The Unclaimed Mail Order Bride [Brides for the Garrison Brothers 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

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The Unclaimed Mail Order Bride [Brides for the Garrison Brothers 3] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Page 10

by Paige Cameron

  When Mrs. Lowell—it’d take Abby a while to get comfortable calling her Mary—left the room, Abby sank onto her chair. Her knees were weak, and her heart raced. Job saved and a possibility of being a partner in the future. More than she’d imagined last night or a few weeks ago.

  Mrs. Lowell came back from her office. “Go on now. I expect you were a nervous wreck last night and probably didn’t eat much this morning. My husband and I discussed the plan late into the evening, or I’d have called you then. Have breakfast while you’re there.”

  “I was anxious, but all is better now. I feel more secure. My goal is to be self-sufficient. What do you want for a snack?”

  “Surprise me.”

  * * * *

  Abby hoped Fletcher wouldn’t be at Shirley’s Place. She’d have a hard time not talking with him. Still, they knew when they agreed not to see each other that it was a small town.

  Shirley greeted her with a hug. “I thought I’d see you with the Garrison gang when they came in yesterday afternoon,” she said when leading Abby to a booth.

  “I had a lot of work to do last night. I’m getting quite a few requests for alterations.”

  “I heard you do design work, too.”

  “Betsy and Amanda must have been in and told you. I suggested they wait and see if they liked my work before they told anyone, but I suspected they couldn’t keep it a secret. They were too excited. I hope they aren’t disappointed with the results.”

  “I’m sure you’ll do as good as you do at alterations. I’ve heard positive talk about how good it is to have our own person here in town to alter clothes.”

  “My experience in altering clothes is much more than in designing them. That was a far-away dream that hopefully is much closer thanks to Betsy and Amanda.”

  Shirley smiled. “I understand you gave them a discount. Amanda was thrilled. She really wants to go to college next year. She’s hoping on winning a scholarship, and she has done very well in school.”

  “Well, they are my first and are giving me a chance for my dream to come true.”

  “Here I am gossiping, and you need to get back to work. What would you like?”

  “I didn’t eat this morning so can I still get breakfast?”

  “You sure can.”

  “I’ll have the works, and Mrs. Lowell wants a snack. Do you know what she likes?”

  “I do. I’ll have it ready when you finish eating.”

  * * * *

  Abby sat back and breathed a sigh of relief. She had a light-headed feeling and wasn’t sure if it was from not eating breakfast or the combination of that and all the anxiety last night. For the hundredth time, she wished she hadn’t agreed to a week without seeing Fletcher. But, tonight she’d get out of the house and go see Jack. She’d called him last night and his voice was stronger. He’d understood she had the alterations to be done by this morning.

  Once she drank her coffee and ate, her head was much clearer, and her heartbeat had slowed down. She’d almost finished when Fletcher walked in with his brother, Devin. He spotted her right away and smiled. Her blood rushed to her face, and she knew it must be red.

  Devin took hold of Fletcher’s arm and marched to her table. “Do you mind if we join you? This week without you and Fletcher seeing each other has been crazy.”

  “What do you think, Fletcher?”

  “I think we made a silly, rash decision and it should have been three days, which is over.”

  “I agree.”

  Fletcher’s eyebrows rose. “You do?”

  Abby grinned and pointed to the seats. “Join me, but I can’t stay much longer. I’ve almost finished my breakfast and have to go back to work.”

  Devin slid into the seat across from her, but Fletcher came to her side and looked down at Abby. She slid over and let him in. His scent had her desire for him soaring.

  “You missed me, too,” Fletch said and leaned close to smell her hair.

  “If you two get all lovey-dovey I’m moving to another table,” Devin teased. “I’m guessing that a wedding isn’t far off.”

  Neither Abby nor Fletcher said anything. Abby ignored Devin and moved closer to Fletcher.

  “I have great news,” Abby said. She explained about the possibility of her getting more design work, and then maybe becoming a partner with Mrs. Lowell.

  Devin grinned. “I knew you were smart. You picked the nicest of the brothers to fall in love with.”

  “Why, Devin, I never thought you’d say such a thing. I remember scolding you for not studying hard enough in school.”

  “True, but you were right. When I improved you rewarded me by letting me drive your truck.”

  Abby looked at Fletcher. “I thought you hadn’t let anyone drive your truck since it was wrecked.”

  “Oh, Fletcher was always in the truck with me. He didn’t let me go off alone. I had just gotten my driver’s license.”

  “Does this mean you don’t have to prove you’re independent anymore?” Fletch asked.

  “No, I haven’t earned the partnership yet, and we still need to know each other better before jumping into marriage.”

  “I may have to jump into the cold stream behind my house,” Fletch said.

  Devin laughed, and Abby blushed. “I do love to make your face turn pink,” Fletch said.

  “Teasing is over.” Abby pushed Fletcher out of the booth and stood. “I have already stayed too long. I’m going to see Jack tonight.”

  “Can I join you?” Fletch looked down into her eyes.

  “Why do you think I told you where I’d be?” She winked and hurried out the door.

  * * * *

  “I think it’s love, Brother.”

  “Devin, how did you stand all the difficulties you and Josie had to go through before you got married?”

  “It was difficult, but in my heart, I knew she was the only one for me. I’d never have gotten on an airplane if I hadn’t loved her.”

  “That was a surprise to us all. I hope I can convince Abby we’re right for each other.”

  “It has to be difficult, or Hunter and I will be upset if it’s too easy, especially after what we both went through.” Devin stopped grinning and added in a more serious tone, “You know I’m teasing. You’re the easy-going brother and deserve not to have to struggle too hard.”

  “I sure hope so. I’ve got to get back to the ranch. See you later.”

  As Fletcher drove toward the ranch, he thought about what Devin had said. Devin and Hunter had known their wives were interested in them soon after the relationship started. They’d had difficulties, but they worked through them.

  If I can get Abby to admit she loves me, then I can wait more patiently for her to be ready for marriage. I guess I’m getting paid back for all the times I broke off relationships when they got too serious.

  He parked at the barn and saddled his horse. Working hard would help pass the time until he saw Abby tonight.

  * * * *

  “Well, it’s good to see you two together,” Jack said and reached out his hand to Abby. “I’ve missed your pretty face around here, but I’m glad you called and explained. Then I didn’t have to worry that you might have changed your mind about having an uncle.”

  “No way. We’re stuck with each other,” she said and grinned. “I’m so happy to have a relative of my own. Never did I think so many good things would happen for me when I arrived as a mail order bride.”

  “I’m glad Fletcher didn’t leave you alone at the airport.”

  Abby hugged Fletcher. “I’m glad he was my rescuer. My knight in a cowboy hat and boots.”

  “You two look serious.”

  “I am, but Abby still has to prove she can be independent.”

  “After this last debacle in my life, I have to know I can stand on my own two feet.”

  “My Betty would have approved of your plan.” Jack glanced at a frowning Fletch. “Just don’t keep this poor man standing around too long. Betty waited for me, but i
f I’d married her sooner, we’d have had more years together.”

  “I’ll take your advice into consideration, Uncle Jack.”

  Jack beamed. “That’s the first time you’ve called me Uncle. It sounds really good.”

  The nurse poked her head around the door. “He can only have short visits. Another fifteen minutes and you’ll have to leave.”

  “We will,” Fletch said. “We want him to come home soon.”

  “Can’t be too soon for me,” Jack said in a grouchy tone.

  “You still have to take it easy and do as the doctor says when you get home. I’ve arranged for you to have twenty-four-hour care when you’re discharged.”

  “That’s not necessary,” both Jack and Abby said simultaneously.

  “I thought we’d settled this before. Abby, you need to stay where you are so you can do your work as needed in the evenings and get a good night’s sleep. If you want to visit after work, you can, but I don’t think Jack would want you to get overtired just when things are working out so good for you at the shop.”

  Abby opened her mouth to speak, but Jack interrupted. “He’s right. I’d forgotten his plan. I need help, and I can afford it. You don’t have to pay for me, Fletcher, you know that.”

  “I do, but I wanted to get it all set up before you leave the hospital.”

  “Thanks for making the arrangements. I’m to get physical therapy, too. First, to learn to move around with crutches. I’m getting instructions here already on the crutches. Then I’ll learn to walk again.”

  “They’ll keep you busy.” Fletch glanced at Abby and knew she wasn’t happy. No sense in arguing in front of Jack.

  “Shall we go and let Jack rest,” he asked.

  “Let’s. I’m a little tired, as you mentioned.”

  Fletch tried not to grin. He saw the fire in her eyes. “See you tomorrow, Jack.” He bent and kissed Jack on the forehead, then walked to the door.

  Abby hugged and kissed him. “I can’t wait for you to get discharged.”

  Walking to the truck, they were both quiet. Abby didn’t speak. Fletcher glanced her way several times, but she looked straight ahead. It was dark when they got to the house. Abby looked at Fletch when he got out.

  “I’m fine. I don’t need any more help.”

  “Well, I think we need to talk. I can see smoke coming out of your ears.” He saw Abby bite the side of her lip to keep from laughing. Taking her key from her hand, Fletch opened the door and waited for her to enter.

  “You are not staying.” She stood right in front of him and tilted her head to look in his eyes.

  “I know you are mad because you think I took charge again. I did because both of the people I care about would do better with my arrangements. We’d discussed this before, and I understood you’d agreed.”

  “I had, but tonight I thought it’d be better for me to take care of my uncle. We need each other.”

  Fletcher pulled her into his arms and kissed the top of her head. “You do need each other, but what if you stay a few nights a week with him. He’d still have his helpers, and you can take your sewing machine with you if you have sewing that must be done. What do you think?”

  “Why didn’t you suggest this at the hospital?”

  “You were too mad to listen to me without starting an argument. I didn’t want Jack upset by our behavior.”

  Abby put her head on his shoulder and started to cry. Fletch lifted her in his arms and sat on the couch. “What’s wrong, my love?”

  She looked up at him. “Do you really love me? It seems too soon.”

  “When you meet the right person, it doesn’t take long. Ask Hunter and Lacey or Devin and Josie. They went through some rough times before marriage, but their love was strong. I knew after not seeing you for two days that I’d never make a week. You’ll laugh, but I went out in the middle of the night to check on the workers. The first one I saw knew what was wrong with me. He’d heard about our agreement, and he couldn’t stop grinning. I rode back to my house.”

  “I was miserable, too, and couldn’t think of why I hadn’t suggested three days instead.”

  Fletcher kissed her. “I want to make love to you. If you aren’t ready, then say so. Otherwise, I’m going to carry you to your bedroom and show you how much I want you for my wife.”

  “What are you waiting for?”

  Fletch picked her up and headed toward her bedroom. He kicked the partially open door fully open, and then set her on the edge of the bed.

  “The front door is unlocked,” Abby said.

  “Honey, if anyone comes in this house I’d kick him out so fast he’d run to his car and not stop until he was two counties over.”

  “You think very well of yourself,” she said and grinned.

  “I’m going to show you just how much right now.” He started unbuttoning her shirt.

  * * * *

  His warm hands against her skin made her shiver. When she glanced upward, his hazel eyes looked greener than ever. They glowed. He smiled at her.

  “If I move too fast, tell me. I’ll try my best to stop. But honey, I’ve wanted to make love to you from almost the first time we met. You don’t know how sad it made me when you said you were to marry someone else.”

  Abby giggled. “You saved me from my mail-order husband. But I don’t know if I’ll forgive you for tearing up my check. I was shocked and angry.”

  “Mom said I shouldn’t have done it, but he made me so mad. I didn’t want you beholden to him in any way.” He tilted her head and kissed her eyelids, her cheeks, and her lips. “Move onto the bed so I can remove your slacks.”

  Abby did as he said. Her heart raced, and excitement flowed through her veins when she thought of this man making love to her.

  Once her outer clothes were off, Fletcher threw off his shirt and reached for his zipper. Abby reached out and stopped him. She unzipped his pants and kissed his hard stomach. Once she’d pushed his jeans down, he kicked them to the side and lifted her back onto the bed. He lay beside her and ran his rough hand along her face and down her neck. He kissed each place he touched.

  “You are beautiful.”

  “No one ever said that to me. I never thought I was attractive. Men didn’t seem interested except the one whose girlfriend worked with me. I told him to back off. I think he wanted to make her jealous.”

  “Not a very confident man.”

  “Are you saying you wouldn’t be jealous of me?”

  “Ah, I see the twinkle in your eyes. No, I’d just punch any man flirting with you hard enough that he’d not only not look at you again, he’d cross the street to get away from you.”

  Abby laughed with joy. “My strong fella.”

  “And soon to be husband.”

  “In a while. I want to be courted first.”

  Fletch laughed. “Where did you come up with such an old-fashioned word?”

  “Beneath the picture of your great-great-grandparents. Have you not read it? It says, ‘He courted her well’.”

  “I guess I read it a long time ago and thought it was mushy. Enough talking. I want to make love to my lady.”

  He rolled her to her side and unfastened her bra, then rolled her back. “Ah, what beauties.”

  His hands slid lightly over her full breasts before kissing each rosy nipple, leaving her breathless and her skin feeling tingly. Then he moved upward and held her head between his hands. He feathered kisses over her forehead, down the side of her face and kissed her mouth. When she opened her lips, he ravished the inside. His tongue slid around the warm interior and tangled with hers. Her head spun with all the unfamiliar sensations racing through her body. Then he moved downward, bit the edge of her stubborn chin and grinned at Abby.

  “I need to soften this tough chin.”

  “Mom said when I wanted something I always tilted my chin and went after it.”

  Fletch took another nip and grinned. “You didn’t grow out of your stubbornness.”


  When he kissed the side of her neck, she shivered. His lips caressed the spot where her heart raced. Her lower body began to ache. She wanted him, badly, inside of her hot body.

  Her body’s eager response surprised Abby. This was nothing like her first time.

  Fletcher raised his head. “You are thinking too much.”

  “Only about how much more responsive my body is to you than my first experience.”

  “I’d hope so. I love you. The other man was a nothing.”

  “True.” She gasped when he kissed her shoulder and pinched her nipple.

  “Feel good?”

  “I might explode before this is over.”

  “I’ll pick up the pieces.” He caressed her breasts and explored the rosy tips. Then sucked on one nipple before his teeth nipped gently at the other one.

  Heat rushed through her veins and her lower body pulsed with need. Fletcher moved further down, scattering kisses over her stomach as he got closer to her lower lips. He breathed in deeply as his fingers touched her pussy. Then he tasted her sweet fragrance.

  She jumped, and he stopped to look up at her. “Do you want me to stop?”

  Abby shook her head no. Her body trembled. “I think I’ll slow down a bit.” He sat up and straddled her body.

  Fletcher’s fingertips slid down her arms. He kept eye contact with her the whole time. Then he raised one arm and, starting at her wrist, where she knew her heart was racing, he kissed all the way to the shoulder. His attention went from the right arm to her left. It was like having butterfly wings whisper over her skin as his lips moved across her shoulders to the other arm.

  Fletch chuckled, and she opened her eyes. “You aren’t going to sleep on me, are you?”

  “No, it feels so good, and when I close my eyes, I’m more deeply aware of you and your touch.”

  “I thought so, just wanted to check.” Fletcher ran his hands along the sides of her body before he turned her on her stomach. Straddling her again, he massaged across her shoulders, and down her back to her buttocks. He massaged them and then kissed each one. When she moaned, he flipped her fast, opened her legs, and licked his tongue over her nub. Abby’s heart pounded as he grasped her breasts and rubbed the tip of her nipples.


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