LUCA (You Will Be Mine) (The Sicilian Mafia Series Book 1)

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LUCA (You Will Be Mine) (The Sicilian Mafia Series Book 1) Page 24

by Jaimie Roberts

  Running back in the house, I led the boys to the main bedroom on the ground floor. Once they laid him down, I pulled the covers over him and sat by his side.

  As I stroked his cheek, I saw how pale he was. I was so elated because he was with me, but my elation quickly turned to terror at the thought that he may not make it.

  The doctor was soon in the room carrying all sorts of machinery and contraptions. I reluctantly stood up and let him do his thing as I knew he was trying to help, and I didn’t have a bloody clue.

  Once he was all set up, he sat down. “Is there somewhere in this room I could sleep? I will need to monitor him all night.”

  “Of course.” I glanced at Tony, who looked all too eager to help. “Tony, there’s a fold-up bed in the cupboard under the stairs. Can you get it for me? Fresh sheets and towels will be in there too.”

  Nodding, he went straight out and did just that for me. I made the bed with the help of Belinda, who seemed just as eager to help me.

  Both Belinda and Tony were about to leave me to it when I grabbed both their hands. “Thank you. I wouldn’t have known what to do without you.”

  Bringing each of them in for a close hug before they left, I hoped and prayed that everything would be okay. I loved Luca. I had known that. I just didn’t know quite how much until that moment.

  “He’s a fighter, you know.”

  Pulling my gaze away from Luca’s face, I spotted the doctor in the corner chair. “Can I have your name?”

  He got up, offering his hand to me. “Of course. How rude of me.”

  “Well, you have had your hands full. Luca really knows how to make a person’s hands full.”

  The doctor laughed, nodding his head in agreement. “Quite. The names Wayne Jacobi.”

  Shaking his hand, I got the sense that he knew Luca very well and truly cared for his well-being. That made things a little easier for me. Anyone who cared for Luca was a friend of mine.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Dr Jacobi, although I would have preferred to have met under different circumstances.

  He sat back in his chair and clasped his hands together. “Of course, but I do want you to know that I will do everything I can to get Luca back up and in his normal fighting spirit.”

  I started chuckling a little. “I know you will. Thank you.”

  “No need to thank me. Luca will have quite a huge bill to pay once I’m done.”

  I saw the cheeky grin on his face and smiled. “I just want him to wake up and start telling me what to do. No matter how much I hate it when he does that, I’d give just about anything to have him shouting commands at me now.” Looking down at his pale face, I took his hand.

  “I’ve known Luca a long time, Miss Murphy. He never gives up on anything.”

  I laughed, caressing Luca’s cheek. “Yes. I know that all too well.”

  Dr. Jacobi got out of his seat and took my hand. “Then, we have nothing to worry about.”

  A certain growling noise from Luca made me jump. Looking over, I thought maybe he had seen the little touch the doctor had placed on my hand. When I saw he was still asleep, I started laughing. “Even in his sleep, he doesn’t like other men touching me.”

  After a light-hearted chuckle, silence rained down upon the bedroom, and all I could do was hold Luca’s hand and stare. I felt helpless and alone. More alone than I had ever felt in my life. He wasn’t going to leave me, though. I wouldn’t let him.

  A little while later, Belinda came in with some food for me and the doctor. I ate a little, but my stomach ached too much to eat more. I was frightened, and quite frankly, I was freaking out inside. That seemed to override any hunger I may have had.

  I eventually fell into a fitful sleep. I kept dreaming about Luca getting shot and dying in my arms. I wasn’t even aware I was crying until a hand on my thigh alerted me to the fact.

  “Clara… Clara. You were dreaming.”

  Looking around the dimly lit room, I spotted Dr Jacobi hovering over me. I sat up, wiping away my tears, and my immediate attention went to Luca beside me. “Is he okay?”

  “He’s fine. No change. You can go back to sleep if you want.”

  Knowing that Luca was fine, my eyelids became heavy again. It wasn’t long before I had gone right back to sleep.

  I felt my hair being stroked and light kisses being placed on the top of my head. Absentmindedly, I pulled my knee over onto Luca’s crotch and rubbed his hardness.

  “Do you want to play?” I whispered.

  “I don’t think we should in front of Dr Jacobi.”

  My eyes flew open to find the doctor looking highly amused in the corner, and a smiling, less pale Luca lying flat on the bed.

  “Luca!” I cried, not caring if I sounded dizzy with happiness.

  “Good morning, baby.”

  Shooting off the bed, I started pacing the floor. “I’m so mad at you! If someone hadn’t shot you, I would have bleedin’ shot you myself.”

  Luca looked over to the doctor and smiled. “See, I told you she loved me.”

  Coming back to the bed, I took his hand. “Don’t you ever do that to me again.”

  Luca looked serious as he gripped my hand. “I won’t. If there is one lesson I have learned from this, it’s to never trust any of my men again.”

  Standing up, the doctor moved to the door. “I shall leave you two alone for a moment.”

  Luca nodded and looked at me with love in his eyes. My God, he was beautiful—even after being shot.

  “What happened?”

  “Stefano happened. He went to the other side.” I saw him gritting his teeth and could tell he was having trouble keeping calm. “Stefano told me that one of my business partners wanted to meet and discuss a few issues. I went in blind, not realising it was a trap. Antonio was there, and like the coward he is, he ran before it all got to be too much.” Lacing his fingers through mine, Luca shut his eyes. “All of them are dead, Clara. All of my men are dead because they were trying to protect me.”

  “Don’t beat yourself up. Your men do this because they are paid to, but also because they want to. Sometimes, shit happens.”

  He looked into my eyes, smiling. “You say that like it’s normal.”

  “I’m not trying to belittle what’s happened—nowhere near it. I just don’t think that you should beat yourself up for something that was beyond your control. Your men go with you each day with the knowledge that—at some point—the shit might hit the fan, and they could die.”

  “Like me.”

  “No, not like you. I’m not going to let you.” Glaring at him, I think my look told Luca I meant business.

  “You’re one hell of a woman, Clara Murphy. I can’t wait to marry you, amore mio.”

  “Infatti la suoi pantaloni.”

  Luca’s eye arched in amusement. “What the hell was that?”

  I nodded my head triumphantly. “I can speak Italian, see?”

  “Where on earth did you get that from?”

  “I learnt it from a beer advert.”

  Luca chuckled. “And in the beer advert someone says, “In fact his trousers?”

  Looking around the room, I paused and said, “Yes. Yes, he does. It was a mafia advert. He goes round to each man kissing their eyes and ears because his men see and hear for him. One of the men holding a beer says something along the lines of, “I’m off because I make his trousers.”

  Luca pulled me towards him and chuckled a little. “You don’t realise how much I love you right now.”

  Snuggling up to him, I replied, “And you don’t realise how annoyed I am at you for making me worry myself sick. I’ve never worried myself that sick in my entire life. I thought I was going to burst from it all.”

  Squeezing me as hard as he could with one arm, he whispered, “I made a promise that I’d never leave you. Just like I made a promise to mama and never broke it, I’m making the same to you.”

  “Why does he hate you so much?”

  Luca stiffened a
t my question. “He wants to be number one. Pure and simple. He wants everything I have. He was the one who had been running the show before I came back, and now, he hates me for taking over.”

  I got angry. “I’ll kick his fucking arse if I ever see him.”

  Luca winced and gripped me tighter. “You promised never to go near him again. Like my promises, I expect you to keep yours.”

  I huffed. “Okay, okay. Keep your hair on. It certainly didn’t take long for my commanding Luca to come back, did it?”

  “I bet you missed it.”

  I thought honesty was the best policy. “I did.” I ran my hands up and down his chest and sighed. “Does it hurt?”

  “It’s a little sore. As long as I don’t move too much, though, I should be fine.”

  Trailing my fingers around his stomach, I felt the familiar heat rise. “You know I could help you feel better. I could do all the work, and all you would have to do is lie there like the good little patient you are.”

  Luca stopped my hand and growled. “You don’t know how bad I want to sink my cock into you right now.”

  I placed my hand on his face. “There’s no way anything’s happening until you’re better. I was only teasing—well, sort of—but once the doc says everything is good to go, you can guarantee I will be calling the shots in the bedroom for a wee while.”

  Luca huffed his annoyance. “Ah, ah. No way. Once I’m better, things will go back to normal, and I’ll be working damn hard at making you my wife.”

  I looked up to Luca with a frown. “Why do you need to work hard at making me your wife? I already told you I’d marry you.”

  Abashed, Luca looked away towards the bedroom window. “There are things I need to take care of first.”

  “No way. There’s no way in hell I’m going to let you do that to me again.”

  Snapping his head back to me, Luca held his hand out. “Tranquillo amore mio. I’ve already told you that will never happen again.”

  I grunted. “It had better not or I’ll kill you.”

  “How can you kill me if I’m already dead?”

  “Don’t make jokes like that, Luca.”

  Stroking the knuckles on my hand, Luca smiled. “I haven’t had anyone care for me this much since my mama. It’s nice.”

  Smiling at one another, we almost didn’t hear the knock on the door. Once Luca shouted to whoever it was to come in, our room was quickly filled with people.

  “Boss, it’s so good to see you.” Tony stood by Belinda, tears in his eyes.

  “I wasn’t about to go without a fight. I have someone who needs me.” Taking my hand, I looked over to Luca’s loving eyes. I couldn’t have been more in love than I was right then.

  “How are you feeling?” Belinda asked.

  Luca smiled. “Happy to be alive.” Squeezing my hand, Luca looked timid. “Would you mind leaving me with Tony for a moment please, Clara?”

  I shook my head and I kissed his hand as got off the bed. “Of course not.”

  “As soon as I’ve finished speaking with Tony, I want you back in here. I need to get reacquainted with you again, since we were forced to spend more time apart.”

  Seeing his hitched eyebrow, I nearly laughed. It had only been a few hours since he was shot, and yet he was talking about having sex already.

  Not wanting to argue with him for a change, I curtsied. “Certainly, my lord and master.”

  “See that girl there?” Luca asked, looking at the others and pointing to me. “I’m going to marry that girl.”

  Feeling teary and flustered, I made my way out of the room, leaving a trail of laughter behind me.

  Belinda laid a hand on my shoulder. “How are you feeling?”

  Thinking honesty was still the best policy, I smiled. “Exhausted, scared, and above all—happy.”

  “Tony and I prayed for him last night. We knew he would make it. I didn’t think he would ever let you go that easily.”

  I pulled Belinda in for a hug as we laughed together. “Thank you. Again.”

  “You don’t have to thank me. You never have to thank me.”

  Three weeks later.

  Things settled down after a week or so, but I could tell all of Luca’s men had been out trying to find Antonio. It had been to no avail, though. Luca thought he may have gone into hiding for a while, but he wasn’t going to give up searching. Luca wanted revenge, and he wanted it badly. I had to admit, I wanted it badly too. It was crazy when I thought about it. Maybe I was becoming a gangster’s moll after all.

  When I got back to the room that day at the lodge—after Luca and Tony had finished talking—I was instantly reminded of whom I belonged to. We didn’t have sex; Luca would never let me have that much control. He did, however, work his magical fingers on me.

  Suffice it to say, I wore him down eventually. After a week or so of driving him crazy, I finally got my wicked way and was able to thoroughly enjoy myself on top of him. Luca had to take control even then, and he guided my hips as I went. Even then, he just couldn’t relent.

  Having that lack of control just made Luca even angrier with Antonio. Every time we had been apart in an intimate manner, it had been because of Antonio, and that thought made Luca look venomous at times.

  Despite that, I was still enjoying myself on top of Luca, taking care of each and every one of his needs. It was quite nice to have someone to look after—other than my girls of course.

  Business was back on track, and in Luca’s absence, I was watched like a hawk. Poor Tony must have been exhausted as it seemed he was the only one Luca trusted to watch over me. I felt bad because I was taking his time away from Belinda.

  Talking of which, she still hadn’t entertained a client. I thought that, deep down, her feelings ran a little deeper for Tony then she let on.

  Mia and Alessandro were still going strong. I think they had a competition going to see how many rooms they could have sex in. I caught them a couple of times on my rounds, and I haven’t let them live it down. Alessandro just shrugged his shoulders and said, “I’ve seen you naked, so I suppose it’s only fair that you see me naked, too.” Thank God Luca wasn’t there when he said that!

  Reluctantly, I left my tower this morning so that I could go to my office and do some work. Belinda and Mia were doing their best to run things, so I could take care of Luca as much as I could. The reason for my absence didn’t make me feel any less guilty about it, though. They were all so used to having me there whenever I was needed.

  I was actually in the middle of doing some admin when a knock sounded at my door. “Come in!”

  The door pushed open, and Belinda came in looking a little out of sorts. “What’s wrong?”

  “There’s a lady here. She says her name is Isabella. Are you expecting her?”

  Frowning, I tried to recall if I had ever heard of her before. “No. Why is she here?”

  “She says she wants to speak with you. I just assumed she was either another potential girl or a client.”

  Feeling my curiosity peak, I said, “Okay, let her in.”

  Belinda nodded and walked out the door. A couple of seconds later, a knock sounded and in walked a beautiful Mediterranean-looking lady with long, silky black hair and the most pristine olive skin. If she was here for the job, I might have to hire her on the spot. She was beyond beautiful.

  Smiling, she came towards my desk and held out her hand. “Clara Murphy?” Her accent had an Italian twang which sounded sexy.

  Standing up, I took her hand and shook it. “Yes, I’m Clara Murphy. And you are?”

  “Oh yes, please excuse my poor manners. I’m Isabella Belatoni … Luca’s wife.”

  To be continued in, LUCA (Because You’re Mine)

  Turn to the next page for a preview of book two.

  Murderous thoughts. Those are what I had once Isabella walked through the door and revealed to me who she was. I needed an escape. An escape from my thoughts, an escape from the hurt, and an escape from ... him.

/>   I was a broken woman, but I was never going to break my resolve. I grew up being a fighter because I had to. No man could ever bring me down... Not even Luca.

  But, I had to admit, I never thought my heart would break as much as it did that day. Of course, I fled, but I was a fool to think he would ever let me go. He always told me I was his ... no matter what the cost. He was determined to keep me—regardless of the lengths he had to go to reach his goal. He was like a moth to my flame, a tattoo carved into my heart. I could never escape his pull.

  I may have evaded him, but I knew it would just be a matter of time. Once he inevitably caught up with me, there would be no going back.

  But, no matter what I had expected—or even imagined—absolutely nothing could have prepared either of us for what happened next...

  I never know how to begin thanking everyone who had been a part of me throughout the whole process of writing my books. I can tap away writing chapter after chapter, but acknowledgements seem so hard. I guess it has something to do with not being able to put into words the amount of gratitude I have for the people who support me. You all know who you are.

  I will have to name names, so I want to first of all thank my editor Shannon Steed. She is extremely patient with me. Seriously, I don’t know how she puts up with me at times, lol. I also want to thank Tee Cullen for offering to proofread it once it was edited. I will always appreciate as much feedback as possible.

  I need to thank my girls, Sabine Willems, Line Nørgaard Fallesen and Serena Kett for beta reading You Will Be Mine. I know you have waited an age for book two, and for that, I apologise. I am onto rectifying that ASAP.

  I have a very special thanks reserved for my PA, Amanda Perrie. Amanda, as always you do an amazing job pimping the life out of my books. I don’t know what I’d do without you.

  I want to also thank Kellie Dennis from Book Cover By Design. As always, Kellie you did a fantastic job on the book cover and teasers for Luca. I can’t wait to see what you have up your sleeve for my future books.

  Leigh Stone from Formatting by Leigh, thank you for jumping in there quickly for me and formatting the book on a tight deadline. You were a lifesaver.


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