Lust of Wolves: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance (Ashwood Wolves Book 2)

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Lust of Wolves: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance (Ashwood Wolves Book 2) Page 14

by J. E. Cluney

  Today I had the chance to meet many of you face-to-face, to chat with you and even bring up some of my plans for you all. My first order of business will be to build a new main house, a large lodge in the old communal gathering area. This will serve as the main hub for all Pack activities, and is located at the heart of this territory. It will contain offices, an arts room, a library, a theater, and a commercial kitchen. I’m sure there is more we will add, and all ideas and thoughts are most welcome. Everyone will have their voice and is urged to have a say as we move forward. Your opinions and wants matter, so don’t feel that you can’t disagree or make a request.

  Communal dinners will now happen weekly on Saturdays, and we will have a barbecue area constructed outside the new lodge. Fundays, days specifically tailored to the children, will happen every second week, and the playground will be expanded and added to.

  From my understanding, there is a seasonal creek running through the property and many dams for the cattle. We will make sure there are supervised days and swimming gear available for the children, especially in summer. More land will be cleared to work more cattle, and more jobs will be made for Pack members.

  We will have voluntary classes set up daily as well in the main lodge for the children, and I will help those interested to obtain some teaching degrees or qualifications. These will be paid positions as well.” I ran through my speech carefully, choosing my words wisely as I went over all the points I wanted to touch on. The Pack murmured here and there, and there were many approving nods throughout my spiel. I chose not to bring up my future plans to join the two Packs. I wasn’t even sure how that would work. Would I still Alpha my side of the whole big Pack?

  “I will reinforce the border security, and homes will be expanded more freely to make room for growing families. Oh, and a cell tower will be brought in, and every family will be given cell phones. This will be a free Pack, no more restrictions and oppressing rules. There will still be Pack laws and rules, but no more need to look over your shoulder. These are the main changes that will be implemented asap, and I hope many of you are willing to help with the construction and improvement of this Pack.” I drew in a deep, shaky breath as I completed my long-winded speech. I stared at the Pack before me, and a grin broke out as May stood and clapped her hands loudly. Mark joined her, and then, one by one, the entire Pack was applauding me and calling out. Their joy and excitement at my plans was obvious, and many looked relaxed and settled after they learned just how I intended to run this Pack.

  Murmurs and animated conversations broke out as I sat back down, relief washing through me as my body relaxed after being so tense and jittery before the crowd.

  “You did good,” my father murmured from his seat on my left.

  “We’ll help where we can,” Nathan said from his position to my right.

  My three men sat on my right, and my father, brother and Aunt sat to my left.

  “Don’t forget to announce your betas, if you’ve chosen some,” Neema reminded me as she leaned forward to talk past my father.

  Damn, I’d forgotten that.

  I sighed and stood back up, and Neema rung her glass to quieten everyone.

  “Sorry, there is one more thing before dinner will be served. I’ve decided to make some requests, as being Alpha generally means you take on some betas, whether it be the strongest fighters or advisors. I’ve selected a few whom I’d like to ask,” I said, and the crowd hushed as they all watched me carefully.

  “May Somners, I’d like to ask for your assistance in leading this Pack, and would gladly request for you to join me and become my beta,” I called out as I focused on May. She looked shocked and confused at first, but then she smiled and blinked as she stood.

  “I would be honored, thank you,” she said as she gave a small curtsy.

  I relaxed, grateful that she hadn’t turned down the proposition. She’d done so much for me and knew this Pack like the back of her hand. She’d be a wonderful woman to have by my side, advising me and helping me. I wanted her to assist me in the program we’d start for the abused women too, I knew she’d be perfect for that too.

  “As for my second beta, I wish to request my loving Aunt, a Huntress and an asset to this Pack,” I turned to look over at Neema, who frowned as she leaned back, not expecting the offer. She stared at me for a moment, not quite believing me, but then she softened and smiled as she stood.

  “I’ve trained you for a few years, and I intend to help you finish that training to turn you into a Huntress and a powerful Alpha. I’d be honored to help you lead this Pack,” she said with a bow.

  But when she looked back up at me, I could see the delight and joy in her eyes. I was asking her to stay here with me, to help me lead this Pack into a better future, to help me become who she believed I could be.

  I looked out at the expectant crowd, who were waiting for my final choice of beta. Three was the standard number, and there was one more person I wanted to call upon.

  “As for my final beta, I wish to call upon the one who showed me the first kindness in this Pack, who proved his loyalty to his Pack when his Alpha no longer took care of the people. Pack comes before the individual, there is no room for selfish acts and greed in a Pack. So I’d like to ask Raymond Wayford to join me in making this Pack greater than ever before,” I said.

  Ray’s face lit up in surprise and honor at the request, and he shot to his feet with a bow.

  “I humbly accept the privilege to help you serve and protect my people,” he said.

  Charles and Regina looked stunned, but they grinned happily at the honor bestowed on Ray. He deserved it, and I wanted him by my side in this new chapter.

  The crowd clapped and cheered for the betas, seemingly satisfied with my choices.

  As I sat back down, Nathan stood and beckoned to May, who called out to the other women.

  And then they were off to collect dinner, and Nathan was onto the barbecue with Charles as he cooked the sausages and meats.

  Francine put on some background music using the iPod dock that Scott had supplied, and the crowd settled into cheery banter and conversation as dinner was placed at a self-serve buffet table. Everyone took turns collecting their food and refilling their glasses. Beer was on offer tonight, along with wines, champagnes, and soft drinks and juices for the children and those not interested in alcohol.

  I made my way around the tables at my father’s urging, and many of the Pack were beyond pleased with the ideas for going forward. I could tell some were skeptical, but I looked forward to proving to them that I meant what I said.

  Regina was ecstatic that Ray had been chosen, and thanked me over and over for choosing him. Ruben was excited about having a library and proper schooling, and I laughed as he spilled his cola in excitement.

  I collected some napkins for him, Fiona coming over to thank me for my choices for the Pack. She looked to be in her late fifties, with greying blonde hair, and David was a few years older and balding. Both were lovely people whom I’d sat with today in my rounds, drinking iced tea as they relished in the ending of Richard’s rule.

  Scott found me as he held a small pie to his mouth.

  “They love you it seems,” he said through a bite of pie, and I rolled my eyes as he didn’t bother to cover his mouth and instead gave me a lovely show of the chewed up pastry.

  “Yeah, seems they’re okay with this change,” I agreed as I sipped a glass of Fanta. I was standing off to the side in an attempt to catch a break from the crowd.

  “I’m glad you chose Ray as a beta, he’s more than worthy, he already saved you once,” Scott said as he looked over to where Ray sat with his family, laughing and conversing over their meals.

  “Yeah, actually, I need to talk to you guys about that,” I said as I chewed my lip. I wasn’t even sure how to ask, or to express my growing interest in him. Scott was the most easy-going and least protective of my three, so I hoped he’d be more reasonable and even help with Jaye and Nathan.

  “What about?” he asked as he took the final bite of his pie and dusted his hands off.

  “I like him. He saved my life… and I…” I struggled to find the words. What would I even say? I want to have sex with him and add him to my crew of mates?

  “You want him, the same way you have us,” Scott finished for me.

  My shoulders sagged in shame as he said it, the guilt gnawing at me. To ask such a thing of them, it wasn’t easy. They’d grown up together, so it’d been easier for them to share me, they were like brothers and a Pack. Ray was an outsider to them.

  “Don’t look so dejected, Tay,” Scott’s chest rumbled with a hearty laugh. “I’m fine with it. He obviously cares for you, and that’s all I want. I want you happy and tended to, and if your happiness is kept by taking on another partner, then who am I take stop that. We’ve accepted that you’re not a one ‘wolf woman, and he saved your life,” Scott grinned as he cocked his head at me.

  I just stared at him in disbelief for a moment before sliding my arms around his solid, large waist.

  “You looked so stressed there for a minute,” he chuckled. “I’m sure the other two will accept it. They’ll have too, besides, it’ll be good for you to have a partner who knows this Pack so well. It’ll help join you with them. But you should really think about announcing your unique romantic relationships, or the Pack will think you’re sleeping around,” he said as he gave me a tight bear hug.

  “Thank you, Scott,” I breathed, drawing in his musky, wooded scent. It smelt like home and comfort.

  “Now, let’s go join the others, we haven’t seen much of you today, and I’m sure they’re missing you just as much as I am,” he said as he broke away from he and steered me back towards our table.

  I could only hope he was right about Jaye and Nathan, I truly wanted them to accept Ray and not hate me for wanting him too.

  Guess I’d find out.


  I was finally back sitting with my boys as Neema and my father mingled. Chris was off on a satellite phone checking in with Janet.

  “Time for food,” Scott said as he moved to take my father’s seat with a plate of barbecued meats and potato bake he’d collected on the way over.

  “You’re doing great,” Nathan said with a lazy smile as he sipped his beer.

  “Thanks, it’s strange, being Alpha so suddenly. I have no idea what I’m doing really, I’m just glad Dad and Neema are here to help,” I sighed, overwhelmed a little at all of this.

  “Yeah, don’t worry, Lawrence will check in occasionally. We’ll have to figure out what we’ll be doing too. We’re his betas, so our duty lies with our Pack there,” Nathan said.

  I stared at him, the realization sinking in as my heart plummeted.

  They couldn’t stay with me.

  “Hey, it’ll be okay,” Jaye murmured from the seat beside Nathan, recognizing my distressed look.

  “You guys won’t be here,” I murmured, my body running cold at the thought.

  “No, not always. But I spoke to your dad a bit, and he said we’ll be able to come by weekly, stay for a day or two, take turns seeing you. There will be the communal gatherings of both Packs too where we’ll see you,” Nathan tried to reassure me.

  “It sucks ass, we only just got you back,” Jaye growled as he folded his arms in frustration.

  They were my anchors, my lifeline in all this. I had been taking them for granted, believing they’d stay with me. But reality was an ugly bitch.

  “Hey, let me get you some food,” Nathan murmured, trying to lift my spirits.

  I just pursed my lips as he darted off to get me a plate, my wind whirling with darkness. I needed them with me, I needed them to stave off the bad thoughts, to keep me busy and feeling loved and cherished. Without them…

  The image of Richard roaring over me as he took me by force on the wretched platform seared into my mind and I shoved myself away from the table.

  “Tay?” Scott gave me a perplexed look as I stood up.

  “I need some air,” I muttered as I stormed off, away from the bustling, cheery crowd and into the night.

  Ugly flashes of Richard were tormenting me, something I’d been fighting off. And the sudden knowledge of losing my boys made those walls crumble.

  I wandered into the trees, walking stiffly until I found a fallen log to sit on.

  I gritted my teeth as I rested my chin on my hands, hating this feeling of weakness that had overcome me.

  I’d trained with Neema for two years, able to live away from my boys and only be with them over the phone. But finally being back with them, feeling the emotions rushing to the surface, the moments of bliss and contentedness. I hadn’t wanted it to stop.

  And now it was being ripped away as quickly as it came.

  I sniffled as tears welled, annoyed and distraught. At least when I trained with Neema, I knew I could return home to them once I was done.

  I was Alpha now, and my life would now revolve around my Pack, and I would be committed to them and live out the rest of my days here.

  I’d never have my own little cottage with my boys, no children unless they forfeited their positions and turned their backs on their own Pack.

  I could never ask them to do that, they’d grown up with my old Pack, Nathan had his family there. It was their home.

  And now this territory was my new home.

  I wanted to join the two Packs as one as agreed, but I’d still have to lead my own side of it. Joining them would just allow the two Packs to travel between the two territories and mingle more.

  I’d have to stay here.

  The tears streaked down my cheeks as numbness washed over me, and I gasped as another ugly flash shot through my mind of Richard forcing himself on me in the hall. The feel of the wood pressed against my face, the sight of that nail jutting out, it was so clear and vivid that my breath caught in fear.

  I wrapped my arms around myself, battling the horrid memory away.

  I was in control. I’d taken the power back.

  “You okay?”

  I jumped as Ray appeared before me with a concerned look.

  “I’m fine,” I lied as I wiped harshly at the trails down my cheeks.

  “You don’t look fine,” he sighed as he sat down beside me.

  “I only now stupidly realized that the men I love are bound to my old Pack. They can’t stay here and have a life here with me,” I murmured.


  “Yeah. Guess I didn’t think of that,” I said with a sharp laugh.

  “I’m sure they can visit,” he tried to reassure me as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

  “It’s not the same,” I mumbled.

  He just held me as I fell still, hating how I felt like a part of me was being ripped away.

  “I’ll be here,” he murmured.

  I managed a weak smile as I leaned into his chest.

  He would be here, by my side. Perhaps he would be enough between visits from my men. But having a home with them, all of them spending nights with me, that was what I ultimately wanted. And now it was off the cards.

  Desperate to push away the heartache, I moved up to capture Ray’s lips, surprising him as he stiffened.

  He relaxed as he opened up to let me in, and I kissed him sweetly, exploring him as he explored me.

  The urge to feel something, something right and good, hit me hard and fast and I broke the kiss momentarily to pull my shirt off.

  Ray’s eyes widened as they trailed down my pushed up breasts, past my lacy black bra and down my stomach.

  I caught his mouth again, this time more hungry.

  He pulled me over so that I was perched on his lap, his arousal straining against his jeans and pushing into my inner thigh. It was all I needed for my body to come alive.

  I helped him unbutton his red plaid shirt and toss it aside. My hands ran over his bare, silky smooth chest, over the ripped abs and to the button on his jeans.

  God, I wish I’d worn
a skirt or dress, it would make this so much easier.

  I flicked his button undone as he broke the kiss to nip my neck. The brush of his lips against my skin sent a thrilling quiver through me. To feel his firm chest against mine, his hands running down my back and holding me close, it was something I needed right now.

  His hands didn’t stray from my back though, and judging from his ragged breathing and refusal to move beyond my head as he kissed me, I knew I’d have to guide him.

  I caught his hand on my hip, sliding it around and slowly up my belly. He froze, his dark eyes watching me as I stared at him, smiling as his face reddened.

  “I want to feel you, and I want you to feel me,” I murmured huskily as I slipped his hand up under my bra.

  I reached around with my other hand and expertly unclasped my bra and flung it to the side.

  His breath caught as his gaze dropped to my breasts, not straying as I made him cup my left breast.

  “Touch me everywhere,” I breathed as I leaned forward and kissed his neck.

  I released his hand, and he caressed my breasts, running his thumbs over my perk nipples and drawing soft gasps from me as he gave them the gentlest of pinches.

  So sweet and tender, he was beautiful.

  I reached back down to his waistband, teasing my fingers along the edge until I decided to slide the zip down.

  His hot body was moving against mine as he kissed my neck, his hands exploring my body all over.

  He dipped his head, looking up at me in question as his face neared my breasts.

  I gave a soft nod and closed my eyes as his hot breath washed over my left nipple. Then he was sucking on it, so gentle and soft, and I moaned and arched against him, the heat shooting through my body.


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