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Saviour Page 8

by J. L. Perry

“As friends, not as a couple. I want to go on a real date with you, Morgan.”

  That has her smile returning. “You do?”

  “More than anything.”

  “I’d like that.”

  “How about tomorrow night? I’ll take you to Maitland after work. I have a friend named Peppy. He owns the Italian restaurant there.”

  “I love Italian food.”

  “Well, it’s a date,” I say, brushing my lips against hers. “I don’t want to rush this, Morgan. I want you to be one hundred percent ready.”

  She tenderly runs the tips of her fingers down the side of my face. The way she looks at me sometimes makes my heart race. “You’re just the sweetest, Constable Mitchell.”

  Fighting the smile that’s trying to burst onto my face, I place my lips on her forehead. “Get some sleep. You’ll be safe here.”

  “I think a cold shower is more in order.” Her comment makes me chuckle. I could go for one as well.

  “Everything is going to be okay,” I remind her. I’m not sure what the future holds for us, but together we can get through it.

  “I’m glad I have you.” Her grip around my waist tightens. “You have no idea how much.”

  “I think I do,” is my only reply, because I feel exactly the same way. “Now sleep.”

  “I’ll try. I have a lot on my mind.”

  “I know,” I say, burying my face in her hair. I can smell the sweet, fruity scent of her shampoo. “I have something that may help you sleep.”

  “You do?”

  I brush my lips against hers as my hand glides down over her hip before settling between her legs. There’s nothing like a good orgasm to put you to sleep.

  Staying outside her clothes so I don’t push it too far, I use the tips of two fingers to rub circles against her clit. Although it’s dark, the moonlight shining through the window illuminates her profile. I feel my cock pulsate in my pants when her eyelids flutter shut, and her mouth opens slightly. What I wouldn’t give to slide my hands in her pants right now, so I could feel her pleasure. But this isn’t about me; it’s about her.

  “This will help you sleep,” I whisper.

  She moans when I pick up the pace. Knowing I’m the one making her feel like this is such a turn on.

  “Ryan,” she moans, as her body starts to tremble, and I know she’s close.

  “Let it go, baby,” I say, just before my lips capture hers.

  I give her a few minutes to come back down and catch her breath, before placing a soft kiss on her nose.

  “Night, babe.”

  A cute and contented yawn escapes her and she wiggles her body closer into mine. She was on edge when I first found her in the kitchen, but she’s much more relaxed now. I like that I have that effect on her. To be honest, there’s nowhere else on earth I’d rather be than right here. I’m falling hard for this one.

  “Goodnight, Ryan.”

  Although her face is now resting against my chest, I can tell by the way she said those words, she’s smiling.

  “Where are you going all dressed up?” Macca asks when I enter his office.

  I was a little eager for my date with Morgan, and I got ready earlier than anticipated. I found myself constantly looking at my watch as I waited, which only seemed to make me more anxious. I ended up calling into the police station to catch up on a bit of paperwork before heading to the B&B to collect her. It helped make the time pass quicker.

  “I’m going on a date.” I try to play it cool, but I’m pretty sure I’m beaming right now.

  He sits back in his chair as I approach his desk. “Jesus, did you bathe in that cologne?”

  “No,” I chuckle. He’s been making wisecracks towards me for the past few months. I guess he’s never seen the love-struck side of me before.

  “Mmm,” he says, eyeing me sheepishly.


  “Are you sure you’ve thought this through?” This is the first time he’s brought this up, but to be honest, I’ve been waiting for it. He’s not only my boss, but the closest thing I have to a father.

  “My relationship with Morgan you mean?”


  “I’ve giving it a lot of thought.” Maybe too much. She’s always on my mind. “She makes me happy, Sarge.”

  There’s a brief silence before he speaks again. “I can see that.” He’s not a man of many words, but when I see him fighting a smile, I know he’s secretly giving me his blessing.

  I take a seat opposite him. “Is that why you wanted to see me?”

  “No. We got word on that phone?”

  That has me sitting up straight in my chair. “And?”

  “It’s a burner, I’m afraid.”

  “Shit.” Disappointment floods me. “There’s no way of finding out who sent that text now.”

  “Exactly. That’s why I want you to be careful.”

  “I will be.”

  “I mean it, Ryan. Your emotional involvement has the potential to cloud your judgement.”

  “I’d never let anything happen to her. She means too much to me.”

  I hear him sigh as his gaze moves down to the paperwork in front of him. “That’s what I’m afraid of,” he mumbles.

  “I appreciate your concern, but I’ve got this.”

  “Okay,” he says. Letting out a deflated breath.

  I like that he cares, but Morgan is the best thing that’s happened to me in a long time. I’m not going to let anyone stand in the way of that.

  “Well, if that’s all, I need to swing past the florist to pick up the flowers I ordered.”

  Macca chuckles as I stand to leave, so I flip him the bird. I should’ve kept that information to myself.

  Butterflies swarm in my stomach as I walk up the front stairs of the B&B. This will be the first time I’ve seen Morgan since we kissed. I woke her just before the sun came up and sent her to her room. I didn’t want my mum to find us together on the couch.

  Mum’s not stupid, I think anyone with eyes can see what’s happening between Morgan and me. I recently got the talk from my mother as well. It was similar to the one Macca gave me, although a lot deeper. When it comes to me she doesn’t hold back. Both Mum and Macca think the world of Morgan, and I understand and appreciate their concerned for me given the situation. Wade has proven how unstable he is, but surprisingly that doesn’t deter me in the slightest. I’m not giving Morgan up. In my eyes he’s a coward. Only a gutless man would raise a hand to a woman, and I’ll do whatever it takes to keep her out of harm’s way.

  I take a deep breath before grasping the door handle and entering the house. My mum phoned me today after Morgan informed her of our date. She seemed pleased and even took Morgan into Maitland to buy a new outfit for the occasion. The possibility of Wade showing up when he gets out of prison is the only reservation she has about Morgan and I being a couple. Like Macca, she has no need to worry though, I’ve got this.

  I’m only a few steps inside the doorway when I sense her. It’s uncanny, and not the first time this has happened. Raising my head, all the air leaves my body when I see her. I have no words for how beautiful she looks.

  She’s wearing a white denim skirt that buttons down the front, and a pink top that falls off her shoulders. Her hair is down, and there’s a hint of makeup on her pretty face. It’s the first time I’ve seen her completely made up, and to say she takes my breath away would be an understatement.

  I stand there rooted to the spot as she descends the stairs. “Hi,” she says, coming to stop in front of me. Although she’s smiling, there’s a pink tinge in her cheeks and an uncertainty in her eyes. Seeing that makes my own anxiousness disappear. She’s just as unsure about this as I am.

  “Hi. You look … stunning.” She smells divine as well.

  My free hand instinctively snakes around her waist, pulling her to me. I’ve been thinking about her lips all day. Her eyes flutter shut the moment my mouth captures hers. I don’t want there to be any awkwardness between u
s tonight, so I make my intentions clear right off the bat. I still plan to take our relationship slow, but she’s mine now. No more stalling; I’m all in.

  “You don’t look so bad yourself,” she says, as the blush in her cheeks darkens. I love her innocence. “You smell good too.”

  I smile as I lift the bunch of flowers in my hand. “These are for you.” I bought her daffodils. I looked up the meaning of flowers and saw that daffodils symbolised new beginnings. That’s exactly what I want for her, for us. I want to help undo all the damage of her last relationship.

  “They’re beautiful.”

  Her smile widens as she gazes down at them. Leaning forward, I place a kiss on the top of her head. “They don’t hold a candle to you.” I’m not usually so complimentary, instead choosing to hold my cards close to my chest, but with Morgan I feel different. After everything she’s been through, I feel compelled to constantly remind her just how amazing and worthy she is.

  We both stand there for the longest time, just gazing into each other’s eyes. The feelings I have for her are so strong, they actually scare me.

  Our moment is broken when my mum enters the hall. She doesn’t say anything, but the smile on her face speaks volumes. “Look at you two,” she says, approaching us. “You make such a sweet couple.” She reaches out and takes the flowers from Morgan. “I’ll put these in water for you. Now get out of here and have a wonderful night.”

  “Thanks, Mum.” I lean over, kissing her cheek. I’m secretly dying to get Morgan alone so I can kiss her again.

  “Thanks, Claire,” Morgan says, hugging her. I love how close these two have become. My mother is amazing, and just the type of person Morgan needs in her life.

  “You ready?” I reach for Morgan’s hand.

  “Yes,” she replies.

  I have everything planned for tonight. Maitland is about a twenty minute drive from here, and although it’s an historical town like Paterson, it’s much bigger. It’s the closest thing we have to a city around here.

  My friend Peppy is going to make us an authentic Italian dinner. After that, I’m taking her for a walk along the riverfront. We often go and sit by the river here in Paterson, so I know she’ll love that. Maybe we can get ice cream. It’s been a long time since I’ve taken a girl on a date, but Morgan seems easily pleased. That’s one of the things I love about her. She gets pleasure out of the smallest things.

  As long as we’re together, I know it will be amazing.

  “I’m so full I think I’m going to burst,” she says, pulling the seat belt over her shoulder.

  “Same.” Peppy really put on a spread for us tonight, which I appreciated.

  “I’ve had the best time,” she says, reaching across the centre console and placing her hand on my leg. “Thank you.”

  “Me too.” I place my hand on top of hers. Everything about her, about us, just seems right. There’s always plenty to talk about, and no awkward silences. She’s so easy to be around and fun. Nothing is a problem. How anyone could not appreciate her is beyond me.

  I hear her sigh as she settles back into her seat. “Are you okay?” I ask, squeezing her hand.

  “Yes, I’m just sad that the night is coming to an end. I’m not ready to go home yet.”

  “Well, don’t. We can go for a drive. There’s a lookout not far from here, or you can come back to my place for a while. No pressure, of course.”

  “I’d like that. You’ve never taken me to your place before.”

  “Only because the opportunity never arose.” My lips turn up slightly as I start the ignition.

  It’s not that I haven’t wanted her there, but I’m a little anxious about having her in my space, which is crazy. She’s not the first person I’ve taken home, but the others never made me feel like this. The truth of it is, they weren’t Morgan. What I feel for her is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before, which is exciting and a little daunting at the same time. My heart is on the line here, and I don’t want to stuff it up.

  As much as I hate giving up the reins, I will for her. She needs to be the one in control here. It can move as slow or as fast as she likes, as long as she’s comfortable. I don’t want her to ever feel like she needs to do anything just to please me. Just having her near me is enough.

  Ryan is quiet on the drive back to his house. When we pull into his driveway, he switches off the ignition and turns to face me. “Are you sure you’re ready for this?” he asks with trepidation in his voice.

  “To see your house? You know I won’t judge you if it’s messy. Well, within reason of course.”

  My statement makes him laugh.

  “That’s not what I meant,” he says, turning serious again. “Are you ready for ….” He waves his hand in the direction of his house.

  I’m not entirely sure what he’s getting at, but I have a fair idea, so I decide to play along. “Oh! So you brought me back here for sex?”

  If I’m honest, I was hoping this visit would lead to something. Last night has been at the forefront of my mind all day. I need some more of that.

  “No,” he answers with a chuckle. “We don’t have to do anything.” When I don’t reply he reaches for my hand. “Honestly.”

  I have to suppress my smile when he squirms in his seat. Poor thing. He’s been nothing but a gentleman to me from the very beginning. He is always considering my feelings and making sure I’m comfortable. I love that about him, but I’m not glass—I won’t break.

  “I believe you, Ryan,” I say, squeezing his hand. “I’m just happy to be here with you.”

  “Me too.” He pulls my hand up to his mouth, placing a kiss on my knuckles before letting me go.

  “I promise I won’t throw myself at you,” I say, crossing my fingers over my heart. He laughs again as he removes his seat belt.

  I stay in my seat as he exits the vehicle. I know he likes to open the door for me. I love his gentlemanly ways. His mother raised him well. He pulls my chair out for me when we’re together and always lets me enter the room first.

  Reaching for my hand, he helps me from the car.

  His fingers mesh through mine as we walk up the path towards his house. The smallest touch from him makes me feel all mushy inside. I like his hands on me. I’m so happy our friendship has finally moved to the next level. I feel like I’ve waited forever for this to happen.

  When we reach the front door, he lets go of my hand as he fishes in his pocket for his keys. Instead of opening the door though, he snakes his arm around my waist and pulls my body into his. “Just for the record,” he says, looking down at me, “I’m okay if you throw yourself at me.”

  This time I laugh.

  “Be careful what you wish for, Constable Mitchell.”

  Bringing his face down, his lips capture mine. I’ve been waiting all night for him to kiss me like this. My body instinctively melts into his as the ferocity of the kiss goes from one to a hundred in a matter of seconds.

  Ryan’s grip on me tightens as he effortlessly lifts me off the ground until we’re face to face. I use this opportunity to encircle my legs around his waist.

  Taking a few steps forward, he backs me against the wall so my body is trapped between him and the wooden panels that wrap his house.

  “Should we move this inside?” I ask, briefly pulling out of the kiss. It’s dark out, but his front porch light is on, so there’s a good chance we’re giving his neighbours a show.

  “Shit. Of course.” Without putting me down, he carries me towards the door and unlocks it. It’s not until we’re inside that he lowers me to the floor. “Sorry, I got carried away.”

  “I don’t mind,” I say honestly. “I like that side of you.”

  My eyes briefly move around the room. His place is nice. The furniture is minimal, but everything is neat and tidy. I see a framed photo of Ryan with his mother sitting on the small table beside his sofa. It brings a smile to my face. I’m a tad envious of the close relationship they have.

  “Make y
ourself at home,” he says, gesturing for me to take a seat. “Can I get you something to drink?”

  “I’m fine thanks,” I reply. “I’m still full from dinner.”

  After sitting, I tap the space beside me. My move may be a little forward, but I want to continue what we just started outside. I want that connection with him. We’ve bonded in every possible way except this.

  Although he’s smiling, he looks slightly unsure of himself. It’s rare to see him like this. It makes me wonder if it’s me, or where I’ve come from that brings out this side of him. Possibly it’s a side of him that’s always been there but I’ve failed to see it.

  “Are you okay?” I ask as he comes to sit down beside me.

  “I’m fine,” he replies, nervously rubbing his hands down the front of his pants.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes.” He wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me to him.

  “I can go if it makes you feel better.”

  “No way,” he says.

  “You seem a little anxious.” I raise my hands and gently run them down the sides of his face. I don’t want him to be nervous around me. Things are different with him.

  “I just don’t want to do anything that might push you away,” he admits.

  His words make me smile. “You’re not getting rid of me that easily,” I say, moving my fingers lightly down his arm until my hand clasps his. It seems to help him relax. “I want to be here. I want to be with you, Ryan.” Leaning my body forward, I place my mouth on his.

  It doesn’t take long for our kiss to get heated and excitement bubbles through my body. It’s been so long since I’ve felt such joy. There are no excuses this time. Finally I feel like we’re going to go all the way. If he makes love with the same level of passion he puts into his kisses, then I seriously can’t wait.

  Without breaking this kiss, he leans me back onto the sofa until his body covers mine. “Morgan,” he whispers, lifting my leg and anchoring it around his waist.

  My hands fist in the back of his shirt before pushing it up his back. I need to feel his skin against mine. His mouth leaves mine briefly as he removes his shirt, tossing it aside.


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