Signed, SEALed, Delivered

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Signed, SEALed, Delivered Page 6

by Jaime Russell

  Me: Hey. This is Zack. I got your emails.

  Ella: Hey. So, I’ve got your number now.

  Me: I’m waiting on Alec to get out of school. What are you doing?

  Ella: I’m sitting in a resturant with my sister for a third wheel date.

  Me: Fun times. So, for our date this weekend, I’m thinking of this burger place here. It’s pretty famous around these parts. So, jeans and a t-shirt is good, unless you want to dress up, and then we can go somewhere different.

  Ella: The burger place sounds great.

  Me: Alec is here, so I’ll email you later. Enjoy the date.

  Ella: Oh, yeah. Good times. LOL.

  I chuckle, as I put my phone away, once Alec gets into the truck. “Hey, bud. How was school?”

  “Boring. I got a B on my project. I forgot to do something for it, or it would’ve been an A. Oh, and I have band practice tomorrow after school.”

  “Okay. Let me know when it ends, so I can be on time. I was thinking about something today. What would you say, if I retired from the SEALs?”

  “Why would you retire? Is everything okay?”

  “I guess, I’m just missing you so much that I might want to find something else to do.” I tell him, as I navigate through school traffic.

  “What about saving lives? I thought that’s what you do.” He kind of seems upset about the prospect of me being home all the time.

  “I could be a police officer here. I would still be able to save lives just in a different way. Plus, I’d be home all the time for you. Isn’t that what we want? To be a family again?” I pull into the driveway and stop the truck.

  “We’re always a family. Can I think about it?” I’m shocked about this kid, but I nod. We get out, and I see Kelly, sitting on the front porch with a bag. “Aunt Kelly, I got a B on my project. Wait, are you going somewhere?”

  “I’m going away for a few days. I need to visit a friend of mine. I wanted to see you, before I left.” She hugs Alec, and then he goes inside.

  “Kelly, is this my fault?” I point to the bag.

  “No. I just need to figure out if I can put myself on hold anymore. I love Alec and you, but I don’t know if I can keep doing this.” She hugs me, and then walks away.

  “You know, I love you. You’re my best friend.” I tell her, as I walk into the house, and Alec’s working on his homework. “What do you want for supper?”

  “Tacos!” He says, as I walk over to the fridge and start making dinner. I knew Kelly would have taco stuff in the house, because my son would live off of tacos for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. As I finish up dinner, Alec and I sit down to watch television together.

  “Aunt Kelly is moving away, isn’t she?” Alec asks me, putting a mouthful of popcorn into his mouth.

  “I don’t know, bud. I really think she wants me to retire, and I don’t blame her. She needs a life, too.”

  “I like the way things are.” He says, looking at me.

  After the movie, Alec heads to his room for bed. I know in a couple of hours that he’ll be in my bed anyway.

  Me: I talked to Alec about me retiring.

  Kelly: And?

  Me: He doesn’t want me to. He likes being able to be with you. Plus, he keeps calling me a superhero.

  Kelly: He said that?

  Me: Yeah, so he might try and get a hold of you.

  Kelly: I’ll be home on Sunday. It’s just a trip to see a friend.

  Me: Night, cuz.

  Kelly: Goodnight.

  I’m looking over the bills to see if I need to pay anything, while I’m here, and Kelly isn’t. I also need to make sure there’s money in Alec’s account, too. I don’t know what she has and doesn’t have for him. I pull out my laptop and check my email, as I re-read over Ella’s emails, before sending her one back.

  Hot damn, you are so fucking gorgeous. I’m attaching a picture of myself, so you know what I look like, as well as Alec, too. I know I can trust you.

  Kelly left for the week, and she said she’ll be back for church on Sunday. I don’t know what to do about retiring. Alec doesn’t want me to do it. He says he likes me being a superhero. Kelly wants me to retire, and I feel so guilty about it. What do you think? I could really use some advice.

  Do you want me to pick you up at the hotel, or just meet you there? I can do whatever works best for you. What day are you coming in and leaving, so I know where to take you? I think I know of a few places that you might like. There are some haunted places here, too. We could make a day of it.

  I like the flirting between us, and I hope it never ends. It sounds like you really have a passion for your job. I wonder if I’ve ever seen any of your ads. I forgot to tell you that Alec is learning to play “God Bless the U.S.A.” by Lee Greenwood. He’s practicing tomorrow for the parade. I’m hoping that I can be here for it. If I am, do you want to be my date?

  Well, I hear Alec calling for me, so I better go check on him. Let me know when you’re free from the third wheel date. Oh, and as far as the piercings go, that’s for me to know and you to find out about.


  I close my laptop and bring upstairs with me. Alec’s in his room reading. “What’s up, bud?” I stand in the doorway of his room.

  “Being a police officer is still being a superhero. So, if you want to retire, I’m okay with that.”

  “What changed your mind?” I ask him.

  “I talked to Aunt Kelly, and she’s okay with you staying in, but she also wants me to be happy for you. I don’t know what that means.” He shrugs, and I laugh.

  “Okay, buddy. We will talk about it later. Goodnight. I love you.” I tell him.

  “Dad, can I sleep with you?” He asks me, and I nod. I start walking towards my bedroom, as Alec races past me, jumping on the bed. I can’t help but laugh. I grab a shower, and when I get out, Alec’s fast asleep. I look at my phone, seeing I have a text message waiting.

  Ella: I’m home.

  Me: Can I call you?

  Ella: Sure.

  I quickly call her, and she answers. “Hello.”

  “This is weird isn’t it?” I say to her, as we both laugh, and it’s like music to my ears.

  “Not really, but now, I have a voice to go with the emails, so it will sound better, when I read them.”

  “I know what you mean. I can’t talk long because I have Alec sleeping next to me. I just wanted to hear your voice.”

  “I’m glad that you called. You can call anytime, and I’ll always answer if I can.” I smile, as I feel like a teenage boy. “How was dinner?” Ella laughs.

  “Oh, my God. It was crazy. I told them about you because they stole my phone. I guess, I was glued to it, so they got suspicious.”

  “Oh, no. How did the interrogation go?”

  “It wasn’t as bad as I thought it was because it didn’t last long. A friend of Joshua’s showed up, and it was all about the training, which was boring. I was falling asleep, but at least, the steak was good.”

  “Sounds pretty boring, but I’m glad your food was good. We had tacos. It’s always a Tuesday tradition for us.”

  “That sounds so good. I might have to make some tomorrow.”

  “Well, check your email. I left you a surprise. I’ll look forward to your reply.” I tell her.

  “Goodnight, Zack.” She whispers.

  “Goodnight, pretty lady.” I say, hanging up the phone. I set it down on the nightstand and finish getting ready for bed. I didn’t even realize I was still in my towel. I start to drift off, when my phone starts to ring.

  “Hello?” I’m half awake and didn’t look at who it was.

  “Hey.” Mark’s voice comes through, and I sit up.

  “We’re heading to D.C. Monday. They’re working on something.” He tells me.

  “Do you know how long?” I ask, looking back at Alec. Damn it… Ella.

  “A couple of weeks.” He tells me. “Check your email for the ticket and information.”

  “Okay, man.” I
hang up the phone. “Fuck!” I grumble.

  Alec’s still sleeping, so I end up getting out of bed to call Ella. I head downstairs in the kitchen.

  “Hello?” She says, as I hear Christmas music in the background.

  “Are you listening to Christmas music?” I ask her laughing.

  “Yes. I’m working on a Christmas campaign, so I’m listening to music. Are you okay? It’s one in the morning.”

  “I’m leaving for a couple of weeks. I have to be in D.C. on Monday.” I tell her.

  “Really? So, do you want to cancel this weekend, so you can be with Alec?” She asks me.

  “No. I’m not leaving without meeting you. Plus, Alec’s been looking forward to this party.”

  “I’ll be there on Friday, and everyone else is coming in later that night. Let me know what your plans are, and then I can be there whenever.”

  “Sounds good to me. I wish you could be here now. Actually, I have an extra room, so bring Annie.”

  “Really?” She sounds surprised.

  “Yeah, why not? I know your dad wouldn’t like that but fuck it. We’re adults.”

  “Let me check my schedule with my boss to see if there’s a meeting. I guess, I don’t see why not. Annie is very well behaved.” I laugh.

  “I really needed to hear your voice,” I tell her.

  “I’m glad that I could make you feel better.” We tell each other goodnight, and as I head back upstairs, Alec’s standing at the top of the stairs.

  “You’re leaving, and someone’s coming to visit?”

  “Yeah, buddy. Let’s go talk,” I tell him, as I guide him into my room.

  Gabriele Marks

  He’s leaving.

  I hold the phone in my hand, as I stare at his picture on my laptop. He’s so good looking. He reminds me of the guy who plays Captain America, Chris Evans. Alec is also the spitting image of him. My heart skips a beat, seeing how adorable they are together.

  I email Mr. Harris to see about a meeting later on this week. I tell him the truth. That a friend of mine is being deployed next week, and I want to spend time with my friend. I’m only three hours away and can come back anytime this week.

  I’ve made up my mind, so I start packing a few clothes.

  Me: I can come now, if you still want me, too.

  I close my texts, so I can reply to his email.

  Tease, tease, tease. That’s not fair that you left me hanging with the piercings. I love the song that Alec is learning. I always sing it at church service on military holidays.

  Haunted places are fun to take pictures of because you never know what you might see in the picture. It’s pretty cool. I can’t wait for you to play tour guide. I’m starting to pack now, and I’m really looking forward to this trip. Is Alec going to be okay with Annie and me staying with you, since you’re going to be leaving? I don’t want to put him out, and I can always rent a hotel room, so you don’t have to feel put out.

  Annie is snoring next to me, which means that she’s going to be up soon, so I’m heading to bed. I’m not sure what to write because I’m going to see you in less than twelve hours. Sweet dreams and goodnight.


  I shut down my laptop and put it on the nightstand. As I climb into bed with Annie, my phone pings.

  Zack: Of course, I want you here. Alec can’t wait to meet you. He overheard us talking earlier.

  Me: I can’t wait to meet him either. What time do you want me to be there?

  Zack: How about now?

  Me: Lol. I thought about it, but that might be too eager.

  I take a picture of Annie and me cuddled together, and then send it to him.

  Me: We can’t wait.

  Zack: Look at my pretty ladies.

  Me: Your pretty ladies, huh?

  Zack: Oh, yeah. Hang on a second.

  I have a picture coming in, and it’s Zack and Alec cuddled together.

  Me: My guys.

  Zack: Damn straight.

  Me: What time does Alec get out of school?

  Zack: Three fifteen, but I go about two-thirty for the pick-up lane.

  Me: I’ll be there hopefully by lunchtime. I want us to get the awkward meeting over with, before he comes home from school.

  Zack: That’s actually a good idea. Since you already have my address and phone number, call me if you have any trouble.

  Me: Sounds good. Goodnight.

  Zack: Night and sweet dreams.

  I smile, as I close my eyes. I set my phone to get up at six a.m., so I can finish packing. I also need to tell Mr. Richmond that I won’t be in town for our date. I sigh happily, cuddling next to Annie. Tomorrow night, at this time, I’ll be in the arms of Zack.

  Once my alarm starts to go off, I feel Annie moving around. “Alright, let's go.” I yawn, as I throw the covers off of me. I hear the shower turn off, so I know Ruth is still here. I throw on my sweat-shirt, since I’m wearing pajama bottoms that are pants and not the shorts that I’m usually wearing. Annie and I are in the living room, when Ruth comes out.

  “You’re up early.” She tells me.

  “Big plans today, so I wanted to get a jump on them. I’m leaving for a few days. I’ll meet you in Knoxville, though. I’m taking Annie with me.” I walk into the kitchen, trying to avoid eye contact with her.

  “Where are you going? Is it a business trip?”

  “No. A friend of mine got orders to deploy next week. I’m going to go spend time with my friend.”

  “This is about that guy from last night, isn’t it?” She shrieks, as I nod my head. “You don’t even know him, and you’re going? What is Dad going to think about this?”

  “I’m giving you his name, address, and telephone number, so you will know where I am. He also has a son named Alec,” I sigh, after putting the leash on Annie. “As far as Dad goes, I don’t care. This is my life. I’m leading it and not letting him tell me what I can and can’t do. Ruthie, he leaves Monday. We don’t know where or for how long. What if this is my only chance? He could be my Joshua.” She sighs happily at me.

  “I’m jealous that you’re not afraid to go for it.” She tells me.

  “I can’t be afraid to go for it because life is too damn short.” I shrug, walking out the front door.

  I take a nice long walk with Annie. I didn’t want to take her to the dog park, since I have things I need to do. My phone goes off, and it’s my dad. “Thanks, Ruth,” I state, before answering the phone. “Hello?”

  “Gabriele, what is this about you going to meet a man from the Internet?”

  “Hi, Dad. How are you on this beautiful day? I’m doing well, and I hope your training is a success. As far as the man from the Internet goes, I actually met him through a pen pal system from your church program.” He starts to stutter and stammer for words. “I need to go. I’m driving to Knoxville today to spend time with a great guy that I enjoy talking to. I’ll see you this weekend.” I hang up quickly because I’m not letting him ruin this for me.

  “Leaving me for another man?” Mr. Richmond asks, standing in his doorway.

  “I’m sorry, and I was going to tell you. Annie and I are taking a trip. We’ll be back on Monday. Please be happy for me.” I smile at him.

  “I can’t say no to you. Enjoy your time with your friend.” He hugs me. “I’ll keep an eye on things for you.”

  Once we say goodbye, Annie and I head upstairs to my apartment. Since I started packing last night, it’s not going to take that long. I jump in the shower, so I can get on the road. I’m singing to the Mama Mia! soundtrack, as I get dressed in seven different outfits, trying to figure out what would be a good one to meet Zack in.

  I decide on a pair of jeans and a light pink t-shirt. It will be comfortable to drive in. Once I finish my makeup and curling the ends of my long hair, I finish packing. I grab my laptop, files for work, my clothes, some dog food, and Annie’s leash, as we head out.

  “Be careful, and have fun.” Mr. Richmond tells me, as I get in the ca
r, and then put Annie in her dog carrier/seat belt.

  Me: I’m on my way.

  Zack: I just dropped Alec off at school. He’s so excited to meet you. Pizza for dinner?

  Me: I would never say no to pizza.

  Zack: My kind of girl. Please be safe.

  Me: I will. See you guys soon!

  I put my phone down, so I can drive, and I only have to stop once, since Annie sleeps the whole time. I pull into the driveway, as I park next to a truck. There’s someone standing on the porch, waiting for me, by the time I get out of the car.

  “Come on, Annie.” I say, putting her on the leash, as we walk towards the house. Oh, my God. There he is. Wow just wow. He’s even hotter in person.

  “Ella?” He smirks.

  “No, it’s Bob your uncle.” I smart back, and he laughs, as he runs down the stairs, hugging me.

  “Hi.” I say, looking up at him. He quickly brings his lips to mine, and we kiss, as I wrap my arms around his waist.

  “Wow, what a welcome. Does everyone get the same treatment, or am I just special?” I wink at him.

  “Just for you. Let me get your stuff and take it upstairs. Do you want my room or the guest room?” He asks, as I swallow hard.

  “Whatever is the most comfortable for Alec.” I say, as he kisses my temple.

  “I guess, it’s the guest room for now, but my choice is my bed, just so you know,” Zack tells me. “But thank you for thinking about Alec first. Let me give you the tour.” I follow him around, as he tells me about the house, and I realize I could listen to him talk for hours. This man is giving me butterflies.

  “This is where you will be sleeping.”

  “Zack, isn’t this your room?” I question him.

  “Is it? I didn’t realize that.” He feigns in shock, and I can’t help, but to laugh. “Yes, this is my room, and you are my guest. So, there is no way I’m letting you sleep in the guest room. I will take it.”


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