Love Never Fails

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Love Never Fails Page 8

by Ginni Conquest

  I still wanted to think some things over and couldn’t help but be a bit quiet over dinner. As I saw Damien looking at me, I reached my hand under the table and squeezed his thigh. I nodded my head slightly at him and then started to enjoy my dinner. Stealing a look back at him, I saw him wink at me as a slight smile lifted the corner of his lips. Feeling a weight being lifted off my shoulders, I was able to join the conversation with the girls and made plans to go shopping with them on Saturday with lunch right afterwards. It was nice to have new friends as well as have a potential boyfriend.

  Once I decided to give us a chance, dinner took on a relaxed atmosphere for me. Joining in the lively conversation, I loved how the girls were outspoken and quite funny. It seemed like the six of us were friends for years. I was almost sorry for our evening to end.

  Damien took care of the tab as Steve and Tom finished their after dinner drinks. Theresa told the guys we would wait outside for DT and get some fresh air.

  “So it look like things are better with the both of you?”

  “I’m going to give it a chance. I don’t have anything to lose but my job and the rest of the heart,” I said with a smile on my face.

  “No one will find out Selina. We won’t say anything, either will Steve or Tom. Just take things one day at a time with it and enjoy him. I guess Damien has started his groveling bit.”

  “Oh yeah, putting it on thick.”

  “Good, he knows he has to earn it.”

  “Just like the movie Jerry McGuire when she said “he had me at hello.” Well Damien had me when he said he didn’t have any regrets at what he did as it brought me to him.”

  “Good boy,” said Denise.

  As the door opened with the three guys walking out, DT just pulled up the limo. He just has impeccable timing as he jumped out of the car and opened the door for us.

  “Your chariot waits.”

  “You are so charming DT,” laughed Theresa.

  “Hey are you flirting with our girls DT?” scolded Damien.

  “Yes Boss. I kept them company for you and the others.”

  “Let’s get everyone home then, shall we?”

  I didn’t know what would happen as we got to my complex. My heart was racing a bit with the anxiety starting to build. As Tom, Steve and their wives were dropped off, I wished them a good night and I told them I was looking forward to our Saturday shopping spree.

  Damien told DT to head to my complex next as he closed the glass divider to give us privacy.

  “Nothing is going to happen Selina. As much as I want to experience what I know will be incredible with you, we have a big day tomorrow and you will be with the diving team. I will be on the boat monitoring everything from there.” Looking at me with those intense blue eyes, he slowly lowered his face to mine. “And besides, I want to take my time with you and get back in your good graces.” Licking my bottom lip from a mixture of nervousness and uncertainty, he reached out to touch it.

  “Don’t do that Selina. Let me.”

  Holding my arms over my head, he captured my lips with his. I couldn’t move with his body pressing up to mine as he devoured my lips under his. With the feelings he was stirring deep inside me, I had to clench my legs together to keep from losing total control. Biting my bottom lip, he moved his tongue deep inside my mouth, teasing me and controlling me at the same time. I couldn’t move my hands as I was held in place by Damien as his other hand took the liberty of exploring my body. He was pure dominance, not only in the boardroom but now with me. I was lost in the sensations he was creating. So much for making him earn it. I felt his hand on my inner thigh as he moved it higher until he felt the silk of my panties.

  “God you are so wet already.” Reaching around, he cupped my bare cheek as I like to wear thongs. I could feel the evidence of his desire for me pressed up against my thigh. “You are so beautiful Selina.” Damien slowly lowered his hand from under my dress as well as slowly released my arms from over my head.

  “This is not the time or the place for this. Tomorrow night, I’ll make you dinner at my place. There are some things I want to discuss with you for business too. Bring a bathing suit.” He gave me one of his sexy smiles as the limo slowed to a stop. Giving me a sweet kiss, he opened the door and helped me out of the car.

  “See you at the rig tomorrow. Sweet dreams Princess.”

  Chapter 22 Damien

  As much as I wanted to have Selina in my bed with me tonight, I wanted to give her breathing room from the last few days. There will be plenty of time to make her want me. We did have a big day ahead of us tomorrow. Parts of me were anxious about her diving with the team tomorrow. She was a scientist with an analytical mind. I’m sure she approaches relationships the same way. Coupled with a killer body and a beautiful face, she was a little less dangerous than TNT, well to me anyway. Watching her walk away from me into her complex, I waited until she was with security before I told DT to head on over to my place. I knew I wouldn’t get much sleep tonight thinking of her under me while I possessed her body and soul. Of course it would be amazing but I will do the right thing for her. Make myself earn her trust; that’s the only way this will all work.

  I was home before I knew it and took out my phone. Pulling up Selina’s number, I sent her a quick text.

  Selina, thank you for a lovely evening. I enjoyed myself and hope you did too. See you tomorrow. D

  Not expecting a text back from her, I received one.

  Damien, I did too. Thank you. See you tomorrow. S

  Smiling at the text, I knew I was on my way to being forgiven. Now time to take a cold shower.

  Chapter 23: The Dive: Damien

  “Good morning Mr. Stone,” said Dave Michaelson, head of the diving team. “We are excited to have Dr. Harrison with the team this morning. I’m sure she will shed some light on the problems at hand.”

  “Dave, please make sure she is ok down there. I want the whole team safe, ok?”

  “Sure thing Mr. Stone. Her diving credentials are all up to speed; she has done more dives than some on my crew. I’ll be watching everyone and we’ll take her lead to check the bottom. Here she comes now.” We were all on a boat that had us right at the base of the oil rig.

  Around the corner came Selina with her wetsuit just on the bottom part of her body. She had on a black bikini top that seemed to barely cover her breasts. Her hair was up in a ponytail with no makeup on her face; she just took my breath away as well as caused an uncomfortable situation down below. Jesus, this woman will be the death of me.

  “Good morning Mr. Stone. Good day for a dive. Hi Dave, are you all set with the team?”

  I couldn’t help but take in how adorably sexy Selina looked. She almost seemed to enjoy how uncomfortable she was making me feel as well as the look on Dave’s face too as he was talking to her. This wasn’t acceptable to me.

  “Dr. Harrison, a word please.”

  Selina put her paperwork down and came over to me as I went to the other side of the platform.

  “Selina, are you all set for this dive? Do you need anything else from me?” I caught her glance at my pants before her eyes met mine.

  “No, not at this moment. I’m all set and looking forward to it.” She gave me a little smirk, clearly enjoying this moment and I could take her comments in two ways.

  “We can discuss your findings over dinner tonight then. Be careful down there.”

  “I’m always careful Mr. Stone.” Hearing her voice being called, she turned away from me and she shrugged her arms into the wetsuit and zipped it up. She looked so sexy as the wet suit clung to all of her curves. I watched her put on the flippers and then the tank and mask. Making sure the tank was on and the correct levels were set, down came her mask and mouthpiece. As the team all gave each other the thumbs up sign, they disappeared over the back of the boat. Going up to the Captain’s station, I was able to watch what was going on thru the TV monitors. They started sending back the images not only to us but also to Tom and Steve in
the office. I was able to keep an eye on Selina as the divers went deeper into the Gulf. They had a half hour to send back all of the data so we could determine what we needed to do. I was counting down the minutes as I would feel better knowing the dive was over and Selina was back on the boat with me.

  Checking the pylons, Selina pointed out a serious crack in one that I’m guessing was caused by the shifting of the Gulf’s floor. That can be repaired as it wasn’t a major problem right now but if that cracked more and became unstable, we would have a serious problem on our hands. As the team dove deeper, they were taking photos of the floor where I saw Selina picking up rock samples from the bottom and putting them in a little sack attached to her waist. Grabbing her camera, she took images of the Gulf floor, concentrating on the area that she had brought to our attention during her presentation. I saw Dave swimming close to her, motioning to his meter that they had ten minutes to go, five of them would be to swim up to the surface.

  Selina looked at her oxygen levels and pointed it out to Dave as she gestured wildly to him. We had no idea what was going on but I was becoming a bit concerned with their sense of urgency. Then we saw it. Dave sent an image back that showed her oxygen meter; Selina only had two minutes left in her tank. I felt the air knocked out of my lungs. This can’t be happening. By my calculations, they had at least five minutes until they got to the boat. With Dave grabbing her hand, he was swimming while practically carrying her. I noticed she didn’t move her legs. What the fuck was going on?

  “I need someone to tell me immediately what the Hell this means? Is Selina almost out of oxygen?”

  “I’m guessing this is what is happening Mr. Stone, so Dave is swimming for them. They should have ten minutes left in their tanks. If she is almost out of oxygen, Dave is making her conserve what she has while doing the work for them. They are five minutes out sir.”

  Grabbing the counter, I couldn’t take my eyes off the screen.

  “Get the doctor up here with the first aid kit ready and the oxygen tank,” shouted the Captain.

  “Get a 911 call out to the paramedics on land to be waiting for us,” I heard myself shout. “I want to know everything that has fucking gone wrong on this dive.”

  “Mr. Stone, look at the screen.” The Captain and I both saw Dave putting his mouth piece into Selina’s mouth for some oxygen and then switched back to him. Another one of the diving team joined their efforts, sharing their oxygen with Selina too. She seemed to be lifeless between the two divers. My world was crashing down around me.

  “Where are we time wise Captain?”

  “Two minutes to go Mr. Stone. We will be ready to pick them up.”

  “She might not have two minutes Captain!”

  The medic on the boat was already in position to administer first aid to Selina. All first aid equipment was ready and waiting. A text came in from Steve.

  What the fuck is happening D?

  Something happened with Selina’s oxygen. She isn’t getting anything.

  Jesus. We’ll call the paramedics on our end and get them to the dock. Let me know what happens. Hang in their D. She’s a tough lady.

  God I hope so.

  “They are up, they are up! Pull Dr. Harrison up and clear out of the way.”

  Selina’s lifeless body was pulled up over the side of the boat. The boat’s doctor and his assistant got right to work on her. I tried to get to her but was held back by two of the deck hands.

  “I don’t have a pulse. Chest compressions and charge it up!”

  I just stood there totally helpless as the woman I’ve already lost my heart and mind to was lying there motionless on the boat deck. Everything was in slow motion as I saw them pulling down the zipper to get to her skin. As the doctors alternated together the chest compressions, I prayed.

  I don’t know how long it has been since I have prayed to the Almighty but I did. I hope He wouldn’t decide to turn his back from me now as I have done for so many years to Him. It’s funny that one turns to Him when there are dire circumstances but I was helpless to do anything else for her at this moment.

  It was the only thing I had to give to her. I prayed for Him to bring her back to me. For the first time ever, this was a woman that I felt was a part of me; I have never felt this connection before with any of the women that came in and out of my life like a revolving door. Here is one that challenged me, could make me a better man and could give me LIFE.

  “Clear!” The doctor zapped my Selina and I saw her body convulse with the electrical charge piercing thru her body. Checking for a pulse, the doctor shook his head. More compressions were being done until the machine was ready.

  “Again, clear!”

  Another zap went thru her body. Please Lord, bring her back to me. I can’t lose her. I felt myself weakening under the stress. The relentless Damien Stone, being brought to his knees by this woman and a situation out of my control. At this point, I couldn’t care what anyone thought. Please Lord, bring her back to me. I need her with me. You can wait for her. Please Lord, let me have her.

  “We have a pulse! Oxygen now!”

  Pushing a few of the divers away, I knelt down next to her as she started coughing into the mask.

  “Selina baby, please come back to me,” I whispered into her ear. Seeing her eyes fluttering as they were trying to open, I shielded them from the blinding sun. Then those gorgeous topaz eyes focused on me.

  “Damien,” whispered Selina. I just bowed my head down in thanks and gratitude. Applause went up around the deck from the crew as the doctor just covered his face in his hands, the emotions just too overwhelming for words. I could give two shits what the diving crew and the Captain thought as I pressed my lips to her forehead. I needed her to know that I was right by her side and would never give up on her or on us. I felt her move her hand up to me as I clasped it firmly in mine.

  “You will be fine now. Steve has the paramedics at the dock waiting to take you to the hospital for observation and treatment.”

  Hearing the Captain shouting orders to get us underway, I stayed right where I was next to her. Taking my phone out of my pocket, I talked a message into it to Steve, letting him know that Selina was with us and that we were getting ready to head back to shore. Then smiling down at Selina, I took the blanket that was handed to me to place it on her.

  “What happened Damien?”

  “Seems there was a malfunction with your oxygen tank. You only had two minutes worth of oxygen. Dave swam both of you back to the boat and shared his oxygen with you. Another of the team came to assist too but you lost consciousness.”

  “How can that be Damien? My tanks were checked out by the crew as well as by me, twice. It doesn’t make sense.” I could tell Selina was getting really upset by this. Pushing her hair totally off her face, I told her to relax.

  “Listen, let’s get to the hospital and then we can figure this out. The main thing is you are here and I want you checked out, ok?”

  “Yes Sir.”

  “I like the sound of that.” I smiled down at my Princess but had an off feeling in the back of my mind that maybe someone did do something to her oxygen tank to sabotage this dive and I wanted that looked into immediately.

  Chapter 24 The Hospital

  Just as Steve promised, the paramedics were waiting for us the minute we docked. Bringing their stretcher, Selina was easily transferred into the waiting ambulance as I jumped into the back of it with her. Checking all of her vitals, the paramedics emailed all of their findings to the ER staff waiting for us to arrive. Modern technology at its finest. I would make sure Selina got the best care. I was advised she would be held overnight for observation anyway since this was a diving accident. Just as long as Selina was ok, then I could relax. I wanted the full report from the doctor and then we can talk about what happened with this dive.

  I text Steve and Tom about what Selina had said to me. I had an unsettled feeling someone did try to sabotage this dive now and thought about the other various
oil companies that also were drilling in the area. I hoped to God one of them wasn’t that desperate to do this and put one of my team in harm’s way. Selina could have easily died out there. Steve thought it was a good idea to reach out to our friend, Detective Samuel Peterson. It might be worth it to get something on record in case anything else happened in the future. Right now, I wanted to focus on Selina and to make sure that everything was ok.

  “Damien, please go back to the office. I’m sure you have meetings to do. I’m going to be just fine. Think of how this will look to your Dad and the Board of Directors.” Selina had a point there but I will move at least one of the meetings.

  “As an employee at Stone, it’s my duty to make sure your wellbeing is taken care of after an accident. I’m sure my Dad and the Board will understand this and also be concerned about the nature of this accident.” Lowering his mouth to her ear, Selina felt his breath cause goose bumps down her body. “And besides, there is no place that I want to be but here with you.” Not wanting to alarm her, I wanted to let her know what Steve and I decided together.


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