Loving the Pink Kiss

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Loving the Pink Kiss Page 18

by Shiralyn J. Lee

  “It wasn’t like that Jen. I wasn’t thinking straight back then. I think you wanted more than I could give you.” She was pleading with this woman but nothing was getting through to her.

  “No, no I didn’t. You felt something for me I know you did. You gave me your soul.” What would this cow know about souls?

  “My soul was empty Jen. I needed you to hurt me, I needed to feel pain. I told you I didn’t care what you did to me. I’m sorry if you got the impression that you thought I was yours. You’ve wasted all this time waiting for me, for nothing.” Maybe she should calm down on the honesty just for now I was beginning to feel that my father was being forced to listen to too much trashy information.

  “I hate you Robbie and I hate that slut you married. Maybe immigration services should be informed about this farce.” What a snitch!

  “I must say that my daughter is genuinely in love with Robbie.” My father put his arm around me showing his support for my relationship with my wife and I was proud to be standing at his side.

  “Oh shut up granddad.” She was pushing her luck insulting my dad like that. He doesn’t have any grandchildren yet. But I really wanted to knock her block off. Hearing her talk to my father like that was quite disturbing.

  “You dykes are all the same you’ll get what you deserve, you just wait.” With those remarks she grabbed a large pile of jeans that I had so neatly stacked and tossed them across the floor before storming out and ranting that she wasn’t finished with me.

  “Are you ok did she hurt you?” Robbie asked as she hugged me tightly.

  “Yes I’m fine thanks.” Just a bruised ego and a few embarrassing moments in front of my father that’s all.

  “Mr Niles I’m so sorry that you had to hear all of that.” I think that Robbie was slightly embarrassed too.

  “Please Robbie call me dad. I do consider you to be my daughter now. I may not say too much most of the time, but my heart is in the right place.” Isn’t he sweet?

  “Thanks Mr N. I mean dad.” She gave him a quick hug and then returned back to my open arms squeezing me tighter than she had ever done before.

  “Now I’m going to get your mother she must be worried. I suggest you two get this place back in order so you can let all of those high spending customers back in.” He never was one to let things affect him too much.

  “Thanks dad I love you.” I felt a little emotional saying that as I hadn’t said it enough in the past.

  “I love you too Sarah, now take care of this place and I’ll see you later.” And off he went to rescue my mother from her own worrying thoughts.

  We tidied up and put things back in their rightful place and opened back up for business. Robbie spent the rest of the day with me, helping out and chatting to customers and making some pretty decent sales for me. I felt proud to watch her in action. We also phoned Kate to let everyone know what had happened so they could be prepared for any action that cow might to throw at them. During the phone call I could hear people giggling in the background and Kate kept making a shush noise and whispering they’ll hear you. I didn’t pay too much attention to it as other things had prioritised my mind.

  Jessica joined in on the conversation and asked what we had planned for Saturday as she wanted us to come over about 1.30. Again I thought nothing of it as it was not an unusual request and an image of sitting in the garden enjoying a nice lunch and a few glasses of wine crossed my mind.

  After making a financial killing in the afternoon we closed up the store and picked up a takeaway on the way home. Of course I had to have my favourite lemon chicken.

  It was nice to have a peaceful evening after the events that had occurred earlier. My parents had invited themselves to stay over for the weekend and my mother kept relaying the scare we had all experienced. She was quite annoyed on how rudely Jen had presented herself. Perhaps she’d favour her as an angel if she had an insight to my recent activities, but as far as she was concerned they’d be kept under lock and key and with Robbie reassuring me that it was possible that Jen was out of the picture for good as she had never acted like this before was good news to my ears.

  Saturday was upon us and the sun was shining right through the lounge window sending beams of light across the room. Robbie opened the balcony door allowing a fresh breeze to cool us down. I turned on the CD player and a romantic song was playing. She summoned me to her and we danced slowly hugging tightly oblivious that my parents were standing in the room watching us.

  “Oh Sarah darling you two look so beautiful together.” My mother cried out and clasped her hands together; she had a sweet approving smile on her face.

  “Mum, we were just, you know. Anyway you two look nice are you going somewhere special?” Dad was handsomely dressed in a brand new suit and mum was holding a pink hat that matched her pink dress and pink shoes.

  “Um yes we are dear and we’ll tell you all about it later. Will you be going to see Jessica today at all?” She asked rather coyly.

  “Yes mum this afternoon actually, why?” She never asked me that before.

  “Oh just give her our love will you dear. We are very fond of her you know.” That was a pretty random comment being as she’s never involved herself with Jessica’s affairs in the past.

  “Ok mum will do.” Note to one’s self don’t turn out to be like my mother.

  “Well all being well we’ll see you both later then. Bye dear, bye Robbie.” And off they went on their merry way to do whatever it is that the older generation do.

  “So Robbie do you think my parents were acting a little strange? Come to think of it you’re acting a little different today as well. Am I missing something here?” I was growing suspicious that something was going on behind my back.

  “Can’t a girl just show her wife some romantic affection? After all we do have the place to ourselves for a few hours so how about a bit of fooling around?” She took me by the hand and led me into the bedroom where a bottle of champagne rested on a bed of ice in a bucket on the side table and red rose petals had been placed all over the floor.

  “Robbie what’s going on?” This was a beautiful gesture and I was extremely flattered by the whole ensemble.

  “Shush, I’m showing you a token of my love. I do love you Sarah Niles Page. I love everything about you, even your stubbornness, your naivety, your intelligence and your beauty. In a short space of time I have seen you grow from a spoilt brat who needed to be the center of attention into a warm loving person with a big heart. We have something so rare and special between us. Now take off your clothes and lay down over here.” She showed me the bed and I respected her wishes.

  I undressed slowly, capturing her full attention, and snuggled up next to her on the bed. She picked up an ice cube from the champagne bucket and gradually ran it down the back of my neck, then slipped it over my breasts allowing it to melt over my nipples. The sensation from the cold droplets of water encouraged them to stand erect and then she glided her warm tongue over them, sending me into an insane need to be fucked. As she entered me with her fingers she kept her face level with mine, watching my every expression as I felt the enjoyment of her thrusts. I loved her watching me, I was at my most vulnerable as she saw my weakness entwine itself with my strength. My inner soul belonged to her and as she brought me to orgasm she kissed me hard on the lips making me breathless and internally euphoric.

  We lay naked fondling each other for an hour when she said. “I have a surprise for you this afternoon.”

  “You do! What is it? Can I have a clue? Is it large? Is it expensive?” Could I ask any more questions, I was tiring myself out?

  “Whoa, slow down, no guessing. All I want you to do is dress in your most elegant outfit. Now that’s all I’m telling you. C’mon let’s take a shower together and then get ready, Jessica is expecting us shortly.” She playfully rolled me over to the edge of the bed where I came face to face with the bottle of bubbly.

  “So are we going to open the champagne?” What was
she celebrating?

  “No not yet that’s for later. You’ll see.” She was being too secretive.

  Our shower together was seductive and sensual and I felt a new energy in our relationship as she lovingly cleansed my skin with my oversized pink sponge. After drying I went into the bedroom and searched for something to wear. I chose a long white floaty dress that had shoestring halter neck ties. It was an item I had bought after the Kieragate incident but didn’t have an occasion in mind when I purchased it. I piled my hair up high on top of my head allowing a few wispy bits to hang down and only wore a light touch of make up giving me an innocent natural glow.

  Looking at my reflection in the mirror I could see the person that Robbie saw in me; here stood the softer kinder Sarah. I made my announcement that I was coming out of the bedroom telling her to close her eyes until I said otherwise.

  “Ok you can open them now!” I felt really special and feminine.

  “Wow you look like a Greek Goddess. Turn around let me see you. You look perfect Sarah.” She was admiring me with such authenticity and I welcomed her approval.

  “Thank you kind lady, I do feel elegant, you don’t think it’s too much do you?” I had no idea if I was overdressed for the surprise occasion.

  “Now didn’t I just say you look perfect?” She went into the bedroom to change and I was amazed when she reappeared wearing the same white suit that I had first met her in. It really showed off the blueness in her eyes; I just couldn’t help but be mesmerised by them.

  “Oh Robbie please tell me where we’re going I can’t stand it.” I begged.

  “No not yet now the taxi is here so you’ll know soon.” She picked up the camera and several poses later we were ready to leave.

  We arrived at Kate’s and as we got out of the taxi we were greeted by a house decorated in white streamers and white and silver balloons. The front door was already open and people’s voices were coming from the back garden. We walked through to the back of the house and were greeted by a loud cheer of (Surprise!) A glass of champagne found its way into my hand just as Robbie turned to face me and said. “Marry me Sarah. I mean properly, for love. Will you marry me?”

  I knew the journey that we had both recently travelled had been emotionally intense but everything felt so right.

  “I love you more than life Robbie, yes, yes I will marry you.” I was honoured to be in such wonderful company and for Robbie to want to marry me properly; I couldn’t have wished for anything better.

  Everyone cheered and toasted to the announcement and I could feel myself trembling with excitement as I looked around to see who all these people were. My parents were standing there with huge smiles on their faces. I should have known they were up to something. Jessica came marching up with a bouquet of flowers and winked at me as she shoved them in my hand and Charlie fixed a carnation on Robbie’s lapel.

  Kate gave us both a big hug and said that she was glad to be present at this ceremony. I was glad to have her there too. My cheeks were beginning to hurt from the constant smiling but I just couldn’t stop.

  “Ok gather round everyone.” Robbie called out.

  We put our drinks down on the table beside us and turned to face each other. Then she held both my hands as she began to make her speech.

  “Sarah I know that we have already placed our vows legally, so this is not an official ceremony, but for me it is real. I vow to love you forever, to make you smile every day, I vow to keep you safe and be your protector. I vow to support you in decisions that you make in life. I vow to work hard every day at keeping our relationship fresh and real. I love you Sarah.”

  “Robbie I have nothing prepared as this was an unexpected surprise a very pleasant one tho. But I will say that, I vow to love you always, to respect your decisions, I vow to learn to cook properly for you, I vow to be your lover as well as your best friend; I vow to give you my heart and my soul. But most of all I vow to be truthful and faithful to you because without you my soul is lost.” We sealed the deal with a long heartfelt kiss and I could see that my mother had completely turned into a happy emotional wreck with tears of joy gushing down her cheeks.

  “Sarah you look so beautiful sweetheart, I’m sorry we couldn’t say anything earlier but Robbie swore us to secrecy.” She lifted her hat up slightly to get a better look at me and my image met her approval with great pleasure.

  “That’s ok mum it was worth it. I’m glad you’re both here you soppy pair.”

  “Um your mother and I want to give you a wedding gift. We bought you a holiday to the South of France and there’s a cheque too for some spending money.” Wow honeymoon sorted.

  “Thanks dad that’s a wonderful gift but you didn’t have to do that you know.” But I’m glad they did. I showed them my gratitude with lots of kisses and waved the cheque teasingly in Robbie’s face.

  We were presented with lots of gifts and cards and Kate gave us a fabulous gift of equal shares in her business. With having been so ill she wanted someone that she could trust to take it on.

  Jessica and Charlie were seated on an old stone bench in front of the lavender bushes and it looked as tho they were having a small celebration of their own.

  “Robbie, Sarah, come over here.” Charlie called out with laughter in her voice. “We have an announcement of our own to make.” We wondered over to them sipping our champagne and holding hands as we were so in love.

  “What’s up?” I asked as we approached their giggling as if they had a little secret of their own.

  “I’ve just asked Jessica to marry me and she’s accepted.” Charlie really was smitten and I was so proud of her.

  “Oh that’s fantastic news you guys.” Oh how weddings bring out the best in people.

  “We’re going to bring the baby up together. By the way it’s a girl, we found out yesterday. Jake has also agreed to let Charlie adopt her. She will have full parental rights.” Charlie would make a wonderful parent with her patience and calm capabilities.

  This was a glorious day all round as so much joy and happiness was in the air. Each and every one of us had been on our own journey in life, maybe in different directions but all reaching the same destination: Destination love.





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