Love Never Fails

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Love Never Fails Page 13

by Ginni Conquest

  Everything that we wanted to do was happening. It just felt too good to be true. I was so anxious that something else was going to happen. And then it did.

  Chapter 36 Damien: The Gala

  “Hello Dad. You are here early. Is there anything wrong?”

  “No Son. I’m just coming in to talk to you about the Gala coming up. You know how important it is to the State that all of the oil companies are represented.”

  “Yes, I’m aware and we will be there as the sponsor of the event. Why the sudden interest in it?”

  “Well, I spoke with our competitor in Dallas. Remember MacKenzie Oil, Stanton MacKenzie to be exact? He has a beautiful daughter that is his VP who needs a date that night. So in order to keep some kind of peace between our companies, we both thought it would be perfect for you to be her date for the evening.”

  “Dad, are you serious? Isn’t this a bit old fashioned, trying to set up your son with another oil companies daughter? The answer is no.”

  “Damien, you aren’t seeing anyone, you haven’t said anything about Selina so I figured that there wasn’t an issue here. You should be seen with someone at the Gala and what better person to have on your arm but Ms. MacKenzie.”

  This was totally out of control and wasn’t going to happen.

  “How do you know there isn’t something happening with Selina? The answer is no.”

  “It’s done Son. We are working out the joint sharing of the drilling with Mackenzie. This one gesture cements our working relationship and if it grows into something else, then it’s so much better for both companies.”

  “Dad, I need you to leave my office right now. I’m not having this discussion with you any longer.”

  “Ok Son. Ms. Mackenzie will be calling you today to finalize the plans. She is a very straightforward young woman. I’m sure she will meet you at the Gala as it’s her plan.”

  As his Dad walked out of Damien’s office, Damien didn’t see the smile on his face.

  This is a fucked up situation. Now what do I tell Selina? It was bad enough that I couldn’t go with her in the first place and now I have to be seen with another woman on my arm. And who’s to say Selina won’t have someone take her now in retaliation. My girl did have a short temper at times and this is going to be one of those times. Picking up my cell, I sent Selina a quick message.

  Can you meet me at the shack tonight?

  Sure. What’s the matter; can’t get enough of me?

  Yeah, something like that.

  I’ll see you there love.

  See you later.

  Ok, Selina seems like she is in a good mood. I dread telling her. Hearing my phone ring, Anna said that a Ms. Mackenzie was on the line. Telling her to put her through, I braced myself for the drama to start.

  “Ms. Mackenzie, so nice of you to call me.”

  “Mr. Stone, it’s so nice of you to escort me to the Gala. I have to say it’s so unexpected, being that our companies are rivals. This would be a good show of unity between us, don’t you think?”

  “It serves a purpose, yes I agree.”

  “More than you can possibly know Damien. I can call you that, right? Please call me Charlotte or Charlie for short.”

  “Yes, that’s fine Charlie. Damien is fine.”

  “Listen, I’m going to be blunt with you and my father will absolutely kill me for telling you this. Ok, this was all cooked up by my father to show face for his company. You see, I’m a Lesbian and I can’t be seen with my girlfriend in public, not only with this company but especially at the Gala. He’s not ashamed of me but knows how people can be. All I want is to be with her and her with me but we can’t.” I couldn’t help myself but I just started laughing out loud.

  “Excuse me Charlie for laughing but this is so ironic. See I have the same problem but with my Geologist. I can’t be seen with her because of the Board and certainly can’t be seen with her in public. We have been secretly meeting every weekend at my sister’s cottage, basically hiding away from everyone’s eyes. When my Father came in this morning and told me that you are my date, well, let’s just say I’m going thru the same problems as you and your partner. I have to tell Selina tonight that I have a date and it’s not going to go over well at all.”

  “Wow Damien. It doesn’t matter what our preferences are, we are both stuck in our business worlds. So let’s put up a front together for this night. Wait, Selina Harrison is your girlfriend? She’s a brilliant lady and so sexy too.”

  “And she’s all mine too Charlie.” We both instantly warmed to each other. I liked her already. Then I had a brilliant idea.

  “You know Charlie, I have an idea for that night. Do you want to help me with it? It will be a way for you and your partner to be together at the Gala. I don’t plan on being away from Selina more than I have to.”

  “Absolutely. What do I have to do?”

  Later on at the cottage, Selina was in full rage.

  “You have got to be kidding me! Didn’t you tell your Dad about us then? How could you do this to us and to me? My parents are coming to town with my brother. And you have no idea how Sean Jr. gets when he feels like I’m being mistreated. Oh my God, this is such a fucked up nightmare.” Then Selina broke out into some Spanish which I assumed were a string of curse words. I was glad I didn’t know what she was saying. Running out of the room, she slammed the bedroom door in my face and locked it. Jesus, this didn’t go well.

  “Selina, open the door now.”

  “Go away Damien and shove your Neanderthal attitude up your ass. You should have told your Dad finally about us this morning. What do you think I am? Someone that you can fuck and that’s it?”

  “I’m not doing this with a door between us. Either open it up or I’m going to thru it.”

  “Go away Damien. I have nothing to say to you right now.” That was it. Not only did she have a temper but so did I too. Shoving the door with all my weight, the lock gave way as the door slammed opened.

  “So this is our first fight, let’s have it.” I walked right over to her as she stood her ground. She definitely wasn’t going to back down. I knew that I hurt her. Then I saw tears gather in her topaz eyes; that was something I couldn’t bear to see but I wanted her to open up to me before my emotions took over.

  “Let’s go Selina, tell me.”

  “This is all catching up to me. I want to shout it out that I love you but I can’t. We have to sneak around like teenagers when we are adults that have proved that being partners has not interfered with our work ethics. I don’t know how much longer I can do this Damien. It’s not fair and not right.” Selina put her face in her hands as she started crying out her frustration.

  Folding her in my arms, I let her cry until the sobs subsided.

  Looking up at me, I brought my lips down to hers. Grabbing her full bottom lip, I sucked on it until she opened up her mouth to let me in. Holding her curves against me, I made sure that she felt the evidence of my love for her too. All of a sudden, Selina moved away from me.

  “I have to go Damien. I can’t do this. I love you but I can’t have a few stolen kisses, a quick feel and then” that” as we sneak around. I have to be by myself right now.” Letting her go, I heard her crying as she left the cottage. This is just a mess but I knew she needed her space. I decided it was time I go to see my parents and let them know what is going on before I really lose her.

  Hearing Selina’s car pulling out of the driveway, I went to tell my sister that I owe her a door and hinge. Letting her know what had happened and what Dad did, Dawn agreed that I needed to go see our parents. I tried Selina’s cell several times and it just went to voicemail. Shit, this isn’t good. It’s time to fight for us and to Hell with my position in the company. If they feel I can’t do my job because I’m in love with our Geologist, then they can go fuck themselves. I am not going to give up the only happiness I could have in my life with this woman for my position in the company. I didn’t need the job. I could leave now and live comfo
rtably with Selina for the rest of our lives. If I could have both worlds, that would be perfect. But if I couldn’t, I would walk away from Stone Oil Industries for that woman and not look back. The realization of this decision rocked me. For so many years, Stone Oil was my life, was everything to me. Now I knew I was in love with Selina Harrison and nothing and no one was going to stop me.

  Driving over to my parents, I saw that both their cars were in the driveway. Walking in, I called out to the both of them.

  “We are in the kitchen Damien.” Mom jumped up to give me a hug and then stepped back to look at me.

  “What’s wrong Damien?”

  “Sit Mom, I want to talk to both of you.” Watching Mom sit next to my Dad, she held onto his hand as she braced herself for what I needed to tell them.

  I grabbed a bottle of water and settled into the seat in front of them and proceeded to tell them everything. I told them about the dive to the hospital, to Lauren, to meeting each other secretly at Dawn’s cottage for the past five months. I told Mom about the “date” Dad set up and that Charlie was a Lesbian and in the same position as I was with work and Selina.

  “Do you love her Son?”

  “Yeah Pop, I do.”

  “So what are you going to do about it?”

  I smiled at my folks as my Mom had tears in her eyes. Dad decided to set things straight with me.

  “Damien, the Board will get over it. Winston suspected something between the two of you. He is so in love with Selina and the money she has made him with her advisements, I don’t think there will be any problems now with any of them. And if there is, I will handle it for you. The most important thing is to be happy. Most people get one chance in life to find true happiness and love. If Selina is the one for you, then who are we to stand in your way Son? I have to admit, I knew that something was going on with Selina. You have been absent on the weekends and we knew it was a matter of time before you told us what was going on. Your sister let things slip one day about opening up the cottage. We kind of put two and two together.”

  “That’s Dawn for you. She can’t keep her damn mouth shut.” After a good laugh and really feeling a tremendous weight lifted off of my shoulders, I looked over at my Mom.

  “Mom, are you ok?” Seeing my Dad put his arm around her, she smiled over at me.

  “I love that girl Damien. She is perfect for you and I know you will both be very happy together. Right now, she is hurting and you have to fix this, ok? Don’t lose her over your job.”

  Getting up to hug my Mom, I realized how important it was to fight for and keep the person that makes your life complete. Hugging my Dad next, I had to put my plan in action.

  Chapter 37: Plan in Motion

  While Selina ignored my calls, I knew I had to make an important move. Dialing her parents in New Jersey, a gruff voice answered on the other end.

  “Harrison residence.”

  “Dr. Harrison please.”

  “Yeah, who’s calling?”

  “Damien Stone.”

  “Ah, Stone. This is Sean Harrison Jr, Selina’s brother. What can I do for you?”

  Hearing the protective tone of his voice, Selina wasn’t kidding when it came to the both of them.

  “Hello Mr. Harrison, I was wondering if your Father was available so I could speak to him.”

  Hearing Sean Jr. call out to his Father, he told him that the call was for him.

  “It’s Damien Stone for you Dad.” Hearing an answer, Sean Jr. came back on the line.

  “Hang on, my Father will come to the phone. Better make it good Stone. Whatever it is you want to speak to my Dad about, you better do the right thing.”

  “Not to worry Sean. I’ve got this.” Hearing a chuckle from the other end, I heard him tell his Dad to brace himself.

  “Hello Mr. Stone, how are you?”

  “I’m well Dr. Harrison and please call me Damien.”

  “Very well Damien. Is everything ok with Selina?”

  “Well Sir, not really, I’ve messed things up a bit.” I went thru the whole story with him. I left out some of the things that Father’s shouldn’t know about but definitely acknowledged the mistake I made by not stepping up to the Board, declaring my love for her and dealing with the consequences.

  “The bottom line is that I love your daughter Sir and I want to spend the rest of my life with her. I’m asking you, your wife and son if I may ask her to marry me. I promise to take care of her, love and protect her. She’s my life Dr. Harrison.”

  Little did I know that Dr. Harrison had me on speaker phone so Selina’s mom and brother heard the story. Sean Jr. was the first to speak up.

  “You did the right thing Stone. Thank you.”

  “Damien, I’m so happy to call you my son. I knew my baby girl would find a new love in Houston,” said Selina’s mom.

  “Well Son, it’ a yes from all of us. We are coming in for the Gala too, all three of us. We can’t wait to meet you tomorrow. Winston also reached out to me about attending as he loves Selina and wants to catch up on good times. Welcome to the family Damien.”

  “Thank you Sir. Now I have a plan in place and I will need all of your help. Selina isn’t speaking to me right now and I have to ensure she will be at the Gala.”

  “You leave that to me,” said Maria. “My daughter can be a bit stubborn but I’ll take care of this.”

  “You have my help too Stone,” said Sean Jr. Letting them know my plan, I asked them to send me their flight arrivals so I can arrange the car pickup with DT. Everything was in place according to the plan. I just needed my Princess to be at the Gala.

  Chapter 38 Selina: Stepping Away for my Sanity

  Ok Jules, so now you have the whole story.

  It’s not over Selina. I think it’s just beginning. So what if he has a date for that night. You should get one too and drive him crazy with jealously. You have to push him to stand up to whoever can block your happiness.

  I can’t live without him Jules. That much I know. The good thing is my parents and Sean Jr. will be here. You should come too. My brother always had a crush on you. That’s why I think he hasn’t had a serious relationship. He is pining away for you.

  I love your brother. He’s such a hunk and those muscles. Maybe I will come in tomorrow. Do you really think so? I mean about your brother and me? Do you think he really likes me?

  Yep, for sure. More than likes you Jules. I know my brother. He just needs a little push in the right direction. It certainly is worth exploring.

  Ok, let me look into flights and reach out to your mom. I’ll be there tomorrow.

  Bring a sexy floor length formal dress with you. It’s a night to remember from what I hear.

  You got it Sel. I can’t wait to see you. Tell that hunky brother of yours I’m going to be there and he can be my date.

  Oh he is going to die Jules. Will do. I’ll see you this tomorrow.

  At least I’ll have my friend here for support while I watch Damien with another woman. How am I going to get thru tomorrow evening? I check my phone and it’s loaded with texts and missed calls from Damien. I know if I hear his voice, I would end up in his arms and it will be the same thing all over again. Is this our existence? He has spoiled me for any other man. I’m only half existing without him. Feeling the tears of sadness and frustration fall down my face, I feel that this is a hopeless situation. Or should I just give in and keep things the way they are; destined to be his secret lover and nothing more.

  Hearing my cell ring, I see that it’s Damien. It’s time I put my big girl pants on and talk to him.


  “Hi Princess. Thank you for taking my call. I’ve been so worried about you.”

  “I kind of figured that. I’ve been angry at you. This whole situation is screwed up.”

  “Listen, let’s wait until after the Gala tomorrow. I’m looking forward to meeting your parents and brother. Make sure I get their flight information so I can send DT over to pick them up. (I couldn�
�t tell her that I had all of their flight information already because she will know I spoke to them and would want to know why.)

  We will work this all out, I promise you. And you don’t have to worry about my so called date tomorrow night. Her name is Charlie by the way.”

  “Why are you saying that I don’t have to worry about her?”

  “You are the only one that I will have eyes for tomorrow night. I’m sorry about everything but I promise to make it up to you.”

  “Damien, I just don’t know how long I can do this.”

  “Not now Selina. Until tomorrow then. Get some rest.”

  “Good night Damien.”

  Ok, I’m having big time reservations about tomorrow night. I just don’t know what I’m going to do with this situation. Deciding to call my parents, I was so happy to hear Sean Jr. answer the phone.

  “Selina! How are you baby girl?”

  “I’m well SJ. Hey listen, you have your tux for tomorrow night, right?”

  “Yeah, all pressed and packed. If I make one wrong move in the damn thing, I’ll look like the Hulk.”

  “I’m sure you will have all of Houston drooling over you. Well, I know one woman who will be.” Knowing that it’s time to get that ball rolling, I decided to drop the bomb on my brother.

  “Ok, what are you talking about?”

  “Jules is coming in tomorrow too. Actually I told her you would be here and she jumped to make her flight reservation as she was Skyping with me.”

  “Jesus Sel. That woman drives me crazy, in a good way crazy.”

  “It’s time you did something about it SJ. You guys are perfect for each other. She is a fitness buff like you, has a sick body. Actually, I hate the both of you.”

  “Hey Sel, I put you on a workout regimen to build up your muscle strength. You didn’t do it. But really, you look great. Listen, Mom is trying to grab the phone from me.”


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