TEMPTATION - A Bad Boy Romance

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TEMPTATION - A Bad Boy Romance Page 84

by Gabi Moore

  “I’ll give you something to suck on before this is all over,” I promised.

  He moaned in response, and the crowd closed even tighter around our bodies. They were so loud, and I could feel the sexual energy flying through the air between them. The sensations of sex seemed heightened beyond all reason. I’m not sure whether it was the drugs, the crowd, or the combination of the two, but I was having one of the best fucks of my life. I felt super dominant, and completely in control of my sex appeal. I was so confident, it felt like I could have bent over and fucked any one of the spectators around us. That level of confidence pushed me to fuck even harder; it was a glorious cycle.

  Not that I had my fill of his ass, but I wanted to push things further into the realm of humiliation. I really wanted to see just how far I could take this whole experience. In the moment, I felt like I could do whatever I want, so I did. I slapped his ass so hard I knew it would leave a mark the next day.

  When I stood up and pulled out of him, I got an intense head rush. All of the drugs in my system seemed to overwhelm my awareness at once. I gasped for breath, and watched as the room spun around me. Everything was so vivid, and disorienting. I lost track of myself, and all of my pretense. For a moment, I felt incredibly vulnerable. I looked down at the man I had been fucking. He was blissed out, and panting on the floor. His ass was raised up in the air, and sweat covered his entire body. When I saw his face, I knew that he was intoxicated with pleasure. I had been the one that had caused him that pleasure. For a moment, I felt the responsibility of my role in the sexual relationship. I was more than a bad boy, performing in front of an audience. To him, I was a lover. The shift in roles became a stumbling block to my game of dominance. I faltered.

  Keep it together, Stoker, I reminded myself, knowing that the performance was not yet over.

  Raising my foot up to his hips, I pushed him down to the ground on his side. He rolled over without any form of resistance, until he was flat on his back -- still gasping for air. My cock was wet from being inside of him, and I was still hard. Lowering my body, I straddled his face. With a single motion, I shoved my cock into his throat. I felt him gag for a moment, and then he closed his lips around me.

  Thrusting forward with my hips, I began to ride his mouth. I didn’t fuck him hard, but mostly because I felt a sort of exhaustion coming over me. Instead, I worked my cock slowly in and out of his mouth. I was resolved to simply let him do most of the work. My balls rested on his upper lip, and I could feel the breath coming through his nose. As short bursts of air tickled my scrotum, I hunched over his body.

  Something inside of me changed, then. The transformation was beyond my control. I saw his cock in front of my face, and he looked beautiful. I wanted to have him inside of me as well. The feeling of his lips wrapped around my cock pushed me towards ecstasy, and I leaned forward on his body. My hands found either side of his hips, and I felt a tenderness that I didn’t feel only moments before. This time, when I was touching him, I felt like was losing myself within him. These thoughts were totally unprecedented, and it felt like some kind of alien mind was overwhelming my consciousness with compassion.

  For a moment, I tried to fight it off. I honestly gave the fight everything I had to give. My cock made him choke, and I pushed down farther inside of him. In response, he only pulled me in deeper with his mouth. One of his hands went up to pet my hair, while the other began to probe my asshole -- pushing against my own resistance as I had pushed against his. The sensations were too much for me in my state of heightened sensitivity. I let out a moan, and looked down at his cock. He was harder than the last time.

  I watched his cock, inches from my lips, as it throbbed up and down with his heartbeat. He didn’t have any lubrication on his finger, so his entrance was slow. I even felt a sharp pain from the pressure, but when he pushed past that, all of my dominance left me. My mouth fell onto his cock, and I began to suck him eagerly. He tasted wonderful. As his finger worked slowly, from side to side, deeper into my asshole, I lost track of myself completely.

  The crowd was going wild, and there was more commotion than there had been so far. I wasn’t sure what it was about, so I looked up. The club bouncers were finally trying to break through the crowd in order to get at us. I could only see the tops of their heads, towering over the crowd several layers deep. They were huge men, and rightly so, but they were several layers of people away from us. We were insulated by our own celebrity.

  My cock continued to be sucked eagerly, deeper into his mouth each moment. He had worked his finger into my asshole, and was slowly moving it around in circles. The effect was intoxicating. Obedient to the moment of our affection, I lowered my head once more and began to pull harder on his own cock with my mouth. I wanted to drink from him before this was all over, and I knew I needed to act fast.

  With my free hands, I began to stroke the base of his cock, while fingering his asshole. I worked myself into a steady rhythm. My mouth focused on the head of his dick, and I sucked feverishly. My finger dug into his asshole, and entered quite easily compared to the time before. He wasn’t lubed up this time, and so it was slower going in, but I didn’t care. I wanted his cum, and I wanted it fast. I knew that pushing through the resistance would get me closer to where I wanted to be.

  I felt him groan on my cock, which only encouraged me more. The encouragement was all I needed to remove my hand from the base of his cock and focus on his testicles instead. Now that I had a whole shaft to work with, I wasted no time shoving his entire length down my throat. He was larger than I had anticipated, and the fullness of his dick inside of me caused my eyes to roll back in my head.

  Pulling with my lips and bobbing my head with everything I had, worked at his cock. He matched my pace, and soon the two of us had very little separation between our bodies at all. Our chests were matched up over one another, and both of us had forgone any need to breathe. Both throats were stuffed with cock, and both assholes were filled by two fingers. I felt his balls swell up in my hand, and I knew he would blow his load soon. I began to grow dizzy from lack of oxygen, but I pushed forward regardless. I was so close, and I thought just maybe…

  “Yes!” my soul screamed.

  His cock swelled up inside of my mouth, and I felt his balls pull upward toward the base of his body. The rush of anticipated cum was enough to make me blow my own load down his throat. A series of convulsive shudders rolled through my body, and I spread my legs wide so he could have full access to my asshole. Cum poured out of me, into his throat, while I slurped down his own gift to me.

  My own sense of self disappeared, and I became completely wrapped up within a feeling that was larger than myself. Sperm flowed freely between the two of us, and I greedily gulped down everything he had to offer. I didn’t care about breathing, and each contraction of my own asshole pushed more of my own sperm into his mouth. My mind, lost in pleasure, began to go into a visionary state.

  I saw the two of us as being connected on a deeper level. We were a cycle of fluid exchange, true, but something more was happening. I felt a surge of light enter my body through his cock. The feeling was uncomfortable, and I considered fighting it, but the force was too strong. The moment passed, and I continued to give into my lust. I sucked him dry, and took everything that he had to offer -- including the powerful hallucinatory light produced as an effect of the drug. In that moment, I didn’t care what the consequences of this experience might be. All I cared about was pushing as deeply into him as I could, and taking as much of his orgasm as possible into myself.

  When it was clear that there was nothing more to take, the lights in my vision died down. I returned to the awareness of the club and the crowd. Then, I noticed that the security officers were not security personnel at all -- they were cops, and they were almost here.

  In a single movement, I let his cock pull out of my throat and rose up to my feet. I was dizzy, and needed oxygen badly. Adrenaline was surging through my body, and the first officer had finally
broken his way through the crowd. With my mind completely lost to instincts, I took the only reasonable action available to me at the time. I ducked down for momentum, and launched my entire body at the officer. I’d been in situations similar to this before, and I knew that you only really had one shot to connect.

  My shoulder connected squarely with the cop’s neck, and my momentum took the two of us to the ground.

  “RIOT!” I screamed, but the crowd was already one step ahead of me.

  Every dog has his day.

  Chapter 6: Daniel

  “Cum Drunk”. That’s the best way of describing how I felt after the two of us finished.

  My entire body was tingling, and I knew that I had achieved something spectacular, but I wasn’t quite sure what that was. I knew that I was available for whatever exchange had taken place, and I knew once he had gotten up that everything was over.

  “STOKER” was written on his chest. I wasn’t sure if that was his name, but he seemed like an arrogant sort of guy who would have his own name tattooed on his chest. For some reason, within the chaos of that moment, that detail stood out for me. I didn’t have that much longer to pay attention to him, because he launched himself over my body toward some member of the crowd. When my eyes followed him to the other side of my body, I saw him connect -- not with a crowd member, but with a cop.

  Oh shit, I thought, and I sobered up immediately.

  It was a weird kind of sobering -- something where I didn’t have complete control of my perceptions, but was still pushed into a highly functional state. I was in dreamland, with a lucidity provided by a surge of adrenaline. I had to get out of there, and fast. I knew that if I stuck around any longer, things would not end up well for me.

  I looked to the side of me, and saw a jacket get kicked by another member of the crowd. Not thinking, I crawled over, and picked up the jacket. Throwing it on, I managed to grab my bearings. There was another cop headed toward me, but he was cut off by an enthusiastic raver dyke. She wore industrial type clothes, and had leather spikes on her gloves. A bottle flew from her hand, and clocked the cop in the side of the head. The officer was disoriented, and turned to face her.

  “FUCK THA POLICE!” she shouted, obviously enjoying her moment in the glowing light of rebellion.

  Another body shoved a pair of pants into my arms, and slapped me on the ass.

  “Good show,” they said, “Follow me.”

  He was a bear type, with scruffy facial hair and biker tattoos. Someone that I would have been intimidated by in absolutely any other circumstance, but I did what he said. Without so much as a moment’s hesitation, he held my hand and charged full speed through the crowd, knocking people aside with his shoulders and free arm. He had been headed toward the exit, but on his way toward the final departure point, he was intercepted by a police dog and a can of mace.

  The biker got furious, and completely lost track of his righteous purpose in helping me escape. The dog was flung to the side, and the police officer who had sprayed the man with mace was doing his best to fight off the blind rage of the biker. I opted to slink off to the side, finding myself once more at the side of the stairwell which lead up toward the roof.

  The rope was still up, and I didn’t bother to undo it this time. I simply ducked underneath the cord, and ran up the stairs. My bare ass was available for the entire club to see, though I didn’t look back to find out who was paying attention and who wasn’t. The crowd was in absolute discord, and I had no desire to be seen by anyone -- security or otherwise. Making my way up to the roof, I opened the door, and looked out at the evening sky.

  The roof was vacant, and the noise from the riot downstairs was only a murmur through the insulation provided by the ceiling. Realizing I had a moment to myself, I hastily put on the pants that had been given to me. The pants were actually mine, which was alarming, but the jacket had belonged to someone else.

  “Divine providence,” I said to myself, offering justification for the fact that I had blatantly stolen someone else's jacket, and had no plans to return the item.

  With a frenzied pace, I walked over to the side of the rooftop where the garden was most prolific. Interestingly enough, I found a sequence of platforms available for climbing. Beyond the planter, on the other side of the seating area, there was a fire escape which lead down the side of the building. Not wanting to remain visible to any of the people who might still come up the stairs, I climbed down the fire escape first, thinking I would plan my escape from that point afterward.

  Definitely a “Leap before you Look” type scenario.

  On the other side, climbing down the rusted metal grating which composed the fire escape, I heard the door slam open. Whoever had opened up the door was now talking through some kind of radio device, which I heard click on and off frequency. Looking to the side, I noticed an indentation in the wall where a window and ledge had been placed. Without thinking, I left the safety of the ladder, and positioned myself on the window’s ledge.

  A dog barked above, and I heard some noise moving outward toward the ladder where I had climbed down. Pushing myself as close to the window as possible, I flattened my body, and held my breath.

  “If you saw him up here, he’s not here right now,” the officer said into the radio. “Looks like he may have climbed down the fire escape into the alleyway between Fifth and Camino. Should I pursue?”

  “That’s a negative,” the voice replied. “Primary objective at this point is crowd control. All officers will be needed to make arrests for the riot downstairs. We can’t divert resources to pin down a couple of perverts.”

  “Got it,” the officer replied.

  The dog barked and growled once more. I stayed in my tiny inlet, pressing my hands up toward the ceiling as tightly as possible so that I wouldn’t fall into the alleyway below. Usually, I wouldn’t be this brave, but I had an unnatural sense of my own abilities. There was a confidence in me, that modified how I looked at the situation. Instead of considering whether or not I would fall down, I was simply acknowledging the amount of effort that would be required for me to stay secure on the ledge, and exerting that amount of effort. I had no illusions about where that extra amount of confidence had come from; it was Thomas’s drugs, to be sure.

  When the door to the rooftop closed once more, I took a deep breath and assessed my situation.

  The alleyway was about two stories below, and there were police cars on the street on either side. Fortunately, it seemed that for the moment, the majority of the police presence was still inside of the club, or just outside either of the main entrances. Looking across the alleyway, I noticed that the building on the other side had a number of small balcony structures, complete with their own terraced planters. I made a quick evaluation of the distance, looked down once more to re-affirm that climbing down to the alleyway would not be an option, and then jumped.

  My heart leaped up in my chest, and adrenaline coursed through my body. When I landed, one foot slipped, and I gashed up my leg pretty bad, causing some of the wooden terracing to fall down into the alley below.

  Shit… I thought, struggling to get up, and crawl my way forward to the edge of the fire escape. At least I made it.

  The piece of wood fell harmlessly to the floor below, but the sound of the fallen object was drowned out by the noise of the riot, which had spilled out into the street. My leg had been protected by the pants, but only so that the damage was not as severe as it could have been. My feet hurt from the impact, and my heartbeat was racing beyond that which was reasonable. Knowing I needed to move forward, I climbed up the side of the balcony to the roof access for the second building.

  Fortunately for me, the second building was part of a larger series of industrial warehouses that were linked together for the better part of one city block. Within moments, I was away from the noise of the ‘Lectricland. The new sounds which surrounded me were industrial heating and cooling ventilation shafts, and the sounds of traffic on the streets three stories
below. I felt irrevocably alive. So many parts of the evening shouldn’t have happened the way that they did, but the fact that I had made it through each trial had given me an unrealistic sense of confidence in my own abilities.

  I didn’t have time to reflect on the events of the evening yet. I knew I wasn’t out of trouble, but I was past the danger zone and that felt incredible.

  The next descent was much less problematic than the first. When I got to the end of the warehouse line, I was only a couple of blocks away from the club. I hadn’t run into any problems, and the drop down to the street was easy enough. The warehouse periphery included a loading dock with a parked box van. Transitioning from the rooftop to the van was not a big deal after the incident in the alleyway. I dented up the top of the van a bit, but nothing too bad. When I got to the street level, I was so excited to have made my escape that I decided to go for a run. I ran all the way home, not even stopping once to catch my breath.


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