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For the Sake of Sin

Page 8

by Suzie Grant


  Ava tripped over the fallen bookshelf and headed for the open courtyard. Marco’s footsteps pounded behind her and just as she reached the archway, pain shot through her scalp. He yanked her back by the hair and she fell into him. “You’re not going anywhere.”

  Peering up into his blackened face, fear slithered up her spine. “Please stop, Marco!”

  “And now you beg?” He laughed. “It’s a little late for that, Ava.”

  Darkness covered the courtyard. The only light spilled from inside the house. She trembled under his hands, her heart thundered in her ears, and her palms grew moist. Certain he would kill her, Ava whimpered. He dragged her close and wrapped his large hands around her neck. “You’re going to ensure I make it out of here.”

  “You won’t make it out alive, Santiago.” The voice came from the bedroom and then Gabriel emerged from the darkened archway, his stride slow and steady as he loaded his pistol.

  “I wouldn’t be so sure about that. Once my men—”

  “They’re dead.”

  Marco stiffened behind her and Ava gasped as his hold tightened. “I don’t believe you.”

  Gabriel shrugged. “Then don’t. Make it easy on yourself and release Ava.”

  “Do you think I am estupido?” Marco shook his head. “I’ll break her neck if you take another step. If you were a smart man you’d let me go.”

  Gabriel shook his head. “A smarter man would know when to fold.”

  Ava sensed the desperation in Marco’s tense hold. Mistakes by any of them could result in unnecessary deaths. She tried to avert his attention. “Marco, I’ll go with you. Just calm down.”

  “There’s no need to go with him, Ava. Two more seconds and he’s a dead man.”

  She clenched her teeth in frustration. Couldn’t Gabriel see she was trying to defuse the situation? Things were getting out of hand. “Marco,” she whispered. “Just listen to me. I’ll go with you, wherever you want.”

  “I’ll give you one more chance, release Ava, Santiago,” Gabriel inserted. Marco panted now. His gaze swung from the left to the right, searching for an escape. Gabriel smiled. “There’s nowhere left to run.”

  “Don’t be so sure about that.” Marco yanked her back and she stumbled to keep up. Marco’s grip on her throat stung. “I’m taking her with me. Make a move and she’s dead.”

  “Ante up, Santiago. I’m calling your bluff.”

  The gunshot exploded and Marco’s body jerked in response. She gasped as blood spattered across her cheeks. Stunned, she plummeted, still wrapped in Marco’s arms. Her entire body shuddered and shock rippled through her.

  Screaming, she leapt up and whirled. Marco’s lifeless eyes stared back at her, and the tiny bullet hole centered in the center of his forehead. He was dead. Her sister’s dark eyes flashed through her mind. You can rest in peace, María, mi hermana.

  Ava trembled fiercely. Her body shook until her teeth chattered. Warm arms encircled her and she immediately sought Gabriel’s comfort. She cried into his shoulder. Relief released the weight from her shoulders.

  “It’s over?”

  Gabriel nodded. “It’s over.”

  “That easy, huh?” she chuckled.

  “Yup, that easy.”

  She leaned back in his arms to peer up at him. “Why did you change your mind, Gabriel?”

  He sighed. “Years ago, I sought the man who’d killed my wife and son. I hunted him until I finally caught him but I was just a greenhorn. He held a young woman hostage and I missed the shot. I shot them both with a single bullet through the neck.” His voice broke. “She was little more than a child at seventeen. And I killed her.” His gaze grew distant as he shook his head. “I can’t let that happen again, do you understand? I can’t let another innocent person die for the sake of revenge.”

  She gasped at his admission. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  He cupped her cheeks. “I went into the military, learned to kill, perfected the craft and became an assassin after that. But over the years I’ve learned an eye for an eye doesn’t relieve the pain.” Gabriel wrapped his arms around her and rested his chin atop her head. “Vengeance changes people. Strips all the joy and laughter from a person’s life. Rip’s out your heart and closes off any chance at love. I can’t sit by and watch what happened to me, happen to you. After everything you’ve been through you deserve some happiness. Don’t let anger and hate waste the best years of your life.”

  The crack in her armor completely broke and fell away. Ava hugged him close and cried tears of happiness and disappointment into his shoulder. Something akin to love blossomed in her chest. Warmth she hadn’t felt in years bloomed and spilled over through her tears. “You’re a good man, Gabriel. How can I ever repay you?”

  He stepped away from her and held her at arm’s length. “Live long and be happy, and share that beautiful smile with everyone.”

  A void centered in her chest. “You’re leaving, aren’t you?” Why had she whispered those words, when she truly did not want him to answer them.

  He nodded. “You have a chance at a new life, Ava. Use it wisely. You’re too good for this.” He pointed to their surroundings. “I only hope whatever is next for you was worth all this.”

  “It will be,” she whispered, meaning it. She was ready to start a new life. Retire from being a courtesan and perhaps learn to love someone again. Although, some distant thought reminded her no man would ever fill Gabriel’s place. He was right, he’d become...too precious. “And you? Where will you go?”

  He smiled. “Back to my retirement plans.”

  “Which are?”

  He ducked his head and color actually flooded his face. “I’m headed to Southern California. I’m going to own a vineyard. My wife loved wine and it was her dream to make wine someday. Somehow it’s become a dream of mine as well.”

  A twinge of pain erupted somewhere deep inside. He still loved his wife. She smiled through her tears and cupped his cheek. “What a beautiful dream that is, Gabriel.” She kissed his cheek and his breath caught in her ear. “You deserve some happiness, too. I hope you can find it.”

  He captured her palm and kissed it. “Thank you.” They whispered the words in unison, both realizing this as the end as well as a new beginning. In a matter of days, they’d both changed. Only time would tell how things would turn out, but for now, a promise of tomorrow brightened the horizon.

  Her hands slid from his face as he backed away, his eyes on her. Then he turned and strode through the archway and into the ruins of the burning buildings. Gone from her with only a single night of bliss and a promise.

  She stood amidst the chaos of the ruins for what seemed like hours, a hand over her aching heart and tears washing away the last remnants of her previous life. Hoping against all hope that one retired assassin would change his mind for a second time.

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