Lady Ellingham and the Theft of the Stansfield Necklace: A Regency Romance

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Lady Ellingham and the Theft of the Stansfield Necklace: A Regency Romance Page 14

by Rochester, Miriam

  Alex gave the Countess a reassuring smile. ‘I have persuaded Mrs Entwhistle to take me to Felicity. You must go home Lady Ellingham and wait for my return. I will be back before midnight.’

  ‘She is my daughter, I must come with you. Oh I cannot bear it,’ she sobbed.

  ‘I think it best Lady Ellingham if you leave it to me. I promise I will not let you down,’ he reassured her.

  Alex nodded to his father’ ‘take them home; I will be back with Felicity as soon as I can.’

  The Duke was not to be dismissed so easily. ‘I am sorry to disappoint you son, but I am coming with you, things might get dangerous and you may need my help. John can take the ladies home; I will go and collect him.’ Alex escorted the ladies to the coach while the Duke went to collect his coachman from the tavern, Alex reached inside the coach and retrieved the large pistol he kept in the door pocket as a readiness against highwaymen and clipped it to his belt. The Countess looked dismayed at the sight of the weapon and gave Alex an anxious look. He patted it and smiled, ‘it is only for insurance,’ he reassured her, ’it does not hurt to be prepared.’ He turned to the Dowager, ‘I rely on the pair of you to stop Richard from doing anything silly, and tell him we will be back with Felicity before midnight.’

  John, having been summoned from the inn jumped onto the box and looked questioningly at the Duke. Felicity was nowhere to be seen and in her stead was a strange young lady. ‘Is Lady Felicity not returning with us Your Grace?’ he asked looking curiously at Emily. ‘Lady Felicity will be returning with us, the Marquis replied. ‘I rely on you John to look after the ladies.’

  ‘No sooner said than done Your Lordship,’ he replied and at that, John moved off.

  After receiving directions from Emily, Alex hailed a carriage. The three of them climbed into the cab and the carriage moved off. Alex turned to Emily, ‘describe to me your lodgings. I need to know the layout of the premises as I want no surprises.’

  Emily’s lodging was a small cottage situated a quarter of a mile outside of Harrogate on the Harrogate approach road. It was a single story building with a thatched roof and had only three rooms. To the left of the front door was the kitchen and to the right was the sitting room. You had to walk through the sitting room to reach the bedchamber at the far end. The only other feature was an outhouse to the rear in the garden. The cottage that went by the predictable name of Ivy Cottage was just a simple construction but Alex made a mental note anyway. He would need every detail at his fingertips when he arrived there.

  Back at Ivy Cottage Adrian was unaware of the events unfolding behind him. He had moved like lightening and it had not occurred to him that there could have been witnesses to the abduction. Entwhistle therefore was not expecting any kind of pursuit. After entering the cottage, he walked through the sitting room, into the bedchamber and placed the unconscious Felicity on the bed. He removed his cravat that he suddenly found restricting, kicked off his boots, then walked over to the occasional table where he kept a decanter and poured himself a stiff drink of cheap brandy. Flopping down into a chair, he downed his drink watching Felicity as she slept. Damn the woman it could not have come at a worse time. He was frustrated as this was a development that he could have done without. He was only hours away from signing a crooked deal worth £3000. He only hoped that Emily would keep her head until tomorrow when their fraud would be over and they were well away with Mr Maitland’s money.

  Adrian could not afford for anything to go wrong as they were running short of funds. Their last confidence trick involving the Marquis of Thorndale had gone seriously wrong. He cursed to himself. He should never have allowed Emily to keep the Sapphire necklace but she particularly liked the piece and he had agreed to let her keep it until necessity dictated its sale. How was he to know that the necklace was famous? He had retrospectively looked it up in a reference book and an illustration of it glared up at him from the page. He had been a fool; the money from the sale of that necklace would have kept them in luxury for well over a year. As it was his funds were dwindling, Adrian looked around him; he had already been reduced to hiring this little cottage instead of staying at one of the more exclusive hotels in Harrogate, where he could be waited upon hand and foot. He looked at his empty glass in disgust; this cheap brandy was not to his liking either. This latest swindle had to succeed.

  After Emily had given the game away that day in the Prospect of Whitby so Adrian had decided against Paris and headed straight for Harrogate. He knew it to be near the Stansfield family seat, but as he knew Alex to be in London for the near future, he had not anticipated a problem, in fact it was an ideal time to come to Harrogate. They had been lucky; Andrew Maitland had fallen for Emily within days of arriving here. Maitland was not a member of the ton but had made his money as a shipping merchant working out of Whitby. Perhaps it was just as well, as being reduced to such straightened circumstances, a member of the ton might not have given Emily a thought. They were due to sign the contract tomorrow morning at 10.30, with a rogue solicitor, a deal that would have defrauded Andrew Maitland of £3000. Straight after, they were intending to make a quick getaway and head for the delights of warmer climates.

  Adrian poured himself another large brandy and glanced across to the bed. Felicity was still out for the count. He watched her as she lay there, unconscious of his lazy gaze. Unlike Emily who had a deceitfully cherubic sort of prettiness, Felicity was a classic beauty. Every feature of her face was in regular alignment, her skin was like porcelain and her golden ringlets lay in wild disarray across the pillow. She was wearing a low cut gown of orange blossom sarcenet with cream lace overlay, a high waistline and puffed sleeves, and on her forearms delicate gloves of fine cream lace. His eyes lowered to her breasts has they rose and fell with her laboured breathing, and as he watched, his languid gaze turned into lust. Adrian downed his second glass of brandy and glanced at the time; it would be two hours yet before Emily returned home. He walked across to the bed and sat beside her, stoking the soft skin of her upper arms with the tip of his forefinger. Her skin was soft and smooth as fine satin and the touch of it made his loins ache with desire. He sat for a long time caressing her soft flesh and admiring her beauty and the longer he sat, the more intense his desire grew. She was out for the count and easy pickings and he thought to himself, that there was no reason why he could not wile away the next hour pleasurably.

  The carriage bearing the Marquis, the Duke and Emily arrived at Ivy Cottage. All was in darkness except for the dim glow of candlelight coming from the bedchamber window, a worrying circumstance. Alex sprung from the carriage before it had hardly stopped, he would need to gain entrance quickly and Emily had informed him that she did not have a key. He wasted no time and was already assessing the best way to gain admittance.

  The Duke sprang down from the carriage, assisting Emily and instructing her to remain quiet if she valued her husband’s skin. She gave him a fearful but obedient nod, not daring to make a noise. She knew the Marquis to be temperate but could not guarantee his actions if he were crossed and his father appeared to be of very much the same ilk. The Duke walked forward to the Jarvey instructing him to remain and slipped him 5 shillings with the promise of further enumeration if he stayed. The Jarvey looked in disbelief and gave a low whistle; it was five times the amount he charged. ‘No problem guvnor,’ he beamed, ‘I’ll wait all night if I have to.’ The Duke satisfied that the Jarvey would remain, slipped into the garden after Alex who had already checked the front door and all of the windows. They were all locked. Alex called Emily over and whispered, ‘Is there a back door.’ Emily affirmed that there was a door that led directly to the kitchen but she doubted that her husband would leave it open. ‘We could just knock,’ the Duke whispered, ‘after all he will be expecting Emily home.’

  ‘But not this soon,’ Alex whispered back. ‘I think surprise will be the best element of attack.’ The three of them crept slowly around to the back of the cottage. The Duke was not taking any chances and h
e kept Emily close in case she decided to sound the alarm, but Emily lacked the courage to disobey. Emily had been right, the back door was locked but as luck would have it, he noticed that the kitchen window was slightly ajar. He moved his fingers under the frame and slowly and quietly raised the sash until there was enough room for him to crawl through. Alex went through first and then opened the back door to admit Emily and the Duke. The cottage was in darkness with only the dim light from the failing moon to guide them. Alex felt a growing sense of urgency; he had not forgotten that the only light from the cottage emanated from the bedchamber window. He recalled Emily’s description of the house and silently but swiftly headed in the direction of the bedchamber, with the Duke and Emily following in his wake. He reached the door and stopped to listen. All was silent. Instructing his father to stand back and pulling the pistol out from his belt he stepped back and with one powerful kick knocked the door off its hinges.

  The sight Alex met terrified him. Adrian was sitting on the corner of the bed leaning over Felicity and fingering the luxurious curls on her golden head with increasing lust reflected in his eyes. The scoundrel’s heart missed a beat in total astonishment as the bedchamber door fell in and he jumped up in shocked surprise. He faced Alex who was ruthlessly approaching with blazing fury on his face. Adrian did not stand a chance; the Marquis was upon him like a man possessed. The two men grappled and although Adrian struggled valiantly, he was no match for Alex’s violent temper. Alex spared no compassion and pummelled him to the floor, his rage fuelling his anger. Adrian was practically unconscious when the Duke stepped forward and hauled his son off his battered body. The Duke had never before seen his son in such a rage and believed he would have killed the man if he had not been there to stop him.

  Alex stood up and shook his father away. He walked over to the bed where Felicity lay fast asleep, unconscious of all that was going on around her. He checked her body for vital signs and then realising that she was just in a swoon, lifted her unconscious body and held her close. ‘Thank God.’ Alex exclaimed, ‘She is all right.’

  The Duke picked Adrian up off the floor and sat him in the chair. He had a cut above his left eye and blood was dripping down his battered face. He looked over to Alex, ‘Can I trust you to stay here without killing him.’ Alex nodded, Felicity was all right and his fury had abated so the Duke left him and went out to instruct the Jarvey to go and fetch the magistrate and two constables.

  Emily stood looking at her husband aghast. The compromised situation she had found him in had not escaped her. She had seen the lustful way her husband was looking at Felicity and she did not know whether to feel sorry for him or angry. Alex laid Felicity back down on the bed and addressed Emily. ‘Is this the kind of man you have married, a man who abducts innocent women and would betray you in a moment? I almost feel sorry for you Emily. You certainly cannot rely on his constancy.’ Emily started to cry as she was bitterly disappointed in her husband, and she had no words with which to reply.

  Lord Stansfield came back into the room. ‘I have sent the Jarvey for the magistrate; he should be here in thirty minutes.’ Emily looked horrified and looked at Alex, ‘but you promised in the theatre, that if I helped you would not send for the magistrate.’

  The Duke coughed, ‘It is I who called the magistrate not the Marquis, so you cannot blame him.’

  Alex sighed, ‘Emily, I do not know how you came to be involved with such a man as this but things have gone too far even for me to ignore. Your husband’s behaviour here tonight is even beyond my power to forgive. ’

  Emily looked around her desperately. The Magistrate was the last person she wanted to see; she sidled towards the opening where the door once hung. When she thought that the Duke and Alex were not looking she made a bolt for the opening but the Duke spied her out of the corner of her eye and grabbed her wrist. ‘A loyal wife I see. Would you leave your husband to face the constable alone? I think not.’

  Emily cursed and brought her little foot down hard on the Dukes toes. He winced but he held her firm. ‘Showing your true colours now aren’t you my dear. Don’t think that you will get the better of me.’

  They had not long to wait until the magistrate arrived accompanied by two local constables. The duke ushered them into the already crowded small bedchamber.

  The magistrate took one look at Emily then glanced across the room to Adrian who was still sitting slumped in a chair with his arms dangling at his sides and beamed. ‘Well well, what have we here? If it is not Patrick and Rosie Fielding!’ He looked like a cat that had licked the cream. Emily defiantly put her chin up and retorted, ‘I am quite sure that I do not know what you are talking about.’

  Alex and Gareth looked at each other in astonishment and Alex turned to the magistrate. ‘I have never heard of Patrick and Rosie Fielding, are you sure?’

  The magistrate walked over to Adrian, grabbed him by the hair and lifted his head from his chest to get a clearer view. ‘The pair appear a little different but it is them all right. Bow Street has been after this pair for nearly two years now.’ He rubbed his hands together in obvious glee, ‘my, this is a very productive evening.’

  Emily tried to bolt again but the two constables quickly restrained her. She struggled but they held her firm and when she realised that the game was truly up, she burst out in a barrage of unladylike abuse in a broad cockney accent. Alex would never have believed it if he had not heard it with his own ears.

  The magistrate took over. ‘I shall take it from here gentlemen.’ He nodded to The Duke. ‘I know your direction; we will probably need to speak to you again.’

  Alex walked over to the bed and picked up a still unconscious Felicity who groaned on being disturbed. ‘We shall be on our way then gentlemen,’ he said and the three made their way to the waiting carriage.

  On reaching the carriage, Alex handed Felicity to his father so that he could climb into the carriage. Gareth duly handed her back as Alex settled in the swabs and placed Felicity across his knee. Gareth climbed in after him and instructed the Jarvey to move on. Felicity lay restless in Alex’s arms and as he looked down upon her, he affectionately swept back the loose tendrils of hair that had long since loosed from its pins and fallen over her face. She was still very drowsy and groaned but was slowly coming to her senses. Alex did not know what Adrian had done but he had knocked her out for a good while and he could only be grateful that she could not remember the compromising position in which he had found her, and prayed thanks to God that he had not arrived too late.


  When John the Coachman eventually dropped the ladies off at Stansfield Park, the Dowager had managed to reassure Lady Ellingham with some success. She took Sophia’s hand and patted it, ‘Do not worry Sophia I have known my grandson for 29 years and my son for another 20 years before that. I have never known them to fail in anything that they have put their minds to. They will be back before midnight I can guarantee it.’

  The Dowagers words give Lady Ellingham some comfort and the old ladies confidence had her almost believing it, never the less she could not rest until Felicity was safely back in the bosom of her family. Sophie gave the Dowager a wan smile, ‘I am sure you are right Elise but goodness knows how I am going to break this news to Richard. He is a gentle soul, but in circumstances such as this, I do not think that that he will rest on his laurels. I cannot see him being prepared to leave everything to Gareth and Alex and he will want to chase after them. Oh Dear,’ she continued despairingly, ‘what am I to say to him, he cannot possibly go out as late as this, being indisposed as he is, and yet I fear he will try.’

  Elise looked at the ormolu clock on the mantelshelf to check the time. It was only ten to eleven. She looked at the Countess, ‘then my dear I suggest we delay in telling him and with a bit of luck they will be back before we need to say anything.’

  Lady Ellingham looked shocked. ‘Not tell him! Oh but don’t you think that I should? He would be as mad as fire if he knew I kept such a se
rious matter from him, he would never forgive me.’

  The wise old Lady just smiled. ‘I think you over react Sophia. He will be annoyed of course but I am sure he is not going to hold it against you for all eternity, especially when he knows that you just have his interests at heart, and when Felicity is returned safely he will be too relieved to even think about it.’ The Countess bit her lip; she was divided between her duty of telling Richard and her desire to keep him from doing anything rash. She would never forgive herself if he did further damage to his injured foot.

  The decision however was taken out of her hands because Richard’s bedchamber was at the front of the house and he had heard the carriage pull into the driveway. He had guessed that the party had returned home early, was curious as to why and still more mystified that no one had called into his room to see him. Felicity had a habit of unceremoniously bursting in to see him whenever she had been somewhere exciting and regaling him with a detailed account of her whole evening.

  He called for William his valet and sent him downstairs to enquire after the party. William knocked on the drawing room door and poked his head around. The Countess gave a start, ‘Oh it is you William, do come in.’

  William entered gingerly. ‘His Lordship has sent me down to enquire after you as you appear to have returned from the theatre rather early.’ Lady Ellingham sighed; Richard was not going to make this easy. William only had to take one look at the Countess and the Dowager to realise that something was seriously amiss. He ventured to enquire, ‘Is anything the matter My Lady, Your Grace? Perhaps I can help.’

  William had worked for the Marquis for 8 years and she knew she could trust him. ‘Oh William, I am afraid the most dreadful thing has happened and we are not sure how to tell Richard, but now he knows we are home there is no avoiding it I suppose.’ She proceeded to recount the events of the evening, and swearing the Valet to secrecy. ‘You see,’ she concluded,’ we do not want Richard doing anything silly and racing off to Harrogate, but there will be no stopping him once he finds out.’


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