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Loved by the LumberJacks_A MFMMMM Reverse Harem Romance

Page 89

by Sierra Sparks

  Which was hard when I’d just found him. Or, re-found him.

  “Yeah, I know.” He sighed, and I was a little mollified at how sad he sounded. “If it doesn’t let up, I may have to take a personal day. Tell them I have a doctor’s appointment or something.”

  “Mmm… I’ll be glad to examine you,” I said. Then I burst out laughing. “You wouldn’t believe how many fantasies I had that involved playing doctor with you when I was about twelve!”

  “Twelve?” he asked, sounding very interested. “Really? You’ll have to show me exactly what you had in mind.”

  “Well, I’m pretty sure at twelve it was a lot of kissing and if we were very daring, touching my boobies over my shirt.”

  “Not a bad start,” he said. “You were cute when you were twelve. Anyway, listen, I better go. I will try to see you as soon as I can. I miss you.”

  “Miss you too, babe,” I said. And it was the most natural thing in the world to add, “Love you,” to the end, but I caught myself and just said, “Bye.”

  I sat there by the pool, baking in the June California sun. Tomorrow night was going to be girls’ night out, and Raina and I would probably go to one of those summer bars with the shot specials and the big outdoor patios. At least I could talk to Raina about Adam—she definitely wouldn’t rat me out. But without Adam around, summer was a lot more boring than I had anticipated.


  My parents somehow forgot to tell me they were having a dinner party that night. Most of the time they could entertain clients at restaurants and Dad could write it off as a business expense, but once or twice a year, they had to have a few people over for dinner and drinks, and I guess this was one of those nights. Back in the day, Jack and I often had to join them at the table and behave absolutely perfectly under threat of severe punishment, but of course, we didn’t live at home anymore and didn’t have to do that these days.

  So I was kind of surprised when people started showing up. I grabbed my mom on her way out of the kitchen. “Do you want me to eat with everyone?” I asked doubtfully. “I didn’t know we were having company—I just came in from the pool.”

  “No, that’s all right,” she said, smoothing her hair. “There’s food in the fridge and you can go up the back way.”

  I ducked in the kitchen and made a sandwich, then took my food upstairs, showered, and sat on my bed watching TV. I could hear the polite social laughter drifting up from the dining room, though it got louder as the evening progressed, because the guests were drinking more.

  My phone beeped around 9:00, and I looked down. Adam had texted me, and I smiled as I read it.

  Stupid meeting just got out. Wish I could see you.

  I wished so too. In fact… I called him.

  “Hey,” I said. “Want to do something really crazy?”

  “With you? Always.”

  I laid out my idea for him, and when I was done, he was silent for a moment. Then he said, “You know there’s about a hundred ways this could go wrong, right?”

  “Well, if you don’t want to…”

  “I didn’t say that!” he answered. “I’m already on your street. I’ll go around behind the pool house.”

  I grinned and hung up, then slipped down the kitchen stairs and out through the garage. Adam was coming through the foliage behind the house, and I smiled. I hadn’t seen him in days, and I couldn’t stop grinning like an idiot.

  “Hey,” he whispered, taking both my hands.

  “Hey.” I stood on my toes and kissed him softly.

  “So, what’s the plan?”

  “Follow me.”

  I led him through the garage and into the kitchen, where I stopped to listen to the sounds of the guests talking over coffee, liqueurs, and dessert. This was the really dangerous part, because someone else could come into the kitchen at any time.

  “Go through that door,” I mouthed at him, pointing to the door where the back stairs were, “and wait for me on the stairs.”

  I grabbed a couple pieces of my mom’s cheesecake, the best thing in the world, and slid through the door behind him. His eyes lit up at the sight of the cheesecake.

  “That’s my favorite,” he whispered, his mouth right next to my ear. Shivers ran down my arms at his breath on my skin.

  “Come on.” I led him up the stairs, down the hall and to my room. I locked the door behind me, sat on the bed, and patted the space next to me.

  He sat by me, and shook his head slowly. “I can’t believe we’re doing this. Your father will fire me if he finds out. Or kill me.”

  “Then we’ll just have to be very quiet.” I cut off a bite of cheesecake and fed it to him.

  For a few minutes, we just sat in silence and fed each other cheesecake. I could see Adam relaxing minute by minute, and after a few more had passed, he got up and removed his jacket and tie. He moved the cake plates and lay down on my bed.

  I snuggled up next to him. “Hard week?”

  “Yeah.” He blew out a breath.

  “Poor baby. Let me take care of you.”

  I sat up and straddled him.

  “That could be good,” he conceded.

  I bent down and kissed him, then unbuttoned his shirt so that it hung open and I could see his muscular chest. I scooted down his body, kissing his skin as I moved, then knelt in front of him and took off his shoes and socks.

  He squirmed in front of me. “My feet probably smell bad,” he said awkwardly.

  “Actually, they don’t,” I assured him. I started to rub his feet, using a technique that trainers used on horses. “But even if they did, I’m going to be a vet. You think I’ve never encountered smells before?”

  He laughed softly. “That is strangely reassuring.”

  I rubbed both of his feet, then progressed up his legs to rub his calves. He was so muscular; I loved it. The feel of those strong muscles under my hands started to turn me on.

  “You can’t make any noise,” I warned him in a low voice. “If my parents catch you up here, there’ll be hell to pay.”

  He sat up on his elbows. “I’m not making any noise.”

  “Not yet,” I agreed, raising an eyebrow. Then I shifted and straddled one of his feet, rubbing my pussy back and forth across it.

  “Fuck,” he murmured.



  That had gotten his attention, but feet weren’t really my thing. Those legs, though… damn. I stood up and rubbed them, trying to rub some of the stress out, but also just wanting to touch him. I pressed my face against his growing cock, nuzzling it, but not really doing anything for it.

  “Stand up for a second,” I instructed him. He did and I stripped his slacks and shirt off so that he was only in his briefs. “Now lie down on your stomach.”

  He did what I said, and I straddled his back so that I could rub his shoulders. I rocked back and forth, teasing my clit while I rubbed his back.

  “That feels so good, babe,” he moaned.


  Pretty soon my arms were aching, so I had to stop. I made him turn over again so I could strip off his briefs. His feet were on the floor again, so I knelt between them and took his half-erect cock into my mouth. It went to full strength immediately.

  Adam grabbed handfuls of my bedspread in his fists. His lips were pressed together and his eyes were squeezed shut. He was trying so hard to stay quiet, but I couldn’t make it that easy. I sucked harder and cupped his balls.

  “Fuck!” he hissed. To his credit, it was still a whisper. Sort of. He started thrusting into my mouth. I had to use both hands to control the depth or I’d gag, but God it felt good to have that cock in my mouth.

  He opened his hand. “Come up here,” he whispered. “Please, I want to be inside you.”

  “Can you stay quiet?”

  “I can.” He raised an eyebrow in challenge. “Can you?”

  I wasn’t at all sure about that, but I crawled back on top of him and lowered my wet pussy onto his
throbbing cock. I gasped as he started to fill me. He was so big it stretched me out every time.

  “Shh!” he said.

  “I am,” I said, my teeth clenched. “It’s just so fucking good.”

  “I know, baby.” He grabbed my hips and thrust harder and this time I cried out. “You’re gonna be in so much trouble.”

  “I’m not,” I panted. “God, just fuck me.”

  He thrust faster, and this time the issue was how much noise the bed made. It wasn’t usually loud, but I didn’t usually fuck a tall muscular beast in it, either.

  “Shh,” I said, louder than I meant to. “Bed…too…loud. Oh God, you’re so fucking big.”

  I started to come, biting down on my lip to keep the screams inside. I hoped to God my parents couldn’t hear the bed, because I couldn’t stop bouncing up and down on Adam’s huge cock if my life depended on it. I needed it pounding into me.

  My mostly silent orgasm ended but Adam was still pounding me. He sat up, wrapped his arms around me and flipped us over, then thrust into me that way, on top of me. His breath hissed in and out of his teeth, his voice controlled, but his body wild. I’d have been surprised if the whole dinner party didn’t come running to see where the earthquake was coming from.

  “Shh,” I half giggled, half gasped. I raised my legs so he could go even deeper, and it felt so good that it hurt, and I had to bite down on another cry of ecstasy. Adam finally pumped his load into me endlessly, leaving cum dripping out of my pussy and all over the bed. He collapsed on top of me.

  We lay like that for a few minutes, just holding each other, slightly stunned.

  “So, did I take good care of you?” I grinned, because I was well aware I took such good care of him that he might never get his eyes uncrossed.

  “Oh. My. Fucking. God.”

  I laughed lightly, and we both dozed off.


  The house grew silent around us; my parents had turned off the lights and were sound asleep. Adam was asleep with his arms around me, and I snuggled back against him. This was the first time we’d slept together, really slept, and I was in heaven. This was amazing. We’d still have to sneak Adam back out somehow, but I’d worry about that later.

  I started to close my eyes, but I noted that the message light was blinking on my phone. I picked it up and saw that Jack had written me in Messenger.

  Hey, squirt! How’s it going. Got a few minutes on the computer when we actually have a signal so I thought I’d write. Enjoying your lazy summer?

  About five minutes later, he’d written again.

  Got a text from the new media exec at Monroe. She said she was worried that Adam was having an affair with you. I told her not to stress about it, because Adam’s a good guy. I honestly wondered if you two would get together after the party last month, but I guess he’s with this Bianca woman now. Too bad—I don’t think Dad would like it, but I’d love to see you with someone stable instead of those airhead jocks you usually date.

  Wait, what?

  Sorry, too big-brotherly? I’ll back off, really.

  I looked up at Adam. What the hell was this? We hadn’t had the talk about being exclusive or whatever, but it never occurred to me that he might be seeing someone else too. I was such an idiot.

  No, not too big-brotherly, I typed, my thumbs flying across the touch-screen. I secretly like it when you get all cave man. But I do text with Adam sometimes and he never mentioned that he was seeing someone. Saw him out a couple weeks ago with a group of guys, and they were all picking up girls.

  That was true enough—I just didn’t mention that Adam had picked me up.

  Shit, he typed back. She told me they’d been engaged for two years, and he was at a bar picking up girls? I didn’t think he was like that. Good thing you aren’t dating him then!

  Engaged? Tears started sliding down my face. But what did I expect? I was the one who’d been building secret fantasies of something more permanent with him—he’d never mentioned it.

  I eased away from Adam, not ready to wake him up yet. I sat on the edge of my bed, sobbing as quietly as I could. I was well aware that our relationship was intensely sexual, but it had never felt cheap. Had he been with her those nights when he’d called me and cancelled our plans? Were they picking out wedding china and making honeymoon reservations—and then he snuck back here and fucked me?

  I had to answer Jack back, and somehow make it sound like Adam and I were still merely old acquaintances, that I had no personal stake in this.

  Weird, I typed. I’ll have to ask him about it. You’re right, though. It doesn’t sound like him. Anyway, how’s life on the open sea? Going crazy yet?

  That was the best I could do. I got up and walked into the bathroom, where I finished crying and splashed water on my face. I was sure about one thing—I wasn’t going to be anyone’s casual piece on the side. And if dumping Adam left my heart broken into shards, then that would just be my little secret.

  I turned on the bedside lamp. “Adam, wake up.”


  “I mean it. We have to get you out of here.”

  “Oh, right. Too bad.”

  “Is it? Anyway, we can’t wait until morning. This is the best time.”

  “What’s wrong?”

  I hesitated. What I really wanted was to stay cold and freeze him out and make him suffer, but unfortunately I had no respect for women who did that. If you were going to dump a guy, you had to be honest enough to tell him why.

  “I just found out you were engaged.”

  “Oh, that.” He shrugged, squinting around for his clothes.

  “‘Oh, that?’ I mean I know we didn’t say we’d be exclusive, but I did kind of assume neither of us was fucking anyone else. I know I wasn’t.”

  “Fucking—what are you talking about?”

  “Your fiancée, Adam,” I snapped. “I don’t appreciate being your side piece, you know?”

  “I’m kind of confused here,” he said. He found his shirt and slipped his arms into it. “I’m not fucking anyone else, either, and you’re not a side piece.”

  “Oh, so there’s no Bianca?” I said. “She’s just a figment of my brother’s imagination?”

  “How did Jack and Bianca get into this conversation?” he snarled.

  “She texted Jack and told him she suspected that we were having an affair,” I hissed. “Did you think she wouldn’t find out, or that I wouldn’t?”

  “She fucking texted Jack? She doesn’t even know Jack! What the fuck?” He shoved a hand through his hair and I was determined not to notice how tousled and adorable it made him look. “What did she tell him?”

  “Fuck. Here.” I pulled up the message on my phone and handed it to him. “She knows we’re fucking and Jack thinks you’re a piece of shit.”

  He scrolled through Jack’s and my conversation. His jaw got more and more clenched. Then he very, very carefully handed me my phone back. He was literally vibrating with fury.

  “Chrissy,” he began, “before Jack messaged you tonight, had you ever heard of Bianca?”

  “No.” I crossed my arms over my chest.

  “Where did you think I was all those nights I kept calling you and telling you I had to work late?”

  “Like an idiot, I thought you were actually working late.”

  “You trusted me.”

  I rolled my eyes.

  “Can you trust me for five more minutes? I want to tell you what really happened, and I can prove it all. Will you listen?”

  I was still furious and hurt, but was there a chance that Jack was wrong? Even angry as I was, I clung to the hope that I could somehow keep Adam.


  He slipped on his pants and buckled the belt, then sat on the edge of my bed. “I dated Bianca in college, for about a year. We were engaged, briefly, but thankfully I figured out that she is a manipulating, lying bitch. I honestly think she’s got some kind of illness, where she has to control everyone and everything around
her, mostly through sex, and I feel sorry for her, but I wasn’t up for a lifetime of that, so I broke up with her.”


  He sighed. “I graduated, went to grad school, moved back here. She tried texting me a few times, but I finally just blocked her. A week before I started my new job, I met you again. I’m not fucking another woman—hell, I can’t even think about another woman. I can’t think of anything but you.”

  I sniffed—I had to since my nose was still running—but didn’t tell him to go to hell. “So you expect me to believe that you used to be engaged to this Bianca, but you’re not now, and she just randomly texted my brother to tell him all that shit.”

  “Yes,” he said. “A few days after I started working at Monroe, your father hired Bianca to be our new media executive. To be fair, I think she’s good at her job, but I could mostly avoid her. Until the mansion project came up.”


  “She dropped by the mansion Friday afternoon.”

  “Oh!” I swung around to face him.

  “Yeah,” he said grimly. “Then she insisted on a so-called business dinner on Monday night, where she made it clear that she knew about us, and that she would tell Gary about us if I didn’t sleep with her.”


  “She’s been calling meetings every night this week, and trying to get me to sleep with her again but I swear I haven’t touched her or wanted to touch her since I broke up with her three years ago.”


  “I don’t know why she texted Jack, or how she even got his number, but it would be just like her to do it just to prove to me that she can mess with my personal life.”

  “But she can, Adam, right? If you call her bluff, she might go to my dad. I can live with it, but he’s not my boss.”

  “Yeah,” he said grimly. He reached out to grab my hand. I wasn’t quite ready to snuggle up, but I let him pull me to sit beside him on the bed. “So you believe me?”

  “I guess so.”

  “To tell you the truth, I thought she might try something like this. I—” he took a deep breath “—I thought about breaking things off with you just to keep you from being her target.”


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