One For The Holiday: A Christmas Novella

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One For The Holiday: A Christmas Novella Page 4

by Donahue, S.

“Sophia called mom this morning and she conned her as usual. Mom invited her to Thanksgiving dinner.”

  “What the fuck? Has mom lost her mind?”

  “Yeah, that’s what we said and her response was that you are miserable without Sophia. She said she’s tired of seeing you like this. Sophia proclaimed her love for you. She now thinks that you still love her because of your jealous rage. Just a heads up.”

  “Yeah she’s called twenty times. My own mother turned against me. I’m not miserable because I want Sophia. I’m miserable because I know Sophia. She’s not my wife anymore and mom needs to accept this.”

  “Wait, maybe if mom saw you with someone else laughing and having fun, she would back off of the idea of you and Sophia. Maybe Sophia would accept the fact that you have moved on. We can set it up for Thanksgiving.”

  “What do you want me to pay someone?” I ask sarcastically. “No one is going to want me, even for money after this mess.”

  “You can get someone for free. I’m sure of it.”


  “Well, in case you don’t remember, I was sober last night. I kind of noticed the sizzle between you and Lauren.”

  “Are you nuts? She hates me.”

  “You’re in denial.”

  “So you want to just say,” ‘Will you pretend to be my brother’s girlfriend for Thanksgiving?’ She may slap you.”

  “Oh no, we are going to plan this out. It has to look good and real.”

  “Sophia’s not going to fall for it. She’s an actress.”

  “You’re an actor. This could be your best performance yet.”

  “The problem is mom knows Lauren and knows we are not together.”

  “She doesn’t know what happens behind closed doors.”

  “Do you have an answer for everything?”

  “Yes, I work in the stock market. I have to answer to a lot of people. Kristin can talk to Lauren. Once she agrees we can meet and plan it out, but you’re going to have to talk to Sophia and scope out her plans. Maybe she won’t come after all.”

  “Ha. She’s invited. She’s coming. She’ll do anything to get to me.”

  “Here’s a long shot. Why don’t you just tell mom the truth?”


  “I’m sure she reads the papers.”

  “What do I say? “Mom, I caught my wife getting eaten out by her co-worker.”

  “Yeah, something like that.”

  “Mom would die.”

  “So telling her you grew apart is the answer. She’s just trying to play matchmaker. She thinks you’re still in love.”

  “Well the fucking papers make it like I am.”

  “Just call Sophia and I’ll talk to Kristin and calm her down because she may tell mom about the hoe bag in her fit of rage. Mom should have never invited her to our house.”

  “Better her than me.”

  “Just call the bitch.”

  “Okay, Okay.”

  I hang up with Pat. I’m dreading this. Why did I even go out last night? I knew something like this would happen. I hesitate to dial the numbers. I haven’t physically spoken to her in a long time. It’s either I text her to leave me alone or I just don’t answer the phone. I avoid her like the plague. I never even had to show up in person for the divorce. My lawyer handled everything. Why me? Why fucking me? She got the house, my cars, money, jewelry and a ton of other shit. Why can’t she just leave me alone?

  I dial the California number. My heart is racing. I feel angry and bitter. She picks up.

  “It’s me,” I say hoping she would just hang up. One could only dream.

  Chapter 12


  My face is swelled and purple. I had a hard time sleeping last night. I debated with myself all morning as to whether or not I should go to the hospital. I decided to just go. I wanted to make sure my cheek bone wasn’t fractured. I walk into the ward where I work.

  “I need someone to look at my face.” Marcy, a nurse is sitting at the station.

  “Dr. Peterson is on call. I can have him take a look.” She was at the bar last night, so she probably saw the whole thing go down.

  “Come on. I’ll put you in an empty room.”

  I work in the Cardiology Inpatient Unit, but Dr. Peterson has worked in the trauma center as well, so I feel confident. Dr. Peterson comes in like fifteen minutes later.

  “Lauren, what happened?”

  “I got hit in the face last night by accident in a bar.”

  “It looks worse…I think, but you need to get an x-ray and have your eyes examined just in case. Maybe you should take some time off to recover. Take as much time as you need. You’re a dedicated employee and personally you have been through a lot. Talk to Kristen about the schedule.”

  He goes to walk out the door. He stops and turns back around. He looks me in the face.

  “Maybe when you return, we can grab dinner or something?”

  “No thanks. I don’t mix business with pleasure.”

  He smiles, “One day Lauren you’ll give in to me.”

  “Not likely.”

  “You’re a tough one. You’re gonna make some guy very happy. I just wish that guy was me.”

  “You’re a very nice guy, but you’re a man whore.”

  “I am, but when you find that one person, they can change everything about you.” he looks at me.

  “I hope you find her.”

  “I already have. She doesn’t want me.”

  “Like I said you’re nice, but I have been severely hurt and I don’t trust anyone. I’m not looking for a relationship. I’m sorry.”

  “Lauren, there’s something I need to tell you. I’m glad we have this time. I wish it was under different circumstances. We have worked together for the past ten years. I see you almost every day. I get happy when I see your smile, when I see you with your patients. When we go out as a group, I wish I was alone with you. I have wanted to tell you for so long. I just couldn’t. I love you Lauren.”

  “Troy, I’m flattered. I really am. If you love me, why have you slept with almost every nurse in this hospital?”

  “Lauren, I have no explanation. I’m an idiot. I’m telling you the truth.”

  “I just can’t Troy.”

  “I understand,” he says. “I’ll leave your paperwork on the desk. You can probably just walk into x-ray, but you’ll have to make an appointment with the ophthalmologist.”

  “Thanks. I appreciate it. I’ll talk to Kristin. Troy?”


  “I’m really sorry.”

  “It’s okay. I’ll get over it. I shouldn’t have said anything.”

  He leaves the room. It is totally going to be awkward between Troy and I in the future. We will have to work through it. He would be a great catch, but I can’t trust him. I really don’t want to live my life with someone wondering, especially when I know what they are capable of.

  I see Kristin passing by. She says my face looks like shit.

  “Great. Thanks, just what I want to hear. I need to talk to you about time and all that. Dr. Peterson just checked my face out.”

  “What did he say?”

  “Too much. I have to get an X-ray and see an ophthalmologist.”

  “He told me to take some time off.”

  “I have been telling you this forever. I actually need to talk to you about something.”


  “Let’s go back into the room.”

  “You’re shady. What’s going on? I know what you’re going to tell me. He already told me. Thanks for hiding it from me.”

  “He told you. You talked to him.”


  “So you’re okay with it?”

  “Well I told him I wasn’t ready for that.”

  “It’s only one time.”

  “That’s all he wants me for. That’s not what he said.”

  “I mean I guess, but the plan is for just one time…Thanksgiving”

  “Now I hav
e no idea what you’re talking about.”


  “What about him?”

  “You said you talked to him.”


  “What did you think I was talking about?”

  “Dr. Peterson.”

  “No. Trenton and Pat came up with some plan that you and Trenton can pretend you are dating and in love for Thanksgiving dinner.”

  “What? Are you insane? I want nothing to do with that man. When I am near him bad things happen, as you can see.”

  He’s a really great guy. My mother in law invited his ex-wife to Thanksgiving dinner and we are all pissed. In order to get her to get over him and his mother to forget the whole idea of him and Sophia, we need them to think he has moved on.”

  “You lost your damn mind. I am not having dinner with Sophia Manson and acting like I love her husband.”



  “Consider it.”

  “No, Plus I have work.”

  “No you don’t. I just gave you three weeks off. Thank me later.”

  I don’t want to do this, but a part of me is curious about Trenton and his past. I’ll admit jealousy has taken over when I just heard his ex-wife will be in town to spend the holiday with him. I want him to myself. As much as I want to deny it…I can’t. I want Trenton McNeil in my arms, in my bed and in my life.

  “I’ll do it,” I yell out.

  “I didn’t even have to beg. What did you want to tell me about Dr. Peterson?”

  “Nothing…Nothing at all. It’s not even a thought. I’ll be in the X-ray department if you need me.”

  “I walk away with a big smile on my face, the first in a long time.”

  Chapter 13


  The real reason that I avoid Sophia is that she has a way about her. She is very manipulative. She is beautiful and has sex appeal. She can make you want her and I am afraid that I will fall into her trap again. Trust me, I don’t want her. She picks up the phone.

  “Trent…finally.” She yells.

  “What do you want? You have two minutes,” I say.

  “I saw all the headlines. I want you to know that I still love you. I’m sure you were hurt by the release. You can come home. We can live our life like before. I’m not even with Alvin. It was a one-time thing.”

  “That makes it okay.”

  “Of course not. I paid for my sins. You divorced me and I live every day alone.”

  “You are never alone.”

  “You are my one and only. We were so happy before.”

  “We were miserable.”

  “Apparently you still are from the looks of things.”

  “I am happy in my life. Why do you even want me back? You got everything from me. I’m of no use to you anymore.”

  “Trent, that’s not true. You are my husband.”

  “Ex-husband. Why does everyone keep forgetting that?”

  “Because people know we were meant to be…even mother.”

  “About that, she’s my mother and that was a dirty move calling her. I don’t want you back.”

  “We can talk about it at Thanksgiving,” She remarks. I’m annoyed at that statement.

  “You’re still coming?”

  “Yes, of course. I wouldn’t miss Kristin’s cooking for the world.”

  Uh, I can’t say I have a girlfriend in case that plan backfires. I need to get her to rethink Thanksgiving dinner. This woman just doesn’t get that I am over her.

  “You can tell all your women I’m back in the picture. It doesn’t look like your doing so well in that department anyway.”

  “I’m fine where that’s concerned.”

  “Could have fooled me.”

  “Listen, I don’t want you back. You need to understand that. It’s over. It’s been officially over for two years. You need to move on.”

  “No Trenton. I’m not going to. I know you still love me.”

  “I have to go. I’m done having this conversation.” I was about to hang up when she stopped me.

  “I’ll be arriving on Wednesday afternoon. The day before Thanksgiving. Can you pick me up at the airport?”

  “Have you lost your damn mind? I don’t even want to see you.”

  “I’m staying at your mothers.”

  “No you are not!!!!”

  “Yes I am.”

  “You’re like a recurring nightmare that never ends. Take the shuttle. I have to go.”

  I hang up the phone. How can my parents betray me like this? It’s not their fault. It’s mine but regardless of what they know, she’s still my EX- wife.

  The day drags on. I just lounged around watching sports and the Food Network. I’m officially bored. I’m just about to head to the gas station when I get a call from Pat.

  “Hey, what’s going on?” I ask.

  “Nothing much. Did you talk to Sophia?”

  “Yes, she’s still coming.”

  “Damn bitch. Tell me about it.”

  “I can tell you I have great news.”

  “Oh yeah, what?”

  “Lauren has agreed to Thanksgiving. Kristin talked to her and she said she would do it.”

  I have to admit, I am in complete shock. I didn’t think she would even come near me again, let alone pretend to be my girlfriend.

  “That is the best news I’ve heard all day.”

  “See, I knew you liked her,” Pat says.

  “No, it just means that maybe I can get rid of Sophia forever. I talked to that witch earlier and she just makes me cringe.”

  “We can meet the Saturday before to go over the details. We’ll order pizza and play games.”

  “Why do I feel like you’re up to something?”

  “Oh yeah, what can I possibly be up to.”

  “I don’t know,” I say skeptically. “How is Lauren? I mean her face and all.”

  “She’s okay. Kristin said she went to the hospital today to get checked out. She doesn’t know if her cheek is fractured. She had to get an X-ray.”

  “Wow, that’s a shame. I feel bad.”

  “Yeah, Kristin gave her off of work for three weeks.”

  “I feel horrible.”

  “Why? You didn’t punch her.”

  “I just do…text me her address.”


  “I’m going to send her flowers, like get well soon flowers.”

  “You’re such a gentleman or are you pulling them from your garden out back.”

  “No dick, I’m going to call the flower shop now.”

  “Man, you’re crushing hard on this girl.”


  The truth of the matter is that he is exactly right. She is all I can think about. Her saying she would help me out made me extremely happy and that’s hard to do nowadays.

  Chapter 14


  I can’t believe I agreed to pretend to be Trenton McNeil’s girlfriend. I must be nuts. When Kristin approached me with the idea, it sounded good at that time. I actually felt like I owed him for protecting me at the bar, now I’m not so sure. I have to keep telling myself that tonight is only beer and pizza…nothing more. I’m just hanging out with some friends.

  I knock on the door and the kids answer. “Aunt Lauren.” They hug me and start chatting away.

  “Can you braid my hair like Elsa’s again?” Kara asks.

  “Sure, where’s mommy?”

  “In the kitchen cooking.”

  “Okay let me go see her first then I’ll fix your hair.”

  There’s a knock at the door. My stomach drops. Trenton walks in. He looks hot and smells amazing. The girls run up to him and give him a hug. “Look what I got you?” he says handing them both dolls from the movie Frozen. Their eyes light up. Kristin always tells me about their obsession with the movie. You can see their love for him.

  “Hi,” he addresses me.

  “Hi,” I respond. I’m just standing there…stuck.

nbsp; “You’re face looks good.”

  “Thanks. It’s healing.”

  “You’re beautiful with or without a bruise on your face.”

  I blush.

  “Thanks.” I have no idea what to say. I feel awkward.

  Kristin walks into the room. I’m relieved. “I heard a whole bunch of chaos. Trent you shouldn’t have. Santa will be coming soon. These kids are so spoiled,” she says throwing her hands up.

  “One less thing for Santa to carry in his sleigh,” he says winking at them.

  “Come in the kitchen. I made some dips and picky stuff. The pizza should be here soon. Pat is upstairs getting changed. He got done work late.”

  As if on QUE, Pat walks down the stairs. “I see the gangs all here.”

  We walk into the kitchen. Kristin has food spread out everywhere.

  “There are only four of us.”

  “The first thing you have to learn about your “boyfriend” is that he likes to eat.”

  Trenton chuckles and Pat looks at him weird. Am I missing something?

  I’m just laughing because she said boyfriend and it sounded so teenage-ish. Now, we are all gonna sit around and plan a pretend relationship.” Trenton says.

  “I don’t have to do it.”

  “No you don’t and I appreciate you doing it for me.”

  “Why don’t you just tell mom the truth,” Pat chimes in.

  “Uncle Trent, Uncle Trent,” the girls call from the living room. We all go running in thinking something happened.

  “What is it?” he asks.

  “Aunt Sophia is on TV.”

  “She’s not your aunt,” he rolls his eyes. I roll mine.

  “They don’t know,” Pat says.

  I’m starting to think I may be in way over my head. Can I back out now?

  Chapter 15


  I go running into the living room thinking something is wrong and Sophia is on the television. I look over at Lauren and she looks like she is in thought, but she looks cute. Sophia is giving a live interview about her release.

  The interviewer asks her how she feels about her ex-husbands recent appearances in the tabloids. She laughs and says, “You may be able to drop the ex…very soon.”

  “Whoa is that a hint of something?” the interviewer asks.


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