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JennasConsent Page 11

by Jennifer Kacey

  Respect for her crept up a few hundred notches as he walked past her to grab a hank of rope from her bag. He’d have preferred his own rope but time could have been of the essence.

  Her eyes flickered open as he closed the distance between them but he remained quiet, giving her time to adjust to his presence.

  A rigger in their own rope should be awarded the same courtesy during a scene as anyone else. It was unwritten rules not to touch their working rope and not to rush in and take them down or interfere in anyway.

  Under normal circumstances he wouldn’t physically touch her. He would get her attention and urge her to untie herself. She knew her own rope better than anyone.

  A well-intentioned observer trying to be helpful could cause more damage in misunderstanding what was happening. But Nick knew her.

  He wasn’t just anyone. He’d been tying for years and had studied extensively once he’d retired from fighting. He was still learning. The day he thought he’d learned it all would be the day he put his rope down and walked away.

  He could read the sleek lines of her body and keeping his hands off her was an epic test of his patience. But he waited for her to make the first move. It was important.

  Thankfully he didn’t have to wait long.

  “Mmmmm,” reached him from behind her mask. A contented mumble broke their silence and she reached out for him, wrapping her arms around his thighs, snuggling into his warmth.

  Well if that didn’t make him just want to adjust the rope, cut off her panties and fuck her where she hung.

  He shook his head, gritting his teeth as her corset-covered tits brushed his hard-on. “I’m going to get you down. And take care of you.”

  He added the last part, needing to verbalize the thought, so maybe he could concentrate on more than just touching her. Anyone else he would have asked for consent, especially interrupting a scene, but with her he didn’t have to.

  The fact that he already had her consent raced under his skin, heightening his pleasure in the task of caring for her. It morphed his energy as he attached a lead line to her chest harness so he could shift her weight.

  She must have felt it too, because she mumbled something else. Behind the mask it was hard to understand her but he understood the sighing and a few mumbled words to tell him she was definitely more than okay with being touched.

  By him.

  He fed the line of jute through the ring at the top and she let him go, knowing even in her blissful state what he was doing.

  Possibilities raced through his head on what he could do with her when she was finally in his rope. He thought of several delicious things as a distraction since he knew what was coming.

  He pulled on the working end of the rope to lift her upper body and she cried out, partially in pain. Her distress morphed quickly to full-on pleasure as the tension in her body shifted.

  Her voice trembled as she spoke but since the back of her head now rested on his chest he could mostly understand her.

  “Shouldn’t have tied alone.” Her voice shook along with her torso as she spoke. She whimpered as he shifted her again.

  “Correct. That was a bad call.”

  “But I was mad…at you.”

  “Then you definitely shouldn’t have tied without a spotter.”

  She rolled her head on his chest, tilting it to stare up at him. Her eyes were glassy, stuck firmly in some higher realm rope bottoms got when they were tied.

  “But I didn’t want anyone here but you… and here you are.”

  She blew his fucking mind.

  “Yes I’m here, pretty girl. Mad as hell at you for putting yourself in danger but I’m here.”

  He expected her to clam up, get defensive. The inevitability of her energy receding from his was imminent, he just knew it.

  But did that happen?


  She giggled, the sound vibrating through him as he lowered her to the floor.

  Well, if that didn’t just threaten to blow the top of his dick off.

  He sat next to her, simply holding her for several minutes as her heart raced and her body fought through the endorphins trying to find a way to settle the sensations shooting through her.

  As they sat there, breathing together, he realized the music was still on. My Immortal he thought it was. The CD had totally looped since he’d taken so long to arrive.

  He ran his fingers over the rope on her thigh and shin and she moaned, arching a bit closer. Somehow closer and farther, all at the same time.

  It definitely was not this girl’s first rodeo. The knots and runs she used were complicated and perfect. Even in her frenzy to tie, fast and furious, to work off her mad, she’d taken painstaking care with where she placed each wrap.

  “We have a lot to talk about.”

  Instead of arguing she just sighed and he pulled her farther into his lap. She wrapped her arms around his waist and he patted her hair. The sigh that came out of her felt like the sweetest thing he’d ever experienced.

  He shook his head, trying desperately to keep his focus on untying her, instead of just taking her. Her ties were tight and they matched the frantic nature she had tied with. He was thankful because she gave him something to focus on, a task to keep his mind—mostly—off the way she rubbed her cheek against his abdomen. The little noises she made and the way her body still trembled as it tried to process so much adrenaline rushing in her system.

  The rope made haphazard piles of jute as he removed each length.

  The way the pads of his fingers dipped and moved across the deep grooves in her skin made his dick throb beneath her.

  “Fuck me,” broke from her small body as he straightened her legs out. Convulsions traveled down her spine and she squeezed him tight.

  He unbuckled her mask and pulled it free.

  It was unique. He took a closer look, having never seen another one even remotely close to its construction. The top band of leather felt stiff in his hands and the warmth from the material reached inside and touched him somewhere behind his sternum.

  A tag on the inside read “Kinky Pinky” with a pair of lips icon below the words.

  Not a brand he’d heard of either.


  She had answers to a lot of questions and he wondered how long it was going to take her to actually be truthful with him. She snuggled, trying to somehow get closer to him.

  He tossed the mask somewhere in the vicinity of her rope bag, focusing solely on her once again. After he dug his fingers into her thick hair and massaged her scalp, he tugged slightly on the short strands. Tucking her close to him seemed the most natural thing in the world to do so he went one step further and lay down on the blanket, hauling her next to him so he could share his warmth with her.

  His protection.

  His strength while she was so hidey beside him.

  She moved her hand up his chest, curling it into the fabric of his shirt and the scent of her sweet pussy juice reached him.

  He circled her wrist, lifting it to his mouth. The taste of her exploded across his tongue as he licked the pads of her fingers.

  They both groaned and she pushed her pelvis into his hip.

  He clenched his teeth, trying to keep his sexual hunger in check.

  “I’m gonna punish you tomorrow for lying to me, you know that right?”

  She moaned so sweetly, smiling into his chest, wrapping her top leg over his thigh.

  “We’ve got a lot to talk about tomorrow, little one. Let’s get the chest harness off and then I’m taking you to my bed. Mine.”

  Bryan “Ian” McIntire killed the lights as soon as Nick walked out. He stood with his back against the far wall, staring at the monitor.

  Watching Jenna. His Jenna.

  As soon as he’d walked into the security room and glimpsed the monitor he’d seen her. Suspended by an A-frame they’d dreamed up together years ago.

  They’d lain together at night, buzzing off a scene, her cuddled up next to him an
d they’d talked about everything. Well. Almost everything. Some things he couldn’t bring himself to share with her.

  Some things shouldn’t see the light of day. Especially not anything as dark as his demons. And allowing them to touch Jenna would never be acceptable.

  Knowing he was so close to telling her everything so many years ago was one of the reasons he’d left her. One of the reasons he’d left her. To protect her. Shield her.

  And now there she was.

  Twirling from a single futo that she’d actually taught him when they’d been in Japan together.

  When he’d first seen her, he’d kept it to himself, having every intention of going to get her down as soon as he got rid of Nick. Then Nick dropped the bombshell of Jenna being his.

  He’d barely kept his cool. He wanted to punch the shit out of him. Gut him, kill him and dispose of the body so he could take what was rightfully his.

  Jenna working there was knowledge he’d had prior to him taking the job at The Library. He hadn’t seen her in years. Hadn’t laid eyes on her lovely face nor her sparkly eyes or the body he knew every luscious inch of. Then she’d been there on camera, hanging in jute, suspended in a tie he knew intimately and she might as well have been in a different country.

  His heart kicked in his chest, thudding away, reminding him of how he reacted to her long ago. She was perfection. The sub he’d compared everyone to since the last time he had her at his feet.

  She hung there like a fallen angel floating down from heaven. Swaying gently in subspace. Her arms clasped behind her as if she were waiting for him to grab a length of rope and finish what she started.

  His fingers twitched and he clenched them into fists.

  He ached to go to her. To confess…

  He shook his head. It didn’t matter anymore. He could handle his pain…better. He wouldn’t let it get to him anymore. He’d have her again. He had every intention of getting inside her when he arrived, to prove once and for all she wasn’t as perfect as he remembered her.

  She was even more beautiful than when he saw her in his dreams.

  Her short, sleek haircut made her look a few years older until you got up close to her, then her youthful bubbliness rose to the surface, infecting everyone around her.

  “Motherfucker,” he cursed.

  Nick moved up onstage, spreading out a blanket.

  He growled low in his chest when Nick stepped to her bag, grabbing a length of her rope.

  The last thing he needed to watch was Jenna wrap her arms around Nick’s leg when he started attaching a line to her chest harness. He whispered to her the whole time but the music drowned out almost everything they said.

  He heard Jenna’s sweet cry when her weight shifted and all the blood in his body raced to his cock. As if it could get any harder. He’d had a perpetual hard-on for weeks knowing he was going to be so close to her. No amount of jacking off was going to fix it, satiate him.

  Only Jenna could do that. No one else would do. Everyone else had always been second runner-up after he’d been with her.

  Even when he should be thankful Nick knew what he was doing around rope, he couldn’t help but curse at him. He lowered her to the ground, slowly easing her down until she lay on the floor at his feet, by his boots.

  After sitting down and maneuvering her close she wrapped her arms around his waist as he untied her. Ian watched as Nick removed her mask, tossing it toward her bag.

  The mask seemed vaguely familiar.

  He activated one of the controllers, punching in the password needed to gain access and then a second-level password no one knew about yet. He activated an additional zoom feature on the main stage camera. It automatically brought that HDSDI camera full screen. Several of the cameras he’d had installed prior to his arrival had the new feature.

  He switched gears and zoomed in to focus on Jenna’s mask instead of on her. Her expression was his first intention but there was just something about the mask… “You’ve got to be fucking joking,” he said to no one.

  Good thing the chair was close because he collapsed into it.

  She would be his again, there was no doubt left in his mind.

  He twisted the joystick on the controller the opposite way, zooming back out. The stage was empty.

  A few commands into the matrix keyboard in front of him morphed all of the screens into one camera feed. He typed a few more instructions and then motion events began popping up on the screen. Each view followed Nick, with Jenna cradled in his arms.

  Off the stage he took her, out from the main stage room, through the main bar illuminated only by a faint blue glow beneath the base of the barstool rail.

  He took her down the hall, down the elevator and through to his playroom.

  He never struggled with her as he maneuvered everything—including her—to their destination. He punched in his code and pushed the door open with his shoulder, protecting Jenna’s head at all costs.

  He’d like the guy if he weren’t holding the woman of his past, present and future in his arms to go do God knew what to behind closed doors.

  Before the monitor could switch to the camera feed inside Nick’s playroom, Ian exited back out and changed the monitor to sixteen outdoor cameras.

  Watching them together…

  Yeah it just wasn’t something he could do.

  Not yet.

  Not ever.

  He stood, shoving the file drawer closed. He’d never really needed anything specific out of the filing cabinet. It was either search for something he needed or come out swinging.

  He was a big dude but Nick was bigger, and had trained in multiple ways to beat his ass and then hand it to him.

  Not looking at the screen when he turned the lights off was one of the hardest things he’d ever had to do. Taking the elevator down to the playroom floor and taking the hall to the left instead of the right was probably the hardest.

  So he sucked it up and pushed his way through to the underground parking lot, needing fresh air in the worst of ways.

  He hadn’t been closer to Jenna in four years but he was still no closer to her than he’d been the day before or the week prior.

  The key fob on his keychain blinked when he pushed it and the Escalade he walked toward beeped when he got closer.

  He climbed onto the black leather driver’s seat and wondered what Jenna would look like, tied, gagged and naked in the passenger side. Her back against the door, her pussy facing him—exposed, for him to pet and slap and finger as he saw fit.

  His feet wanted to move back to the building so he put the car in gear and hightailed it out of the parking garage. No more than fifty feet separated him from the woman whom he was going to claim all over again.

  Only he could give her what she needed. All of what she needed.

  And this time…

  This time he played for keeps.

  He’d do anything to have her again. Anything short of sharing her.

  Chapter Seven

  He kicked the door closed to his playroom, realizing he’d left all her stuff on the stage, the frame up, lights on.

  Fuck it.

  He’d fix it all later, after they both got some sleep and hopefully before anyone else got in there.

  He’d programmed the lights in his dungeon to come on dimly at this hour after he’d come through the main door. It was enough light to illuminate his way to the bed and bathroom, avoiding any equipment out in the open.

  Jenna weighed hardly anything so it didn’t take much juggling to get the covers pulled down and slide her beneath. She rolled over onto her stomach, tucking her arms in close to her sides with a sigh.

  His clothes were off and his cock was gloriously free from the confines of his pants by the time he’d made it to the bathroom.

  He took a five-minute shower, trying to cool off but it didn’t work. As he toweled himself off, his erection stood almost straight up. Masturbating in the shower while he had his sweet submissive in bed waiting for him se
emed like bad form so he’d refrained.

  When he walked toward her and caught sight of her naked ass, shadowed by the dim light in the room, he second-guessed his decision not to come. She’d kicked some of the covers off, revealing her perfect ass. He ran the tip of one finger along the line her ass and leg made when they came together, and she moaned and moved back against him.

  He couldn’t resist palming both sides of her ass, just to feel her shiver beneath his tough.


  The laces on the back of her corset stood out in the dim light and he reached for them. Certainly she couldn’t be comfortable sleeping with that on. Certainly she meant he just couldn’t remove it in the middle of a scene. And not just always, always.

  He freed the rat’s nest of knots and pulled two of the loose ends, stopping before he totally undid them. Unfamiliar guilt crept in because he was violating one of her hard limits.

  His compromise? To loosen the laces.

  He didn’t totally remove it but he refused to let her sleep so confined. She wouldn’t sleep well and he’d already caught enough of a wave of fatigue off her before she’d admitted to it earlier.

  He made quick work of loosening the steel-boned garment and relaxed a half of a degree when she sighed in comfort. He tied the laces closed again, insuring it couldn’t come totally off while she slept.

  The lights dimmed even more as he stepped around the bed.

  The sheets were cool as he slid in next to her, gathering her close and covering them both. Her body fit so perfectly with his. Everything about her fit well with him. Her flavor profile didn’t at all resemble being vanilla. She was sassy and submissive and knew just when to be either or both. Her outward beauty completely reflected her—

  The feminine hand on his chest slid slowly down to his abdomen. He tried not to stop breathing when she grasped his shaft, squeezing—hard.


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