Travek's Treasure

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Travek's Treasure Page 5

by Pearl Tate

  Looking down again, I wonder how to do this. Squat or stand. Deciding on squatting, I crouch down with my feet on each side. It’s humiliating, but only takes a minute to relieve my bladder. After shaking briefly in lieu of toilet paper, I step forward. “Okay, I’m done.”

  “My turn.” I’m treated to another full-frontal as he turns around. His huge dick swings right along with him. Damn. He’s proportional.

  I circle over to where we were in the corner and stand politely facing the wall while I hear him do his own business. Fuck! Please... please don't let this continue for long. Peeing was humiliating enough.

  Not only did this alien… person steal me from school—figuring I was his mate, he’s an opportunist. “Do you have the same plans for me? Like you did for Hannah, I mean?”

  His hand on my shoulder startles me. I didn’t even hear him cross the floor to this side of our prison. Turning slightly, I look up, up, up and meet his gaze defiantly. Just let him try.

  “No. Never.” Travek’s so tall, I’m eye level with his broad, tattooed chest. Why does he have to be so hot? I stare up into his eyes, and from what I can tell, he looks sincere. Not that I’m the best judge of character… “As soon as I saw them on… them—the mating marks… I realized that was out of the question. Mates are forever. Individually committed to each other.”

  He reaches out slowly to stroke my arms again. His hands feel like velvet hot water bottles. So, even though I’m disgruntled with everything he’s sharing, I don’t pull away. It feels way too good. My nipples hurt, because the temperature is so cold.

  “Can we sit again, please? I don’t want to share this with everyone.” His voice drops, and I immediately understand what he means. Nothing he’s mentioned yet seems like that big of a secret, but he’d know better than me.

  Swallowing hard, I nod. I’d be a fool to say no at this point. How long do they intend to keep us locked up in here? Knowing what I do now, the cold’s probably perfectly calculated to draw us together.

  His hands tug me down into his lap again, and I’m cocooned in the warmth of his body as he draws me back against him. Travek’s hair is so odd. It floats out from his head with a mind of its own once I’m settled.

  As the strands flutter through my hair and down my shoulders, I release one of my breasts to reach up and finger a strand. It’s definitely much thicker than my fine, shoulder-length curls. As I rub the strand of hair, it reciprocates and winds up my wrist along with hundreds of others playing follow the leader. With the way it’s styled up on his head, it’s deceitful just how long it actually is.

  “Mating died out in our society thousands of years ago. I don’t know why human females are activating our dormant genes, but I’m thankful for it.” His breath flutters against my hair and into my ear, making me shiver again. It’s odd considering the circumstances, but I’m horny.

  There’s something about him. “Why? Why are you thankful? You’re saying this is an exclusive commitment? No others—now or later?”

  “Correct.” His warm hands travel from my arms to my legs where he rubs them again. “Our society declined in female births about the same time as the matings died out. Consequently, women now have more than one husband. It’s selfish… but I wanted someone for just me.” His words are almost too soft at the end to make out.

  But I don’t think that’s selfish. That’s what I want. Isn’t that why I was so frustrated with Charlie?

  We’d been exclusive for years. But it only took a few months at college and he wanted to explore his options? Not break up, mind you. Just have an open relationship!

  He still wanted me around when he came home, of course. He even had the audacity to talk about someone he wanted to bring home from school to meet me. Another female he wanted me to "explore our options" with.

  He made me so angry. If I was interested in women, I wouldn't have been with him. I have no qualms with same-sex relationships, it’s just not for me. And I only want to deal with one person at a time! Life is complicated enough.

  “That’s what I would want too,” I assure him quietly. “Not that I’m agreeing to anything here. Humans don’t have mates, but we decide and commit to someone. Same thing, right?”

  His arms slow a bit before he answers. “Not exactly.”

  Okaaaay. “Well, explain it more thoroughly. I get the marks showing up, but what makes mating different from dating and getting to know someone?”

  I’ve turned in his arms as I speak. I hope I’m not killing his legs, but they’re like tree trunks under me. Huge. Hopefully, he doesn’t notice how much I weigh.

  “Mating is different. You won’t want anyone else.” His response makes me laugh. It feels good to find humor in this fucked up situation.

  “That’s pretty vague.” His face is so close. The serious way he looks at me and then drops his eyes to my lips has me swinging around in his arms to lean back again. It’s too much. Too intimate. Too soon.

  “I don’t understand it. But there’s more to it.” He shifts me in his lap, and I realize that I’m squishing his cock. Whoops. “Honestly, there isn’t a real lot I know about it—especially how it affects the female. But for the male, it’s a whole new world. There are old laws about mating, and I'm aware some of them are very antiquated.”

  Travek says nothing more. I relax in his arms, enjoying the heat he gives off that big, tattooed chest I’m leaning on. I refuse to get too worked up about anything right now. Everything is so uncertain. They could take me home tomorrow.

  Thinking about my mom makes my eyes water. I don’t want to cry, but what if I never see her again? Sure, we’ve had our moments over the last few years, but I never planned to stay away from her indefinitely. Her health problems with diabetes and her weight keep me checking in.

  If Travek had his way, I would’ve been in space and long gone by now. At least now, there’s a possibility I’ll get taken home. I don’t even care if they mind wipe me at this point. Anything to end this scary nightmare of freezing temperatures, naked captivity, and aliens!

  “Let me lay down and you can rest on me. You’ll feel better after.” Biting my lip, I consider his offer briefly. Falling asleep would make the time pass quicker.

  “Alright. I do feel burnt.” He doesn’t even stand. Lifting both our weights briefly, he stretches out carefully on the floor. I never move from laying across him. I’m left looking down at him beneath me.

  “Burnt?” Spreading his arms, he indicates I should stretch out.

  “Tired.” He’s so wide, I’m not even worried about rolling off. He wraps his arms around my back as I settle my head onto his chest.

  Why does he smell so good? I'm conscious of every hard-velvety inch of him under me. Rubbing my cheek slightly on his chest, I realize he has small hairs the same color as his skin everywhere.

  Lifting my arm, I run my fingers over the purple coloring in an area of his tattoo near his nipple. He jerks slightly. “Sorry,” I whisper. I’m fascinated by the way the colors seem alive. It’s a kaleidoscope under his skin that’s constantly shifting and changing.

  “It’s fine. You can touch me.” His strangled voice sounds the complete opposite of what he’s saying. He’s so stiff under me I’m not sure if it’s his muscles or if he’s uncomfortable. It’s like laying on a contoured wooden lounger covered in velvet.

  “Are you sure this is alright with you? I can move.” I shift a bit and he immediately grabs my hips.

  “Don’t move, please. It’s fine.” His fingers dig into my sides, and I freeze, realizing what the issue is. Travek’s cock that was thankfully soft and out of the way, has begun to harden.

  “Do you want to rearrange the furniture?” I’m trying to be an adult about this. He’s a guy. When you're naked with a girl laying on you, you’re bound to get hard. I don’t want him to be uncomfortable.

  “Rearrange the furniture?” He sounds baffled.

  “You know. Fix yourself so it doesn’t get uncomfortable or kinked up or someth
ing.” Fuck, I feel like an idiot. I need to remember to not use any slang. “Your penis. Fix your penis so it doesn’t hurt you?”

  He’s frozen under me. I studiously study his nipple after my very clear but very blunt words. I realize after the fact he kisses the top of my head—or did he sniff me again? His hand reaches by my side, and I grab his shoulders to lift myself up.

  I don’t look down as he reaches between us and shifts himself. “Are you good?” When he nods, I lower myself back down, pressing my chest back to his.

  I notice his cock now, resting at an angle along the bend of my thigh to my torso. Ignoring it, I close my eyes and try to even out my breathing. My back is still cold, but he runs his warms hands across it, drawing soothing designs into my cold flesh.

  Unfortunately, now I’m getting horny. As he gets harder under me, I can feel him grow. My own body is betraying me by responding to his! I’ve never had this problem before.

  I can feel myself getting wetter, but I staunchly ignore it.

  Go to sleep. Go to sleep.

  I want to block all of this awkward and uncomfortable situation out of my mind.

  Luckily, I’m quite worn out. Maybe from the adrenaline? It doesn’t take long before I drift off.


  - Travek

  Heavy footsteps outside the room wake me. I listen intently to see if they stop. Sure enough, a small hatch at the bottom of our door opens. Two trays slide through the opening along with two bottles on their side—presumably with some kind of drink. Hopefully, water.

  The sound stirs Lisa who’s still asleep on my chest. I don’t think I’ve been dozing long. Instead, I spent my time staring at her. I’m infatuated with the gentle slopes and curves pressed against me. It’s encouraging that she hasn’t totally denied my touch.

  She's accepted my rubbing and warming her skin. It could be the situation, but mating isn’t optional. It’s a biological imperative that will push us both to join and procreate. Eventually, she'll need me as much as I’m beginning to need her.

  When I first felt my cock hardening, the entire length tingled gently. All it took to change that was her talking about it. As soon as she acknowledged its existence between us, the shaft grew into a hard rod that's hard for me to ignore.

  After all, being hard without any drugs is an anomaly. I wanted to touch it. Throbbing with pleasure, even the air passing over the length sent sparks of arousal to my balls.

  She seemed to have no problem ignoring it, and that makes me wonder about her experiences with males. I know it was before me, but has she been with another? The casual way she discussed my bodily function makes me think it’s very possible.

  I’m jealous as I think of anyone else ever touching or claiming her. But maybe it's better, especially considering the circumstances we now find ourselves in. If she was innocent and shy, this would be even more uncomfortable for her.

  I can tell the exact moment Lisa realizes where she is. Her entire body jolts as she stiffens on me. Even though her skin is cool on her back, our bodies stick together. She peels our skin apart to glance toward the trays that have arrived.

  Feeling her loss, I watch her settle her knees between my legs and peek up at me. My cock immediately hardens. Pulling my legs back, I reach for the trays to divert her attention.

  “I don’t know if we should eat this.” Inspecting the metal tray with two metal bowls, I’m not sure what this meal is meant to be.

  Lisa scrunches her nose up. “Well, that’s no great loss.” She doesn’t seem sad about the lack of food.

  “What is this?” Even when I pick up the bowl and smell it, the food is unidentifiable.

  “Oatmeal? Gruel? I don’t know. Oats of some sort cooked with water. It’ll be flavorless and gross. Assholes.” She stands and turns her back to me to stretch. “Can you turn your back so I can pee?”

  If I didn’t know what she wanted me to turn my back for, I would definitely be confused. I’ve never heard urinating call “pee”. Shifting onto my knees, I stand and face the corner while she takes care of relieving herself.

  “Do you think that’s water? I’m thirsty.” Her comment behind me makes me realize that I'm parched too. Picking up a bottle near my foot, I unscrew the cap and sniff the contents. It seems fine. It smells like regular water, although there’s a tinge of a metallic tang to the liquid. That could just be from the source. This entire facility seems to have a fuel and metallic smell.

  Lisa appears at my side and grasps the bottle in my hand. “I’ll try it first.” Before I realize her intentions, she’s tilted the bottle to her lips.

  “You should have let me. I’m much larger.” My admonishment lands on deaf ears as she takes another long drink.

  “Tastes fine. I don’t really know why they’d want to drug us. Isn’t locking us in here together and feeding us crap enough?” Her angry words make me realize how tired she looks. The dark circles around her eyes give her a haunted look.

  Brushing her hair back from her face, I rub her cheek and smile softly. “I’m so sorry we’re here.”

  “I am too.” Pulling away, she walks to the other side and seems to study the cage we’re in. “This is bullshit!” Her voice rises as she speaks and by the time she finishes, her voice is a roar.

  Crossing to her quickly, I wrap my arms around her, pulling her to me. Her crying makes my heart break as she begins to sob into my chest. It takes a while but eventually she wraps her arms around me.

  I’m so engrossed in her feelings I’m beginning to sense, that I miss the sound of the footsteps in the hall. Looking over, I see the Taxin opening the glass window behind the bars. He snarls between at us. “Maybe you all should do what you're supposed to then. This should help.”

  Looking at him over my shoulder, I’m trying to shield Lisa’s nudity. I miss the weapon of some sort pointed out at the bottom of the window. Lisa flinches, and I realize he’s shot her with some sort of projectile. About the size of my smallest finger, the missile is stuck into her skin and flaps there as she shakes in my arms.

  Yanking the device from her skin, I turn and run at the door, slamming my body against the metal. The filthy Taxin has already shut the window, and I hear his laughter fading as he walks away down the hall.

  Turning to Lisa, I fall to my knees as an undercurrent of her shock and pain rolls through our bond now. Guilt riddles me as I inspect the area where the dart was removed. Blood is dripping from the entry area and down her leg.

  Pressing my hand tightly against it, she tries to assure me she’s fine. “It doesn’t hurt. I feel fine. Not even woozy. What do you suppose was in it? Do you think you pulled it out fast enough?”

  I look at the small projectile. It’s thin and small with a feather puff on the end. She plucks it from my hands to look at it closer herself. “I’m so sorry, Lisa. I should have been paying attention. From now on, you’ll need to stay in the corner so I can block your body from them.”

  Shrugging her shoulders, Lisa acts beaten, slumping forward to try to brush my hand away. “There’s nothing we can do. We’re here. They can do whatever they want whenever they want. Right?”

  Grabbing her, I pull her into my body. On my knees this way, she’s only slightly taller than me. I hate admitting she’s right. We’ve no idea what they injected her with. It could make her sick or even kill her, and I’d have no way to retaliate.

  I have to figure a way out. In the back of my mind, I’ve been waiting for my mother to save me. I’m sure they’ll send someone. Eventually. Based on the way things have been going here, it may not be quick enough.

  “Well, I’m starving now.” Lisa’s pushing my hair back and pulls from my arms. “Sorry I’m being such a wuss, but there’s no reason not to check out their version of breakfast now, is there?”

  Taking a few steps over to the tray, she sinks to her knees. I move quickly to block her from direct exposure to the door. She may not take them seriously, but I do. They’re obviously very serious about
getting us to mate. It’s hard to say what they’ll do if we don’t follow through. They could separate us.

  Lisa picks up a bowl and smells the contents. “Yeah. Some kind of grain.” When she picks up the spoon, it tilts and runs off in a thick stream back into the bowl. “Mm. Looks delicious, huh?”

  Smiling tightly, I try to act like everything is fine, but I hate feeling so helpless. Taking my own bowl, I stand and wave her towards the corner. “Sit there, and I’ll be on this side.” I can tell she still feels fine by the way she rolls her eyes, but she obediently walks over and slides her back down the wall in the corner of the room.

  Settling next to her, I take an experimental sniff of the bowl. It does have a grain smell, and I think I won’t have any trouble eating it. A gagging sound next to me has me glancing over to see Lisa letting it fall out of her mouth and back into the bowl.

  “Disgusting! Fucking hell. It may be awhile before I get hungry enough to eat this.” Placing the bowl on the floor in front of her, I take a bite too. There isn’t much flavor, but what I do taste is mild. Edible, even if the texture is slimy and coats my throat thickly.

  “Do you like it?” She seems surprised, but I just nod briefly. I don’t need to explain to her that I plan to eat all of it. Keeping our strength up is going to become more and more important. “Well, you could eat mine too. I mean—I did just kind of spit in it, but you’re welcome to it.”

  “Thank you, Lisa.” I rub her cold thigh next to me. “How are you feeling? Still alright?”

  “Yeah.” I continue eating as she takes a deep breath and blows her hair out of her face. She runs both her hands through it from her forehead before dropping her elbows to her knees. “Cold, but fine. I’ll survive.” She lifts her head to look at me seriously, watching me finish the few bites left in my bowl. “Thanks for letting me crash on you too.”

  “Crash? You mean sleep?” When she nods, I finally put on a genuine smile. “Oh, that wasn’t a hardship.”

  She gazes at me briefly before I see color flushing her skin, and she drops her head back down.


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