Travek's Treasure

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Travek's Treasure Page 10

by Pearl Tate

  With his arms braced on either side of my head, he curves one forearm under my shoulders. This pulls me up further while he cups my neck. “Is… this… good?” Each word is punctuated by a deep thrust as he searches my eyes for confirmation.

  “Don’t stop,” I manage to get out. “Please.” The last is more a groan than a word, but I notice myself climbing that pinnacle again. And I want it. I want him. I want this.

  He growls in response before withdrawing even further before pushing deeper inside me. Rocking into me, he stops before touching his lips to mine. Tilting his head, I realize he’s really gotten the knack for kissing before my brain fries and all I can think of is the pleasure he’s wringing from me.

  Grinding in a tiny circle against me over and over, I cling to his neck as he plunges his tongue into my mouth in rhythm with his deep rolling motion. The connected feeling is so intense, so personal and perfect, I surrender to the bliss of us together.

  When he pulls out and starts fucking me faster, I realize I’m not going to last much longer. It’s just so much sensory overload. “Yes,” I pant as my arms travel down his back and grab his ass. Urging him to go faster, I pull my legs up next to his sides so he can bottom out in me.

  Bending over me, his weight pins me to the bed as he buries his face in my neck. Sucking and nipping me, I cry out when my climax strikes.

  Travek groans above me as my muscles clamp down tightly, fluttering around him and urging him to join me. I feel pressure suddenly as his hips grind against the back of my thighs and ass. He doesn’t move, still buried deep inside me. One of his arms slowly moves down and cups my ass to him, holding me in place.

  His whole body tenses and shakes violently as he cries out in completion. I’m not sure if that was a groan or shout, but it sounded loud right near my ear. Incredibly, his cock feels even harder and I enjoy it bucking inside me. As it does, I relax, gently stroking his back.

  Twisting his weight to the left, he keeps a tight hold on my butt cheek while he rolls me to our sides. His wild hair keeps the sheet in a halo around us, and I smile at his contented expression.

  “Did that hurt you?”

  I reach up and tug his face closer. “Absolutely not. Did you feel me come—again?”

  “Yes. I lost all control when you did. It felt like you let me in further, and my body just took over.” Our faces are inches from each other, and I realize I can sense real worry from him. That’s okay though, because I can send back how wonderful it really was.

  Melting into the bed and his hold, I let every muscle in my body relax. He’s so wrapped around me that I go nowhere. “It was perfect. Now, I need a nap.”

  Laughing, he slowly releases my butt and moves off my leg under his side. Staying under the sheet, he rearranges my body until I’m flat on my back, and he can curl up around me again. Brushing a kiss across my forehead, he remains propped over me.

  “Go to sleep then. I’ll watch over you.”

  I’m barely awake as it is. All the food, the sex… I’m wiped. His fingers are still running a trail down between my breasts. As he strokes me, I doze off.


  - Travek

  I watch Lisa sleep for quite some time before my need to inspect this living space further spurs me into action. She’s clarified she's frightened and wishes to push our captors to show themselves. I’m just not exactly sure how to make that happen.

  Gathering my tools from the other room, I begin inspecting around our “window” in the sleeping room. I want—no, I need to keep Lisa in sight. The view screen is using similar properties to the cooking appliance in the food prep area. The wires carrying current for power aren’t that different from Quasar’s. Although the material housing it is unique.

  Just thinking about Quasar makes me wonder about my mother. Has she been informed I’m missing yet? If I was just missing and there weren’t any family commitments tied to me, I’m not sure she would come looking that quick. The fact that I’m due back to fulfill my obligations soon should spur her into action.

  Bren won’t be expecting me back for some time and knew exactly what I planned to do. Will he report me? Or is it much too soon?

  Honestly, I think the living conditions here are ideal. It wouldn’t take much to convince me to stay here for an extended length of time. It’s clean, warm, and safe. Of course, we've no way of knowing if the food supply here will be replenished. But our captors must have something in mind.

  Lisa mentioned that they commented on making sure the bonding took. What did they mean by that? As far as I can tell, the bonding between Lisa and I is totally complete. What are we missing?

  We each developed our mating marks, and it’s easy to sense each other's feelings. Other than that, what could they mean? Are they aware of something we aren't?

  Very little information is publicly accessible regarding the ancient matings. It’s considered archaic because of the dependency created between mating partners. But I’ve experienced sexual intimacy on Canesta. The drug makes our cocks harden so intercourse is achievable. Unfortunately, the side effects include pain, sensitivity, and over time, the drug becomes less and less effective.

  Hence, our society's structure with multiple males in a relationship. Over time, fewer and fewer females have been born. Originally, the male to female ratio sat around three to one, but now it’s closer to six to one. Most of the general public isn’t even aware of this slowly widening discrepancy, but the council takes a census every five years.

  There’s even been talk of taking a census annually. The last council meeting debated on it and decided it would only draw more attention to the problem. What good does it do to know? Instead, time should be put into new procreation options. So far, nothing has been a viable solution.

  My mother’s brother Riko is outspoken for a male. He’s been granted many freedoms in the Kirley Line. As one of many males, he’s more involved in raising the offspring. From the time we left our schooling, he’s helped to find our genetic talents and encourage us to use them.

  He’s the only one in the family that’s familiar with my technological interest. Dissecting things and figuring out how they operate is a hobby he’s always encouraged. When I found the transporter box in the reclaimed ship, he was the only family member I told. He didn’t hesitate to encourage me to work on it.

  As I take apart the wall, it becomes more and more obvious that our prison dwelling is entirely self-contained. Whatever material is behind this facade, is impenetrable. Working my way around the room, following wires, I search for the area where they all come into this dwelling.

  It’s a slow process. I’m surprised Lisa continues to sleep through the racket I make. Cutting into the wall isn’t quiet work. I think she may be right about trying to concentrate on the places in the dwelling with the largest draw of power.

  Taking a break to watch her sleep, I consider the vacation home I was originally planning to take a mate back to. It’s much bigger than these rooms and sits in a temperate area close to the city. But taking her back and subjecting her and myself to the restrictions and lifestyle on our planet is becoming less and less appealing.

  On Quasar, I’ll always be subservient to her. She says now she only wants me, but what if she changes her mind? Do female Humans take multiple partners? What if, even though we’re mated, she doesn’t experience the same mating pull to me that I do to her?

  If she proves fertile, she’d be entitled to twice the number of eligible males normally available. My mother would probably personally pressure her to take more males into her home. How would I live with that?

  My breath constricts as I watch her lush chest rise and fall. I couldn’t deal with it. There’s no way. Even now, just brooding about it, I feel anger seeping into my mind. Rage.

  Lisa stirs, and her eyes flutter open to study me. “Is everything alright?” Rolling onto her side, she glances around the room. Her eyes stall on the mess I’ve made in different spots, following the w

  “Yes. I’ve just been investigating. I didn’t want to leave you or the room, but I've found nothing helpful in here yet.”

  Yawning, she rolls onto her side, putting an arm under her head. “Are you okay, though? I feel…” she brings her hand to her chest and drops onto her back. “…tight. Did you hurt yourself again?”

  Sitting up, I realize she must sense my indecision and anger. Pulling off my dusty robe, I move onto the bed next to her. We have to work together, and I’ve been raised to defer to females. Lisa looks to me for guidance, and that has a lot to do with the circumstances. I’m more familiar with the situations we’ve landed in, but she needs to understand my concerns.

  “I’ve been thinking about where we’ll go when we leave here. Have you given that any thought?” I watch her scratch her head and stare at the ceiling absently before turning to me.

  “No. I mean, I’d love to take you home, but that doesn’t seem like a good idea.” Sitting up, she keeps the sheet wrapped around her top but wiggles over to me and climbs between my legs. “You must have had some plan? You risked the trip in your spaceship, and you said you’re outside your… zone? So, what was your grand master plan?”

  “Well, originally I wanted to wait and see how things turned out for Bren and Hannah on Quasar. When I contemplated how things could progress with the council and all the politics… it could go terrible.” My mother is fairly relaxed. As far I’ve been informed, she’s not directly involved in anything questionable. But this is such a huge change for our people.

  There are so many males that would literally kill for their mates. And I wasn’t even planning on making them kill—just pay. Sure, things haven’t gone perfectly according to plan, but if it’s the Ashen holding us here, I could be almost there.

  “What’s terrible? Give me worst-case scenario.” Lisa’s interest has me thinking about the petty jealousy and backstabbing. It’s prevalent, not only in large families, but also throughout the political arena.

  “Well, let’s talk about what would be perfect. If they accepted all Humans as mates… which they should, since you’re mated to a Quasar male, then they’d set you up as a Quasar female with a home and all the rights of a female on our planet. As such, you’d then be subject to the same laws that other Quasar females are subjected to. There would be family lines petitioning you to enter pairing contracts with them. It’s standard to maintain two or more for your future offspring. If you are fertile, they will want you to add to your harem—”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Lisa holds up her hands between us. “No. No way. We’re mated. You said that was it!”

  “It is. It’s it for me. But I wasn’t sure how you would feel about it—” Lisa slides off my lap to sit cross-legged on the bed in front of me.

  “I feel like I want you. Only you.” Her hand flies to her chest. “I feel your relief. How could you believe that I would consider that?”

  Shrugging, I don’t meet her eyes. Do I admit how jealous I’d be? Jealousy is an undesirable trait for a Quasar male. Sharing, brotherly love, and support—these are the cornerstones of how we’re raised. Together.

  “I wasn’t sure,” I finally settle on when I look at her again. “I only want you, but I can’t tell if you feel the same. Or, if you’ll feel the same once you’re around others. I know Humans don’t mate. What if the mating is one-sided?”

  “It’s not,” she snaps. I sense her irritation as she shifts in front of me. “What were things like on your planet when there were matings? Those laws?”

  “I honestly have no idea. That’s a good question. But all the things that were considered undesirable about mating, are what I like best.” I smirk at her and wiggle my eyebrows.

  Shaking her head slightly, she throws her hands up in the air. “So, share! I’ve no idea what you mean. You need to talk to me!”

  “Oh, right.” Reflecting back, I list the negatives that were preached to us as the wonders of nano-technology. “Monogamy and only being with one person… the desire just won’t be there—at least for a male. We can be separated for long periods of time. Now that we’re mated, we’ll get sick or irritable… I honestly don’t know if this is physical or what. We didn’t get details about this. If you die, there’s a good chance I’ll die. Maybe that’s part of the whole separation thing too—”

  Lisa seems excited as she cuts in. “That isn’t unheard of in Humans either. Heartsick. It’s quite common for couples who’ve been together for years and years to die within a year of each other. They just missed each other too much, I guess.” She drops back onto her back and shifts around to put her head in my lap. “It’s romantic… okay. Sorry. Tell me more.”

  “Well, the biggest thing is we don’t need Canesta for me to get hard. That’s the biggest one—for obvious reasons.”

  Lisa looks puzzled as she quickly asks, “What’s Canesta?”

  I can’t believe she doesn’t know this but, how would she? I’m such an idiot. Brushing her hair back, I explain looking down at her head in my lap. “Canesta’s a drug that males use to get hard. It enables them to perform sexually for their partner. Thousands of years ago, it wasn’t necessary. You met your mate, and then they were it for you. Now, we have a drug for that, and no pesky mates to make us only be tied to one female.”

  Lisa sits up while I’m speaking. A shocked expression has her eyes wide as she stares at me with her mouth slightly parted. “You’re saying that all the males on Quasar have to take a drug to get it up?” When I nod, her eyes get rounder. “So, you’ve never had sex without drugs until you met me?”

  “Correct. It’s different too. It’s not a gradual building of lust and has nothing to do with exterior stimulation. You could do anything, and if you take the drug, you’ll get hard. It’s also extremely sensitive the entire time—your penis, I mean. Almost to the point of pain. If you hold off for too long, it becomes more and more sensitive and painful until you release.”

  “Oh. My. Lord. That’s so fucked up.” Lisa has a hand over her mouth as she stares at me. “I’m so sorry.” Her hand flies to my knee. “That’s terrible. But maybe now you’re fixed or something? Doesn’t it stand to reason that now you’ll be able to get hard with anyone?”

  “No, I think they’d have figured that out. It’s a chemical reaction with you and your body that I’ve locked into with only you. You’re definitely it for me.”

  I’m surprised when she hops up on the bed in front of me jumping in excitement. Her antics make me smile even if I don’t totally understand what’s made her so happy. Grabbing her hands, I pull her down to her knees in front of me. “You’re happy now?”

  “Happy? No, I’m ecstatic.” Throwing her hands on my shoulder she leans in. “I mean, I’m sorry you’ve had crappy sex before me, but… I can honestly declare that I’m the best you’ve ever had!” Throwing her hands on her hips, she thrusts her chest out with pride before breaking into laughter. Her giggling makes me smile.

  “And you’re sure you’re good with this? With me? Only me?” I have to ask. I’d rather know now, if she’ll change her mind down the road. There’s a part of me that’s just waiting for it.

  Sure, with me she’ll never lack for money. But there are other advantages of multiple partners, even beyond the sex and money. Prestige and home help.

  Running her hands up my neck to direct my face to look her at her, she bends down to look me directly in the eyes. “I’m absolutely positive that you’re all I need. I’m sure.”

  Clutching her to me, she squeezes me back. She makes me so happy. I’d do anything for her.

  Now, I need to figure out a way to get the Ashen to release us. I’ve only had one idea so far, and it’s based on the premise that they consider us valuable. They obviously feel that we’re worth watching and studying. But why do they intend to delay physical contact and speaking with us?

  Lisa’s unhappy with being watched and monitored. Something needs to change for her soon. I have to do something to get
them to interact with us. She’s worth it, and I’m ready to figure out the rest of our lives together.


  - Lisa

  “I don’t quite understand the downside of the mating. Sure, the bond makes you exclusive… and you miss your mate if you’re separated. Was it really that big of a deal?” When the trade-off is drugs to get a hard-on? Come on! It seems like a no-brainer. “Didn’t you say something about the drug’s effect wearing off over time too?” Wrapping my robe more securely around me, I slide off the side of the bed. I’m ready for a brownie.

  Travek nods. “It’s inevitable. If you use Canesta regularly, you build up an immunity. It isn’t supposed to be used more than once a day either, and we both realize that isn’t an issue with a mated male.”

  Winking at him, I wave at him to follow me. He trails behind me nude, not bothering to put his robe back on. “We do. You know, we’ve similar drugs on earth for men as they get older. Although it’s not uncommon for young people to experiment with them too. Have you had any immunity problems yet?”

  Uncovering the rich brownies, I pull out two plates and pass over one to Travek. He’s frozen in place with a strange expression.

  “No. I’ve only used Canesta once… with my Ermada before I left Quasar the first time. She was encouraging me to give up on going out on the Discovery. She felt I’d be just as useful skipping that assignment and working for my family from the planet, but I wanted to go.”

  I feel my face flush with anger as I realize what she tried to do. It’s one thing for him to experiment sexually with other people. But to have your older fiance try to manipulate you to stick around with sex—that’s pretty fucked up.

  “She bribed you with sex! That is so… I have no words.” Taking a big bite of a brownie, I let the sugary taste melt in my mouth. I have to test them. Wouldn’t want to feed him something bad!


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