Stealing His Heart

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Stealing His Heart Page 16

by Bru Baker

  He laughed and ran up the stairs, following his nose to a room on the second floor with a closed door. Danny opened it and slipped inside, then closed it behind himself. The Pack didn’t spend a lot of time here, so the rooms weren’t soundproofed like the apartments at the Pack compound in the city were. Sloane would be able to hear anything that happened.

  Max was pulling blankets off the bed, naked in the moonlight. He had dirt on his face and his gorgeous body was sheened with sweat.

  “If we do this, there’s no going back,” he said softly. He studied Danny’s face, a slight frown causing wrinkles on his forehead.

  Instead of responding, Danny crossed the room and kissed him, pouring everything he could into the kiss. Max dropped the blanket and wrapped him in a tight embrace.

  “Listen to my heart,” Danny said once they broke for air. He took Max’s hand and put it over his chest for good measure. “I want to bond with you.”

  Max’s eyes flared amber and fluttered shut as he took in a deep breath. They were still glowing when he opened them again.

  “I won’t claim you in another Alpha’s house,” Max growled past a mouth full of shifted teeth.

  A thrill shot down Danny’s spine at the sheer need in Max’s voice. He grinned.

  “Better catch me, then,” he teased. He grabbed the blanket and sprinted for the door, slamming it behind him to give him a few seconds’ head start. He tore out of the house, tempted to go wolf for more speed. The blanket would be a pain to carry that way, though, and they definitely needed it for what he had planned.

  There was a lake in the woods, and he pointed himself toward it, running as hard as he could. Max could have overtaken him by now if he wanted, and Danny loved that he was playing along and not tackling him where he stood.

  The grass was soft and damp near the edge of the water, and Danny laid out the blanket on the bank. It wouldn’t be as comfortable as a bed, but it was far enough from the house and the Pack to give them some privacy. He didn’t want an audience for his mating bite.

  Danny was already sprawled out on the soft fabric when Max pounced on him. He’d regained control of his shift, though his eyes were still rimmed with amber when he straddled Danny and kissed him with a breathless fervor that made Danny’s stomach swoop.

  “I want this so much,” Max murmured. “I want you so much.”

  Danny moved his hips, bringing their cocks into alignment. He hissed out a breath at the touch of Max’s velvety skin against his. He’d explored every inch of Max’s body already, but this felt new and exciting. His skin hummed with energy, like his entire body was waiting for the bond to complete.

  Fuck. He’d been so caught up in the idea of Max chasing him that he hadn’t thought to grab lube.

  He groaned when Max leaned in to kiss him again. The new position put additional pressure on his cock, and Danny pumped his hips, desperate for more. He could have screamed in frustration when Max pushed himself up, removing what little friction Danny had been able to find.

  “Need to come together for the bond,” Max said. He sat back on his heels, and Danny edged up on his elbows so he could see him.

  The light from the full moon reflected off Max’s chest, and Danny watched as the light played over it, deepening the shadows and throwing every muscle into gorgeous relief. Max looked like he’d been carved out of stone, and Danny ached to touch him.

  He sat up, relieved when Max made no move to evade him as he reached out for him. Max nuzzled against his neck, his stubble dragging across Danny’s skin with just enough bite to make him shiver.

  “Gonna put my bite here,” Max whispered, pressing a kiss to the juncture of Danny’s neck and shoulder. He nipped at it with human teeth, and Danny panted and pressed up into the contact.

  “You like that?” Max purred and laved at the spot with his tongue. “Does the thought of my mark on you make you hard?”

  God, it did. Danny whimpered, and Max wrapped his arms around him and kissed his jaw. “Don’t worry. You won’t have to wait long.”

  Danny’s eyes widened at the crack of a cap opening. Max had a bottle of lube. Oh thank God.

  Max chuckled. “I told you I’d always take care of you. Did you think I’d consummate our mating bond without making sure I didn’t hurt you?”

  Of course he wouldn’t. Max had done everything he could to look out for Danny since the moment they’d met. His very own Alpha asshole, who turned out not to be much of an asshole at all.

  “Alpha,” he murmured, knowing it would drive Max crazy.

  Max’s eyes flared, and he captured Danny’s mouth in another insistent kiss. Danny leaned into Max when he felt Max’s fingers slide down his crack, lubed and ready. His blood heated as Max’s fingers slid over his entrance, and Danny rutted against Max, ready to be filled.

  Max eased him down onto the blanket without breaking their kiss. Danny had never felt so desired before. Max’s need for him poured through the bond. Danny’s emotions—love, amazement, happiness so bright it made his heart hurt—threatened to overwhelm him, but he tuned it all out and focused on the feel of Max’s fingers against his skin.

  He squeezed his eyes shut when Max pushed into him. There was no gentleness, but Danny didn’t want any. There would be plenty of time for foreplay later—the bond needed to be consummated before the fire pulsing through Danny burned him from the inside out. Max was experiencing the same thing. It reverberated through the bond, a feedback loop of raw need, but he’d retained enough control to hold Danny close and whisper how perfect Danny was as he built them toward a frenzied climax.

  Just when Danny was afraid he couldn’t take any more, Max sank his shifted fangs into his neck. Danny tensed, expecting pain, and cried out in surprise as pleasure so intense it forced the air from his lungs crescendoed to a peak. He couldn’t tell where his body ended and Max’s began. He came hard, squeezing around Max until he followed suit. The aftershocks made him shake, tears filling his eyes because it felt so good it almost hurt.

  “Holy fuck,” he whispered when Max finally stilled and buried his face against Danny’s neck. “That was…. Fuck.”

  Max laughed against his neck. “How did I get so lucky to have such an eloquent mate?”

  Danny grinned. “You’re going to call me mate every time you talk, aren’t you?”

  Max pressed a kiss against his throat. “Yes, because you are my mate. I want everyone to know it.”

  There wasn’t much chance of anyone not knowing exactly what they’d done. Max had marked him, both with the mating bite and by mingling their scents so well that even a human nose could pick out the smell of sex.

  Max rolled to the side, bringing Danny with him so they were facing each other on their sides. “You okay?”

  “Are you fishing for compliments? Because I think it’s pretty obvious I’m awesome.”

  Max’s smile was soft. “I meant about the bond. Does it feel any different being on this side of it?”

  It felt amazing. He didn’t have any regrets. Danny had spent his adult life ignoring his wolf instincts, but he was embracing them now. His wolf had no doubt that Max was his mate, and for once Danny was going to listen. The bond he and Max shared from day one was undeniable, and Danny was going to trust that his instincts wouldn’t lie.

  “So different. But in a good way.”

  Max beamed. He threw back his head and howled, and they both laughed when dozens of wolves answered. Danny was still in the Connoll Pack for now, but he was mated to Alpha Torres. They both had claim to him, but instead of making him anxious, it made him feel loved and wanted. Neither would do anything to abuse their power over him, and this time next month he’d be a full-fledged member of the Torres Pack. He’d never have to answer to another Alpha again, not even Max. It was almost as intoxicating as the bond.

  “WHAT time do we need to leave for the museum thing tonight?”

  They were almost back to the city, and Danny had spent most of the drive thinking about how he
could help Joss if he was able to find him today. If Max hadn’t reminded him, he’d have forgotten the fundraiser they were supposed to attend with his parents.

  “It starts at eight, but it’s just cocktails and mingling, so I’d say we could safely arrive around nine and not raise any eyebrows.”

  “Uncle Al will be there,” Max said. “I didn’t even ask him to come. It’s one of his personal charities. What is it for again?”

  Danny had to think. They were halfway through the gauntlet of parties and fundraisers he’d promised his parents they’d attend, and it was difficult to distinguish one from another. It was always the same people, the same type of food, the same boredom.

  “I think it’s a fundraiser for the summer arts camp they do,” he said finally. “Scholarships for kids who can’t afford it.”

  “I can get behind that,” Max said. “And you said this one’s not formal, right?”

  “You can probably get away with that vest I made you change out of when we went to Montauk. It’s upscale but not black tie.”

  “I swear it’s like rich people have their own language. I had to have Uncle Al talk me through ‘garden-party attire’ for the tea your mother is hosting.”

  There hadn’t been enough time to organize anything huge, thank God, so his mother had settled on an intimate gathering of 120 for her Janus Foundation fundraiser. That nightmare wasn’t for a few weeks, so it wasn’t really on Danny’s radar yet.

  “I wish you wouldn’t worry so much about that stuff,” Danny said. “It’s not like it’s a huge deal.”

  Max huffed out a laugh. “Spoken like a guy who already knows how to dress and how to act at these things. I spend most of the meals terrified I’m going to cause half the table to faint if I use the wrong knife.”

  “No one will faint,” Danny said, grinning despite his foul mood. “Clutch their heirloom pearls, maybe. But no one would be so gauche as to faint.”

  “See? I don’t even own any pearls. I’m hopeless.”

  Danny dissolved into laughter, his stress over finding Joss eased a bit by Max’s playful mood. He wished he could just enjoy this time with Max instead of waiting for the other shoe to drop, but Max was too good to be true. They were ridiculously compatible, more so every day as the bond continued to deepen their connection. No doubt Max had sensed Danny’s anxiety, hence the teasing to cheer him up.

  “Maybe I can pick some up for you while I’m out today.” Danny hadn’t told Max he was trying to find Joss. Guilt swept through him at the lie, even though it was a lie by omission. But he couldn’t risk Max finding Joss first. He was a cop, and Joss had committed a crime. There was no way Danny would press charges, but if he’d stolen from Danny, he’d probably stolen from other people. They wouldn’t be as forgiving.

  “Or you could make one yourself later,” Max said, turning to wiggle his eyebrows at Danny.

  “God, that was terrible,” Danny groaned. “Jesus. Thanks for that. Now I’m going to be thinking about cum every time I see a string of pearls.”

  Max’s laugh was rich and deep, and the sheer happiness in it made Danny warm down to his bones.

  “That’s going to make tonight really interesting, then.”

  Danny’s phone lit up with an incoming text, and he glanced at it, trying to keep his heartbeat steady when he saw it was from the number he was sure was Joss’s. He’d texted it last night to tell Joss he’d be back in town today and wanted to meet up at their favorite diner.

  Bad idea.

  Danny frowned. I’m going to meet up with you one way or another. Might as well get a free meal out of it.

  “Something wrong?”

  Danny pasted on a smile for Max. “I’m meeting a friend for a late lunch, and we can’t agree on where to go.”

  Fine. But leave your new cop boyfriend at home, or we’ll both be sorry. I’m serious, pls Danny.

  How did Joss know about Max? What the hell had that kid gotten himself into?

  His anxiety must have spiked, because Max took a hand off the wheel and cupped the back of his neck. The warmth of his palm seemed to travel down Danny’s spine. The tight muscles in his shoulders and back eased, and the tension headache that had been building in his temples faded away to nothing.

  The warmth receded as soon as Max let go, but the pain didn’t come back.

  “What the hell was that?” Danny asked, swiveling in his seat to look at Max. “Did you do some freaky Alpha mojo on me or something?”

  “No! Of course not. You smelled like pain, and you looked uncomfortable. I thought it would help.”

  “What did you do, though?”

  Max’s knuckles went white as he squeezed the steering wheel. “It’s a mate thing, I don’t know. I’ve seen my parents do it to each other a million times. I figured it was simply a show of support or something. Why?”

  Danny blew out a breath, the adrenaline rush from his anger fading. “You healed my headache. Your hand heated up on my neck, and suddenly my headache was gone and my muscles relaxed.”

  “Are you serious? What the hell?”

  Max’s expression was dumbfounded, and Danny believed him. He settled into his seat, suddenly exhausted. The sleepless night had been bound to catch up with him at some point.

  “I’m sorry. I—”

  “You thought it was some Alpha control thing,” Max said, his voice weary. “I get it. I don’t…. It wasn’t. And I won’t do it again unless you ask me to.”

  Danny knew his reaction had hurt Max. He could smell the bitter stink of it, but he didn’t know how to make it better. He wished he could flip a switch and all his Alpha issues would go away, but life didn’t work like that.

  “I’m trying,” Danny said quietly. He let out a sigh of relief when Max reached a hand out and took his. “I know you’re not that kind of Alpha. I do.”

  Max brought Danny’s hand up to his mouth and kissed it softly. “I know. It’s fine. We both overreacted. It happens. And it doesn’t help that the bond is creating a sense of intimacy that our brains haven’t caught up with yet. We’ll get there.”

  Max released his hand, and they spent the last twenty minutes of the drive in comfortable silence. It helped recharge Danny’s energy a bit, as did the shower he took when he got back to his apartment. The diner he was meeting Joss at was between his place and the foundation, close enough to walk on a nice day.

  He was always grumpy the day after a full moon, and his worry for Joss wasn’t helping things. The walk would help him clear his head. He needed to be firing on all cylinders when he talked with Joss. The kid was incredibly bright, and if Danny wasn’t careful, he’d run circles around him and leave Danny as much in the dark as ever.

  He couldn’t let that happen. Every kid he worked with was special, and they all deserved a better lot in life than they’d been given. But Joss was different. He was the first Janus Foundation charge that Danny had connected with, and Danny would do anything he could to give Joss a shot at the future he deserved. They were so close. They should be meeting to talk about college applications, not to talk about getting Joss out of whatever mess he’d gotten dragged into.

  Danny was shocked to see Joss waiting inside at their usual table. Relief swept through him as he hurried inside. Joss didn’t look much the worse for wear. Tired and a little rumpled, but he was clean and well fed. He hadn’t been sleeping on the streets the whole time he’d been missing.

  “You’ve gotta call off that lady cop,” Joss said when Danny slid into the booth. “She’s going to get me killed with her questions.”

  The private investigator Danny had hired. She wasn’t a cop, of course, but Joss wouldn’t know that—nor would it make a difference to whoever Joss was tangled up with.

  Danny held Joss’s gaze and inhaled. He smelled fear, even though there wasn’t a visible threat. What he didn’t smell was more telling, though. Joss’s usual salt-and-ocean-air scent was dull. Stale.

  “Who has your skin, Joss?” he asked quietly.
  Tears welled in Joss’s eyes. “You have to leave it alone, Danny. I’m begging you. You can’t get involved. They’ll kill you.”

  It all made sense now. Joss was a selkie. If someone had managed to kidnap his seal hide, he’d be bound to them until he could get it back.

  “Are they hurting you?”

  Joss shook his head. “They haven’t done anything to it yet, but they will if that lady keeps asking questions.”

  Fuck. Danny took out his phone. “I’ll tell her to stop,” he said, sending her a text explaining why.

  He didn’t need her anymore anyway. He’d hired her to find Joss, and here he was.

  “What are they making you do? How can we get your skin back?”

  Joss closed his eyes and hunched in on himself. “We can’t. They’ve got witches. A lot of them. And they’ve got our skins warded.”

  Our? Shit. This was bigger than just Joss, then. “How many?”

  “Selkies? Eight? Ten? Something like that. They’ve got at least that many witches too. They help us get past security systems and cameras and shit. At first it was okay because we were careful and no one got hurt,” Joss said, his voice breaking.

  “But that changed last week when they started killing people,” Danny finished for him. Fuck. This was worse than he thought. He’d assumed Joss owed someone money. He hadn’t tied it to the crime ring Max was investigating.


  Danny had to let him know they were Supes. He picked up his phone again, but Joss closed a hand over his wrist, stopping him.

  “I’m sorry, Danny,” he said, tears spilling over, terrified gaze pinned over Danny’s shoulder. “They must have followed me. I swear I didn’t know. I’m so sorry.”

  Danny registered the sound of a vehicle jumping the curb a split second before the glass front of the diner shattered. He could barely hear the customers screaming over the roar of the engine as the van tore through the restaurant.

  His nose twitched, and he almost laughed. The world was falling down around his ears, and he was overcome with the urge to sneeze. There was a thick ozone smell in the air, overpowering the oil gushing from the car’s torn undercarriage and the drywall and other debris clogging his senses. He’d never smelled it before, but he recognized it instinctively.


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