One Hundred Lessons (An Aspen Cove Small Town Romance Book 15)

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One Hundred Lessons (An Aspen Cove Small Town Romance Book 15) Page 11

by Kelly Collins

  Though Mercy missed them, she was happy they had that time to bond. For someone so against being a father, Alex was turning out to be a darn good one. Maybe it was because he didn't have a choice. A child showed up, and she was his, and it wasn't as if he could return her.

  The day passed quickly between Maddie's stories, their work in the garden, and a trip to the park. As it neared six o'clock, she considered changing her clothes, but he liked the shorts, and pleasing Alex was all she wanted to do today.

  She heaved a sigh. Hadn't that been her problem in the past? She was always the pleaser and rarely the pleased. Then again, that kiss spoke to his ability to more than please her. If a single smooch could curl her toes and make her insides quiver, what else was Alex capable of?

  "Are you ready to go home?" she asked Maddie.

  "Can I have one more cookie? I didn't eat a wion, yet."

  "No more cookies, but I'll save you a lion if you continue to practice your L sounds." She demonstrated once again by placing her tongue to the edge of her upper front teeth and said la la love, la la lion.

  Old habits were hard to break, and because most people thought it was cute when small children mispronounced words like wuv for love, there was no incentive to correct the habit, but if a cookie would help, Mercy was happy to bake them.

  Deciding to walk, they practiced the two sounds Maddie had the most trouble with—Ls and Rs. By the time they turned onto Rose Lane, she could say them both with more clarity, but it would take time to make it a habit. That would be something to tackle another day.

  Mercy scanned his fence for scraps of lingerie but found none. The door swung open, and Alex walked out holding the hand of a scantily clad brunette.

  "Please let me stay," she said. "You know how good I can make you feel."

  Mercy stopped and stared.

  "Oh," Maddie said with a sigh. "Her again."

  The words jolted Mercy back a step. "You know her?"

  Maddie nodded. "She was in Daddy's bed last night."

  Mercy's heart shattered because Alex was a liar. He said he missed her, but how could he when a bombshell brunette warmed his bed the night before.

  Men were all the same. The whole lot of them were man whores. She wanted to turn and run, but she refused to leave Maddie on the sidewalk while the woman tried to climb Alex like a tree.

  When he noticed her standing there, his eyes grew wide. "You're early."

  She swallowed the lump in her throat. "We walked because it's so nice out. Maybe I should have called first."

  He peeled the woman off him. "It's not what it looks like."

  The brunette stood back and stared at Mercy. "I only need like ten minutes. You can have him next."


  Alex pried himself away. "Stop it. That's my daughter over there."

  It didn't slip past Mercy that he didn't explain who she was. What was she? Round two?

  "I've got to go. Do you have Maddie?"

  He broke loose, and when he rushed to her, the woman bolted back into his house.

  "Mercy, please don't leave. You don't understand."

  "Oh, I do. Don't forget, I've been in this exact situation before, always second choice."

  She pivoted and started toward home.

  Chapter Sixteen


  Mercy's heart told her to do as he said, but her brain screamed for her to keep going. But being a woman ruled by her heart, she stopped and spun around to face him. "Look, Alex, I shouldn't be upset because we never defined what we were to each other, but for once, dammit, I'd like to be at the top of someone's list."

  Flashing lights grabbed her attention, and the police cruiser stopped in front of the house.

  Merrick jumped out. "Where is she?"

  Alex nodded toward the house. "She probably locked herself inside." He tossed his keys to the deputy. "You'll need them."

  "Stay here, and I'll take care of it."

  Alex let out a breath. "Outside of posting a guard, what can I do to keep these women away?"

  Mercy cocked her head, eyeing him. Did he say he wanted to keep those women away?

  Alex turned to her. "You and I need to talk. If we're going to be together, then you have to trust me."

  She'd been burned by giving her love freely and completely, did she have it in her to trust again?

  Merrick entered the door, and within minutes, he had a kicking and screaming woman cuffed and in the back of his car. "Since this is the second time in two days, do you want to press charges?" Merrick looked over his shoulder to the cruiser. "I know you tried to be nice by giving her a warning last night, but see what that got you?"

  "I hate to give her a criminal record for being a fan."

  "She already has one for stalking someone else. She's not a fan, she's a fanatic."

  Mercy listened to the exchange. She had it all wrong.

  "Now that I have a daughter and a girlfriend," he turned to Mercy and lifted a brow and waited like he expected her to argue, "I can't have random women sneaking into my house, so yes, I think it's time I pressed charges."

  "You got it," Merrick said before he climbed in the cruiser and drove away.

  Mercy was sure she'd heard him wrong when he said she was his girlfriend. When did that happen? Was it their first kiss or the last one?

  "Your what?"

  Alex moved close enough for her to feel the heat come off his body.

  "Come inside, and I'll explain."

  What did she have to lose? "I imagine once we're inside, I'll owe you an apology?"

  He slung his arm over Mercy's shoulder. "That would be a good place to begin." He walked them to Maddie and ruffled her hair. "Come on, kiddo, it's time to go in."

  Once inside, he led them into the kitchen, where two grocery bags sat on the counter.

  "Can I go play?" Maddie asked.

  Alex nodded. "I'll be right back; I want to check the house and make sure everything is in order."

  "Can I do anything to help?"

  "Open a beer or pour a glass of wine and enjoy. I'll take it from here." He reached into the bag and pulled out both options before he walked away with Maddie on his heels.

  Since Alex didn't drink, this was for her benefit. She chose the beer and tucked the bottle of wine in his refrigerator. She didn't care if it was red, white, or rose, she liked her wine cold.

  Inside were shelves filled with fruits and vegetables and little yogurts in child size packages. There were bags of pre-sliced apples, cheese sticks, and a protein pack with cheese bits and nuts mixed with cranberries.

  This was a refrigerator filled with love.

  When he returned, he moved in front of her.

  "Mercy, even though I haven't been in a monogamous relationship, I'd never cheat."

  She picked up her beer and took a drink, all the while looking at him like he'd grown a third eye. "Do you realize how ridiculous that sounded." It wasn't her intention to be mean, even though it came out sounding that way. "How would a man who has never been monogamous know if he'd cheat?"

  He set his hands on her shoulders. "Because when I'm with you, I don't want to be with anyone else."

  "That sounds fine and dandy, but what happens when you're not with me? What about when you're on the road, and some hot brunette only needs you for ten minutes?"

  He brushed his thumb over her lips before tilting her head up. "Let's flip the script for a minute. Do you think I want someone whose only desire is to have me for ten minutes? Frankly, that's an insult on many levels. Ten minutes? Really? What I have to offer takes a lot longer than that."

  "You're offended that she wanted you?" Her neck ached from staring up at him, but there was no way she'd look anywhere else. Staring into his eyes, she saw the things he didn't say. Things like he was vulnerable and maybe a little scared.

  "No, it's nice that someone finds me attractive, but at some point, I have to ask, is there something deeper?" He chuckled. "She told me I looked like her father, but
she'd do me anyway."


  "Apparently, my haircut aged me."

  She lifted her hand to his head and raked her fingers through the soft strands. "I like it better than the long stuff."

  He leaned into her touch. "Me too. It's cooler and easier to care for."

  "She's crazy, but if you look like her father, then he's one sexy man."

  "Sexy, huh?"

  She never considered a rock star could be insecure when they had everything they wanted from money to women. "Does your ego need stroking?"

  He bent toward her, brushed his lips against hers, and whispered, "That and other things."

  Her curiosity peaked. "What other things?" she teased.

  "How about we eat and figure it out together?"

  "Together sounds good."

  Side by side, they worked together, making dinner. He hadn't wanted her help, but she figured the quicker they got to dinner, the faster they'd get to dessert.

  Just as the burgers finished grilling, Maddie walked out, carrying her backpack.

  "Where are you going?" Mercy asked.

  "I have a sleepover with Ms. Louise."

  Not only had the idea of a sleepover thrown her, but Maddie pronounced her Ls. She swooped down and picked her up for a hug.

  "I'm so proud of you. I loved that you said, Louise."

  Maddie hugged Mercy's neck tightly, and with her mouth at her ear, she whispered. "I wuv you."

  Even though she didn't get the L right, those three words made Mercy's heart full. Maddie had come to her at a time when she needed something to brighten her day. She never thought it would be a five-year-old who'd steal her heart. Then again, she had one good-looking father.

  "I love you, too." She set her down, and when she stood, Alex's eyes seemed glassy.

  He turned away and flipped the burgers one last time. "You know, for some, love comes easy, but for people like me—people who have lost so much so early, love is risky. Why would I give my heart to another person who would likely destroy it?"

  Was that a warning or a confession for why he whored around?

  "I get it completely. It's the once burned, twice shy thing."

  He plated the burgers and set them on the outside table where they'd put the fixin's and the buns.

  "Yes, I imagine you get it. And you're right. My statement about monogamy was ridiculous, but my point was that even though I'd never tried it, once I was in a relationship, I'd be faithful. I can't expect there to be different rules for us."

  She helped Maddie with her burger and gave her a handful of chips.

  "Are we in a relationship?" Was it possible to let go of the past and move on? Everyone else seemed to do it, so why not her?

  "I would like to think that we are." He doctored his burger. "I arranged for that sleepover we talked about but given the lead up to tonight's dinner, maybe it's best if we wait. I don't want you to feel obligated in any way to stay."

  She looked at Maddie, who had ketchup on her cheeks. "Are you excited about your sleepover?"

  Maddie swallowed and grinned. "They have Barbies."

  "So easy to please," Alex said. He laid his hand on top of Mercy's. "I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't invite her. I swear some of these women are like mice and can find their way inside the tiniest openings."

  "Your cameras didn't catch her?"

  "It would seem I have a blind spot. I ordered a few more Arlo cameras and will install them as soon as they arrive." He squeezed her hand.

  "I'm sorry too. I jumped to conclusions, and I'm ashamed of myself."

  Alex looked at Maddie. "Hey, Mads, is it okay if I kiss Mercy?"

  Maddie giggled. "Yuck."

  "Just keep thinking that until you're about thirty-five."

  Alex leaned in and gave Mercy a sweet kiss that left her wanting more.

  They finished their burgers and cleaned up but stayed outside where the night air was cool.

  Alex's backyard was nothing to write home about. It had grass, and that was it. Maddie chased a butterfly with nowhere to land because his yard, like his house, was stark.

  "You should plant a garden," she said. "Maddie loves to help."

  He scooted his seat closer, so they sat side by side. "I wouldn't know where to begin."

  "I could help too. It's too late to plant fruits and vegetables, but we can prep it for next year." She pointed to the right corner. "You could put a cutting garden right there where it gets full sun and have fresh flowers all summer long. That corner," she nodded to the left, "would be perfect for berries, and along the back, I can see rows of carrots and radishes and maybe a few giant sunflowers."

  He intertwined his fingers with hers. "Is that what you want?"

  "I have a garden already. It has to be what you want because gardens are a lot like kids: they take commitment and care."

  "All I want is for you to spend the night so I can show you that I'm capable of commitment and care."

  "Who has to make breakfast in the morning?"

  "We'll go to Maisey's."

  "Deal." Holy hell, she just agreed to spend the night with Alex Cruz. By morning, she'd know all about his wooden stick.

  They stood at the door and waved goodbye to Maddie.

  "I've been thrown over for a Barbie Dreamhouse and Ken." Alex shut the door and led Mercy into the living room.

  "A daughter's first love is always her father."

  He sat first and tugged her onto his lap. "Was that your first love?"

  "Yes, until Timmy Bloom brought me a bag of Skittles, and then I was his until he tossed me aside for Kathy Stevens because she was cheap and easy. She kissed him behind the slide."

  When he rubbed his hand up her leg, she prayed she didn't have stubble.

  "Men think they want cheap and easy, but that usually turns into expensive and complicated. I'm finding out it's the ones you wait for that mean the most."

  She glanced at his hand, where his fingers had slipped under the edge of her shorts.

  "Is that what you call waiting?"

  "For me? Anything past five minutes is a lifetime."

  "What if I would have said no to the sleepover?"

  He lifted his hand and touched her cheek. "I would have waited." He let his head fall back against the leather couch. "I've been doing life my way for years, and it seemed to be fine, but then a woman and a girl were thrust into my existence, and everything changed. I didn't know what I needed until I realized how much I lived without."

  She leaned her head on his shoulder. "But you hated me the first day we met."

  "Hate is a strong word. I thought you were like the rest and out to get what you could from me."

  She considered him and his life, and it made her sad. "You and I aren't much different." Her shoulders shook with laughter. "I mean, we are totally different, but the people in our lives have used us. The only difference between us is that I had good role models, and I should have known better. But you, by the sounds of it, couldn't have known."

  "It's easy to blame ignorance. I watched my mom die from loneliness while my father lived happily with his fame and women. His life seemed far more pleasurable, so I modeled mine after his. But now that I have Maddie, I'm scared to death. I need to do better. I know how I've been as a man, and I wouldn't want my daughter to date someone like me."

  She sat up and studied him. "But you want me to date you?"

  "I do because, when I'm with you, I'm a better person." He lifted to reach her lips and talk about their past ended. With his mouth on hers, there was nothing left to consider but the tingle and pulsing in her core.

  Desire hit her, hard and fast. Shifting so she straddled him, she ran her hands up and down his chest. Every muscle rippled under her touch. "Take this off."

  "My girl is demanding." He pushed back into the couch and reached between them to pull off his shirt.

  Lord almighty, the man was made of stone. She let her fingers trail across his bare chest.

  "Your t
urn." She had no time to consider his words before he had the hem of her top moving past her chin. When it was free, he tossed it aside to land on top of his shirt.

  His eyes focused on her breasts. They probably weren't like the ones he was used to. Hers were real.

  He pulled the lace down to reveal nipples that seemed to reach for his mouth. And when his lips touched them, she closed her eyes and moaned. Full lips and hot tongue alternated between suckling and sucking. He made her want things she wasn't sure were possible, like love and multiple Os.

  Grinding against him, he hardened to steel beneath her—his thickness fitting perfectly between her thighs.

  He shifted and stood with her in his arms. Long-legged and quick on his feet, he had them in his room in seconds.

  "Was she in your bed?" She hated to ruin the moment, but when they made love, she wanted to be the only woman to have touched those sheets.

  "No, she was on the comforter, which I tossed in the wash already."

  She glanced at the bed to see it covered with a thin blanket.

  "Carry on, then."

  He set her down and went straight for the button of her shorts. It didn't take him long to get her fully naked.

  She lifted on her elbows. "Your turn."

  God was he sexy with a lift to his brow and a smirk on his face. Shirtless, he tugged the button on his jeans loose and pulled the zipper down one tooth at a time. For a man who was in such a hurry moments ago, he wasn't rushing now. He took his time undressing, and she loved the suspense. Having her attention focused on him made her forget all the ways she might be inadequate—almost.

  "Hey, what just happened? It looked like I lost you.” He stopped stripping and climbed onto the bed with her. "I saw something change in your eyes. If this isn't what you want, we can wait."

  She rolled to her side to face him. "I don't want to wait, but I don't want to disappoint you either. We've got something special building that I don't want to ruin it with bad sex."

  His eyes widened. "Seriously? You think there's any possibility that I won't enjoy what we're about to do?"

  She bit her lower lip and nodded.

  He took her hand and held it against his denim-covered length. "Does this feel like I'm not enjoying you?"


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