Dangerous Bet: Troy's Revenge: Tycoon Club Series

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Dangerous Bet: Troy's Revenge: Tycoon Club Series Page 3

by Red Rose Publishing

  “I know I’m making a big mistake by doing this,” Tommy sighed. “But yeah, you can start tonight. Stop at the bar and Fancy will give you a t-shirt.”

  “You still worry way too much,” Headley grinned, excited about finally being able to make more money. “Everything is going to turn out perfect! I’m going to get the extra money I need for Troy and you’re getting a new sexy waitress for your gentleman’s club.”

  “If you say so,” Tommy muttered, unsure.

  “I know so.” Headley retorted pleased that something was finally going her way.

  “I think that we need to go to the club tonight and get our minds off of work,” Maxwell Reed stated before taking another sip of his brandy. “I want to see what hot new girl Tommy has working for him.”

  “I don’t have time for the club tonight,” Troy muttered. “I have more important things to take care of.” He didn’t understand why Maxwell wasted so much time at the Tycoon’s club in the first place. If the god awful name wasn’t enough to keep him away, the woman there should be. All they wanted to do was land a rich man to take care of them. He had grown too old for that crowd now. He only had two interests at the moment. One was winning the bet over the delectable Headley Rose and the other was finding a way to get her into his bed.

  She had been stunning when she was younger with her curves and more than a handful breasts. But now, she had matured into a beauty. He wanted her…BAD!

  He wasn’t going to stop until she couldn’t find a way to repay the money Douglas owed him. He was going to get back at her for leaving him all those years ago without even a goodbye. He didn’t care that Headley never knew how he felt about her. She had no right to tear his heart out of his chest. Now, it was his turn to give her a taste of her own medicine.

  “Could one of those important things be named Headley Rose?” Maxwell chuckled. “Man, I saw her in town today and she was smoking hot. I wouldn’t mind having a taste of that.”

  “Shut the fuck up!” Troy snapped. “I don’t want to ever hear you talk about her like that again.”

  “I see that you still have the hots for Ms. Rose. Aren’t you a little too old for that stuff? Besides, I heard she had a boyfriend waiting for her back in New York. You might as well give up. Headley hates you.”

  “Hate is a passionate emotion, and the right man can work it in his favor. I’ve got Ms. Rose right where I want her,” he replied smug.

  “You’re one conceited bastard,” Maxwell laughed. “I don’t know why I even bother hanging around you.”

  “You hang around me because you know I can tolerate your sense of humor more than Cole. By the way, where is he? I thought he was going with you?”

  “He still at work and told me that he’ll meet us at the club. So, I don’t want to hear any excuses from you about going tonight. I want to see some hot women and they’re all at the Tycoon Club. Let’s go.” Placing his drink on the table, Maxwell stood up and made his way to the door.

  “I’m not saying long,” Troy replied. “I’ve got to be ready for Headley. I never know what kind of scheme that little wildcat is going to toss my way next. I can’t wait until I win our bet.”

  “I’ve heard whispers about the bet the two of you have going on. Want to tell me more?” Maxwell asked, pausing at the door to the den.

  Troy grabbed his keys off the table and strolled out the door in front of Maxwell. “No, I don’t think I’m going to tell you what it is just yet. I’m going to keep it a secret a little while longer.”

  The main reason he wasn’t going to tell Maxwell about his bet was that his friend knew him too well. Maxwell would know the real reason he wanted to marry Headley, and he wasn’t ready for that particular secret to come out of the bag.

  Chapter Five

  “Do you think you’re ready for this? Sometimes some of the men can get a little wild, but they’re basically good guys. I never have any real huge problems with any of them,” Fancy said, checking her appearance in the mirror one last time.

  Headley didn’t know what to say. She never expected to be working in a gentleman’s club when she came back home. “I think I can handle it. I’m pretty sure that I’ll know most of the guys here anyway. I don’t think any of them would say anything offensive to me.”

  “Yeah, I think you’re right, but you never know,” Fancy retorted. “I still can’t believe you came back home. All you talked about in high school was moving to New York and making it big as a fashion designer. Was it all you thought it would be?”

  Headley wanted to tell Fancy all her dreams about moving out of town had come true, but in reality, the fashion design world was a hard place to break into.

  She had a few good clients that paid her well, but it wasn’t the fantasy she had it thought it would be.

  In reality, she had been thinking about moving back home before she got the phone call about her father. “I wasn’t what I thought it would be. Don’t get me wrong, I loved it there and the freedom I had, but something was missing.”

  “Maybe you were missing that hottie, Troy Christian. I swear that man get sexier every time I see him. He used to come in here all the time, but in the past couple of years, he’s only here about twice a month.”

  Her mouth opened and closed a couple of times as she tried to figure out what to say. Fancy was living in a dream world. She had never thought about Troy while she was living in New York. He had been the furthest thought from her mind.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Headley said as she joined Fancy at the mirror. “Troy never entered my mind. I was having way too much fun dating all the good looking guys there.”

  “Sure…” Fancy snickered as she pulled her dark brown hair back into a ponytail, making her almond shaped eyes pop even more. “Remember who you’re talking to. I was about the only person that knew about your crush on Troy.”

  “I was barely sixteen years old back then. All the girls here had a crush on Troy when he moved to town. So, don’t try that with me.”

  Shaking her head, Fancy tied the red t-shirt underneath her breasts. The dark color made her caramel skin stand out even more and Headley knew that was the reason Fancy decided to wear that particular color. Her friend always knew how to make her looks stand out even more.

  “Yeah…I admit that I did drool over him myself a few times, but that all stopped when I noticed how he would watch you. I’m still surprised that you never saw it. It wasn’t like he tried to hide his interest in you.”

  “Troy Christian was a snob from the first moment he moved across the way from my family, and he stayed that way until the day I moved away,” Headley argued.

  She never imagined a guy as mature as Troy had ever taken noticed of her.

  “I’m just calling it as I see it. I know if you not been jail bait, he would have been all over you like a bear to honey.”

  Like a bear to honey? Where in the hell did her friend come up with this stuff?

  Laughing, Headley ran her fingers through her hair and adjusted her t-shirt. It was a size too small and it made her full breasts look even bigger. “Did Tommy say when my new shirt might come in? This shirt is too tight,” she complained.

  “I don’t know. He told me he was going to order it, but he didn’t say when. Besides, you look hot and the hotter you look here, the better the tips are. Now, smile and be nice. Remember most of these guys went to school with us and only the really wealthy ones like Troy and his friends get the VIP room. It’s the section in the very back of the club.”

  Thank God, I didn’t get assigned to work there tonight, Headley thought.

  “I still think this is a bad idea. I haven’t been in such a long time,” Troy complained as a leggy brunette led him, Maxwell and Cole to the very back of the club. Tommy had reserved this spot especially for them since his grand opening.

  “Stop with all the damn complaining and take a seat,” Cole snapped, dropping his six feet four inch frame into the booth. “I came here to relax a
nd drink, not to hear you complain.”

  “You know he’s right,” Maxwell agreed looking at him before he took a seat. “This is a guy’s night out. Not listen to Troy bitch about his life.”

  “Have I ever told the two how much I hate you?” Troy laughed as he sat at end of the leather booth. “God, if we hadn’t been friends for so long, I would trade the two of you in.”

  “Can I get you gentlemen something to drink?” the brunette asked, but her eyes were directed on him. He was used to women eyeing him and he gave her a small smile. “Why don’t you bring us the best whiskey you have and three shot glasses?”

  “Sure thing,” she smiled and then walked away with a sway to her hips.

  “Now, that’s a sexy woman. I wonder if she would like a little Irish in her,” Cole mumbled next to him.

  “Cole, calm down. The night is young and there are probably a lot more women here for you to drool over,” Troy complained, leaning back against the seat.

  “What crawled up your ass and died?”

  “Haven’t you heard?” Maxwell asked, his eyes swinging back and forth between him and Cole.

  “Heard what? Did I miss something?”

  “The luscious Ms. Headley Rose is back in town and she is pissed at our Troy here. She thinks he tricked her father into signing those property rights over to him for the mega money loan he borrowed.”

  “No shit!” Cole muttered. “How does she look?”

  “Let’s just say she’s gotten even better with age. Her body is a work of art. If she ever looked my way, I’d be all over that. You know I’ve always had a sweet tooth for chocolate and dark chocolate at that.”

  “Enough,” Troy growled. “I’ve warned you once about Headley. If I have to do it again, you won’t like it. Keep her name off your lips Maxwell and that goes for you too Cole. I don’t want either one of you making a play for her. I’ve got very special plans for her, and the two of you aren’t going to ruin them.”

  “Plans….what sort of plans?” Cole inquired as the waitress came back with their drink and glasses.

  Troy waited for her to place the items in front of them. “Can I get you anything else?” The double meaning was clear and he wasn’t about to take the bait.

  He only had one woman in mind and it wasn’t the one standing in front of him.

  “No…thank you, but maybe you can send a different girl back later to take our food order.”

  The girl blinked a couple of times at his statement like she hadn’t heard him correctly while his buddies chuckled in the background. One thing he couldn’t stand was when a woman offered herself up to him so freely. He liked the hunt, the thrill of the chase.

  “Yes sir…Mr. Christian,” the girl snapped, and then stormed out.

  “God, you’re in a bad mood. You didn’t have to run her off like that. I wanted to get her number,” Cole muttered next to him. “You need to get laid and soon. All that built up aggression isn’t good for your health at your age.”

  “I’ll be thirty-three on my next birthday. I’m not an old man. Hell, you’re five years older than me Cole.”

  “I know I am and I’m getting laid more than you two,” his friend tossed back. “That’s why I’m not acting like a bear with a thorn in his paw. Just find a woman and have a good night of sex, no commitment required.”

  “I’ve gotten too mature for a one night stand. I still can’t believe the two of you still do it.”

  “Hey, don’t bring me into this conversation,” Maxwell complained as he reached for the whiskey. “I just came here tonight for some liquor and fun. I don’t want to get all serious. Beside Troy, you were the worst out of all three of us. For a while, you had so many different women on your arm, I had to keep a notebook to remember their names.”

  “That’s a lie,” he denied.

  “No, it isn’t,” Cole chimed in. “You were a regular love ‘em and leave ’em for years.”

  “This conversation is starting to piss me off. How about we change it before I leave?” Troy threatened.

  “Fine,” Maxwell agreed. “How’s that new thoroughbred you purchased last week? I heard that he cost you a pretty penny.”

  Troy was amazed at how much Maxwell knew about his business and personal life, while he never knew what his best friend was up to. Maxwell had constantly stayed a mystery to him and he had been friends with the man for over seven years.

  “How did you find out about that? I told the owner not to tell anyone until I got all the paperwork squared away.” He despised doing business with people who couldn’t keep their mouths shut. Ranching and breeding horses was a part of his life and he didn’t want anyone interfering with either. Not now…not ever.

  “I’ll tell you about it over our meal. We need something to talk about since I can’t talk about the new project in your life.”

  “Maxwell,” his voice warned.

  “Fine, I’m done for now. But one way or another, Cole and I will find out what you’re up to when it comes to Headley,” Maxwell promised. “You’re bound to tell us sooner or later.”

  Maxwell better not hold his breath or he won’t make it, Troy thought. His personal business with Headley was for him to know and no one else to find out about. End of story.

  Chapter Six

  Hurrying around the main dining area, Headley took the drink orders as fast as she could and brought them back to the right tables. She hadn’t been a waitress since she her college years when she had taken a second job to help with her college expenses in New York. But none of the places she worked had clients like this.

  Most of the men here were wealthy and probably could pay off her debts without thinking twice about it. But she wasn’t them. She had to work to get what she needed. She was about to head to a table at the right side of the club when Kendall ran smack into her.

  “Watch out Headley! God, I don’t need this tonight,” Kendall snapped as she shoved her out of her way and continued to the back.

  “What’s her damn problem?” She whispered to Fancy as she passed her with a food order.

  “Some guy in the VIP section pissed her off. I heard her yelling at Tommy about it a few minutes ago. She wanted him to do something about it and Tommy said no. So, Kendall quit. She has always been a drama queen and I’m glad that she’s gone.”

  “She’s crazy to quit because the tips in the VIP section are unbelievable. In one night one girl made about a grand.”

  “You can’t be serious,” Headley whispered. She needed to land that golden position. With tips like that, she would have Troy off her back in no time. “Do you know who’s going to replace Kendall?”

  “No. I don’t. But Tommy is going to have to do it fast. Those guys don’t like to be kept waiting for another,” Fancy replied. “Girl, I have to go and get this food delivered. Do you want to do something after our shift is over?”

  Headley would love to go out, but she had to visit her father at the hospital. “I can’t. I’ve got to visit my dad. Maybe we can do something tomorrow?”

  “Cool…I’ll talk to you later about doing something.” Fancy flashed a dimpled grin and then she was off flirting with every guy that she passed.

  Headley shook her head at her friend and then refocused her attention back to which table was her next order. She had been working steadily for about forty-five minutes when she heard her name being yelled behind her. Turning around, she saw Tommy waving at her from his office.

  “Headley, I need to see you after you drop those orders off at the bar,” he yelled.

  “Okay, boss.” She quickly finished up the last of her orders, dropped them off with the bartender, and made her way towards Tommy’s office.

  “What’s up?” She asked coming inside the room.

  “I know that you’re trying to earn extra money fast, and I’m sure you heard that Kendall quit on me.” Tommy began.

  “Yes, I heard rumors, but I wasn’t sure if it was true or not.”

  “Well, it is and I n
eed someone to take her place in the VIP room and I thought about you. Are you up for it? Sometimes those guys can get a little rowdy, but it’s all in good fun. However, they’re very good tippers. Working up there, you’ll make good money in no time.”

  Headley wanted to jump up and down with joy, but she kept herself calm. She didn’t need to act like a fool in front of Tommy. She could get all excited in the bathroom later.

  “Are you sure about picking me? I know that Fancy wanted to take her place.” Headley wanted and needed the money. However, she didn’t want to push her friend out of the way to get it.

  “Don’t worry. I’m going to send Fancy up there with you. She knows more about taking the food orders than you, so she can help you out. Just tell her about it and then head on up there. I’m sure those guys are ready to order something to eat by now.”

  “Sure thing and thanks again for doing this. You don’t know how much this money is going to help me out.”

  “Not a problem,” Tommy smiled.

  Headley gave Tommy a quick goodbye and then rushed from the room in search of Fancy. She sent up a silent prayer in hopes that she’d make enough tonight to make a small dent in the money Troy was complaining about.

  The sooner she placed thousands of miles between them, the better chance she had on not acting out her deepest desires. Troy was a sinful fantasy that she wanted no part of. He could seduce her into his bed and she wouldn’t think twice about following him there.

  Troy reclined back in the booth and half-heartedly listened as Maxwell and Cole talked about business, women and money. None of it really interested him enough to make him join in as he had in the past, because his mind was totally focused on the present and Headley.

  He had called her at her father’s house several times before he finally decided to leave with Maxwell, but there was no answer. She had better not be out doing something she shouldn’t be doing to get money. He had already given her a way out but she turned him down.


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