A Taste of Paradise (Women of Landry's Landing and The Fabrizio men)

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A Taste of Paradise (Women of Landry's Landing and The Fabrizio men) Page 6

by Quinn, Shelli

  “You know I would love to strangle you right now, and if it wasn’t for the fact that my little nephew would be motherless. Well, that and Pierce would probably kill me for killing you.” Indy said.

  “I love you too now let’s go eat before Luc eats everything.” Gigi said.

  Indy followed Gigi into the dining room where everyone else was already waiting for dinner to be served. Gigi walked over and took a seat beside her husband leaving Indy to take the only seat that was still available. Gio smiled as she moved closer to the empty chair located beside him.

  She sighed as she took her seat glancing around the table. “Alright whose big idea was it to change the seating arrangements?” Indy asked in irritation.

  The other three Landry sisters exchanged glances. “We thought that it would be fun to try something different with the seating arrangements and since you weren’t here to abject we decided hey what the hell, why not.” Asia said from the opposite end of the table.

  Indy narrowed her eyes at Asia. “Look here little girl I’ll tell you why the hell not because I liked the seating arrangements just the way they were before the three of you started screwing with it.” She bellowed as she glanced at each of them.

  London held both her hands up. “Don’t look at me, I didn’t have anything to with it.”

  Asia and Gigi both gave London a mean gaze. “Oh, you sneaky little traitor, I can’t believe you ratted us out like that.” Asia started but was interrupted.

  “Traitor my ass, I am not going down with the two of you, besides, there is no sense in all of us getting hurt. Somebody has to stay unharmed to visit the both of you in the hospital when Indy gets done with you.” London said.

  “Well at least one of you still has some sense.” Indy said.

  “Really? You’re going to have this big of a fit about sitting next to the man whom you just spent all last night and all of today making love to?” Gigi asked as she stared at Indy.

  “Thank you for announcing that to everyone at this table.” Indy said.

  “Hell girl, you’re the one that announced it hours ago with all that screaming and moaning. There is not one person at this table that didn’t hear the two of them, if so speak now or forever hold your peace.” Gigi said glancing at each person seated at the table. “And there you go.”

  Gio laughed softly. “You were a bit vocal gattino.” Indy narrowed her eyes at him.

  “Hey bro she wasn’t the only one. You were pretty vocal yourself buddy.” Luc said causing everyone to laugh.

  Gio tossed his napkin at Luc. “Shut up!”

  “Hey if you want to throw something at me toss me one of those rolls in front of you.” Luc said holding his hand out to catch the roll when Gio picked it up from the basket.

  Asia slammed her fork on the table as she glared at Gio. “Don’t you dare even think about throwing that roll across this table?” She then reached over and smacked Luc on the back of the head. “Stop it, you big jerk.”

  “Hey why did you hit me? That hurt.” Luc said as he put a hand to the back of his head where Asia hit him.

  “Because it was your dumb-ass idea for Gio to throw you a roll, this is not a ball field.” Asia replied.

  “Yeah, but you didn’t have to hit me.” Luc mumbled.

  “Boy as hard as your head is I know that didn’t hurt you.” Gabe said as he grinned at him.

  “Then why don’t you let her hit you in the back of the head and see if it hurts.” Luc said.

  “I’m sure it will but of course, my head isn’t as hard as yours.” Gabe responded.

  “Who are you calling hard headed?” Luc asked.

  “I was talking to you muscle head.” Gabe replied.

  “Enough you two because actually, you both have pretty hard heads.” Pierce said with a grin.

  “Honey, that wasn’t a very nice thing to say to your brothers.” Gigi said gazing at her handsome husband.

  “It may not be nice Caro, but it is the truth.” Pierce said smiling at his gorgeous wife.

  “Thanks anyway for trying to stick up for us Gigi, it’s nice to have someone as sweet as you on our side for a change. It’s so good to have you as a sister-in-law.” Luc said.

  “Oh please, sweet my ass you just wait until that nosy little busy body starts sticking her nose in your sex life.” Indy said.

  “Don’t pay any attention to her, for some reason, she is as grouchy as ever. Gio I think it may be time for another dose of her medicine, after dinner you might want to take her ass back to your room so you can take care of that.” Gigi said as Gio choked on the wine he’d been sipping and smiled at the shocked expression on Indy’s face.

  “What do you mean take care of that? Who are you calling that? Don’t think that just because you’re married to Pierce that I won’t whip that ass half-pint.” Indy said as she glared at her sister.

  Gigi narrowed her gaze at Indy. “You know for someone as smart as you are you’re pretty damn stupid. I was talking about another dose of sex. I really thought it was the other two that weren’t too bright. And another thing didn’t I tell you about those threatens you know that crap doesn’t work on me.” Gigi said.

  “I swear one of these days I’m going to end up in a strait-jacket or handcuffs. Because these girls are either going to make me crazy or make me kill them.” Indy said as she closed her eyes and rested her head in her hands.

  “We aren’t that bad and you know it.” Asia said.

  “She’s right we aren’t that bad besides your life would be so dull without us.” London said.

  “Wow! You call it dull but I would call it peaceful. Something I have never experienced thanks to the three of you. I mean I love you guys, but ya’ll be getting on a sister nerves.” Indy said teasingly.

  “We love you too Indy.” London said with a smile.

  “We most certainly do, even if we forget to tell you sometimes you’re the best big sister anyone can have.” Asia said.

  “This is all very touching, and I’m so glad to be a part of this lovely family bonding but will someone please pass the dinner rolls and the salad? I am starving.” Luc said.

  Asia reached up and slapped him in the back of the head once again. He placed one of his hands over the spot where she’d just hit him.

  “Damn it woman what the hell?” Luc shouted as he stared at Asia. His brothers snickered.

  “When you get hungry, you seem to open your mouth and stupid comes out.” Asia said as she stared at him.

  “That’s not my fault when I don’t eat I can’t think straight.” Luc said.

  Asia folded her arms over her chest as she glared at him. “Really, because you can’t seem to think straight whether your stomach is empty or full.”

  “You know one day you’re going to really hurt my feelings with all your insults bellezza.” Luc replied.

  “Good then maybe you’ll get too upset to eat my food so then I wouldn’t have to cook so damn much to feed your big ass.” Asia said with a smirk.

  “Like hell, I’ll never get that upset.” Luc said with a wink.

  “Is there a reason that the Landry sisters curse so much?” Gabe asked.

  The sisters laughed. “It’s because we were raised by our grandparents and Trevor Landry, well he was a Navy man. Let’s just say that when they use the phrase curse like a sailor, they mean it.” Indy answered.

  This time it was the Fabrizio men who laughed.

  “I’d like to know why is it that all my sisters seem to have an Italian nickname, and I don’t? Pierce calls Gigi Caro. Gio calls Indy Gattino, and now Luc is calling Asia Bellezza. I don’t know what they mean, but they sound sexy.” London said with a frown.

  “Actually, everything sounds sexy in Italian, London.” Gigi said.

  “London I’ll translate what each name is okay?” Gabe said with a smile. “Caro means dear. Gattino means kitten and Bellezza means beauty.”

  “Thanks now I really feel left out.” London said.

I tell you what I’ll think of the perfect Italian name for you okay?” Gabe said. “In the meantime the meantime you can tell me how you all ended up with places for names.”

  The Landry sisters laughed again as they exchanged glances. “Well it all started with their mom and my mom being best friends in college. They thought that it would be cute to name all their children after the place that they were conceived. Luckily, we were all girls because I have no idea what they would’ve done if we would have been born boys.” London said causing everyone at the table to laugh.

  Chapter Seven

  Dinner at the Landry table had always been lively but now with the Fabrizio brothers it was extremely entertaining. The playful banter between the two families sometimes dominated the dinner time conversation.

  Indy had never seen her sisters seem so carefree and happy. Asia and London both tried to hide the fact that they both had feelings for the Luc and Gabe, but she was willing to bet that the two wouldn’t be able to hide it much longer.

  Hell she and Gigi both knew from experience that the Fabrizio men had a way of making you feel things you didn’t want to. She was here hiding out in her lab in order to avoid Gio tonight. Her nerves had been on edge since slipping out of his room just before dinner.

  And things had only gotten worse at dinner. She thought her sisters were bad. However, it was twice as bad with Gio’s brothers in the same house. So as soon as dinner was over, she snuck out of apartment and down to her lab.

  Indy was hoping that doing some work would take her mind off of Gio and the way his incredible love making made her feel. The way his touch gave her goose bumps, and his kisses set her blood on fire the way his sexy Italian voice caused her to drench her panties with just a whisper from his sensual lips.

  What in the heck was she doing? It was almost midnight and like a fool she was in her lab working instead of upstairs in bed with Gio. Just thinking about him made her feel like it was at least ten degrees hotter in here then it was only minutes ago. She fanned her face with one of her hands in hopes of cooling her heated state.

  Indy reached over to the thermostat located on the wall beside her. She adjusted the temperature in the room in order to cool herself when simply fanning her hand wasn’t working. Returning her attention to her workstation she glanced at the glass container in front of her. Indy realized that while her mind was occupied with thoughts of Gio, she’d been unaware of what she was doing. She’d blended several flavors together, but she had no idea what they were.

  She raised the glass container to her nose when she took a sniff she noticed that it had a very pleasant aroma. However, she wasn’t sure she wanted to try tasting the liquid concoction, since she was unsure of the exact contents. Indy cautiously brought the glass to her lips and took a tiny sip. To her surprise, the flavor was uniquely delightful taking a larger sip. She let the liquid coat the surface of her tongue.

  Finally, she’d found the blend of ingredients that she and Gio had been trying to create. It was a slightly sweet taste that had a bit of a rosy but woodsy flavor. The blend was quite different from any of the others that they’d come up with.

  Indy needed to let Gio know so she could see what he thought of the taste. However, he’d want to know how she came up with the blend. There was no way she’d be able to tell him, since she had no idea how she did it. Now what was she going to do? She couldn’t very well tell him that she wasn’t paying attention to what she was doing because she was too busy thinking about him.

  Well, she’d just have to make it up as she went so Indy took out her cell phone and call called Gio. She was surprised when she realized that the sound of his ringing phone was coming from behind her. When she turned around, she saw that Gio was standing in the doorway watching her.

  “Hey I was just trying to call you, how long have you been standing there?” Indy asked as he walked towards her.

  He stopped a few inches in front of her as he folded his arms over his chest. “I wasn’t there very long, why were you calling me instead of coming to my room?” Gio asked.

  Indy nibbled at her bottom lip as she tried to think of an answer that was believable. “I wanted to try blending a few flavors to see what I could come up with.”

  “Really, so I guess I was wrong to think that you came down here to your lab so that you could hide from me.” Gio said as he gazed at her through narrowed eyes.

  She laughed humorlessly as she answered him. “Uh, no of course not, where would you get an idea like that. Look I was calling you to tell you about this.” She said lifting the glass container up to his nose.

  Unfolding his arms he took the container from her hands a sniffed the contents. “It has a nice aroma.” He said before placing at his lips to take a sip. “This is amazing the blend of flavors that are a sensational explosion on the tongue.”

  “I know right. I couldn’t believe it when I tasted it.” Indy said with a wide smile.

  “So how did you do it?” Gio asked watching as the smile disappeared from her face.

  “I…well I…uh.” She stammered.

  “You have no clue how you made this blend do you?” Gio asked. “Just so that you know I was watching you the entire time your mind was a million miles away.”

  “Fine, I wasn’t paying attention so now I have no clue as to how I created this blend.” Indy said through clenched teeth.”And what in the hell were you standing there watching me for anyway?”

  “Right about now you should be thanking me for standing here watching you.” Gio said.

  “And just why would I do something that asinine?” Indy asked.

  “Because I know exactly what you put in this container.” Gio replied.

  Indy’s eyes widened before a smile broke out across her face. “Gio I could kiss you right now.”

  “Oh I’m expecting a lot more than a kiss gattino.”

  “Easy tiger, we need to write down the ingredients before you forget.”

  “You should know by now that I don’t forget anything. And you’re not getting what you want until I get what I want.” Gio said with a sexy smile.

  Indy smiled back as she gazed up at him. “As if I have to ask what is it that you want?”

  “You’re right you shouldn’t have to ask, and neither should I. However, I’m inclined to answer you so that it is perfectly clear. I want you in my bed not just tonight but every night until we’ve both had enough of each other.” Gio said as he gazed back at her unblinking.

  “You do know that’s considered blackmail, right?” Indy asked.

  “Frankly, I don’t care what you call it, those are my terms take it or leave it’s up to you.”

  “You would really force me to sleep with?” Indy asked as she scrunched her brow together in a frown.

  “I’m not forcing you to do anything you can easily say no, and I won’t bother you again.”

  “And if I say no will you give me the ingredients any way?"” she asked.

  “What do you think?” He replied.

  “I think I should kick you in the jewels then choke you until you tell me what it is I want to know.” Indy said through tightly clenched teeth.

  Gio laughed. “You could certainly try so that I can turn you over my knee and spank your fine ass. However, I don’t think that’s what you really want to do is it?”

  “Do you think we can enjoy having sex under your terms?” Indy asked.

  “That’s up to you whether you enjoy it or not, I know I will.” Gio replied with a smile.

  “I really hate you right now.” She said.

  Gio leaned towards her. “We both know that’s a lie.” He whispered. “So what’s your answer is it a yes or no?”

  “You know damn well that I was going to say yes. Now just when is this arrangement supposed to start?”

  “As soon as we get back upstairs I’ll move my things to your suite. I’ll see you in a bit.” Gio said as he turned and headed for the door.

  “You just better hope that I don’t
murder you while you sleep.” Indy mumbled softly.

  Gio stopped in the threshold of the door. “I hear that, and, even if I have to cuff you to the bed and sleep with one eye open I’m not going to change my mind. So get use to us being in the same bed.” He said before walking out the door.

  Damn how in the hell did she end up playing herself? She thought. He has her just where he wanted her, but she would show him. Her grandparents always said to be careful what you ask for because one you get it. It may not be what you want.


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