Branded by Frost

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Branded by Frost Page 13

by Aliyah Burke

  “What do I want?” She gathered her hair up, held it on her head for a few seconds then let it fall. “I want you happy.”

  “Not what I meant and you know it, Frost.” He moved with her when she tried ducking his gaze. “Answer me.”

  “I’d like you with me.”

  “That wasn’t so hard to admit, was it?”

  “Is that what you’re after, Dex? An admission?”

  “Yes.” He cleared his throat. “If I’m uprooting my life, I want to know it’s for more than just because someone may be coming after me again. My life is dangerous. That doesn’t worry me.”

  “Fair enough,” she admitted. “I want you with me at the vineyard.”

  “And what exactly will I be doing there?”

  “I can connect you with Taggart. I’m sure he will know of a place for more rescue work—if that’s what you want to do.”

  “You want me to set all this up in two days?” He didn’t hide the disbelief in his tone.

  “No. We were talking about options. If it’s what you want to do, then we can set it in motion. If not, it’s a moot point.”

  He rose up and prowled over her, pushing her so she lay flat. Bending his arms, he brushed his lips over hers. “Do you think I would be discussing this with you if it wasn’t what I wanted to do? Do you think I am going to let you—a woman who is my mate—just walk out of my life?”

  Her brown eyes latched onto his. “I don’t know. I’ve never done this before. I don’t know how it’s supposed to work.”

  “Me either, but I’m sure happily ever afters don’t come if the couple is split apart.”

  She widened her legs, allowing him to press against her core.

  “I don’t know what this hocus pocus crap is you have going on around you, but I’m a quick study. I want to be there with you, Frost.”

  She latched her legs around his waist and shifted beneath him, drawing more attention to his stiffening cock. I did say talk to her right, and not strip and fuck her? The rod in his pants didn’t agree and the way she stared at him with raw need in her eyes didn’t help. Her hunger was blatant.

  “It’s not fair for you to uproot your entire life.”

  “According to what you’ve been telling me, you are my life. We’re mates. While I may not understand the full enormity of such a statement, I get the drift. I’ve heard Celia talk about those romance books she reads where the hero and heroine are mates. It’s a together forever kind of thing.”

  “So you’re coming with me because of something someone said about a romance novel?” Finally, the smile reached her eyes.

  “Something like that. I mean, this is kind of like one, wouldn’t you say? I’m the damsel in distress and you’re the big handsome hero who comes along, inserting themselves in my life to keep me safe.”

  She smacked him in the shoulder. “You’re an ass. I’m not the hero.”

  He kissed her, loving the way she reacted to his touch. She held nothing back, gave her all. She wrapped her arms around his neck and tightened her grip on him. Nipping her lower lip, he whispered, “Are we allowed to have sex now?”

  “I want to say yes,” she said.

  “But when you put it that way, it means no.” He groaned. “What else do we need to talk about?”

  “If you’re serious about coming back to Oregon, I need to speak to Taggart.”

  “Look,” he said, pushing back so they had space between them. “I’ll come down there but there’s not any way I will be ready to go in two days. I’ll have to come later. I can’t leave them shorthanded. I need to make sure they have a replacement for me—like we did for you.”

  “Understood.” She rose off the sofa and walked back toward the hall.

  He leaned over the back of the couch and waited until she was just out of sight. “Can I get you something to drink?”

  “No thanks,” she called up.

  He went to his food and took a bite. When he’d finished half the burger, he realized she’d not come back up the hall. “Frost? You okay?”

  “Fine. Just waiting naked for you in your bed.”

  “Okay,” he replied before it dawned on him what she’d said. He slapped the container closed as he shoved to his feet. At his bedroom door, he paused and looked in. She lay on her left side, bedding tucked under her arms.

  Yanking his shirt over his head, he said, “I guess we’ve talked enough then?”

  “I thought a break was in order.”

  He went to work on his boots, removing them in record time. His body, hard and ready, yelled at him as he stripped with haste. She flipped back the blankets as he neared the bed. Sure enough, she lay naked, just how he liked her.

  “A long break.” He slid in beside her and reached for her. “A long fucking break.”

  * * * *

  “Are you sure about this?”

  “Not at all, Tiarnán,” Aminta admitted to her foster brother as she tossed her few belongings in the backseat of his truck cab.

  “You want me to make him come now?”

  She slanted her gaze to him. He stood at her side as he always did—legs braced and arms crossed, showing off his strength. There was no doubt in her mind he would do just what he offered if she wanted him to.

  “No. I spoke at length with Taggart and there is work for him down near the vineyard. He’ll be a new member of the rescue team there. Taggart set it all up.”

  “So then he should be coming with.”

  She rested her head on his arm. “He can’t leave them short a rescue man, T. That’s not right.”

  “He knows he will be in danger, right?”

  “Yes, he does,” Dex said from behind them.

  Aminta squeezed Tiarnán’s arm before walking into Dex’s welcome embrace. “When all is squared away here, call me and I’ll come get you.”

  “My hero,” he said with a wink.

  She loved he was able to joke about this. She wasn’t as optimistic as he was but couldn’t be happier that he wasn’t trying to beat his chest and demand she stay with him since he had the dick.

  “I mean it. I’ll fly up with the helicopter and pick you up.”

  He brushed their lips together. “How about you fly up and we take a leisurely drive back down?”

  “She thinks that can be arranged.” Aminta pushed up on her toes and reconnected their lips. “Most definitely.”

  “I will see you soon.”

  “You better. Please be careful.”

  “Always am, Frost. You know this.” He put his mouth by her ear. “Your brother is glaring at me.”

  “Don’t take it personally. He glares at everyone.”

  “So if I ran up to him and hugged him?”

  “He’d gut you. Don’t do it.”

  Dex cupped her face. “I’d laugh but I don’t think you’re joking.”

  “Not at all.” She angled her head and brushed her lips along his palm. “Bye.”

  The kiss he laid on her buckled her knees and robbed her of all air. She relied on his strength to keep her from collapsing in a heap upon the ground.

  “We have a few candidates in mind, so it won’t be long.” He stepped away from her and guided her to Tiarnán’s truck, where he held the door for her. She climbed in and he turned her face to his. “I’m going to miss you, Frost.”

  “Likewise, Dex.”

  One final kiss, then Tiarnán entered the truck, and they shut the doors. She waved then faced forward, never looking back, and tried her best to ignore the pain in her heart.

  “He’ll be fine,” Tiarnán said after they’d been driving for about ten minutes.

  “How can you be so confident? Cheza has already come to visit him.”

  Tiarnán turned to glance at her. Aminta took a few moments before the realization set in.

  “Dracen is there?”

  “Yes. You don’t think Lian would want him unprotected, do you?”

  “Then why am I coming back? I could have stayed there and kept an eye
on him.”

  “With you gone, they will show their hand, especially if they are assuming he is alone and unprotected.”

  While she knew his words made complete sense, it didn’t stop her anger at being pulled away from her own mate. “We’re using him as bait.”

  “No. We’re allowing him to finish up his business there and keeping him safe at the same time. If something comes from that, all the better. But we’re not dangling him out there.”

  “Whose idea was this?”


  Aminta snapped her mouth shut. The one man she wouldn’t argue against. “How is he doing?” she wondered.

  “As well as can be expected for Lian.”

  “How is everyone else?”

  “Fine. Had you contacted them more often, you would know this for yourself.”

  She ignored his not so subtle reprimand. Tiarnán had a way of making her feel like she was a four year old who had just gotten in trouble. “Why is Dracen watching him instead of you?”

  “She didn’t think I would be able to keep from beating him for sleeping with my sister.”

  She jerked her head toward him with those words. His attention was on the road before him and no sign of joking lingered.

  “You’re serious, aren’t you?”

  “Yes. I offered to stay there and protect him but Dracen figured I should stay away from him.”

  “You’d protect him.” She knew this as sure as she knew her heart beat.

  “Of course—from the demons or New Order assholes. Even from Them. But doesn’t mean he and I wouldn’t have a little talk.”

  “Have you learned to get along with Altair?”

  “Why? We have a perfectly fine relationship.”

  She snorted. “The man avoids being in your presence.”

  “And as I said…a fine relationship.”

  “You know that’s just wrong, Tiarnán. These are our mates. You’re going to have to get used to them and welcome them.”

  He pinned her with his hazel gaze. “They’re sleeping with my sisters. I am good when I don’t beat them for touching you.”

  “Christ, if you’re like this with mine and Roz’s, I feel for Dracen’s mate. The man will be lucky to live the first second you know he’s been claimed.”

  His entire body went rigid for a few moments before he relaxed. His anger remained palpable and she could see the fog from his sign as it rose around his shoulders.

  She leaned over and placed her hand on his leg. “Calm down, T. I know we’re sisters to you but you’re going to have to let us go at some point. The ones who picked our mates will have made sure we are with the right man—just like they did for Cale and Billy. They’re what we need. You can’t protect us all the time and for the rest of our lives.” She sat back.

  “Doesn’t mean I have to like it.”

  “No it doesn’t. But you may be happier if you stopped hating the men we are partnered with.”

  “Can we talk about something else?”

  She propped her feet up on his dashboard, ignoring the look he gave her. “Sure. How’s your sex life?”

  His expression had her pealing in laughter. She rubbed her hands together. This ride home is going to be so much fun.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Dex dangled from the line as the chopper rose in the air. The motor slowly lifted him and he spun in the pelting wind and snow. He gulped back his nausea as he continued to be tossed around like a rag doll in a monster’s mouth. There were times he’d not been confident they would succeed with this rescue. The pilots were good—Frost had been so much better—and had kept them from crashing, but it had been a while since he’d been tossed about this way.

  Thankfully the skier lay strapped and secure in the helicopter and was being administered to by Sandra. Celia reached out and helped haul him in. The second he was unhooked from the cable, Colton slammed the door shut.

  They angled left and headed out.

  “Shit, you’re bleeding,” Celia said to him as he shrugged out of the harness.

  “I am?”

  “Long gash on your face.”

  “I’m so fucking numb. I can’t feel a thing.” The ground beneath his feet wavered and he stumbled to a seat. He might not have been able to feel the cut but something sure as hell was making him unsteady.

  “You don’t look so hot. Sandra, get over here and check on Dex.”

  She arrived moments later and angled his head so she could get a better view. “What happened?”

  He closed his eyes to keep the interior from spinning. “I don’t have a clue. I was unaware I was even bleeding until Celia mentioned it.”

  “Get your helmet off so I can dress it. She’s right. You don’t look so hot. Are you okay?”

  “Just a bit dizzy. Mouth’s dry.” He removed his helmet and was unaware of who took the helmet from him. He leaned back and didn’t move. Sandra’s impersonal touch on his face didn’t bother him. He just wanted to lie down and…

  “Figures you’d go and get hurt on your last outing with us.”

  “I had to get your hands on me once more, Sandra,” he teased.

  Seconds later he sucked in a breath at the sting of alcohol as it seeped in. She laughed and he almost opened his eyes to glare. There just wasn’t any energy.

  What is wrong with me? He couldn’t get his limbs to move.

  “This isn’t right,” Sandra said, her voice fading with each word. “He needs…”

  * * * *

  He opened his eyes when someone said his name. “What?”

  “I need you to stay with us, Mr. Collins. Did you take anything this morning?”

  Dex recognized the inside of an ambulance. Wait. This isn’t right. I’m not the one who we rescued. Why am I in here? Unsuccessful in moving his limbs, he tried and failed to answer the question. He closed his eyes again, a haughty black woman sitting beside his feet was the last thing he saw.

  Once more he opened them and saw the ceiling lights as the people rolled him down a hallway. He had no strength and couldn’t get his limbs to cooperate with him. The people around him morphed in different appearances, reminding him of his time in a fair’s fun house with those wacky mirrors. The colors around him became psychedelic.

  The one steady was the black woman, hovering near. Her expression was ice. She monitored everything. The others didn’t seem to know she was there but she was. He knew it. She was shrouded in mist but other than that, she didn’t appear to be distorted like everything else he saw.

  Exhausted, he allowed his eyes to close once more. She was standing over him the next time he opened them.

  “Who are you?” he asked.

  She didn’t speak. In fact another woman, a nurse, walked into his line of sight to the other and bent over him. “Are you trying to say something?” she questioned.

  Looking past her, he sought the woman dressed in all black. She remained, gaze sharp and alert.

  “Who are you?” he tried again.

  Whatever sound he made, the nurse appeared excited and turned to hurry out. Dex couldn’t make sense out of what was playing before him. What was real and what wasn’t, he hadn’t a clue.

  Just as he was succumbing to the rest his body demanded, another entered the room—a man who had a white lab coat on but had mannerisms of one who didn’t belong. His eyes shifted around, betraying his nervousness. He stepped closer to the bed. Dex knew he had to leave but his body had no intentions of cooperating with him. He couldn’t move.

  Another flicker of movement and the black-clad woman once again had a spot in his line of sight. The man in the lab coat didn’t seem to know she was there either, like the others hadn’t. When he dug into his pocket and withdrew a syringe, her gaze narrowed. The second he took another step toward Dex, she moved behind the man, vanishing from his view. Seconds later, a blade exploded from his torso, covered in blood, his face contorted into something ugly and pain-filled.

  The blade vanished and the man crum
pled to the ground. The woman in black stepped forward, swiped the syringe and looked at him once more before she was gone in a blink. Darkness covered him as a scream built toward the door.

  “He’s sleeping comfortably now,” a female said.

  * * * *

  Dex struggled to open his eyes, unaware of how much time had passed.

  “Has he been moving his limbs? The doctor said something about paralysis.”

  Warmth filled him, pushing back the clouds at the sound of Frost’s voice. He’d know her tone anywhere. Still, he didn’t have the ability to open his eyes.

  “Not a lot but some, yes. He’ll have some stiffness when he gets up but we can’t find any lingering evidence of whatever it was that had caused him to react as he had.” She cleared her throat. “I’ll give you some time alone with him.”

  “Thank you.”

  A fleeting touch on his shoulder. The scrape of a chair as it was moved along the floor.

  “Come on, Dex. Open your eyes.”

  He couldn’t ignore her command and struggled to do as she’d asked. At his side was none other than Frost. She watched him carefully, intent on nothing else but his face.

  “Hey,” he rasped.

  “Is this how you handle things the second I leave you?” She stroked the back of her hand along his face.

  Tiny tingles moved through him and he almost asked her what it was but decided not to incase it wasn’t anything good. He smacked his lips and she reached over him only to bring back a cup with a straw.

  “Small sips.”

  It took a few tries before his throat cooperated with the message from his brain but he got the cool moisture he craved. She took it away before he had appeased himself but the look in her eyes told him not to argue.

  “What’s going on?” His words sounded garbled even to himself.

  “You’re in the hospital. Have been for a week.”

  That didn’t make any sense to him. Why can’t I remember what happened? “How’d I get here?”

  “Sandra said after a rescue you didn’t look so hot and got worse on the way back to base. She called an ambulance for you as well. You’ve been here ever since.”


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