Vicious: A Dark Bully Reverse Harem Romance (Beautiful Tyrants Book 3)

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Vicious: A Dark Bully Reverse Harem Romance (Beautiful Tyrants Book 3) Page 6

by Vanessa Winters

  I needed all of them in my life.


  Adam pinned me against the wall of the room with his body and I wrapped my free arm around his neck as if we couldn’t get physically close enough to each other to satiate my burning need.

  I didn’t care where we were or what was going on, either, because during this one moment, I only cared that I had Adam.

  And I knew that he felt the same way.

  I could feel it.

  I ran my hands down inside the front of his pants as I stood to my tiptoes, trying to taste more of him. I sucked on his lower lip, causing him to growl as I fished my hand around to find his button. I pulled his zipper down and lifted him out of his jeans, stroking him as his precum dripped from its tip. And as Adam slid down the black leggings that I wore, hooking his fingers around my panties so that they followed my leggings down my thighs, I trembled with a need for release.

  A release only he could give me.

  In a flash, he wrapped himself around me and pressed me against the wall. I felt his cock stiffening with every movement I made as it slipped between my legs, rubbing against my bare pussy lips. Why I decided this morning that I didn’t need underwear, I wasn’t quite sure. But now, I was glad I had made that decision. (She has on panties in the paragraph above.)

  “Take me,” I whispered.

  He kissed me deeply, his tongue shivering as it slid across the roof of my mouth. And with that answer, he pinned both of my wrists above my head. He pulled his hips back with me still seated against the wall, and when his swollen tip caught at my entrance, he pressed inside of me. Opening me and spreading me, as if it were my very first time.

  I gasped with pleasure as he filled me to the brim, pulsing and throbbing, aching with the same need I had.

  “Jesus, Lisette,” he whispered.

  I captured his lips softly. “I’m yours. Take me any way you wish.”

  He pressed his hands into the wall and pushed up into me in an undulating motion that made my thighs, which were wrapped around his waist, tremble. I raked my nails along his clothed back. His lips fell to my neck and sucked soft patches of my sensitive skin between his teeth. His tongue slipped up and down my pulse point, licking it to the rhythm of my heart as it sped up with every thrust. I bucked ravenously against him. I felt my juices dripping down his shaft and balls. My legs quaked and contracted, pushing me higher into the heavens as our bodies became one.

  Every moment that he made love to me, I wanted to make last a thousand times longer.

  “Adam, don’t stop,” I said breathlessly.

  He pounded against me. “Come for me, Lisette. I need to feel you. Pull me over with you.”

  I slid my hands through his hair as our lips crashed together once more. I couldn’t help the moans and gasps that bubbled up the back of my throat, but feeling his lips muting mine somehow added to the recklessness of it all.

  “Harder,” I whispered against his lips.

  As if it was a command, he complied. And I could tell that he was every bit as aroused by it as I was. I groaned in pleasure and my chest fell against him as I tried not to reach the climax of stimulation. I held it back, though. Every time I felt it coming on, I squeezed my entire body and listened to the beautiful sounds of Adam groaning down the back of my throat. I defied it at every turn, never wanting it to end as he drove so deeply into me that pain began to mix with pleasure. My mouth fell agape as he sucked on my lower lip. I felt his teeth rake against my skin, and it made me shiver from head to toe. Fireworks went off in my brain as my heart fluttered so quickly I thought I might lift off and take to the clouds.

  I wanted it to last torturously longer.

  “Come for me,” Adam commanded.

  I whimpered. “Just a bit longer. Please. I’ve missed you so much.”

  He pounded against me with a fury that caused him to start sweating. “Come with me. I’m so close.”

  “Mine. You’re mine, Adam. All mine.”

  His lips fell to the shell of my ear. “And you are mine, beautiful.”

  I had put off my orgasm so long that when it crept up on me, I was helpless to contain it. I spiraled out of control, convulsing and quaking as Adam’s movements stilled. His stuttering hips beckoned his cock forth, and I felt it erupt against my walls. My pussy squeezed him tightly, milking him for all he had as he collapsed against me.

  And when my head fell off to the side, I saw Michael standing in the doorway.

  I didn’t know what he was doing there, or how long he had been watching. All I knew was that I couldn’t stop the convulsing of my body, and instead of closing my eyes or looking away, I stared at Michael as my whole body unraveled around Adam’s hot and throbbing cock inside of me. Our eyes locked as Adam filled me to the brim, the evidence of our debauchery dripping down my thighs. And for a few seconds afterward, I could do nothing but tuck my head against Adam’s neck as I felt him collapse against me with the same tired satisfaction I felt wafting throughout my body.

  But even after I had gathered my strength, I couldn’t look up. Because if I looked up, I knew I’d see Michael. And I couldn’t see Michael. Not right now. Not like this.

  Not after what had been spoken between the two of us.

  Michael had been the first one at the hospital to find me. Michael was the man that I loved more than anything and had chosen to be with. But Michael was not the first one that I had sex with since the guys had come to get me.

  That was going to hurt him.

  It wasn’t like I had planned it, though. There was such an urgency there, such a need, ever since the car ride back to Charlotte. I couldn’t help myself. Besides, the choice may have been made between Michael and I, but it hadn’t been disclosed to the others yet. As far as Adam and Rob were concerned, we were all still lovers. And as far as I was concerned, that was how I wanted and needed it to be right now.

  But I knew Michael’s temper.

  If holding me over the edge of the rooftop at the aquarium was any indication of his temper, I knew that he would be beyond hurt and furious about this and that he would lash out in some way or another. Which honestly, I didn’t understand. Nothing had changed, the four of us were still together and there was no unspoken rule that said I couldn’t be intimate with Rob and Adam as we had always been before.

  But still, I could feel the sense of betrayal in the air and see the hurt in his eyes.

  When Adam set me back down onto my feet, and the both of us had ourselves put back together, I looked over Adam’s shoulder and saw that Michael was gone. I knew that I would have to deal with his reaction to seeing us when I got back to the other building, but at least there wouldn’t be a giant conflict here between the two guys.

  Or at least I thought that there wouldn’t be.

  I definitely should have known by now that my luck sucks way too much to make any assumptions about anything.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Michael asked Adam as soon as we had walked out of the storeroom.

  Adam looked at him in confusion. “What are you talking about? I’m getting supplies to bring back with us.”

  Michael scoffed. “Oh? And since when does getting supplies equate to stuffing your cock inside Lisette?”

  Adam chuckled. “Oh, well that part just sort of happened. But why the hell are you so upset about it? We’re on our way back now. Shouldn’t you be with Rob and watching over Naomi anyway?”

  I stood at Adam’s side and could see that Michael was about to lose it. His face was turning red and his jaw was clenched. The fingers on his hand were tightening into fists.

  Please don’t do this. Please don’t do this. Please don’t do this.

  “Don’t ever dare to think that you can tell me what to do,” Michael growled.

  “Easy,” Adam said as he started to see that Michael was on the edge of losing control. “What is your problem?”

  “Don’t touch her,” Michael said hotly.

  “Excuse me?” Ada
m asked, his voice growing heated and loud. “Don’t touch who? Because I know you’re not telling me to keep my hands off Lisette, right? Because she hasn’t chosen any of us yet and you’re no more important than Rob is or I am, right? And besides, even if you were pissed off? Lisette was the one that wanted me. I coerced her into nothing, before you start to take that route with your shit.”

  This was going to get ugly, really ugly. I had to put a stop to it.

  “Michael, stop,” I pleaded with him. “Calm down. You’re overreacting.”

  Michael didn’t budge. “Tell him.”

  I stared at Michael blankly. “You’re not serious, right?”

  “Tell him, Lisette,” Michael said again.

  “Tell me what?” Adam asked as he looked between the two of us.

  I wasn’t going to open my mouth. I didn’t have to. The decision had been mine, and when I would tell the others was my decision as well. Michael was just jealous and angry, and I wasn’t going to let that bully me into doing something hurtful. I knew that I needed to tell both Adam and Rob about my decision together, in the time and place that I wanted. Being in the halfway house with Michael in a rage in front of us, was not the way that I wanted to have this conversation.

  “No,” I said.

  “Tell me what?” Adam asked again, clearly getting impatient.

  “Fine,” Michael snarled. “Then I will.”

  I panicked, thinking that he might actually do it. But when he did, I panicked even more.

  “Lisette chose me,” Michael said. “She chose me, and not you or Rob.”

  Rob came around a corner with a massive frown on his face. “Is that true, Lisette?”

  I gawked at him and wanted to yell at him for eavesdropping. For thinking that he had the right to pry into private conversations. But what the fuck was I supposed to do now? Keep denying it? What could I do now except tell the truth? Adam kept asking me a specific and point-blank question.

  So, it was either tell the truth or lie, and I wasn’t about to lie to him.

  “Yes,” I said softly. “It’s true.”

  As soon as I said the word, Adam looked as if he had just taken a bullet to the chest. He looked like he was in pain. I reached out my hand to him.

  “Let me explain,” I said.

  But Adam took a couple of unsteady steps backward and pulled away from me.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked. “When did you make this decision?”

  I didn’t want to answer that question either.

  “A while ago,” I said truthfully. “But I told Michael at the hospital.”

  “You could have told me on the drive,” Adam said as his eyes became glassy. “Or even here in the halfway house, before we—”

  His voice cracked and stopped short. “You could have told Rob too. But instead, you told no one,” Adam said. “You just made love to me and all the while I thought that maybe I would be the one you would choose. I let my body swell within yours, thinking that I was making love to you. But for you, it was just sex. Because you had already chosen, and you didn’t tell us.”

  “No, Adam,” I said as I pleaded for him to listen to me. “That’s not it at all. I love all of you, and the choice of who to be with in the future shouldn’t affect all of us now.”

  “Well it does,” he said as he turned to walk away.

  “Adam!” I shouted.

  He didn’t stop or even look over his shoulder. He just kept walking until he was out of sight. I felt the piece of my heart that he held shatter into pieces at my feet. And when a hand came down onto my shoulder, I whipped around and smacked it away.

  Only to find Michael standing behind me with bewildered eyes and a smug fucking grin on his face.

  “You…” I growled.

  Michael blinked. “It’s better to tell them now than break their hearts later.”

  “Yeah,” Rob murmured as he walked away, “whatever.”

  And as I gazed into Michael’s shocked, but proud, face, the only thing I felt toward him was anger. Resentment. Possibly even a bit of hatred thrown into the mix for good measure.

  He forced me to tell Adam that on the spot. He forced my hand when I wasn’t ready. Unlike Adam, who had gone with the flow on just about everything, he forced me into a situation I hadn’t been comfortable with.

  He made me break Adam’s heart.

  And as I charged past him, rushing after Rob, I knew I’d never forgive him for it.


  I was positively livid with Michael. He forced my hand, and it was uncalled for.

  When we got back to the Sanctuary building, I avoided Michael entirely. I tried to go and talk with Adam, but unfortunately, he was avoiding me too. The whole thing was a hot mess, and that was thanks to Michael. When the time was right, I could have handled this much better. I was sure of it. Adam went to relieve Rob and take over his shift watching my Aunt Naomi.

  “You good?” Rob asked when he walked out of the hallway and into the common room where the deliveries were starting to pile up.

  “I’ll talk about it later,” I murmured.

  I didn’t want to get into it with Rob right now, too, even if he was doing a good job of keeping a lid on it.

  Fortunately, he wasn’t too tuned-in on the volatile dynamic that was going on because he got distracted by the mattresses that had just been delivered.

  Rob started fiddling around with them. “Do you want me to start getting the —”

  “Yes,” I answered, before Rob had a chance to say anything else at all. “Whatever you can get set up would be amazing.”

  I smiled at him in the hope that it would convince him just to drop his curious questions I saw rushing around behind his eyes about the tension going on, and it worked. Or at least he was happy to let it work. Rob got busy dragging mattresses and bedframes into rooms as I started putting some of the food away in the kitchen cupboards. Michael followed me in there, carrying a box of food in his arms as if I thought he would actually want to help, and that it wasn’t just some ruse to cover up for the fact that he wanted to talk to me about what happened at the halfway house.

  I did not want to talk about it.

  Especially since Adam wasn’t even speaking to me at the moment. I just wanted to quietly put away all of this food and be left to my thoughts so that I could figure out how to fix the situation with Adam and break the news to Rob before he heard it from someone else, without sending him spiraling as well.

  “I don’t understand why you’re so mad at me,” Michael said as he set the box of food down on the counter next to me. “I’m the one that should be mad.”

  “Are you kidding me?” I asked as I whipped my head around to face him.

  So much for not getting into it right now.

  “I’m being honest,” he said. He looked like he was being honest too, but that didn’t make me any less mad at him. “You chose me.”

  I scoffed. “Yes, I know that I chose you. And I would choose you again a million times over, even when you’re acting like an ass.”

  Michael rolled his eyes at me. “Then why wouldn’t you just want to tell Rob and Adam the truth: that you’ve already chosen me and that you just want to be with me?” he asked.

  The look on his face was completely earnest and he looked more wounded than angry.

  “Michael,” I said as I stopped putting things away in the cabinets and turned to look at him. “I do choose you as the man that I want to be with forever, but that doesn’t mean that right now I don’t also still want and need all three of you.”

  He gawked. “But for how long?”

  He looked like a child counting down the days to Christmas. And yet, it still didn’t sway me.

  I couldn’t tell him how long because I didn’t know the answer to that question. I simply knew that right now I wanted all three of them around me. I wanted the feeling that we were a tight pack of friends and lovers and that we kept each other tethered. Maybe it would be different after we f
inished with The Sanctuary here. Maybe once we got back up to Asheville, it would be time for just Michael and I to be together.

  But I didn’t have a timestamp on that.

  So, instead of spewing all of that to him, I walked over to him and put my hands up against his chest. I leaned up and gave him a gentle kiss, then ran my fingers through his hair on the top of his head. And when I pulled back, I found that his face had softened toward me.

  “I love you,” I said to him as I felt my anger melt away. “I love you even when you tried to throw me off the roof of a building.”

  “That makes you sound kind of crazy,” he teased.

  “It makes you sound kind of crazy too,” I jabbed back.

  He pulled me against him and wrapped his arms around my back as he looked into my face. “It kills me, you know,” he said. “It kills me to see you with anyone else now, even Adam and Rob.”

  I started to open my mouth in response, although I wasn’t entirely sure what it was that I would say.

  “But,” he said before I could speak. “If you need all three of us right now, then I will do my best to keep my jealousy under wraps. But I want you to promise me something.”

  “What is it?” I asked.

  “Promise me that you choose me.”

  I furrowed my brow. “But I already told you that I—”

  Michael put his finger on my lips to shush me. “I know,” he said. “I know that you told me, but now I want you to promise me.”

  I felt like I had been too quick to anger with him. He wasn’t just acting out of jealousy earlier. He was scared. I saw it in his eyes as he gazed into mine, and it broke a piece of my soul off. I knew what that felt like, the fear of losing him, and I knew that it felt worse than any pain imaginable. I suddenly felt bad for making Michael even have to worry that he might lose me. We were all together now, but someday it would be just Michael and me.

  Promise him.


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