Lust of Wolves: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance (Ashwood Wolves Book 2)

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Lust of Wolves: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance (Ashwood Wolves Book 2) Page 5

by J. E. Cluney

  “He don’t care for no Laws or ways, he only care for himself that brute. Most of the Pack fear him, he’s a tyrant, nothing more,” Frank spat.

  “But we follow the Laws. And as an Area Enforcer, it is my duty to be a role model for all Packs,” Lawrence reminded us all as he eyed us carefully.

  “Shouldn’t Tay come first, Dad?” Chris murmured hesitantly from his seat on the couch.

  “She is my daughter, and if I could bring her home right now without any consequence, I would. But there is an order to how these things work.”

  I growled in annoyance as my mind wandered to Tay. What was she up to now? Had that monster touched her? Hell, for all I knew, he’d decided to get the ceremony done and dusted right away, and the thought make me snarl.

  “We can’t wait! He could be raping her right now for all we know!” I snapped.

  Lawrence flinched at my words, seething as he stood up, his fists clenched as he gritted his teeth.

  “You think I don’t know that! She’s my daughter, but as Alpha and the Area Enforcer, I can’t act on emotions alone! I need to take in all considerations for the Pack and our kind,” he snarled, the assertive tone in his voice making my shoulders slump. It was an ability he had on his Pack members to help keep them in line in times of conflict. I guess now was as good as any.

  I backed off, averting my eyes at his outburst.

  “Chris, call your Aunt, tell her we need her here immediately. Having a Huntress backing us will be a good start,” Lawrence finally said. To hear him request his sister’s presence was enough to make me shut my mouth. He was willing to put aside his quarrels with his sister to request her help. Taylor needed her, and Lawrence was not about to put his pride before his daughter, and it made me admire him more.

  “I’ll get a messenger to inform the Williamson Pack of our challenge. Sending any of our own is too risky,” he added as he paced around before us all, his hands flexing as he retained his frustration. The anger and sorrow simmered beneath the surface, and I knew that he would stop at nothing to bring Taylor home.

  Chris shot up from his seat and hurried off down the hall to find a phone. It barely registered with any of us just how late it had gotten after our arguing and vented frustration. Not that Neema would care. She was used to late night calls in regards to her job as a Huntress.

  “You best be prepared to leave at first word back from the Williamson Pack. The messenger will give him our number, and if we don’t hear back within three days, we go to him to confront and challenge him. I hope it doesn’t come to that, that he’ll seek out a mutual ground to do battle on. But I won’t hold my breath,” Lawrence said, his voice dripping with venom and distrust. “I’ll want all of you there, and Carlos and a few of the others. We need to be ready should he try anything dirty.

  Frank, you find out what the go is tomorrow. And see if there’s another way to contact your friend should we have no choice but to cross into his territory. Richard may want just that, drawing us onto his home ground to fight, using his Pack to handle a situation. He has no respect for our laws or the fact that I’m an Area Enforcer. And I’m uncertain as to whether the Council will investigate if I am to fall by foul play,” Lawrence said seriously.

  The thought of foul play had crossed my mind. It wouldn’t surprise me if Richard attempted something like that. He’d already gone over Lawrence’s head to proposition Taylor despite how our ways were to address the Alpha or Area Enforcer before seeking out the Council.

  “You really think we’d need to sneak into the territory if we’re challenging him?” Scott asked carefully.

  “Yes. He may have guards at the gates with orders to shoot on sight. It’d save him a heap of trouble, and they could use the defense that they didn’t know it was a challenge, they could say they thought it was an attack or raid. If it comes to it, we may need to sneak in and confront him before his Pack. With witnesses of his own people, he’ll be less likely to fuck us over,” Lawrence growled.

  “So we’re meant to just sit around waiting?” Jaye snarled, his eyes flashing yellow.

  “Yes, there’s nothing more that can be done right now. Three days at most. Keep busy and focus on the Pack. We will get her back. I won’t lose to that pathetic excuse of a ‘wolf,” Lawrence assured us.

  Jaye huffed and turned away, fuming as he stormed off down the hall.

  Patience was not something we had much of.

  And to even contemplate sleep was impossible. How was I supposed to sleep when I knew Tay could be getting raped and molested?

  I growled as I gritted my teeth, struggling to force the thought out of my mind.

  She was strong, she could handle herself. I had to have faith in her; I needed to believe that she’d be okay until we came for her.

  And I hoped to God that Lawrence would kill that son of a bitch.


  I stayed in bed way past morning, unable to force myself to climb out of the sheets even when May tried to coax me out for breakfast.

  She gave up after I grumbled and wished her away, my body sore and aching after last night. I wanted to crawl back into the bathtub and scrub myself raw, to peel off my skin and remove any trace of that despicable beast.

  Instead, I wallowed in self-pity and loathing, hiding away as I wept.

  Ray came in at some point with some bacon and eggs, but I pulled the blanket over my head until he left.

  I knew they only wanted to help, but I couldn’t stand the sight of anyone. Especially after what they’d witnessed.

  Despite my self-hatred, I forced myself to nibble on the bacon, knowing I needed to keep my strength if I was to escape eventually.

  As depressed and broken as I was, I finally pulled myself out of the bed and sat on the floor, needing to remove myself from the sheets as my body was beginning to ache even more from lying down.

  I stared at my bruised wrists, not even caring that my left eye had started to open, the swelling having gone down a bit.

  I reached for the glass of water on the bedside table and took small sips of it, my throat bruised and sore as well. I didn’t even want to inspect my body, to see the tattered and bruised flesh all over me.

  Memories of the night before kept flashing through my mind, Richard’s snarls and grunts as he forced himself upon me. The pain as he drove himself into me, grabbing me in places with vicious force, as if his whole intention was to leave his fingerprints bruised into my skin.

  I pulled down my blue pajama pants to inspect my thighs, the ugly blue marks were the perfect imprint of his rough fingers.

  My panties had dried blood on them, and my lady parts ached and protested with every move. I’d felt the tear reopen when I rolled away from May this morning, wincing at the sharp pain down there.

  Tears stung my eyes once more, and I carefully pulled my pants back up as they trickled down my cheeks.

  I wasn’t sure how long I sat on the floor for, numb and broken.

  May returned, and by that time my eyes were dry and I was drained, unable to shed another tear for my tattered body.

  “Hey,” May murmured as she sat on the bed beside where I sat huddled on the floor.

  She stroked my head gently, and the sensation miraculously eased me a little.

  “I brought something for you. Figured you’d want it,” May said softly.

  I looked up at her, watching as she carefully untucked some folded tissues from between her bosom.

  She unfurled the tissues to reveal a needle that resembled the morning after injection.

  “I stole some of these some time back from the infirmary, I didn’t want to bear another of Richard’s children,” she muttered. “I love my son, but I cannot do that to my mate again.”

  “Thank you,” I rasped as I heaved myself up gingerly to sit beside her.

  She took my arm tenderly and found the right spot on my upper arm. I didn’t even flinch when she stuck the needle it, grateful for her quick thinking. I’d been too focused on what ha
d happened rather than on what the result could be.

  “There, all done,” May smiled as she rubbed my arm gently and tucked the needle away again. “Now, I think we should get you some fresh air. Maybe some fresh fruit too from the kitchen. Richard has gone out, he’s pissed about something so he’s taken some of the men out hunting. I also told him to refrain from taking you again as you’ll need to heal first, and in your current state, you won’t be able to take. He wants you to mother his children, but we all know the chances are lower if you're forced and stressed,” May gave me a soft smile.

  I turned and wrapped my arms around her, forever grateful. I owed her so much for her kindness and thoughtfulness. I’d make sure to find a way to free them from his iron rule, to give them the chance to have a normal Pack life, like the one I grew up with. The one I took for granted.

  I allowed her to lead me outside, my mind slowly clearing as I sucked in fresh air and blinked from the afternoon sun.

  My body ached and groaned, but the feel of the sun kissing my skin, burning away the memories of Richard’s hands upon my flesh, it was a blessing.

  May sat me down, and Charlotte joined us with a plate of fresh, cut apples and pears, and a decent amount of strawberries. My mind instantly went to Nathan, of our tender, sweet night in the barn, of his gentle hands and complete love.

  I fought off the urge to scream in dismay, to wish upon the hills and earth that Richard would befall a tragic accident and perish on his hunting trip. That a wild boar would tear him open and trample him.

  Instead, I accepted the company of Charlotte and May as we ate the fruit and sweet berries, and I managed to slowly allow my body to relax as the two women gossiped and laughed. It was almost like nothing had happened.

  But it had. And the hatred and anger inside me, I wasn’t sure how I’d ever deal with it. So I just bottled it up as I listened to the women talk, grateful that they were doing their best to make everything feel normal for me, to comfort me in this horrid time.

  Their conversation about their children and the next play day was cut short when Ray hurried over, casting wary glances over his shoulder.

  “What is it?” May asked instantly when he reached us, a wild look in his eye.

  “Richard’s pissed because a messenger came this morning. The Ashwood Alpha is challenging him for his title. Three days he has to choose the battle grounds. No one can refuse an Alpha challenge.” The words tumbled out of Ray’s mouth like they were fire, and my stomach knotted and twisted in horror.

  “No,” I hissed as I clenched my fists. This was exactly what I didn’t want. My father couldn’t challenge him alone. He needed to take him down as the Area Enforcer, with backup and the backing of the Council. Not as an Alpha seeking the title.

  “Shhhh, it’s okay,” May reassured me as I clenched my eyes shut. She rubbed my back, careful to avoid any areas she knew were bruised and tender.

  “No, Richard is brutal. My father’s mind will be clouded with emotion. He’s strong, but he’s not as young as he was,” I muttered, my chest tightening in anguish as my throat throbbed. How would my father stand a chance against him? I’d had my ass handed to me. Sure, I knew my father was a good fighter, but I doubted he was as quick as he used to be.

  “There’ll be a second too. I imagine Richard will ask Caleb to be his,” Ray added as he sat down on the other side of Charlotte. We were all sitting on the steps to the wrap-around porch as we soaked up the sun. But I felt cold now as I rubbed my arms.

  A second. I couldn’t decide which of his betas that would be. They were all good fighters. Hell, maybe he’d even ask Chris.

  The thought riddled me with guilt. They were putting their lives on the line for me.

  Such idiots.

  “Three days, that’s not long at all,” Charlotte remarked.

  “Guess they want her back, I don’t blame them. I wouldn’t wish anyone to be his mate,” Ray muttered.

  “Careful with that talk, if someone hears you… he’s our Alpha, remember,” Charlotte hissed, but I could hear the fear in her voice. She was just scared for the young man.

  “I know,” Ray nodded solemnly. “But from the sounds of things, he’s going to wait for them to come to us, he doesn’t want to choose a mutual battle ground.”

  “Those are the rules, our way,” I gave him a distressed look. Forcing my father and the others to come here, that would put them at greater risk. Richard could order his Pack to kill them.

  “Don’t worry, everything will be fine. I’m sure your father has a plan,” May reassured me as she took my hand and squeezed it. “Now, I told Maria I’d take her to the playground, I thought you might like to join me and keep an eye on Wade for me? Mark’s gotta head off and fix some fences down in the back fields, some of the young steers are causing some trouble and breaking through.”

  I was grateful for her attempt to distract me, but my mind was anywhere but here. I needed to warn my father. He could be heading right into a trap.

  “I’ve got some housecleaning to do, and I’m sure I remember your mother saying you were on patrol duty,” Charlotte said sternly to Ray. He gave her a sheepish smile as he stood up.

  I guess I didn’t have a choice, unless I wanted to go back to my room and mope. And I sure as shit wasn’t going to do that. I needed to find a way to alert my father before it was too late.

  Maria swung on the swing as I sat on the grass with Wade. He was content to just play with his stuffed dinosaur toy as he sat before me. I could see Richard in him though, in those dark eyes of his. The brown was so deep, almost black. But Wade was completely innocent, and I couldn’t despise him for whom his father was. He’d had no say in the matter. Hell, May hadn’t.

  And his sweet gurgles and chirps as he made the dinosaur dig its face into the grass brought a slight smile to my lips.

  What life would he lead under Richard’s rule? How many times would he befall Richard’s fury and be punished?

  I wanted to sweep the little boy up and hide him away, to protect him from the brutality of his Alpha, of his true father.

  Maria’s shrill laugh broke me from my mind as May laughed and pushed her on the swing. You could also believe there was nothing wrong, with how they smiled and laughed. But if you looked close enough, there was the unmistakable tenseness, the flick in the eyes as they were wary, the air of uncertainty when they dropped their guard.

  This was no way to live.

  I pursed my lips as Wade turned to me, his dark eyes inquisitive as he crawled the small distance and looked up at me.

  I stroked his soft hair, loving how his face lit up at the kind hand.

  “You’re too good,” I murmured. My throat was already beginning to loosen up after May had put a decent dollop of the balm all around my neck to speed up the healing and bring the inflammation down. She was a lifesaver.

  Wade mumbled something in baby gibberish as he climbed onto my lap. My heart squeezed as he nuzzled into me, and I wrapped my arms around his tiny frame and held him close, a deep sense of protectiveness washing over me.

  I wouldn’t run from here, I wouldn’t abandon those who wanted their freedom from Richard. I made the silent promise to Wade as I held him.

  Night fell quite quickly, and I realized I’d lost track of time as we spent time at the playground. Another group of kids had come along and played with Maria, and May had joined me and smiled in satisfaction as Wade sat in my lap happily.

  But with the fading light of day, May called Maria over and took Wade from me. We walked the old worn track back to the lodge where Ray waited for me.

  She gave him a curt nod before making Wade wave to me with promises that she’d come back tomorrow. Maria even gave me a shy wave, and I wished I’d had the chance to speak to the young girl, but she’d been too pre-occupied at the playground.

  “I’ve made some burgers, figured you might be hungry,” Ray said, shifting nervously as he looked around.

  “Is everything okay?” I asked, ke
eping my voice low.

  “Yeah, just not sure when Richard will come back, that’s all,” he admitted.

  I just nodded and followed him inside. We continued past my room and the bathroom until we came upon a large living area with what would be considered a commercial kitchen off to the side of it. The wall that separated them had a large serving window cut out, and two burgers sat on a platter with some fries.

  “Thank you, Ray,” I said graciously as he fetched the platter and led me over to one of the beige couches.

  “Don’t mention it,” he waved it off as he bit into his burger.

  I dug in, loving the homemade patty with all its herbs and spices.

  “Who makes the patties?” I asked through a mouthful of food.

  “Charlotte made these. She’s the main housekeeper here, does everything for Richard that he wants done in the lodge. Her cottage is nearby, and her mate takes care of the children most of the time. Her son is technically next to inherit the title, so she feels obliged to do everything to keep him happy. Richard had two sons with his mate, the third, a daughter, died along with his mate in childbirth. His two sons died as well. His eldest died when he got into a bar fight a few towns over. Got himself shot, the poor fool. He was an asshole, but still, no one deserves a bullet to the head. The authorities locked the man up, but that was a tough time, having the police coming around, questioning the community here. I’m surprised Richard didn’t hurt any of them. His second son died quite suddenly one day, poisoning we believe. We never learned how or why, but some believe that a Pack member did it out of spite. Who knows, no ever talked. Hell, maybe it was food poisoning, that boy ate like a trooper,” Ray shook his head in wonder.

  “The Pack must really despise him if someone went as far as poisoning his son,” I murmured. I’d never wish that on anyone, even a monster of a man like Richard.

  “My momma thinks it was a she-wolf whom he’d taken in heat. Or their mate, but that’s just here-say.”


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