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by Eragon (lit)

  Eragon’s shoulders slumped with relief. For the first time he felt that their flight from Gil’ead had been worth the effort. what now?he asked.

  need you to tell me how you found Saphira and everything that’s happened since,said Ajihad, forming a steeple with his fingers. Some of it I know from the message Brom sent us, other parts from the Twins. But I want to hear it from you, especially the details concerning Brom’s death.

  Eragon was reluctant to share his experiences with a stranger, but Ajihad was patient. Go on, urged Saphira gently. Eragon shifted, then began his story. It was awkward at first but grew easier as he proceeded. Saphira helped him to remember things clearly with occasional comments. Ajihad listened intently the entire time.

  Eragon talked for hours, often pausing between his words. He told Ajihad of Teirm, though he kept Angela’s fortunetelling to himself, and how he and Brom had found the Ra’zac. He even related his dreams of Arya. When he came to Gil’ead and mentioned the Shade, Ajihad’s face hardened, and he leaned back with veiled eyes.

  When his narrative was complete, Eragon fell silent, brooding on all that had occurred. Ajihad stood, clasped his hands behind his back, and absently studied one of the bookshelves. After a time he returned to the desk.

  ’s death is a terrible loss. He was a close friend of mine and a powerful ally of the Varden. He saved us from destruction many times through his bravery and intelligence. Even now, when he is gone, he’s provided us with the one thing that can ensure our success—you.

  what can you expect me to accomplish?asked Eragon.

  will explain it in full,said Ajihad, there are more urgent matters to be dealt with first. The news of the Urgals’ alliance with the Empire is extremely serious. If Galbatorix is gathering an Urgal army to destroy us, the Varden will be hard pressed to survive, even though many of us are protected here in Farthen Dr. That a Rider, even one as evil as Galbatorix, would consider a pact with such monsters is indeed proof of madness. I shudder to think of what he promised them in return for their fickle loyalty. And then there is the Shade. Can you describe him?

  Eragon nodded. was tall, thin, and very pale, with red eyes and hair. He was dressed all in black.

  of his sword—did you see it?asked Ajihad intensely. it have a long scratch on the blade?

  said Eragon, surprised. did you know?

  I put it there while trying to cut out his heart,said Ajihad with a grim smile. name is Durza—one of the most vicious and cunning fiends to ever stalk this land. He is the perfect servant for Galbatorix and a dangerous enemy for us. You say that you killed him. How was it done?

  Eragon remembered it vividly. shot him twice. The first arrow caught him in the shoulder; the second one struck him between the eyes.

  was afraid of that,said Ajihad, frowning. didn’t kill him. Shades can only be destroyed by a thrust through the heart. Anything short of that will cause them to vanish and then reappear elsewhere in spirit form. It’s an unpleasant process, but Durza will survive and return stronger than ever.

  A moody silence settled over them like a foreboding thunderhead. Then Ajihad stated, are an enigma, Eragon, a quandary that no one knows how to solve. Everyone knows what the Varden want—or the Urgals, or even Galbatorix—but no one knows what you want. And that makes you dangerous, especially to Galbatorix. He fears you because he doesn’t know what you will do next.

  the Varden fear me?asked Eragon quietly.

  said Ajihad carefully. are hopeful. But if that hope proves false, then yes, we will be afraid.Eragon looked down. must understand the unusual nature of your position. There are factions who want you to serve their interests and no one else’s. The moment you entered Farthen Dtheir influence and power began tugging on you.

  yours?asked Eragon.

  Ajihad chuckled, though his eyes were sharp. mine. There are certain things you should know: first is how Saphira’s egg happened to appear in the Spine. Did Brom ever tell you what was done with her egg after he brought it here?

  said Eragon, glancing at Saphira. She blinked and flicked her tongue at him.

  Ajihad tapped his desk before beginning. Brom first brought the egg to the Varden, everyone was deeply interested in its fate. We had thought the dragons were exterminated. The dwarves were solely concerned with making sure that the future Rider would be an ally—though some of them were opposed to having a new Rider at all—while the elves and Varden had a more personal stake in the matter. The reason was simple enough: throughout history all the Riders have been either elven or human, with the majority being elven. There has never been a dwarf Rider.

  of Galbatorix’s betrayals, the elves were reluctant to let any of the Varden handle the egg for fear that the dragon inside would hatch for a human with similar instabilities. It was a challenging situation, as both sides wanted the Rider for their own. The dwarves only aggravated the problem by arguing obstinately with both the elves and us whenever they had the chance. Tensions escalated, and before long, threats were made that were later regretted. It was then that Brom suggested a compromise that allowed all sides to save face.

  proposed that the egg be ferried between the Varden and the elves every year. At each place children would parade past it, and then the bearers of the egg would wait to see if the dragon would hatch. If it didn’t, they would leave and return to the other group. But if the dragon did hatch, the new Rider’s training would be undertaken immediately. For the first year or so he or she would be instructed here, by Brom. Then the Rider would be taken to the elves, who would finish the education.

  elves reluctantly accepted this planwith the stipulation that if Brom were to die before the dragon hatched, they would be free to train the new Rider without interference. The agreement was slanted in their favor—we both knew that the dragon would likely chose an elf—but it provided a desperately needed semblance of equality.

  Ajihad paused, his rich eyes somber. Shadows bit into his face under his cheekbones, making them jut out. It was hoped that this new Rider would bring our two races closer together. We waited for well over a decade, but the egg never hatched. The matter passed from our minds, and we rarely thought about it except to lament the egg’s inactivity.

  last year we suffered a terrible loss. Arya and the egg disappeared on her return from Tronjheim to the elven city Osilon. The elves were the first to discover she was missing. They found her steed and guards slain in Du Weldenvarden and a group of slaughtered Urgals nearby. But neither Arya nor the egg was there. When this news reached me, I feared that Urgals had both of them and would soon learn the location of Farthen Dand the elves’ capital, Ellesmra, where their queen, Islanzadi, lives. Now I understand they were working for the Empire, which is far worse.

  won’t know exactly what occurred during that attack until Arya wakes, but I have deduced a few details from what you’ve said.Ajihad’s vest rustled as he leaned his elbows on the desk. The attack must have been swift and decisive, else Arya would have escaped. Without any warning, and deprived of a place to hide, she could have done only one thing—used magic to transport the egg elsewhere.

  can use magic?asked Eragon. Arya had mentioned that she had been given a drug to suppress her power; he wanted to confirm that she meant magic. He wondered if she could teach him more words of the ancient language.

  was one of the reasons why she was chosen to guard the egg. Anyway, Arya couldn’t have returned it to us—she was too far away—and the elves’ realm is warded by arcane barriers that prevent anything from entering their borders through magical means. She must have thought of Brom and, in desperation, sent the egg toward Carvahall. Without time to prepare, I’m not surprised she missed by the margin she did. The Twins tell me it is an imprecise art.

  was she closer to Palancar Valley than the Varden?asked Eragon. do the elves really live? Where is thisEllesm

  Ajihad’s keen gaze bored into Eragon as he considered the question. don’t tell you this lightly, for the elves guard the knowledge jealously. But you sho
uld know, and I do this as a display of trust. Their cities lie far to the north, in the deepest reaches of the endless forest Du Weldenvarden. Not since the Riders’ time has anyone, dwarf or human, been elf-friend enough to walk in their leafy halls. I do not even know how to find EllesmAs for Osilonbased on where Arya disappeared, I suspect it is near Du Weldenvarden’s western edge, toward Carvahall. You must have many other questions, but bear with me and keep them until I have finished.

  He gathered his memories, then spoke at a quickened pace. Arya disappeared, the elves withdrew their support from the Varden. Queen Islanzadi was especially enraged and refused any further contact with us. As a result, even though I received Brom’s message, the elves are still ignorant of you and SaphiraWithout their supplies to sustain my troops, we have fared badly these past months in skirmishes with the Empire.

  Arya’s return and your arrival, I expect the queen’s hostility will abate. The fact that you rescued Arya will greatly help our case with her. Your training, however, is going to present a problem for both Varden and elves. Brom obviously had a chance to teach you, but we need to know how thorough he was. For that reason, you’ll have to be tested to determine the extent of your abilities. Also, the elves will expect you to finish your training with them, though I’m not sure if there’s time for that.

  not?asked Eragon.

  several reasons. Chief among them, the tidings you brought about the Urgals,said Ajihad, his eyes straying to Saphira. see, Eragon, the Varden are in an extremely delicate position. On one hand, we have to comply with the elves’ wishes if we want to keep them as allies. At the same time, we cannot anger the dwarves if we wish to lodge in Tronjheim.

  ’t the dwarves part of the Varden?asked Eragon.

  Ajihad hesitated. In a sense, yes. They allow us to live here and provide assistance in our struggle against the Empire, but they are loyal only to their king. I have no power over them except for what Hrothgar gives me, and even he often has trouble with the dwarf clans. The thirteen clans are subservient to Hrothgar, but each clan chief wields enormous power; they choose the new dwarf king when the old one dies. Hrothgar is sympathetic to our cause, but many of the chiefs aren’t. He can’t afford to anger them unnecessarily or he’ll lose the support of his people, so his actions on our behalf have been severely circumscribed.

  clan chiefs,said Eragon, they against me as well?

  more so, I’m afraid,said Ajihad wearily. has long been enmity between dwarves and dragons—before the elves came and made peace, dragons made a regular habit of eating the dwarves’ flocks and stealing their gold—and the dwarves are slow to forget past wrongs. Indeed, they never fully accepted the Riders or allowed them to police their kingdom. Galbatorix’s rise to power has only served to convince many of them that it would be better never to deal with Riders or dragons ever again.He directed his last words at Saphira.

  Eragon said slowly, doesn’t Galbatorix know where Farthen Dand Ellesmare? Surely he was told of them when he was instructed by the Riders.

  of them, yes—shown where they are, no. It’s one thing to know that Farthen Dlies within these mountains, quite another to find it. Galbatorix hadn’t been taken to either place before his dragon was killed. After that, of course, the Riders didn’t trust him. He tried to force the information out of several Riders during his rebellion, but they chose to die rather than reveal it to him. As for the dwarves, he’s never managed to capture one alive, though it’s only a matter of time.

  why doesn’t he just take an army and march through Du Weldenvarden until he finds Ellesmasked Eragon.

  the elves still have enough power to resist him,said Ajihad. doesn’t dare test his strength against theirs, at least not yet. But his cursed sorcery grows stronger each year. With another Rider at his side, he would be unstoppable. He keeps trying to get one of his two eggs to hatch, but so far he’s been unsuccessful.

  Eragon was puzzled. can his power be increasing? The strength of his body limits his abilities—it can’t build itself up forever.

  don’t know,said Ajihad, shrugging his broad shoulders, neither do the elves. We can only hope that someday he will be destroyed by one of his own spells. He reached inside his vest and somberly pulled out a battered piece of parchment. you know what this is?he asked, placing it on the desk.

  Eragon bent forward and examined it. Lines of black script, written in an alien language, were inked across the page. Large sections of the writing had been destroyed by blots of blood. One edge of the parchment was charred. He shook his head. No, I don’t.

  was taken from the leader of the Urgal host we destroyed last night. It cost us twelve men to do so—they sacrificed themselves so that you might escape safely. The writing is the king’s invention, a script he uses to communicate with his servants. It took me a while, but I was able to devise its meaning, at least where it’s legible. It reads:

  gatekeeper at IthrZhis to let this bearer and his minions pass. They are to be bunked with the others of their kind and bybut only if the two factions refrain from fighting. Command will be given under Tarok, under Gashz, under Durza, under Ushnark the Mighty.

  is Galbatorix. It means ‘father’ in the Urgal tongue, an affectation that pleases him.

  Find what they are suitable for andThe footmen andare to be kept separate. No weapons are to be distributed untilfor marching.

  else can be read past there, except for a few vague words,said Ajihad.

  ’s IthrZhI’ve never heard of it.

  have I,confirmed Ajihad, makes me suspect that Galbatorix has renamed an existing place for his own purposes. After deciphering this, I asked myself what hundreds of Urgals were doing by the Beor Mountains where you first saw them and where they were going. The parchment mentions ‘others of their kind,’ so I assume there are even more Urgals at their destination. There’s only one reason for the king to gather such a force—to forge a bastard army of humans and monsters to destroy us.

  now, there is nothing to do but wait and watch. Without further information we cannot find this IthrZhStill, Farthen Dhas not yet been discovered, so there is hope. The only Urgals to have seen it died last night.

  did you know we were coming?asked Eragon. of the Twins was waiting for us, and there was an ambush in place for the Kull. He was aware of Saphira listening intently. Though she kept her own counsel, he knew she would have things to say later.

  have sentinels placed at the entrance of the valley you traveled through—on either side of the Beartooth River. They sent a dove to warn us,explained Ajihad.

  Eragon wondered if it was the same bird Saphira had tried to eat. the egg and Arya disappeared, did you tell Brom? He said that he hadn’t heard anything from the Varden.

  tried to alert him,said Ajihad, I suspect our men were intercepted and killed by the Empire. Why else would the Ra’zac have gone to Carvahall? After that, Brom was traveling with you, and it was impossible to get word to him. I was relieved when he contacted me via messenger from Teirm. It didn’t surprise me that he went to Jeod; they were old friends. And Jeod could easily send us a message because he smuggles supplies to us through Surda.

  of this has raised serious questions. How did the Empire know where to ambush Arya and, later, our messengers to Carvahall? How has Galbatorix learned which merchants help the Varden? Jeod’s business has been virtually destroyed since you left him, as have those of other merchants who support us. Every time one of their ships sets sail, it disappears. The dwarves cannot give us everything we need, so the Varden are in desperate need of supplies. I’m afraid that we have a traitor, or traitors, in our midst, despite our efforts to examine people’s minds for deceit.

  Eragon sank deep in thought, pondering what he had learned. Ajihad waited calmly for him to speak, undisturbed by the silence. For the first time since finding Saphira’s egg, Eragon felt that he understood what was going on around him. At last he knew where Saphira came from and what might lie in his future. do you want from me?he asked.

  do you

  mean, what is expected of me in Tronjheim? You and the elves have plans for me, but what if I don’t like them?A hard note crept into his voice. ’ll fight when needed, revel when there’s occasion, mourn when there is grief, and die if my time comesbut I won’t let anyone use me against my will. He paused to let the words sink in. Riders of old were arbiters of justice above and beyond the leaders of their time. I don’t claim that position—I doubt people would accept such oversight when they’ve been free of it all their lives, especially from one as young as me. But I do have power, and I will wield it as I see fit. What I want to know is how you plan to use me. Then I will decide whether to agree to it.

  Ajihad looked at him wryly. you were anyone else and were before another leader, you would likely have been killed for that insolent speech. What makes you think I will expose my plans just because you demand it? Eragon flushed but did not lower his gaze. you are right. Your position gives you the privilege to say such things. You cannot escape the politics of your situation—you will be influenced, one way or another. I don’t want to see you become a pawn of any one group or purpose any more than you do. You must retain your freedom, for in it lies your true power: the ability to make choices independent of any leader or king. My own authority over you will be limited, but I believe it’s for the best. The difficulty lies in making sure that those with power include you in their deliberations.

  despite your protests, the people here have certain expectations of you. They are going to bring you their problems, no matter how petty, and demand that you solve them.Ajihad leaned forward, his voice deadly serious. There will be cases where someone’s future will rest in your handswith a word you can send them careening into happiness or misery. Young women will seek your opinion on whom they should marry—many will pursue you as a husband—and old men will ask which of their children should receive an inheritance. You must be kind and wise with them all, for they put their trust in you. Don’t speak flippantly or without thought, because your words will have impact far beyond what you intend.


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