
Home > Romance > Promises > Page 16
Promises Page 16

by Angela Verdenius

  Moving up beside her, he handed her a glass. “Thank you for coming.” Then, because he couldn’t help it, he nuzzled her temple, pressed a soft kiss to the tip of her nose before bending further to rest his elbows on the railing and sip from his glass.

  Cold water trickled down his throat, fresh and clean.

  Just like Izzy. That feminine scent that was all hers naturally was just as fresh, just as clean. Just as sweet. The faint underlying perfume she wore was light, fragrant.

  Need stirred inside him. Need that had been present the whole afternoon, the sound of her laughter, her teasing, her thoughtful comments and looks only adding to that need.

  Her nearness, her warmth, turning it into desire.

  Easy. Steady.

  That desire turning a little hotter as she shifted enough to partially face him, resting her shoulder against the veranda post as she took a mouthful of water and sighed in bliss. That sigh lifted those generous breasts, the faint gleam of the light catching those pale green eyes heating him a little more. Soft lips, a small tongue that licked an errant drop of water from the delicate skin making his gut clench a little.

  “I like your family,” she murmured.

  “They’re a good mob.” Seeking to keep the atmosphere comfortable, not wanting to make her uneasy, Jason transferred his gaze to the yard.

  “Your Mum is lovely.”

  “Best ever.”

  “You want to talk about Jim?”


  Izzy laughed huskily. “Going to tell me to mind my own business?”

  That husky laugh stroked decadently through him like hot silk. Still, he managed to grin faintly. “Nope.”

  “Going to get all tough on me?”

  “I wouldn’t get tough on you, Iz.”

  She leaned down on her elbows right beside him. “How about rough?”

  He inhaled her scent, felt her warmth against his upper arm. “Never.” Expecting a saucy reply and receiving only silence, he glanced around, surprised to find her watching him so seriously.

  The shadows cast interesting planes on her face, a flash of reflection in her eyes, a sweep of thick lashes as she blinked slowly before swallowing.

  Hell, she was nervous. Of what? Him? Jason tensed a little. Shit, could she see through his easy façade? Did she sense the desire in him, see the burn of lust in his eyes that was growing more with every second that passed with her in such close proximity?

  Seeking to hide it, he turned his face back to the yard, giving her his silhouette. He had to get his blasted libido under control, present a calm front, not scare or alarm her. His loins tightened a little against his will. Damn it, he-

  Abruptly she straightened, catching him off-guard. “I’m sorry.”

  “What?” Still leaning against the rail, he looked up at her.

  “I’m sorry, Jason. I thought…” She bit her lip.

  Frowning, he placed the glass on the rail. “Izzy, what’s wrong?”


  It didn’t look like nothing. Her smile in the shadows was brittle, her tone a little embarrassed, a little uncertain…a little husky.

  “Izzy-” He couldn’t finish, not when suddenly she was there, bending down, her hand cupping his cheek, her lips on his.

  Kissing him so hotly, so deeply, so fast and hard. Igniting the coil of heat in his loins.

  Startled by the sudden, unexpected act, Jason could only blink when Izzy abruptly jerked back, her eyes huge.

  “I’m sorry,” she repeated, touching her fingertips to her lips.

  “Sorry?” Hell, he wasn’t sorry. Jason straightened, watching her, trying to gauge exactly how she was feeling.

  Embarrassed, going by her expression. She glanced away, bit her lip, looked back up at him. Only now she was peeking up through those thick lashes as though hiding behind them.

  He stilled, heat surging through him. There was no hiding the desire in her eyes, however shadowed.

  “I didn’t mean…” She stopped, swallowed.

  “Yeah,” he said quietly, “you did.”

  For a second she looked like she was going to turn tail and run, and he was ready to go right after her and see where this would lead - hell, he knew where he ached to have it lead - but then she tossed her head, folded her arms beneath that generous bosom and announced brazenly, “Okay, I wanted to kiss you so I did.”

  Oh yeah. That hot buzz low in his belly crawled seductively in widening circles. “Is that right?”

  “That’s right,” she returned boldly.

  Amusement trickled through him accompanied by a hotter flush of desire. She might sound bold but there was a flush in her cheeks, and the best tell-tale giveaway - her hands were fisted and clenching. He knew for a fact that if she hadn’t had her arms crossed, she’d be lightly patting her knuckles together.

  Moving closer, he flattened his palm against the veranda post above her head and leaned closer, deliberately crowding her. “You trying to take the lead, Izzy?”

  “Someone had to.” That cute little chin angled upward in an act of bravado. “You certainly weren’t inclined.”

  “Oh, baby, you have no idea.” Laying his other hand at her waist, he gave her a small jerk towards him, bringing them flush up against each other.

  The daring little female didn’t look so sure of herself now. But she definitely tried.

  Jason smiled, letting the flare of hunger show in his eyes. “No idea at all.” He dropped his other hand a little heavily from the post to her waist, letting her feel the weight.

  One fine eyebrow arched. “Is that so?”

  So close now, her breasts pressed against him, her thumbs hooked into his elbows as his hands rested on her waist, her head tipped back so she could meet his gaze. The answering burn of desire in her eyes, the slight curve of her lips as she taunted brashly, “I wouldn’t have guessed from your shock at my kiss.”

  He laughed, low and dark, loving her determined boldness in the face of her shyness. Pleased that she continued to push him, to tease him. Loving the feel of her against him, her attempt at coolness when it was so very obvious that she wanted more than just a simple friendly kiss.

  Lowering his head, he locked their gazes. “You want more, little girl? Is that what you’re asking me?”

  Her gaze was direct, smouldering now. “I’m not a little girl, Jason. And I’m not asking you.” Coming up on tiptoe, her lips brushed his erotically as she whispered huskily, “I’m telling you.”

  Christ. His gut tightened, his loins heated, that hot spiral of need spiralling upward in a fiery rope. Now it was his lips that brushed hers, his whisper harsh with lust. “And just how much do you want, Izzy?”

  “I want it all.” The tip of her tongue touched the seam of his lips, flicked seductively, retreated. “I want you. All of you.”

  Involuntarily, his fingers clenched on her waist. Oh God, yes, he wanted her. Wanted her in every carnal way. But still, this was Izzy. He had to be careful, he had to be gentle. He had-

  “Jason.” She stared up at him. “All of you.”

  “Izzy.” Sucking in a hard breath, he lifted his head slightly, his gaze searching hers as he sought to make her understand. “I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You won’t.”

  “If I’m too rough-”

  “I’ll like it.”

  Breath catching, his shaft stirred. “Promise me.”

  He didn’t have to explain. She nodded.

  A muscle flexed in his jaw as he searched her eyes, desperately needing her to be sure of the next step.

  “I promise,” she repeated softly, huskily. “If I don’t like it, if it’s too much, I’ll tell you.”

  He had to let her know, reassure her. Reassure himself. “And I’ll stop.”

  “Okay. But remember your promise to me. Be yourself. No hiding.”

  “I won’t hurt you. I swear.” Part of him swelled with carnal desire and pure, unadulterated eagerness to bury himself in her s
oft, warm, deliciously lush body. Another part of him wanted restraint, to be cautious. Hold back.

  It was as if she could read his mind. “No holding back.”

  The telling moment.

  He threw caution to the wind.

  In a hard, fast move, Jason wrapped his arms around her, crushed her close, his mouth falling on hers, lips moulding, testing, tongue demanding entrance, sliding deep as she opened to him.

  Her taste flooded him immediately, the iciness of water, the honey of her nectar, the sweetness of Izzy. Her plundered her mouth, took from her, felt her press close to him, her mouth eating at him in turn.

  The coolness of her fingers were on his back, skin to skin, heat flooding him anew at the knowledge that she’d slid her hands beneath both the flannel and t-shirt, her palm pressing flat to the small of his back right before her nails dug in slightly and scoured lightly, raking hot embers to skitter along his spine.

  One hand cupping her head, his other hand snaking beneath the hem of her jumper, under the t-shirt, and his palm pressing in turn to the gentle curve of her belly. Mimicking her actions, he raked his nails lightly up her belly, swallowing her moan as her nails dug into his skin in decadently sharp little pricks.

  The swell of her breasts confined in a lacy bra brushed his fingertips. With no hesitation he tunnelled his hand beneath to unerringly cup her breast, the hard little nipple grinding into his palm as she pushed against him.

  The ardour was a hot, ravenous hunger he could feel raking through them both.

  Engorged, demanding, his shaft pushed insistently, painfully against the zipper of his jeans. Already the heaviness flooded his sac, the erotic burn spreading through his groin.

  He’d never been turned on so fast before, no woman - no matter how beautiful, how experienced - making his blood heat and his nerves fire off as did the small, curvy woman in his arms.

  Had to have her, had to take control, had to lead her, bend her delectably to his will and slide deep inside her. Now.

  Breaking the kiss, he ignored her protest, turning her swiftly so her back was to him, tugging her close again, lowering his head and bending over her, craving the sensation of folding around her, curling her into his embrace.

  His lips found her pulse, her head angling aside to allow him the freedom to find the pulse beating so frantically beneath the delicate skin. Found it, laved it with his tongue in a hard swipe of ownership, his lips fastening over it as he drew strongly, making Izzy shudder and wriggle in his grasp. In response he tightened his hold, keeping her against him as he marked her as his.

  All mine.

  One more possessive swipe of his tongue along the freshly sucked mark and he lifted his head, his other hand catching in her hair, twining firmly but gently, so very careful not to hurt her even as he turned her face up to his and took her mouth ruthlessly, interspersing the ravaging of her mouth with gentler kisses, reassuring her even though she didn’t object.

  Izzy met him kiss for kiss, arching back against him, giving him her mouth, giving him access to everything.

  It was heady.

  It was hot.

  It was so damned erotic.

  Releasing her hair, he dragged his lips up to her temple, nuzzling the delicate strands of hair at the side, hearing her mew of pleasure as his hand found the silky skin beneath her jumper once more.

  God, she was so soft, so warm.

  He wanted to feel her, all of her.

  Jason spread his hand, flexed his fingers against her belly before slowly, determinedly, sliding his fingertips beneath the waistband of her slacks, forging onwards, under the waistband of her panties, lower still.

  She jerked in his arms, he nipped her throat. “Easy, Izzy.” His voice harsh, his words tender.

  One of her arms rose, reached back, her hand at his nape. “Oh God, Jason.” His fingers found the thatch of soft curls, pushed deeper, eliciting a strangled, “Jason!” from her as he pushed onwards, invading the sheltering flesh to dance his fingertips along the seam of her body.

  Slickness coated his fingers.

  He almost spent himself straight way.

  So much. Not enough. Too much. Needing more. So damned much more.

  Izzy pressed herself into his palm, her thighs spread, letting him have access to her secrets.

  He had the external secrets and they were beautiful to the touch, but now he craved the internal secrets.

  One finger following the slick pathway to the entrance of her body, playing around the sensitive access, making her buck in his arms, push back, pull away.

  He shoved her up against the rail, pinning her there, his prisoner as he thrust his finger in deep, making her whimper and grab onto the veranda post with one hand, her fingers gripping so hard on his hand at her belly.

  Lifting his head, he checked her. Even as blood pounded in his ears, heat firing through him, lust riding him hard, he was so aware of her, of his little Izzy. He searched for signs of fear, of pain, of her wanting to stop.

  She didn’t look uncomfortable riding his hand as much as her pinned position would allow. Her hips worked, but with him pressed up so hard behind her, the post pinning her at the front, it was little more than a slight undulation of her hips.

  A wave of tenderness washed through him, making him lean down, press his cheek lightly against hers, his voice still harsh with need. “Okay, Iz?”

  Lush bottom lip caught between her teeth, eyes tight shut, she could only gasp and nod.

  “Don’t abuse your lips so.” Compassion rode the dark tide of lust. “Give me your mouth, baby.”

  Blindly she obeyed, the shadows casting part of her face in darkness.

  He kissed the poor lip tenderly, licked it softly, kissed her mouth almost kindly. “Poor baby.”

  “Please,” she whispered. “Please, Jason, please.”

  “Shhh.” Curling his finger inside her hot sheath, he rubbed the heel of his hand against her mound, pressing in pulsing, minimal moves. “Come for me, Izzy. Come for me.”

  Caught between Jason and the post, both unyielding, Izzy had no choice. Deliberately changing the angle, he slid his thumb down, found the little bud, pressed it, then rubbed it firmly, pushing Izzy higher, feeling her shudder in his arms, loving the way she went on tip toe in an effort to avoid the sweet torture, only to be denied.

  “Come for me, Izzy.” In a calculated move, knowing she was teetering on the border, he suddenly pressed his hand flat against her, separating her folds, exposing her as much as he could to his palm, and then he pressed tight, tighter against her, and massaged slowly, so very slowly, in a long, smoothing, dragging sweep.

  She shattered.

  Her desire spilled onto his palm, he held it inside her, cupping her secrets, her womanhood’s weeping, in his palm, not letting it come out.

  Holding her as she shattered, her head flung back against his shoulder, her cheek to his as she strained.

  He slid his finger deep inside her, the sheath tight, muscles spasming against his finger, and slowly he thrust in and out, dragging his fingertip along the front of her, finding that sweet spot that tipped her over again.

  As she shuddered, leaning back against him, he shoved at her slacks, pushing them down to slip to her knees, wishing he could see her clearly but denied it by the shadows and his own body against hers.

  Drawing his hips back enough, he kept one hand on her waist holding her against him, while with the other hand he unbuttoned, unzipped and shoved his jeans down, freeing his shaft that sprang up between them, seeking, searching angrily, wet at the tip.

  Wet at the tip.

  Commonsense prevailed enough for him to curse silently. He couldn’t bear to have her think him so careless as to have unprotected sex. Respected her too much. Respected himself too much.

  “Stay here, baby.” He pulled away.

  Panting, she leaned against the rail, her forehead on the post as she dreamily swam through an erotic haze.

  It was the fastest Jason had
ever moved. Yanked up his jeans, left them open, raced into the kitchen, ripped the condom from the wallet, back out onto the veranda to see her leaning against the rail, arms stretched out, that luscious bottom sticking out in blatant, sexual invitation as she stretched luxuriously in almost satiated satisfaction.

  The sight inflamed him, the knowledge that her secrets were just there, open to him, his for the taking. In several long, fast strides he was behind her, one hand cupping one of those generous buttocks. “Beautiful, baby. Just beautiful.”

  In a provocative, sultry move, she arched her neck, her head tipping back, that jaunty ponytail dancing along her back. “Mmmm.” Then she started to straighten.

  “No.” Placing his hand between her shoulders, he halted her. “Stay there. Right there.” Leaning forward over her, his front to her back, his shaft nudging hungrily at the crevice of her bottom, he whispered in harsh desire, “Your body is mine. You’re open to me. I’m going to breach that sweet little opening, Izzy.” His hand slid down, his fingertip trailing down the crevice to find her slick entrance.

  The move had her breath catching, her thighs shifting restlessly, coming together to press his hand between. “Jason…” It came out as a sexy, throaty moan.

  “Open your legs, Iz.” When she didn’t obey, just arched her spine, pressing herself into his hand, he smacked her lightly with the other. “Bad little sprite.” He nipped her ear. “Want me to bite?”

  “Would you?” She giggled unexpectedly, breathlessly, glancing at him over her shoulder.

  “I think you’ve had too much time to come down.” Amused, intrigued, the delight that was Izzy fanned his ardour. Quickly he rolled on the condom, squeezed his shaft. “Brace yourself.”

  “For what?”

  “For me.” He nudged the opening of her body and in one relentless push tunnelled full length into her, lodging hard and high.

  God, she was so tight, so hot, her sheath gripping him like a wet fist.

  Her taunting, sex-soaked laugh was cut off when he breached her, and now the only thing filling the air were the little whimpers as he started thrusting. One hand on the veranda post, the other braced on the rail, pushing up on her arm, she pressed back into him, taking every powerful thrust.


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