FILF_Fireman I'd like to...

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FILF_Fireman I'd like to... Page 1

by Savannah May

  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25



  Fireman I’d like to…

  Savannah May


  Chapter 1

  2. Carter

  3. Olivia

  4. Carter

  5. Olivia

  6. Carter

  7. Olivia

  8. Carter

  9. Olivia

  10. Carter

  11. Olivia

  12. Carter

  13. Olivia

  14. Carter


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25


  Also by Savannah May



  I watch from the corner of my eye as Reese shifts around in his lounge chair, dragging up the backrest until he finally has it adjusted it so that he’s in a seated position. All so he can get a better view across the pool.

  I try not to laugh at my best friend as he lounges back and wraps his slender fingers around the outrageously over-sized frames of his knock-off Channel sunglasses. He eases them down the bridge of his nose, so he can peer over the top. I’ve been wondering how long it would take him to notice Carter.

  “Holy hotness, Batgirl!’ He hisses from the corner of his mouth. “Who is that standing next to your dad at the grill?”

  I can feel my cheeks turning bright red and I hope to god that Reese doesn’t notice. I haven’t ever told him about Carter.

  “That’s Carter Tyson,” I whisper back. Just saying his name makes my insides squelch. “And before you get all hot and bothered, forget it. He’s my dad’s best friend, he’s like thirty-five, and he’s super straight. So just keep your pack in those cute little pink and green floral swim trunks, because it’s never going to happen.”

  A knowing wide smile spreads across Reese’s face and he raises his eyebrows at me, at the same time he waggles a finger.

  “Oh. My. God. Olivia Mitchell, you’ve been holding out on me. How is it that I’ve been in your hometown for three entire days and you haven’t even shown me Janesville’s biggest attraction?”

  Oh god, someone please stop him. There are a bunch of other guys from Carter’s crew scattered around the pool. But there’s no stopping Reese once he get’s going. He’s a runaway train.

  “I mean look at those abs,” he squeaks. “And that ass. Seriously, Liv, there should be a billboard right as you pull into town that says, ‘Welcome to Janesville, California, Home of Carter Tyson.’ Please tell me he’s one of your father’s hotshots. He’s a fireman, isn’t he?”

  I roll my eyes. “Of course he’s a fireman, who else is my father going to be friends with? He lives, eats, and breathes for his crew.”

  A burst of laughter escapes my mouth as I watch Reese lie back in his lounge chair and fan himself like he’s having a hot flash.

  “I seriously don’t know how you do it,” he pants. “You must be the Virgin Mary. Because there is nothing more tempting and decadent than a hotshot—I mean there’s something about the whole fireman meets mountain man vibe they’ve all got going on that makes you want to just lick them all over.”

  I’m cracking up seriously now. And when my eyes snap across to the grill I was sure I saw Carter watching me. But his eyes moved away again so maybe he was just casting around the party.

  “How did you grow up around these guys and not internally combust?” Reese continues. No, there’s definitely no stopping him now. “I think he needs to come over here right now put out my fire.”

  “First of all, Reese…eww,” I blurt out, because he’s starting to attract attention from some of the crew and I would just die if anyone found out. “This is my father and his friends that you are talking about. So just stop. And second, even if I wanted to date one of the crew, much less lick one of them, it would never happen. My father has a strict ‘no dating firemen rule’ and they’re all pretty much terrified of him.”

  Except for Carter, I think to myself.

  I glance across the pool again, my eyes hypnotically pulled back to him without my permission. I watch Carter for a second. He’s laughing at something my dad’s saying. The last time I saw him, he had a full beard. Now a thin sexy stubble runs across his jawline. His dark messy hair is rippling in the wind. I’d love to feel it rippling through my fingertips.

  It’s been three years since I last saw him and it’s hard to believe he looks better now than he did then. Dark aviator sunglasses cover his amazing seas glass eyes, but I know they’re sparkling with little gold flecks because he’s laughing and they always do that. I’ve had them memorized for years. He’s wearing nothing more than black board shorts and a pair of leather flip-flops.

  Reese is right, he is the main attraction in town. He has been for as long as I can remember. Carter’s body is flawless, apart from one tattoo on his left shoulder, which is the Laurel Mountain Hotshots emblem in all black. Soft tanned skin covers hard defined muscle on every inch of him. I wonder for probably the millionth time what it would feel like to be pressed up against him, to have his massive arms wrapped around me.

  Reese is talking but I haven’t been listening. I need to get a hold of myself.

  “Earth to Liv. Did you hear me?” He’s saying and that smirk is back. Like he has a secret.

  I clear my throat, “What? Sorry.”

  Reese laughs. “Oh, no. You seriously do have it bad. Don’t you? How long have you had the hots for HotShot McCoy?”

  I look over at him and roll my eyes. “Whatever blondie,” I snip. “I’m not blind, I can see that he’s hot. But like I said, he’s my father’s best friend, he’s thirty-five, and off limits. I definitely don’t have the hots for him.”

  “Don’t blondie me, blondie, you’re not fooling anyone. I know that look. And why exactly is he off limits? Because of some arbitrary rule, your dad made when you were fourteen? You’re twenty-three years old. You’re a grown ass woman, you just graduated from college. You should go for it. He’s a lot better than the wanker you’ve been dating.”

  I frown at Reese. There’s no question Carter is a better man than Jonathan. But Jonathan is available and Carter isn’t. “What do you have against Jonathan?”

  “Nothing per se. It’s just that he’s not even in your league. I mean on a scale of hotness, you’re in the nine to ten range and he’s, like, a six.”

  “Come on Reese. I’m so not a nine and
he’s not that bad. And besides, looks aren’t everything.”

  “Oh, paaleese…Liv. Look at you. Long golden sun-streaked hair. Banging body. I mean I don’t even like tits, but even I can tell that they’re perfect. You’re pretty much a female version of me. So, yeah. Nine or Ten.”

  I laugh and reach over and playfully tap Reese on the shoulder. “Your modesty continues to astound me, but get serious.”

  “Ok, seriously - we both know you’re the furthest thing from a sapiosexual.”

  “A sappy what?” I say, laughing at Reese’s attempt to be bookish.

  “A sapiosexual - a person more turned on by smarts than looks.”

  “I could be a sappy-sexual,” I pout pretend. “Seriously though, why don’t you like Jonathan?”

  Reese moves his ridiculously oversized sunglasses on top of his head, pushing back his wild blonde wispy hair and looks at me with his striking cornflower blue eyes.

  “It’s not that I don’t like him, Liv. I don’t know him that well. But there just doesn’t seem to be a lot to him. Last night at the bar, he seemed more interested in getting drunk with his buddies than spending time with you. You deserve someone spectacular. Like Hottie HotShot over there, who is, by the way, completely checking you out right now.”

  A swarm of butterflies lifts off in my stomach and no amount of gulping down will press them back. I’m trying desperately not to think about the fact that Carter is standing in my father’s backyard just a few feet away from me. I’d hoped Reese would forget about him and I’ve tried to change the subject back to Jonathan but it looks like he isn’t going to give it up. Before I can stop them, my eyes bat over towards Carter and ohmigod, he is looking this way. But I’m sure he’s not looking at me.

  “He’s my dad’s best friend and I’m sure he’s not checking me out.” Although I really wish he was, with a yearning my body won’t ignore.

  “He’s definitely checking you out. Unless my gaydar is out of whack?” Reese snorts as though to say ‘as if’, then when Carter seems to color and look away quickly, adds smugly; “Nope. It’s operating full throttle. I guess it’s possible that he’s checking me out. Well, he’s definitely checking one of us out.”

  I squeak and laugh at the same time. “Your gaydar is not out of whack, my friend. But he is straight, trust me. He had a wife at some point and from what I hear, he’s with a different firehouse groupie every weekend. My dad is always giving him shit about it.”

  A huge grin spreads across Reese’s face. “Oh my god, he’s an f-boy. A man-whore. Even better. There are firehouse groupies? Tell me more. Where do I sign up?”

  Now I can’t help but giggle. “There are wild herds of them,” I tell him. “They show up at the firehouse all the time with stacks of baked goods, casseroles, and cleavage. Some of the more stalkerish ones have even shown up at the house looking for my dad.”

  “Hey, do you blame them? Your dad’s hot. I mean I would—”

  I scream and put my hands over my ears, “Reese. Stop! Don’t even go there or we won’t be friends anymore.”

  “Chill out blondie. I so would not do your dad, that would definitely break the roommate code of conduct. I’m just saying he’s doable, that’s all.”

  I shake my head. The last thing I want to hear from my best friend is that he thinks my dad is ‘doable.’ Just eww.

  I watch Reese abruptly sit up in his chair and clutch his chest. “Oh. My. God. Liv. He’s the one, isn’t he?”

  I furrow my brow. “What? Who? My dad? What are you freaking out about?”

  “No. Carter. He’s the one! That night sophomore year, when we had way too many margaritas and then moved on to straight tequila. You puked? Remember? But right before that, you confessed that you regretted handing over your v-card to Steve Jenkins, freshman year. You told me you were hopelessly in love with someone back home and that you wished you’d saved yourself for him.”

  I’m shaking my head ‘no’ ferociously, to no avail.

  “Oh. My. God. I’m right, aren’t I, it’s Carter? Hottie Hotshot’s the guy.”

  I swallow hard and feel my heart speed up. I’m sure my face is bright red. How the hell could Reese know that? Am I that obvious?

  “You are so not right,” I insist. “Forget about Carter. And quit changing the subject. We were talking about Jonathan. Tell me why you don’t like him.”

  He smiles at me and shakes his head. “Okay. But you’re not off the hook. We’re so talking about this later. Oh shit.”

  As if on cue, I look up following Reese’s eyeline and see Jonathan walking across the patio. As soon as he reaches us, he bends over and gives me a kiss smack on the mouth, his hand on my thigh, which I don’t like. We’ve only been out a few times. I don’t like that he’s kissing me in front of my dad.

  In front of Carter.

  “Hey, babe. What’s up?” He looks over at Reese and laughs. “Nice shorts dude. Did you borrow those from Liv?”

  I cringe as soon as Jonathan speaks and I hear Reese clear his throat before sniping back, “I think the better question is, sweet cheeks, why are you staring at my shorts?”

  I can’t help but squirm as I watch Jonathan’s face turn fire engine red and when I glance at Reese, he’s giving me the ‘I told you so look.’

  Maybe he’s right. Jonathan’s not the one for me.



  I’m trying to listen to John tell me what drills he wants me to run with the rookies next week. I really am trying, but my mind is racing and I’m completely distracted. About twenty minutes earlier, I was looking forward to this. The superintendent’s annual crew party. Sitting by the pool. Perfect weather. Grilling burgers. Drinking beer. Hanging out with the crew and talking shit until the sun goes down. That’s what today is for. A morale boost, before wildfire season starts.

  We need it this year especially. We lost three crew members last year. One to retirement, one moved across the state and the other, tragically, to the job. Now we’ve got three rookies to break in. Bonding between hotshot crew members is critical. We have to have each other’s back. Twenty-two brothers bound by the sheer will to keep each other alive.

  That’s how you make it through a wildfire. The younger guys just see today as a chance to blow off steam and watch John drink too many beers and tell jokes. Just the way I saw it ten years ago when I was transferred to Laurel Mountain, as a rookie. But now I know better. Today’s about a lot more than blowing off steam.

  And that’s why I’m pissed off at myself. I’m pissed that my mind and body are distracting me from what today is about. As soon as I came in through the back gate, I saw her. The most perfect woman I’ve ever seen. She was lying back on a lounge chair across the pool. Her long golden hair was tied up in a messy knot on the top off her head and she was laughing.

  It was the most beautiful thing I’d ever heard, or seen. Her perfect toned body was on display covered only by three small pale blue triangles. That bikini should be illegal, I thought as I walked towards John.

  Traversing the deck was awkward with the way my dick twitched in my board shorts. I had to know who she was. And how soon was soon enough to ask for an introduction. As soon as I made my way over to the grill, she took down her hair and I watched it fall around her shoulders. I couldn’t take my eyes off her. She was stunning. When she lifted the dark sunglasses off her face and pushed them on top of her hair, my heart stopped. That’s when I realized who she was.

  It’s Livy. Fuck! Little Livy. As in, John’s daughter. My best friend’s daughter. My boss’s daughter.

  I’m trying to remember the last time I saw her. Three maybe four years ago? She’s been away at college in Sacramento and it’s hard to believe it’s been that long. But she hadn’t come home during the summers and at winter break, I was always down south visiting family. I can hardly believe it’s her. She’s definitely no longer the shy little lanky teenager I remember.

  I try to calculate her age. She must be twenty-two o
r twenty-three now. Christ, what am I doing calculating her age? It doesn’t matter. I’m too fucking old for her and even if I wasn’t, that shit would never fly with John. I need to stop watching her. I need to look away. But I can’t make myself do it. She is extraordinary.

  I’m lost in thought when I hear John call my name, “Carter. Carter. What the fuck? Are you even listening to me?”

  I look over at him. “Sorry man. I was thinking about that prescribed burn that’s happening on the south side of the mountain next week,” I lie. At least I feel a twang of guilt for it.

  “Yeah. We’ll talk about it later,” John grumbles. “Not now in front of the crew. Hand me that steel brush, would you? I need to clean off these grates before I put the meat on.”

  I hand him the utensil. “So, it looks like Livy’s all grown up,” I say, immediately wishing I hadn’t as my blood starts to rush in my veins.

  I watch John shake his head. “Jesus. Don’t get me started. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad she’s back home, but sometimes it’s easier not knowing what’s going on, ya know what I mean?”

  I swallow hard. “Yeah, I guess. She’s just—she looks so different.” Why can’t I shut the hell up?

  “Fuck you, Carter. You better not be checking out my baby girl. It’s bad enough knowing the rest of the crew is doing it. Not you too.”

  “I am a man and I do have eyes, Chief.” I joke, hoping that he won’t notice how obsessed I am.


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