was a dream to cook in. I only hoped I would have time to do it justice. I loved to cook and did so at every opportunity I had.

  Walking down the hall, I found a room that was set up to be my office. It had my new work laptop there as well as books and information about Stone Oil Industries. It had everything I could possibly need at my disposal. Walking across the hall was my new bedroom. With a four poster king size bed and the same gorgeous view of the lake, I was shocked at how generous my new boss was. The master bathroom had a sunken Jacuzzi tub, a shower, all in marble. I just sat on the bed totally in shock as a text came thru. I didn’t recognize the number but had a feeling it was from D.P. Stone.

  Dr. Harrison, DT just text me that he has dropped you off at your new condo and gave you the instruction packet.

  Yes, thank you Mr. Stone. I have everything.

  I trust your condo is to your liking.

  Yes, quite beautiful and unexpected. Thank you.

  Well, I’ll see you on Tuesday morning then. Now you have my text if you need anything over the weekend. Happy 4th Dr. Harrison. Welcome to Houston.

  Thank you Mr. Stone. See you on Tuesday.

  Now that was a nice welcome. It was time to get situated and just relax. I noticed the boxes that I shipped were all stacked in the corner. Thank God. They mostly contained my suits for work, my clothes for working in the field and some cocktail dresses just in case. I’ll call Julia and get her up to speed. She isn’t going to believe this place. I’ll take some photos first so I can email them to her as well as to my parents.

  Chapter 8 Damien

  I noticed where DT was the minute we got off the escalator. He caught my eye and motioned with his head to where his friend was. Seeing the white rose in Larry’s lapel, I gave DT a smirk to acknowledge that I saw his friend. Looking down at Selina, I gave her a kiss goodbye on her cheek and watched her walk over to DT. The sexy sway of her hips caught my eye. She was all woman: brilliant, sexy and gorgeous all wrapped up in one. I had a feeling that Tuesday would be a mess dealing with her but it was so worth what happened on the plane. I definitely wanted to see more of Dr. Harrison, that was a given. I would take my chances. I blended into the crowd as I walked over to Larry.

  “Mr. Stone?”

  “Yes Larry. Thank you for picking me up.”

  “Where to Mr. Stone.”

  “My place on Sunset.”

  “Yes Sir. This way to the car.” So glancing at Selina one more time, I left with Larry to head on home. I figured that DT would text me after he dropped her at the condo. I would then give her about 10 minutes to explore the place and then text her.

  I started to think of what her reaction would be on Tuesday at the staff meeting. I think I could safely say that it wouldn’t be good. Smiling to myself, I knew that it was worth it. As we drove out of the airport, I couldn’t help but think about Selina. I knew I had my hands full the minute her lips touched mine. This is someone that could ruin me. I recognized that immediately. Now the flight; I knew it was definitely something she normally wouldn’t do, especially now at this time of her life. And I definitely wasn’t planning on being a rebound relationship. It sounded like she was settling anyway with her fiancée. She was just so damned sexy as she came apart in my arms. I put my head against the back of the seat. When her lips moved on my…

  “Excuse me Mr. Stone. Which complex is it?”

  “Sorry Larry, I wasn’t paying attention. The last one on the right.”

  Reaching into my wallet for my key card, I also pulled out a hundred to give to Larry.

  “Thanks Larry. Happy 4th.”

  “Thank you Mr. Stone. Same to you.”

  I opened the door myself as Larry jumped out of the car. I hated that drivers felt that they needed to do that for me. I had stopped DT from doing that year’s ago. He insisted that when there was a dinner or a black tie function that I needed to attend, he would open the door for me as it was proper. I grudgingly conceded to that and as time went forward, that made sense. With the newspaper photographers always snapping photos at these events, DT loved doing that part of his job. He was very important to me and I made sure to take care of him and his family.

  Putting the key card in my door, I flipped on lights and thought home sweet home. I usually hated coming back to my place after a trip. Sometimes I missed having a wife and kids to come home to. It’s what I should have in my life but my job was my life. Who was I kidding? I didn’t meet anyone that I wanted to share my life with until now. Putting my bag on the counter, I needed a cup of coffee to keep me going for a bit as I needed to catch up on emails.

  I promised myself that I would relax this weekend. I had a choice of a few BBQ’s to go to. I figured I would go to my Vice President’s family outing tomorrow. I went to college with Steve Miller and loved his family. His mom was after me to settle down. I always told her that when I met the right woman, she would be the first to know. She was as bad as my mom. And that reminded me; I had to see my family on Sunday. Let the grilling begin. Dad always had a million and one questions about the new drilling and now had questions about our new geologist. I made him retire 5 years ago to take my mom on trips and to enjoy his life. I had plans for Stone Oil Industries to take it into the next decade. Dad knew it was time to give me the reins to take over and I didn’t look back.

  A text was coming in that brought me out of my thoughts. Seeing it was DT, I read that he dropped Selina off and gave her the instruction packet I wanted her to have. I’ll give her a few minutes to look at her place and then I’ll text her.

  Adding milk and sugar to my coffee, I leaned into the counter.

  Dr. Selina Harrison, you have met your match. Opening my phone, I searched for her cell number that I had already in my phone. Sending her a text to see if everything was good at the condo, I knew she would be pleased with her living arrangements. I smiled as I saw her reply. Enjoy your holiday weekend Selina. I’ll see you on Tuesday.

  Chapter 9 Happy July 4th

  I stretched as I opened my eyes to the sunlight filling my bedroom. At first I forgot where I was and then smiled at my new surroundings. Jumping out of bed, I turned on the shower and just stood there with the water beating down on me. I was excited as today I would f
inish unpacking but first I needed to go shopping.

  It was July 4th weekend. Maybe this town would have fireworks that I could go to. I always loved to see the colors burst overhead. It just seemed like the appropriate way to celebrate this country’s birthday.

  Finishing up, I checked the weather on the news station and saw it was a hot one. Digging out a sundress, I dried my hair, put on a little mascara and lip gloss. Finding my little flats, I went into the kitchen to see what Anna picked up for me. I grabbed an apple, a piece of cheese and some juice. I was excited to see what this town had to offer.

  Heading to the elevator, I saw a few people that wished me a Happy 4th and I said it back to them. Everyone seems friendly enough. Putting on my sunglasses, I braced myself for the hot Houston sun. I thought it was bad enough in New Jersey but this was even hotter. I figured I would get used to it as time went on.

  Waving hello to the security guard, I introduced myself but they already knew who I was. I asked about fireworks and was happy to hear that the town shot them off over the lake. I would have a ring side seat to view them. Wishing him a good day, I headed towards the town to see what stores were there and to get acquainted with everything.

  As I started walking, my mind went back to Damien. I couldn’t think about him without a wave of desire coming over me. What is wrong with me? Those lips on mine, those fingers in me, I have to get a grip on my emotions. It was a one shot deal. I didn’t think he would call me again so I might as well move on from this. I have a job to do when I’m here and I plan on doing it well. I don’t need any distractions whatsoever anyway. Well, that’s what I keep telling myself. Who am I fooling?

  Taking the list out of my bag, I saw a few stores that I could purchase what I needed. Running in and out of the stores, I purchased linens, decorative pillows for the couch, some pots and pans for the kitchen too. I was able to have them delivered to the apartment which saved me from lugging everything back in this heat. Once that was all done, I saw a women’s clothing boutique on the corner. Now, that’s just what I need. I loved the window displays and saw that the fashions were current. I decided to go and see what they have. Opening the door, a bell tingled overhead.


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