Niya's Alien: Futuristic Scifi Romance (Dagrinian Love 3)

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Niya's Alien: Futuristic Scifi Romance (Dagrinian Love 3) Page 11

by Pixie Moon

  Lipsha ruined what should have been an exciting time for my little warrior. I grip the steering handles tightly as I drive us home.

  Niya is scanning her new territory. That’s smart of her. It’s good to know as much as possible about the place you are in. My home is safe, but she doesn’t know that.

  The terse air around her stays in place all the way to my house. I’ve got to find out what’s bothering her. I just know it’s more than the run in with Lipsha.

  My chest swells at the sight of the two suns reflected in the floor to ceiling windows of my home. It feels good to be back.

  As I pull up the path to my vehicle-port, I look the place over. The plants are a bit wild but not bad.

  “This is your home?”

  “Yes, I hope you feel comfortable here.” Comfortable enough to tell me what’s wrong. Somethings been brewing in her from the first active cycle after her shot. This active cycle it’s worse than ever.

  “You’ve been gone for a long time, yet your yard is well kept,” she says as we pull in and then park in the vehicle-port.

  Once we are out of the vehicle, I say, “My bosses make sure our homes are maintained while we are away.”

  “Oh, that’s good. Convenient and well deserved.” Her golden gaze casts about. “Your place seems large.”

  “I like big spaces.” We move to the doorway and go in as Klimen and Hilam park. “Plenty of room for friends and family when I’m here.”

  “The others are staying here, right?”

  “Yes, my house is closest to the spaceport. And we wanted you females to be together while you are here. Less stressful.”

  Niya nods. “With the babies on the way that’s good.”

  She looks around and I wonder what she thinks about my place. Large sturdy furniture and lots of floor to ceiling windows make it comfortable to me. When the others come in I have them pick a bedroom and guide Niya to ours.

  Ours…feels strange and right.

  “Holy…that is the biggest bed I’ve ever seen.”

  I love the way her eyes went wide before she was able to mask her surprise. Heat goes through my chest as I think about how much I love breaking that cool façade of hers.

  I also love making her moan and cry out when we mate like animals. I blow out a breath and focus on her needs at the moment not my need to sink my erection into her soft wet entrance.

  Her golden gaze takes in our room. She skims the two chairs, slows on the bed, and then lingers on a carved sword that I hang my necklaces on. The deep orange wood is a nice break from tans and browns of the room. Plus I appreciate the designs carved into the handle and the realistic looking blade.

  The necklaces draw me over. I look at them and then take the one of a blue and pearl colored moon from the sword. Turning to her, I hold it up. “This one helps ease a troubled soul. You need it.” I slide it over her head and watch as she touches the moon.

  “Thanks. I’ll get used to Dagrin soon.” Her tone is not as confident as usual. I don’t like that.

  I hug her to me and inhale her feminine aroma. So good. Her somewhat stiff body tells me she’s still working on something in her mind. I pull back and look into her pretty eyes. I don’t like the worry I got a glimpse of. Needing to comfort her, I take her small hands in mine.

  “Lipsha doesn’t mean anything to me.” I never break eye contact. This is important. She has to believe me.

  “How do you know her?”

  “Her parents are acquaintances of my parents. Nothing more.” The sweat on her palms tells me this conversation isn’t over. When she doesn’t say anything else, I ask, “What else is wrong? I can tell something is bothering you, little warrior.”

  “I need to prove I’m honorable. How can I do that here?”

  “What?” I look her up and down. “You are honorable. There is nothing to prove.”

  She shakes her head sending dark hair flying. “I saw the way Lipsha looked at me. I’ve seen that look before. I need to prove myself. How do dagrinian females do that?”

  “They don’t. We don’t live in tribes here. Everyone is accepted,” I assure her.

  Golden eyes narrow. “No, she looked at me like I was bear dung she’d stepped in.”

  I blow out a breath. I hate this. “Not every dagrinian likes other species, but the majority are good with all species. They understand we trade goods and information.” I rub the tops of her hands with my fingers. “You can’t trust everyone here.”

  She snorts. “I’m used to that.”

  My brows draw down. I don’t like the idea of others hurting her. “What happened to you on Earth? You said you’ve had to prove yourself before. Why? I didn’t think tribe life was that bad.”

  Her shoulders sag and pain flashes through her eyes. “It’s not always bad. But I come from bad blood.”

  “What do you mean?” I look her over. “You look fine to me.”

  “My parents were killed when they stole from a few warriors the next tribe over. For many, their dishonor passed on to me.” Tears well in her golden eyes making them soulful in a way that twists my heart. She blinks and straightens her spine. “Are you going to sell me now?”

  Rizpa nin! She’s breaking my heart. I give her another hug. A tight one. “No. We don’t judge people for the actions of others.” I cup her face and look straight in her eyes. Emotion thickens my throat. “I’ll never sell you, honorable warrior. I love you.”

  Relief washes over me. I’ve finally confessed my feelings and I’ve found out what drives her. She was brave to tell me about her parents. That’s more proof of how honorable she is. My little warrior is prefect for me.

  ~ Niya ~

  My jaw drops for the first time in my life.

  I can’t believe Rylem said those words to me. The love in his eyes lets me know he’s telling the truth.

  Butterflies do backflips off my heart. “I love you too. You’ve been taking pieces of my heart since the moment we met.” I can see myself staying with him for a long time. Maybe even forever.

  Relief slams into me. I’m so glad he knows my secret and that he doesn’t hate me for it. His honorable actions strengthen my love for him. Rylem is a worthy warrior.

  My heart pounds at the thought of him loving me…the disgraced warrior.

  No. I’m not a disgrace to him. I can see that in his beautiful eyes. Those unique windows to his soul are telling me that I’m his equal. A thrill of happiness dances through my blood.

  I release a happy chant. A light flashes in Rylem’s sapphire eyes.

  “I love it when you do that.” His lips crash down on mine.

  I welcome the rough hot kiss. It helps me release some of the happiness inside me. When our tongues start battling for dominance heat swirls in my belly. My hands start kneading his bulging muscles. I relish the way they flex under my touch. Looks like we’re about to make good use of that magnificent bed.

  A slap on the wall has me jerking and looking around to see Klimen at the door. “As much as I’d enjoy watching you two mate, we have company.”



  ~ Niya ~



  My dazed mind is having trouble understanding. We are all here. The rest of the crew are going to their homes.

  “Who is it?” Rylem asks as he rubs my nipple through the thin material of my dress.

  The need to fuck my mate is not going away. His caress is making it harder to think of anything other than the feel of his big cock sliding inside me.

  “Our parents and Riflan and Nosha are here with the Braknee’s,” Klimen says.

  “We’ll be out in a bit,” Rylem says and then rolls my nipple again.

  As Klimen leaves, I ask, “Who are all those people?” I feel the old need to prove myself rise up.

  Rylem may love me but the others don’t. Not yet and maybe never. I long to keep him to myself. I rub the moon pendant and feel better. He loves me and that’s what counts.

  Deep down I know I’ll do what I can to prove to them that I’m worthy of my warrior.

  “The Braknee’s are Hilam and Riflan’s parents and Nosha is Riflan’s mate.” He takes my hands and kisses them. I shiver at the feel of his masculine lips on my skin.

  I force myself to focus on his words. Oh, it makes sense that Hilam’s parents would come to see their son. I hope they aren’t some of the dagrinians that don’t like humans. Megan is going to be a shock if so. Megan and her baby. My chest swells. I’ll protect Megan and Kanda if I have to. These people will not mess with my new tribe.

  A chuckle has me looking up and into Rylem’s eyes. “Stop looking so defensive. It’s going to be fine. Our parents like other species.”

  His words make me feel better, but I’m not going to totally let my guard down.

  He gives me a sound kiss and then takes my hand and leads me out of our bedroom. Our…makes me feel good. Real good.

  He guides me down a hall and into a huge living room. The sight of five tall strangers excitedly hugging Hilam and Klimen reminds me of the guys’ job. It’s so far away that their families have to be parted from them most of the time. This active cycle is one of celebration for them. Even from here, I can see love and happiness in their eyes. Other species love each other just as much as humans do.

  Two of them spot Rylem and rush over. I step back as a male and female hug Rylem at the same time. They must be his and Klimen’s parents.

  “We are so glad you’re back, son,” the male says. His voice is clogged with emotion.

  I feel bad for wanting to keep Rylem to myself. Right now I don’t feel overly honorable. Feeling eyes on me, I look up. A pretty female is staring daggers through me. Damn it.

  The disgust in her bright blue eyes sends a spark of pain through my heart. Looks like there is at least one human-hater in the group.

  You are worthless and don’t deserve happiness, Lily’s and Tanya’s voices blend together as they taunt me.

  For a moment I wonder if I do deserve a good life. I shake my head and remember my true tribe on Earth. My closest friends and grandmother. They taught me to believe that everyone deserves a chance at happiness.

  The look of love in Rylem’s eyes as he pulls me close makes those butterflies do more backflips off my heart. I could stare into his eyes forever.

  His father leans in and sniffs me. I startle and barely stop myself from punching the older male. Damn it. I can’t continue to let Rylem mesmerize me when others are around.

  A few tiny wrinkles appear around the older male’s eyes as he smiles at me. “You two have been seeing to each other’s health. This is good. I’m Rylem’s father, Glyben, and this is his mother, Solma.”

  “This is Niya Fox,” Rylem says before I can.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” I say to show him that I can talk for myself. I cut him a look. When his eyes flash with passion, an arrow of lust hits my core. Nobody has ever heated me up like my warrior.

  When the other couple comes over with the bitchy looking female, I’m sucked up in a whirlwind of new names and hugs all around. Hilam’s and Riflan’s parents are Lifam and Junpa. The bitch is Nosha. She belongs to Captain Riflan. I don’t see what he sees in her.

  The parents seem to be nice. I like the true smiles on their faces. Their skin tones range from the females light to medium violet tones to the males darker plum and grape colors. Bitch face is a pretty light violet.

  They are dressed similar to us. The females in short colorful dresses and the males in dark fitted shirts and pants. I’m glad we are blending in that way at least. We humans stand out like sore thumbs.

  I sit back and watch them talk. They are so excited that they seem to forget we are here. I note that Hilam gets his logical side from his father, Lifam. I also find out that Rylem and Klimen get their pointblank traits from their father and mother. Now I know what to prepare for if Rylem and I ever have a baby.

  A while later, Kanda motions for me and Megan to follow her to the kitchen. As the others continue to reconnect, we slip away.

  “Whew! This is intense. Looks like the word is out,” Kanda says as she rubs her flat belly.

  Megan nods. “Yes, it is. I would have liked a bit more time to get used to being pregnant before any of his family found out.”

  “Me, too,” Kanda agrees as she gets a glass of juice.

  “We have to take some juice back with us when we leave,” Megan says. “I like water, but it’s not the only thing I want to drink.”

  “You got that right, mate,” Kanda says.

  “That will be nice,” I agree.

  “Nice, would be seeing you three dropped back off on your sickly planet,” Nosha says from the doorway.

  Damn it. That big bitch is quiet. She almost made me jump and she did make Megan startle badly.

  “You don’t have to be so mean,” Megan says and then looks at me and Kanda. “Does she? We didn’t take her man.”

  “Who was being mean?” Hilam asks as he walks in.

  Damn it. I didn’t hear him coming. These guys need bells.

  Megan frowns and looks from Nosha to Hilam. “Nosha said it would be nice to see all of us dropped off on Earth.”

  “Our sickly planet,” Kanda corrects.

  Hilam flips his hand. “I’m sure she didn’t mean it.”

  “Mean what?” Rylem asks. He walks over to me and puts his arm around me.

  “Nosha said she wanted us to go home. That was mean,” Megan says.

  “She was kidding,” Riflan says as he enters.

  Nosha smiles broadly. It never makes it to her eyes. “Yes, I was. These humans are sensitive. I’ll have to remember that.”

  “Our parents want to get to know you three better,” Rylem says and then whispers in my ear, “Once they are appeased they’ll leave and we can get back to what we were doing when they arrived.”

  I shiver as his husky voice causes desire to stir in my core. I like the idea of us having the house to ourselves again. I settle on the couch next to Rylem and try to impress his parents.

  I’ll do anything for my warrior.



  ~ Rylem ~


  It’s good to be home. It’s actually better now that Niya is here.

  With our families gone, I get to sit on the stone bench outside and watch my lover. The moons light bathes her pretty skin making it glow. Her calm demeanor as she listens and talks to Kanda and Megan is beautiful to witness.

  When she takes a drink of her juice, my gaze follows the graceful curve of her neck. The desire to kiss her soft tan flesh has me shifting a little closer to her. When her head tilts, I know she’s on to me.

  She continues talking without acknowledging that I’m getting ready to pounce on my little prey. I edge closer and rest my hand on the cool stone right behind her. From this position I can feel the heat of her taut butt. She sucks in a breath but continues talking to her friends.

  Niya is doing more listening than anything else. I know she’s aware of me. I love that she’s pretending to be immune to my scent. I lean in closer and inhale her delicate aroma. I don’t touch her. I watch as the pulse in her neck starts beating faster.


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