Hellhound: Prince of Fire

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Hellhound: Prince of Fire Page 8

by Volley, Rue

  “This is so bad, so very bad,” I said as Gunner looked across the room.

  “There is a staircase.”

  “Made out of fucking bones.”

  “Yes, but it will get us out of here.”

  He took my hand and we ran across the uneven floor of skulls and reached the staircase. I reached out and touched the railing and felt the smooth bone that it was made of.

  “I guess they are hungry.”

  “Aren’t you?” Gunner asked me and I sighed.

  “Don’t,” I said as I started to climb and so did he.

  We reached the top and as we did the staircase changed from bone to marble. I looked out at a beautiful ballroom. It was decked out in crystal chandeliers on the ceiling and elaborate, oversized paintings on every wall. It looked as if it had been stolen and placed here from another time. The floor was black marble as was the oversized fireplace that flanked the far wall, which could fit at least 5 men standing in it. Then the large doors opened, along the side wall and Gunner and I backed up and hid at the top of the stairs as tons of people came into the room. Women decked out in ball gowns, diamond tiaras, the works. I had only seen this type of thing in the movies. The music started up and everyone took a partner. I remained hidden with Gunner as they started their waltz.

  The first few turns seemed normal enough and I almost found it enjoyable as I watched everyone. The dresses were amazing, the men were all dressed in black tuxes and I glanced at Gunner as he watched, but his look was not that of wonder, as was my own. Then I heard it, the first scream then the second and as I started to stand up Gunner grabbed my arm and jerked me back down as one by one the vampires attacked and drank their partner. Some of them women and some men, but this was a blood bath and I was so disgusted until the smell of blood overtook me and I stood up, pushing Gunner off as he tried to stop me. It all seemed to be in slow motion to me, but I wandered into the room, as the vampires fed on their prey and my teeth ached and grew inside of my mouth. I could not help it, it was not me and yet it felt so natural to be amongst it. I stopped as a man and woman strolled into the room and looked around as if they were proud of what they had accomplished. He was dressed in a black tux, not unlike every other man in the room. The woman wore a white dress, strapless and hugging her curves. A large diamond sat against her pale skin and still did not rival her beauty. I stood there, my teeth long and my fists clinched as the man walked towards me and grabbed my jaw, pushed my head back and inspecting my teeth. The woman who was with him, flashed to my side and jerked my shirt up and saw my branding.

  “How can this be?” she asked as Gunner entered the room and spoke.

  “Dorin changed her, Vanessa…Hunter,” Gunner said as he nodded to both of them. Hunter hissed at me and then let me go as I stumbled back.

  “You smell like nothing I have ever known.”

  “There is nothing like her in the world.”

  “So what do you want?” Vanessa asked and Gunner looked at me.

  “We need your help.”

  Hunter laughed and it echoed in the room.

  “This again.”

  “He does not care that you are damned, he will kill you anyway. He tried to kill Dorin.”

  “Tried.” Hunter said and Gunner stepped forward.

  “Dorin is dead.”

  Vanessa grinned as Hunter held his face with his hands and then cried out.


  Lucifer stood very still as his minions climbed all over him and set plates of red armor on him. Once done they all left him and stood in a circle as he stared into the mirror. He turned slowly, touching the red plate on his chest and then to the other side as the doors opened behind him and Mary came walking in. She reached up and touched the edge of her mouth and removed a small bit of blood. Lucifer stopped and grinned at his own reflection as three minions stepped up and held a large sword up to him. He took it and his grip was firm and unyielding on it. It was his true weapon, one of which he had not utilized in centuries, not since the first of battles between heaven and hell had begun. Mary looked him over and grinned.

  “You look like a true King.”

  Lucifer turned and smiled at her. He raised his sword and stared at the metal, deeply etched with angelic symbols that now glowed red with his passion.

  “I do think that “King” is something I should get used to now that we have a prince.” He looked to the far corner as a man stepped from the shadows. He had dark hair and green eyes. His lips were not as full as Lucifer’s, but soft just the same. He now had his hair pushed up and back, out of his eyes and his jaw tensed up and then relaxed as he looked Mary over.

  “Grandmother,” he said as she bowed to him. He walked towards her and then reached down, touching her chin and lifting it up. Her eyes met his and she stood.

  “You can call me Mary if you wish, my Lord.”

  He nodded to her and then looked at Lucifer.

  “My Father has told me that Halo has abandoned us.”

  She nodded to him and then glanced at Lucifer.

  “Do you know why she would do this?”

  Mary took his hand and placed the back of it to her lips. She kissed it softly and then he pulled it from her. She watched him take two steps back from her.

  “Perhaps it is because you did the same to her,” he stated as she held her hands up to him and shook her head.

  “I was dying.”

  “Everyone dies. It is what you do with the time you have that matters.” Jet said as he looked her over.

  Lucifer laughed out loud and turned back to the mirror as he inspected his armor.

  “This is true my son. Even the immortal can find a mortals death, if they try hard enough.”

  “I did not do it to harm her.”

  Jet reached a hand out to her and she ran to it, lowering to one knee and holding it against her cheek. He tilted his head and then touched her hair, his eyes going from red to black and then back again. He dropped the strand of hair between his fingertips and then pulled his hand away from her.

  “It is because of you that my Mother abandoned me here. You are to blame.”

  Mary shook her head as minions filled the room and started to circle her.

  Lucifer kept his back to her the entire time.

  “Lucifer, my Lord?” she said as the he turned and his eyes were glowing red.

  “Feed,” he said as they all descended on her like vultures and began to tear flesh from her bones, their small sharp teeth devouring her piece by delicious piece. She cried out as the mass of minion’s drug her kicking and screaming from the room, a trail of blood left behind her. Jet looked down at his hands and they trembled as Lucifer stepped up and took them in his own to steady them.

  “She was not your ally. She was a selfish human who abandoned her daughter. In turn, teaching your Mother the same. She was not to be trusted, nor is Halo.”

  Jet looked up into Lucifer’s eyes and shook his head.

  “I want her here with us, not harmed,” Jet said and Lucifer tilted his head at his son’s compassion.

  “I know you feel a need to protect and you have a bond with her, but know this. She is a woman, and women can be very tricky. One minute they love you and the next they hate with a venomous passion. You must know this now and understand that she may fall, and if so, it was a necessity.”

  Jet sighed as Lucifer took one hand and cupped Jets face. Jet closed his eyes as he tried to imagine it. He tried to imagine not needing his Mother, not wanting to be near her, but the longing in his heart outweighed the will to conquer.

  “You must have a hunter’s blood flowing through you my son. You are a predator and they are mere prey.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Et tu, Brute

  I cringed as the glass was filled with blood before me. I did not want to drink it and yet it smelled so sweet I almost could not deny picking it up and chugging it all down. I reached for it and my hand shook. But Gunner reached to me and held my hand, pulling it down t
o the table’s surface as Hunter paced back and forth across from us. Vanessa sat at the head of the table and said nothing. In fact, she looked disgusted as she glared at me. I could only imagine her distaste for the fact that I was now a creature she knew nothing about. I was turned, a branded Hellhound and had traces of human in me. Should she eat or destroy me, may be her question to struggle with. Hunter stopped pacing and turned towards us, his face strained and he pointed at me and wagged his finger.

  “So, let me understand this correctly. You fucked Lucifer, had his son and then escaped Hell, but you were fatally wounded as was Dorin and he fed on you and then turned you.”

  I nodded as he took a fake breath. He ran his hand through his hair.

  “No one truly escapes Hell,” Hunter said as he glanced at Vanessa.

  “This is true,” she said at the end of the table.

  “Well I did and so did Dorin.”

  “So tell me, why was he there?” Hunter turned his red eyes to Gunner.

  “He offered to go,” Gunner said with an even tone to his voice.

  Hunter laughed and it echoed in the room. He started to pace again.

  “You had to know that his survival would be next to impossible alone and yet you allowed him to go.”

  Gunner stood up and stared at him. “I could not go and he offered. He had a history with Lucifer and felt as if it may give him leverage.”

  Hunter stopped and looked at Vanessa as he clapped his hands once. It echoed in the room and I remained calm as he turned his gaze back on me.

  “What is it about you that he found so appealing Halo? I mean Dorin is….” He paused and touched his mouth and then continued on. “Was, a powerful vampire, a killer of the King of vampires and he was cunning. The best I had ever known and yet he freely went to Hell to retrieve you?”

  I said nothing, I could not. If I said the truth then how would Gunner feel? I had already birthed a son with Lucifer and if I said that Dorin loved me, then what? Would Gunner assume that I am a whore and seducer of every man who crosses my path?

  “He loved you,” Vanessa said as she fingered at her glass. My eyes went to hers but not for long. Gunner turned his gaze on me and I looked at my glass.

  “No, I mean he loved me as a friend.”

  Hunter walked up to the table across from us and tossed the chairs out of the way as if they were toys. They flew across the room, hitting the walls on either side and he slammed his fists on the table as he stared me down. I picked up my drink and took a sip of the blood, allowing it to calm me as he stood there and stared a hole through me.

  “Halo,” Gunner said and I set my glass down and looked up at Hunter.

  “He was my friend.”

  “A vampire does not truly have friends. We have lovers and enemies. You may not feel this completely since your blood is diluted with Hellhound first and human, but a vampire’s lust can make us insane.”

  Vanessa laughed out loud and held up her glass as Hunter looked down the long table at her. “Vanessa has tortured me for years because she loves me, this I know.”

  “Oh fuck off,” Vanessa said as she drank from her glass. I fingered at mine and then Hunter decided to continue on with me.

  “He made you, he was your master. So tell me, how did you kill him?” Hunter asked as I spilled my glass and the blood ran red across the table, pooling into the shape of a moon and the omen rattled me as it should.

  Gunner stood up and looked him over.

  “Dorin asked to be killed. It was not her fault. I did it.”

  Hunter looked at him and lunged across the table, knocking Gunner to the ground as I cried out and knocked my chair back. Vanessa was on me and had me held in place while I growled and struggled. Hunter had Gunner pinned to the ground and he leaned into his face and spoke almost as if Lucifer was channeling through him with a slight hiss.

  “I will eat you slowly, bit by bit and just when you think you will find mercy and a final release into Hell, I will save you, to only begin again.”

  Just then a huge crash sounded out as Ari and Finna made their way into the room, fighting off three vampires a piece. Finna swung her axe and beheaded two of them in one swing as she cried out and then the rest froze in place as Vanessa opened her mouth and a sound came out that relaxed even me. It sounded like a song to my ears, but Gunner flinched as did Ari and Finna and they dropped their weapons and tightly covered their ears. She stopped and I rolled my eyes as the last bit of her siren song rolled through my body. I had no idea she had this power, but it seemed to be the greatest weapon a vampire could possess.

  “You will release him or die,” Ari yelled out as he picked his axe back up and pointed it across the room. The vampires left around them hissed as Vanessa let me go and turned to face all of them.

  “Leave us,” she said as the vampires hurried off and Ari and Finna stood their ground.

  “Such loyalty, I only wish I could get that. I mean the best I can hope for is a few of these changelings to get in a good bite.”

  “We will not be tricked by you,” Finna called out to her and she smiled and crossed her arms on her chest. She looked back at Hunter and snapped her fingers.

  “Let him up.”

  “Vanessa,” he hissed as she suddenly flashed to him and grabbed him up. She drug him to the windows and they looked out, far below in the street. They could see shadow after shadow standing there. “Smell,” she said.

  “Fuck,” Hunter said as she let him go.

  “They are aligned with the wolves. I would guess if we kill any of them it will be yet another war we cannot win.”

  She turned back and looked at me.

  “You will have my allegiance for one night and then you will never bother us again.”

  I nodded to her as Gunner rose up and looked at me.

  “Agreed,” I said to her.


  I stood in the training room and stared all around me. It was hard to imagine that not so long ago I was merely a wide eyed girl and coming in to be trained to protect. So many things had changed in such a short amount of time, or so it seemed. I looked down at my hands and then held them up. My senses were starting to even out as Dorin said that they would. I still thought of him, but not as intensely as I had when he first changed me. I touched my chest and felt for a heartbeat and there was none, there never would be again and yet the branding on my side kept my skin at a cool, but not ice cold temperature. I was in limbo, somewhere in between Hellhound, Vampire and fading human. Dorin’s bite had given me more strength than I could have imagined and yet it weakened me as I could feel my humanity slipping away with each new moment. I closed my eyes and could see him clearly. Dorin, as he fell away from me and it quickly morphed in to Gunner as I heard him walking up behind me. I turned and he looked me over before he spoke.

  “Are you all right?” he asked me and I shook my head ‘yes’ although saying ‘no’ would have been closer to the truth.

  “We need to talk,” he added, and I watched him as he walked to the wall and pulled two staffs. He held both in his hands as the dull light lit up the muscles on his arms. I ran my tongue along my teeth, felt them sharpening just a little bit and I grinned. He excited me in all ways. It did not matter what he wanted to do. I was finding it harder to not just want him every moment of every day. I have to guess it is a vampire thing too. It has to be. I only wish Dorin was here to answer all of the questions that I have as I continue to change without notice or any control over it. Gunner walked back up to me and tossed a staff to me. I caught it without moving my body at all, my arm simply extended and my hand gripped it tightly in a blur. He grinned and then started to twist the staff in front of himself as he stepped to one side. I watched him as I pulled the staff in front of me and twisted it very quickly, having to force myself to slow down. He nodded to me as he pointed the staff’s end at me and I held mine out and they crossed. I licked my bottom lip as his eyes narrowed and he took a stance with me that I knew all too well. He h
ad all intention of testing me and I wanted it. I wanted anything that would draw my attention away from Dorin, the battle…Lucifer and my son.

  “Do you love me?” he asked as I suddenly stopped and stared at him.


  “Halo, do you love me?”

  “Of course I do. Why would you even question me?”

  He lunged at me and I started to fight him, uncertain as to why he asked me and it threw me off of my game. He actually hit me in the side and I went down to one knee and stood back up very quickly, I was not hurt just aggravated.

  “Do you love your son?” he asked as I narrowed my eyes and lunged at him, our staffs hitting together in a blur of movements. I then jumped into the air and flipped over his head and he lowered and slid his staff upward very quickly. It hit me in the stomach and I cried out as I landed and slammed the tip of my staff into the floor. I held my stomach with one hand and then looked up at him as he turned and extended the staff towards me. I dropped down and spun on one foot as I swung my staff out as far as I could, but he jumped it and then spun in the air sideways, coming down in front of me. I had to roll out the way as his staff sliced through the air and right next to my face. He stood up and swung around as I gritted my teeth and felt the irritation rising in me. It was making me sloppy and causing me to not focus as I should.

  “How do you feel about Dorin?” he asked and I rushed him as he turned and his back rolled on mine as he slid his staff down and caught one of my feet. He jerked it upward and it spun me in the air sideways. I landed on my side and slid across the floor. I growled and then got up in a blur as he stood there spinning his staff as if he had not even been in a battle.

  He paused and looked me over. “Did you enjoy fucking him?”

  I cried out as I rushed him and with one blow to my side he had me down on my back and staring up at him as his staff rested at my throat. He looked down on me and I closed my eyes, but just as quickly as I did that I felt myself being pulled up and I looked to see Vanessa and Hunter holding me. Gunner stepped forward as he had a look of true love and compassion came over his face.


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