
Home > Other > Blue > Page 14
Blue Page 14

by ML Nystrom

  “I repeat, where are my kids?”

  Shorty panted, his breath getting ragged and wheezy.

  Footsteps clomped down the hallway and a moment later, the room was filled with several large bodies of some very pissed off bikers, guns drawn and pointed. Brick entered like the king he was, and the room froze to absolute zero.

  Shorty cried out in fear and pissed himself at the sight of Brick’s hard face. This was a man who completely rebuilt the Dragon Runners club with guts and a hard-line leadership. People were sometimes stunned that he held the power to decide other men’s fates and could turn from being a lovable teddy bear into a fierce ruthless predator. He said in a tone that was calm and almost easy sounding, “Afternoon, Shorty. Now, you answer the good deputy’s question an’ tell me where my grandkids are at.”

  Shorty didn’t hesitate. He whimpered, “I seen ’em up with Billy an’ Jonelle at th’ cabin.” The blubbering man wiped his nose as it dripped. “They’s fine when I left ’em. Billy wasn’t gonna take ’em, but Jonelle wanted ’em real bad. We all are supposed to leave town once I get up there with th’ money.”

  Brick poked at the duffle bag on the floor and several bags of crystal fell out. “This the stuff you been selling around my town? Selling to kids?” Brick inquired with icy candor. The other bikers shifted and Shorty tried to fold in on himself.

  “What cabin?” Blue asked, his gun still trained on the piss-covered man.

  “‘S one off old Myers Road down toward the holler. Used to belong to Billy’s uncle, back in the day.” Shorty was openly crying now and could barely answer. “Brick, please lemme go! I didn’t hurt them kids, I swear it! I’ll leave town an’ I won’t never ever come back!”

  Brick turned to Blue. “I’m thinking you need to be gettin’ to the kids ’bout now. We can see to takin’ care of Shorty here.”

  Blue hesitated, at war with himself over his job as a deputy and his life as a father.

  Brick spoke softly. “You’ve been a Runner, Blue. You know how it is. Most time, the law and justice meet up just fine. Sometimes not. I think you know the difference.”

  Blue stood silently for a moment more and then slipped the safety back on his gun. “I’ll call when I got the kids back.” He nodded to the other Runners in the room and left. The last thing he heard as he walked down the hall was Brick.

  “You got it right, Shorty, when you said you’re leaving town an’ ain’t never coming back.”


  I left the store closed for the day and went to the hospital to sit with Betsey. The woman looked every bit her age, lying in the white hospital bed with tubes in her nose, a large bandage around her head, and an IV in her arm. I had the thought that Betsey would be upset over the loss of her hair, since the doctor had shaved a big spot from the back of her head in order to stitch up the nasty wound. Being in the cold all night had caused mild hypothermia and she was also dehydrated. Donna wasn’t in much better shape, but she had rallied faster than Betsey and was awake. Another sheriff’s deputy had come by the hospital and questioned her gently, but she didn’t have much to add. She hadn’t seen the blow aimed at her head nor the attack on Betsey.

  My hands were busy with a crochet hook and a skein of yarn, trying to make something resembling a scarf, but I couldn’t find the right rhythm or pattern. Now the yarn was a hopeless tangle of red. I sighed for the hundredth time and starting detangling again. I knew this was a futile effort, but I still needed to do something to keep my brain occupied. The kids were missing and I found out Sam was missing too. Dozens of different scenarios ran through my mind regarding all of them. I called Lindsey, the vet, to give her a head’s up about Sam in case he turned up somewhere, but that was all I could do. My instinct was to run out and start looking, but where?

  “Now what did that yarn ever do to you?” a raspy voice asked from the bed. Betsey had finally awakened. “Lord, have mercy! My head feels like a busted watermelon!” She grimaced and tried to raise her hand to the bandages. “This is the damn hospital. What the hell happened?”

  Relief flooded through me and I hurried over to her side. “I’m so glad to see you’re awake! We’ve been worried sick about you. I know your head is still hurting, but what about the rest of you?”

  Betsey let out a lame pshhht. “I’ll be fine once I get outta this bed and see what them lazy asses have done to my house. I hope they got sense enough to clean up after themselves. What time is it? Where’s Brick ‘n’ Blue? They in court?”

  I reached for the button to call the nurse. “No court today. I’m not sure where they are now, but both Blue and the club are looking into the attack and other stuff that happened last night.”

  Betsey shifted and groaned. “I was at the Lair, making Donna help me clean up after the party. Almost everyone had gone home and left me with the mess. I hate that! Brick, that sorry dawg, went up to bed, telling anyone who would listen he needs his beauty sleep. Hmph! He’s just an old man trying to keep up with the young’uns. Shells and Cody were upstairs already in bed. Poor little lambs! They done been through enough lately. I gotta thank you and your folks again for helping them out when they needed it most.”

  She paused and lifted the hand not encumbered with an IV line to her face.

  “Anyways, them trashcans we got up there were overfull and about to burst. I ain’t gonna have trash like that inside the club ’cause you can get bugs real bad and I cain’t stand no bugs in my house. Weren’t no prospects or hangarounds to lug them things outside, so I made Donna help me. She tripped and dropped her side o’ the can and bottles went everywhere, glass breaking and making a real mess. I sent her inside for a broom and dustpan and I was pickin’ up the big pieces of glass when I heard something. I thought it was Donna coming back, but the last thing I remember is a pain in my head. Now I’m here in this hospital bed with my head still hurtin’ and wantin’ to know just what the hell is going on?”

  I paused, not knowing if I should share everything, but this was Betsey and she wouldn’t be satisfied unless she was in the loop. I took her free hand and held it while I brought her up to date.

  “You were attacked last night and the kids were taken from the Lair. I think there’s video from the security cameras about who did it. They are sure it was Jonelle and some other guy. I know there’s roadblocks on the highways and both the sheriff’s department and the Runners are out looking. Blue will call me when he has news.”

  Betsey’s eyes, ringed in black bruises, started watering. “Oh Lord, oh Lord, my babies!”

  Her sorrow lasted about a half minute. “I’m gonna catch that bitch and snatch her bald-headed a’fore I’m done! Call that damn doctor, would’ja? I need to get outta here.”

  She tried to rise but fell back breathing hard. “On second thought, can you call Tambre, Molly, Kat, and Eva? I need to get up to the Lair and have all my ladies round me ’bout now.”

  I smiled, thankful I wouldn’t have to wrestle the stubborn woman to keep her in the bed. “They’re in the cafeteria getting coffee. I’ll text Eva and let her know you’re awake, then give you some privacy.”

  Betsey squinted at me. “What’cha mean, privacy? When I said I need all my ladies ’round me, I meant all y’all. Privacy my ass! I’m sure it’s hanging outta the back of this sheet they call a gown.”

  I laughed as I texted Eva. Yes, Betsey was back. I pressed the button to call the nurse as I texted Blue the good news about his mom, hoping to get a response. The phone buzzed back.

  Blue: That’s great, baby. I got a lead on the kids. Know more later.

  Warmth filled my belly at him calling me baby. I felt secure that this was real and that we had changed sometime during the night into a couple. I didn’t know how long it would last but I would take whatever I could get.

  My thoughts were interrupted by Betsey’s yell. “What in the fire did that doctor do to my hair?”


  “Come on, Cody, we hafta keep going.” Michelle
pushed at her younger brother as they climbed over another large rotting log. The woods were thick and smelled of earth as they trudged on, always heading uphill, and after crowning one rise, finding another.

  “I’m so tired!” the little boy whined. “It’s cold!”

  “I know. I’m cold too, but we still gotta keep going,” she repeated. The sandwiches and water had been consumed hours ago and both of them were thirsty and hungry again. Michelle pushed onward, determined that when they reached the top of the hills, she would be able to figure out where they were and what direction the Lair was. At least she hoped so.

  Cody began to cry loudly and sat on the damp ground. Michelle wanted to yell at her brother, but she also wanted do the same thing he was doing. Her legs were tired and she was figuring out they were totally lost, maybe even walking in circles. As Cody continued to wail, she felt the tears gathering in her own eyes and running down her dirty face, but she had to be Daddy’s big girl and take care of her younger brother. Her eyes lit up as she spotted some wild blackberry bushes. Most of the berries were gone, but maybe there were a few left.

  “Look, Cody! Maybe we can find some berries like we do with Gramma.” She pointed at the sparse bushes, hoping to get Cody to stop crying.

  “Are those Gramma’s bushes?” he asked, wiping his nose on his dirty sleeve.

  “I don’t think so, but we can go see.”

  The few berries that were left were overripe, but the children picked and ate them anyway. The juices stained their mouths and fingers. Cody laughed and pointed at Michelle’s face.

  “Your lips are all purple now!” he crowed.

  “Your butt’s purple!” she retorted, glad the crying had stopped at least for now.

  The crackling of twigs had her looking up in fear. Bears were still out and about and her daddy had always warned of them. The sound of a familiar guff had her sighing in relief and she cried in earnest. Sam trotted up to the two children, his tongue lolling out and a big smile across his face as if he was just out for an afternoon stroll.

  “Sam!” Cody cried out and threw his arms around the dog’s massive neck. Michelle joined in hugging the animal from the other side. Sam sniffed and huffed in their faces, his tail wagging furiously.

  “Where’s Psalm?” Cody snuffled into the dog’s short hair.

  “I don’t think she’s here, just Sam.” Michelle stroked over the canine head.

  “Is he here to take us home?”

  “I don’t know, Cody. Maybe.” Michelle was overwrought and happy to see the animal. Sam bathed her face with his tongue, cleaning off the sticky berry juice, and guffed a few more times. “We gotta get up and follow him ’cause he knows where home is.”

  Cody sighed but heaved his little body up and stood with one hand still on the dog’s huge shoulder.

  A rustling sound distracted Michelle and she looked with hope at the moving bushes. Maybe Psalm was around. Or Daddy had found them! Sam suddenly went stiff, his muscles locked in place like steel. The hair on his back rose straight up, his lips curled back showing his long sharp canine teeth as he stared at the bushes. His throat gurgled a low bone-chilling growl, but he didn’t move from his place by the children.

  A large black head appeared, pushing through the tangles. The bear was huge and lumbering as he was getting ready for hibernation. It spotted the children and the dog and seemed to be just as surprised as they were.

  Michelle froze in fear; her brain scrambled to think of what daddy had said about bears in the woods. Cody screamed and grabbed for Michelle. The huge monster lifted up and bellowed at them.

  Sam’s reaction was instant the moment he heard and smelled the other animal approach. The hair on his spine spiked up and his lips peeled back further, showing his strong massive jaw and long sharp teeth. He braced in attack mode, his super defined muscles swelling with tension as he changed into the fighting machine he had been trained to be. These were his children! His pack. How dare this creature threaten them! The bear sounded a challenge and Sam roared his anger. His voice drowned out the bear’s in its demonic fury as he accepted. The bear charged and as it approached the trio, the fighting dog bunched his powerful body and leapt.


  Blue lay flat on the ground, binoculars in his hands, watching the dilapidated building that Shorty had called the cabin. It was more of an old farmhouse that had been let go to ruin. A chemical smell tinged the air and there was no doubt in Blue’s mind he had finally found the source of the shit that had been floating around his town. There was also no doubt in his mind that both Jonelle and Billy were inside the house, as their vehicles were parked outside. He didn’t see any sign of the kids, but that didn’t mean they weren’t in there.

  Three other deputies were next to him, waiting for orders, and backup was coming from two bordering counties. Everyone was tense as the early evening temperature began to drop. There were many unknowns from the sketchy intel Shorty had given. No one knew what kind of firepower was in the house or what Billy’s mood was at that time. Meth labs were also known to be unstable and there was no telling if this one was okay or about to blow sky high.

  “I’m going in for a closer look,” Blue whispered to his closest companion. “Keep alert.”

  He eased over the shallow embankment at the dirt driveway’s edge and crawled painstakingly slowly to the house, keeping as quiet as he could. He pressed his body close to a partially open window, the stench of chemicals even stronger. He could hear shouting coming from inside and he softly clicked on his phone to record the words. Whatever went down, it would be a good idea to have something tangible.

  “The fuck, bitch! Call ‘im again!” Billy shouted.

  “I done called him a dozen times already!” Jonelle shouted back. “He ain’t picked up and he ain’t gonna. That short shit’s probably halfway across the state by now, running the Tail with all our money.” She paused. “Betcha he took my kids!”

  Something broke against the wall. “Fuck, woman! That dumbass ain’t got your kids! Them little shits snuck off while you was sucking my cock! You saw! The goddamn door was open!”

  Blue both felt relief and worry at the same time. The kids had escaped that cesspool, but were now wandering through what amounted to wilderness that was far from safe.

  Jonelle turned on the waterworks. Blue had little sympathy, as he had witnessed her crocodile tears more than once. “That’s my little girl and boy you’re talkin’ ’bout!” she whined, trying to sound pitiful.

  Billy wasn’t buying it either. “Shut the fuck up, bitch, and fix me another rock.”

  Her tears dried up instantly. “You done had four already!”

  A loud slap of flesh on flesh and a thud sounded. Blue heard Jonelle cry out.

  “You deaf, ya fuckin’ bitch? I said fix me another fuckin’ rock!”

  Blue drew his gun and eased his head to the edge of the dirty window screen, taking care not to make any noise or be noticed. Billy was pacing back and forth, clearly agitated. He scratched at his arms and puffed hard at the cigarette in his mouth. Jonelle was on the floor, blood dripping from her split lip. She crawled to the rickety coffee table and started doing what Billy ordered. Several glass pipes and a small pile of crystals littered the table’s top, along with a gun. That was the only weapon Blue saw and in Billy’s frantic state anything could happen, but he would have to get to the gun first. Blue watched as Billy forcefully poked at his phone.

  “Shorty, you motherfuckin’ asshole! Get your fuckin’ ass over here now! You take my money, I’mma fuckin’ hunt you down and fuckin’ gut you like a fuckin’ fish!”

  Blue’s jaw clenched hard enough to crack his teeth as he watched Jonelle hand the twitchy man a glass pipe and a lighter. Billy flicked on the lighter and sucked hard at the pipe, filling his lungs and holding his breath before letting it out in a long puff of acrid smoke. He undid the top button of his oversized shorts and pulled out his penis. He grabbed Jonelle’s hair and pushed his bony hi
ps into her face.

  “Make yourself useful while you’re down there, bitch.”

  Jonelle meekly obeyed, opening her mouth and sucking him in. He rammed into her throat, using her hair as leverage. He grunted as he thrust over and over again, not paying attention to the gagging sounds coming from the woman as she struggled to keep up with his demand.

  Blue’s gut churned as he watched his ex-wife’s face get raped. His first instinct was to rush in and stop the abusive man, but the officer in him knew there was more at stake. He looked over to where the other officers were hidden and signaled for them to approach. Three more backup officers had shown up and all of them moved to surround the house, guns drawn and pointed.

  Blue looked back into the window. Billy had finished and was sitting on the couch with another cigarette in his hand. Jonelle was up from the floor, wiping at her mouth and spitting red on the floor.

  “Didja hafta be so goddamn rough?” she complained.

  Billy just grinned and puffed at the white stick. “You love it, baby.” He leaned his head back on the slouching couch cushions. “Now go fix me somethin’ to eat.”

  Jonelle grumbled but moved to go into the kitchen. Billy closed his eyes and relaxed. Blue thought it was their best chance. He moved to the front door, careful not to make the warped planks creak with his weight. He gave a hand signal to the officers positioned on either side of the door. They nodded back in readiness. Blue raised his foot and kicked the door in, breaking the flimsy lock. The door popped inward with a loud bang.

  “Police! Get your hands up!” he yelled, sprinting into the room and aiming his gun at the startled Billy.


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