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Promises Page 23

by Angela Verdenius

  “Because I can take you down.”

  “Iz,” he said tenderly, “you can bring me to my knees.”

  The last bit of tension slid away as he held her, sharing her warmth and strength, loving her so damned much it hurt.

  Brand was an idiot, he’d never change.

  “He might come back one day just to annoy us.” His jaw clenched a little at the thought.

  “So might Moira and Jarrod.” Izzy shrugged. “We’ll deal with it.”

  “Yeah, you’re right. We will. Together.” Feeling better, Jason turned Izzy and led her back up the steps. “Let’s go in, grab the car keys.”

  “What’re you going to tell your Mum?”

  Shit. Jason opened the door, his thoughts jumbled. He could just say nothing, she was so happy, why spoil it for her?

  In the hallway, Izzy looked up at him.

  “I don’t know,” he said simply in response to her questioning expression.

  “I know you’re not asking me, but if you were…”

  He could do with some advice right now. “Yeah?”

  “I’d ring her. Tell her. She has a right to know.”

  He rubbed a hand through his hair, uncaring that he messed it up. “She’s so happy…”

  “Yes, she is. But she’s made her decisions, made a life for herself. You can’t protect her from everything, no matter how much you want to.” Resting her hand on his waist, Izzy went up on tip toe to kiss his chin. “But you can support her. Stand beside her. Keep her in the know.”

  Izzy was right, he knew it. “Okay. I’ll ring her.”

  “I’ll feed Arnie so he doesn’t harass you.”

  “I’ve got tinned food in the cupboard for him.” Jason reached for the phone on the hall side table.

  While Izzy disappeared into the kitchen, Jason dialled his uncle’s house. His mother answered almost immediately.

  “Hey, Mum.”

  There was silence for a few seconds, then Lora sighed. “Brand’s been, hasn’t he?”

  “You know?”

  “I’ve been sitting here chewing my nails, wondering if I should call you.”

  “Why wouldn’t you call me?”

  “Because you’re so happy. I didn’t want to upset you.”

  To think he’d been thinking the exact same thing. Jason shook his head, pinched the bridge of his nose.

  “Jim said I should. I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t worry about that. Are you all right?”

  “I’m fine.” Lora hesitated. “Well, I will be. It kind of shook me up.”

  “Damn it.” Jason’s hand tightened on the phone. “He didn’t touch you, did he? Didn’t hit you?”

  “Dear, he wasn’t game. Jim was breathing fire in the background ready to take him apart. He soon realised I wasn’t interested in returning to Gully’s Fall to look after him and your father-”

  “He wanted you to what?”

  “Resume my rightful place, apparently.”

  “That bast-”


  “Mum, he-”

  “Jason, I’m not going back. I know he was trying to emotionally blackmail me.”

  Jason could feel the steam practically coming out of his ears. “What’d he say?”

  “Never you mind. I can tell you as soon as it got out of hand, Jim came down those steps followed by Harris, and Brand realised he was barking up the wrong tree. Jason, I’m happy here. I’ve got you, Luke, Jim, Harris, Aaron, Blue, and now Izzy. I’ve found myself, I’m not about to go and lose it for a past that means nothing to me.”

  Eyes closing again, Jason took several deep breaths. His mother was so much calmer than he thought she’d be.

  “It rattled me to see him,” Lora admitted. “But it didn’t change my mind or my heart. I’m right where I belong, and you’re right where you belong.”

  “Yeah. Yeah, you’re right, Mum.”

  “Now.” Her tone became brisk. “Are you nearly ready to go?”


  “To dinner.”


  “Son,” Lora said with that touch of motherly sternness, “this changes nothing. We are, as a family, going to dinner. Now don’t be late. You hear me?”

  A smile crept across his face. “Yeah, I hear you, Mum.”

  “Good boy. Now collect Izzy and we’ll meet you at the restaurant shortly. We’re just about ready to leave.”

  “See you soon.” Hanging up the phone, Jason looked down at it for several seconds before he walked into the kitchen.

  Izzy was perched on one of the stools at the bench flicking through a newspaper. Watching intently, Arnie sat beside her sticking out a paw now and again to touch the paper as it flicked. Jason had a feeling she was turning the pages more to amuse the cat than to see what was on the next page.

  Looking up as he entered, she smiled. “Hey.”

  Crossing to her, he kissed the top of her head, feeling so damned lucky to have her, to have this life. “Hey.”

  “Speak to your Mum?” Her gaze was direct, concerned. Compassionate.

  “Yeah.” Settling his hands either side of her waist, he slid her down off the stool.

  “I’d be flustered at your manliness if I wasn’t worried about you getting a hernia,” she commented.

  “Never you mind about that.” He draped the shawl around her shoulders.

  “So, we’re still going to dinner?” She picked up the cute little evening purse.

  “Yep. I spoke to Mum, Brand had already been there, it shook her up but she stood her ground. Jim and Uncle Harris were her back-up.”

  Izzy nodded. “I’m glad they were there.”

  “Yeah.” Jason winced. “Guess I’ll have to try harder with Jim.”


  “Don’t look so entertained.”

  “I’ll try not to.” Izzy paused, shook her head. “Sorry, I can’t promise that.”

  Jason gave Arnie’s head a pat. “Your mum has a nasty streak.”

  “What can I say?” Izzy shrugged. “I’m not perfect. Besides, perfect is boring.”

  “You’re definitely not boring.” Jason steered her out of the kitchen. “And you’re perfect in my eyes.”

  “Why, Sir, I do declare you flatter me.” Over her shoulder, Izzy fluttered her eyelashes at him.

  He grinned at her. “Shameless hussy.”

  “Only with you,” she purred.

  “Hope this dinner doesn’t take too long,” he muttered, rewarded by her light laughter.

  That was just so Izzy, he thought as he locked the front door. Filling his life with laughter, making his life complete. A part of his life, a part of his family. He was looking forward to an evening with his family, sharing food, laughter and general chit chat. Sharing their companionship.

  Even if it did have to include a hulking ex-prize fighter who bought his mother flowers.


  The lounge room was now truly finished.

  Hands on hips, Jason looked around in satisfaction. It was an old-fashioned house and he’d tried not to stray too far from the old world air of it, but he’d also wanted to brighten it up, add the modern touches while keeping the original charm.

  He succeeded. Correction, he and Izzy had succeeded. What had once been a masculine home had definite touches of femininity about it. The plain paint had never eventuated in the lounge, instead paint had gone on up until the rail that was halfway up the wall, and from there pale blue wallpaper with tiny sprigs of roses rose to the freshly painted white ceiling. The curtains at the window were darker blue to match the roses, the lace curtains a pristine white. The furniture was dark wood, big and comfortable, just the way he liked it, but the flowered cushions in pastel blue were Izzy’s touch. So was the little antique table that also held the phone books in a drawer beneath and proudly sported a vase of flowers.

  Fake flowers, because Arnie kept nicking off with the real ones and Jason and Izzy kept finding them all over the house in all their
mangled glory. If they were really lucky, Arnie would have left them a burped up present containing flower petals and the odd leaf. They both agreed artificial flowers were the smarter option.

  The rug on the floor was Jason’s original one, the first one he’d bought when he’d moved into his house. The pictures he’d also bought still hung on the walls.

  In the corner of the room stood a scratching post for Arnie with a hammock at the top. Arnie spent many a hot afternoon hanging lazily out of it under the big overhead fan.

  Like the rest of the house, it was a reflection of Jason and Izzy. Jason had just added the last touch without Izzy knowing.

  Through the window he saw her car pull up in the driveway. Home from work, right on time. However…shaking his head, Jason moved to the front door and opened it. “Pull up in the garage, Iz. I left room for you.”

  “That’s really sweet,” she replied. “But did you fix the garage door?”

  “Of course I did…” he began, but at her cocked eyebrow, he finished, “…not.”

  Amused, she pulled a bag of takeaway out of the car and held it up. “Chinese. But I may not feed you now.”

  “Hmmm.” Coming onto the veranda, he watched as she came up the steps, taking the bag from her. “What if I begged?”

  “I might consider it.” She kissed his cheek, winked.

  Grinning, he followed her into the house, then stood and waited as she glanced idly into the lounge as she passed on her way to their bedroom, no doubt expecting to see Arnie investigating the fake flowers.

  Anticipating her reaction, Jason’s grin widened when she did a double-take.

  Stopping, Izzy stared into the lounge, her astonished gaze going straight to the one place he’d been dying for her to see.

  “Oh. Oh, Jason!” She looked from the lounge to him and back again. “Oh, Jason!”

  Placing the bag of food on the hall side table, he came up behind her, wrapped his arms around her, linking his hands on her belly. “You approve?”

  “It’s…I…How did you do it?”

  “Paid the photographer.”

  Half laughing, she settled her hands atop his. “But you chose the frame, right? The photo?”

  “That I can claim, yes.”

  Above the mantle in a charming antique frame was one of their wedding photos. It wasn’t one of the professional ones where the wedding party stood where the photographer told them, posing for countless photos. This was one Aaron had taken, a quick snap when they weren’t looking. It was one of Izzy and Jason’s favourites.

  It was a pose similar to now. Izzy standing, looking so beautiful in her wedding gown, Jason behind her with his arms around her waist almost identical to how he stood now. Izzy had leaned slightly to the side, turning to laugh up at him, all that happiness just bubbling out of her as her hands settled atop his. Jason was laughing right along with her. Their pose was so relaxed, so happy, so in-tune with each other.

  In the bottom left hand corner the photographer had somehow photo shopped - or whatever the heck they did, Jason had no idea - a picture of Arnie snoozing on his back. It had been cleverly inserted to make it appear as though he were under the gardenia bush nearby. Luke had been dubious when Jason had told him of that particular plan but heck, Arnie had brought him and Izzy together, he deserved to be in the photo.

  Leaning down, he placed his cheek against hers. “You like?”

  “I love.” Turning in his arms, his wife slid her arms around his neck. “But I love you more.”

  He grinned. “So I can share the Chinese food after all?”

  Her eyes sparkled. “After that wonderful surprise, you can have anything you want.”

  “Is that a promise?”

  “Yep.” She kissed him, kissed him a little deeper. “Anything.”

  “I feel in the mood for science experiments tonight, Professor.”

  She giggled, blushed a little which never failed to delight him.

  Heart swelling with love, so happy he felt he could burst, so content he’d purr like Arnie if he could, Jason cupped her cheeks. “The day you agreed to marry me, I promised you’d never be sorry. I promised I’d always love you, always protect you, always care for you. I love you so much.”

  Her smile was a little teary. “I promised not get too mad when you did something idiotic.”

  He couldn’t help but laugh at the memory. “I know. Glad to see you kept that promise.”

  Lowering his head, he kissed her gently, so very gently, pouring everything he could into it, wanting her to know how much he loved her even though she already knew and reciprocated it, showing him in so many ways.

  When their lips separated, she whispered, “Maybe we should just go to bed early.”

  “Great idea,” he began, only to stop when Arnie yowled.

  Turning their heads, they looked at the big Siamese who was sauntering towards them from the direction of the kitchen.

  “Ah,” said Jason. “The walking, talking stomach.”

  “Don’t be mean.” Izzy smacked him lightly on the arm.

  “Mean? He was flopped out in his hammock when I got home from work. Now he complains?”

  “You have no idea what he’s been up to all day.”


  Izzy dimpled up at him. “He’s hungry, and you’ve worked hard and are undoubtedly hungry, too. And I mean apart from your insatiable, sexual appetite.”

  “Nothing wrong with a healthy, insatiable, sexual appetite.” He winked. “As long as you feed it.”

  “How about this? I feed Arnie, I feed us courtesy of Chinese takeaway, and then you can indulge your other appetite as much as you like.” She winked back. “I’d hate to have you go weak from hunger halfway through the - er - science experiments.”

  Laughing, Jason let her go. He watched as she picked up the bag of food and walked to the kitchen, Arnie trotting along beside her nattering on about his day and the fact that he was starving to death and would surely perish if she didn’t get him food fast.

  Standing near the lounge doorway, Jason looked back in at the photo hanging on the wall. Him and Izzy, immortalized forever in a photo that reflected their love and happiness.

  Him and Izzy, forever and ever.

  Promises made to each other in front of family and friends.

  Promises made to each other in private, where no one else but the two of them could hear.

  The future was full of promise.

  Smiling, Jason wandered towards the kitchen from where the sound of his wife’s voice and their kooky cat drifted.

  Home. He was truly home.



  Angela Verdenius lives in Australia where she is ruled by her cats, adores reading, and thinks a perfect day is writing and drinking Diet Coke, followed by reading or a good horror movie. She has a weakness for potato chips, Pavlova & rainy days.

  To date, she has written numerous novels in sci-fi romance series and BBW contemporary romances, 2 novellas, and several short stories, one of which is a zombie story she had great fun writing. Her books have won many reviewers’ awards, as well as having been on the Fictionwise best-seller list and winning the Golden Rose Award.

  Connect with Angela:

  Monthly newsletter for updates and new releases

  Her website

  The lighter side of life Books, Cats & Life blog

  Author pages at Goodreads & Amazon & Book Bub

  Keep reading for a list of all available books in both ebook and print.

  Other Books by this Author

  BBW Romances

  Big Girls Lovin’ trilogy

  Doctor’s Delight

  Cop’s Passion

  Vet’s Desire

  The Lawson Boys duet

  The Lawson Boys: Alex

  The Lawson Boys: Marty

  The Virgin Sex Queen

  The Mackay Sisters duet

  Call on Me

  Lean on Me

  Seducing Sam
br />   Adam’s Thorn

  The Goodbye Girl

  The Gully’s Fall series

  Burn for You

  Fall for You

  Lie to Me

  Fly with Me

  You’re the One (not BBW)

  Second Chance


  Heart & Soul sci-fi romance series

  Heart of an Outlaw

  Soul of a Mercenary

  Heart of the Betrayed

  Love’s Sweet Assassin

  Soul of a Hunter

  Love’s Bewitching Thief

  Heart of the Forsaken

  Soul of a Witch

  Heart of a Traitor

  Soul of the Forgotten

  Love’s Beguiling Healer

  Heart of a Peacekeeper

  Soul of a Predator

  Love’s Winsome Warrior

  Heart of a Smuggler

  Soul of a Guardian

  Love, Heart & Soul Moments

  Shattered Soul

  Box Set

  Heart & Soul bks 1 - 4

  Novellas sci-fi

  Operation Seduction (BBW)

  Blast from the Past

  Free Short Stories

  Zombie Hospital





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