Unique, Different, Found: Werewolf Paranormal Romance (Nightfall Book 1)

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Unique, Different, Found: Werewolf Paranormal Romance (Nightfall Book 1) Page 7

by Violet Samuels

  "Right, all I'm going to do is clean your head up, take a look, and then see if you need to get stitches or not. Easy enough?"

  I nod silently at her gentle words, but stay rigid and completely still.

  She quickly cleans up my head with a soft cloth thing, then dabs around while inspecting it. I don't relax one bit while she's touching me. When she's out of the house I will.

  "Well, it's nothing serious. A bandage and you should be good. You're lucky you weren't knocked out cold." She chuckles a bit as Callum and Axel breathe a sigh of relief.

  "I'm used to it," I subconsciously mumble and everyone looks at me with puzzled looks. I realize my mistake and my eyes widen.

  "What did you say?" Axel asks, stepping forward. Without my permission, I shoot up from the couch and sprint to the stairs, my legs acting before my brain can fathom.

  "Celina!" I hear Axel shout after me, but I don't stop until I get to my room and firmly close and lock the door behind me. I don't believe I just did that! I lean against the doorway and wait till the dizziness fades. Note to self, don't go running and jumping right after you've fallen down the stairs. Lola didn't even get a chance to put a bandage on it.

  I groan, gripping my head, and fall onto the bed. I briefly close my eyes before a knock comes from the door.

  "Celina? Celina, are you in here? Come on, sweetheart, open up." I recognize the voice as Axel’s, but I don't move from my spot. He doesn't take no for an answer though.

  "Celina, open up right now or I'm breaking this door down," He states firmly, but I still don't move. He won't break the door down... Will he?

  "Alright, you asked for it," I hear him faintly say before an almighty crash surrounds the room.

  I gasp loudly and shoot up from the bed, gripping the headboard so I don't fall over from the sudden dizziness. I stare wide eyed at a very angry looking Axel and gulp slightly.

  "A-Axel..." I stutter, but I really have no clue as to what to say. He raises his eyebrows at me, crosses his arms over his chest and spreads his legs into a defensive position.

  With every movement he makes, all I can focus on is the way his arm muscles flex and how his very bare chest is showing off his amazing eight pack. I only notice that he's bare chested now? Wow, I must've really been out of it. All he's wearing is low slung jeans and wow! I just want to run toward him right now and jump into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist.

  "Well? What was that back there?" he booms, making me shrink away from him. Seeing my reaction to him, he sighs and makes his way over to me. I stay where I am, not wanting to upset him more.

  He stops about a meter away from me before softly saying, "Celina, look at me." He put his forefinger under my chin and gently lifts my head up. My gold eyes meet with his silver ones and I instantly get entranced by them. They're so beautiful, like a shining star in the night sky. "What happened downstairs, Celina?" he asks again in that beautiful, deep, and husky voice of his.

  My wolf screams at me to answer him and then kiss him senseless, but I don't let myself. What happened to me is in the past. It may be haunting me and maybe it will for the rest of my life, but I will not have Axel, Callum, Comrade, or the pack share that burden. So to answer his question, I shake my head.

  Suddenly, his silver eyes shine with a new intensity and everything else around me melts away. My sole focus is on Axel and nothing else.

  "Celina, tell me the truth. What happened downstairs?" he pushes, his voice intense. This time, I can't fight the power that comes from his question and my wolf's loyalty to obey her mate's every need.

  "The injury I have is one of many. To some, it was hardly a scratch," I begin and all I can comprehend is Axel's beautiful shining eyes. "I hardly feel the pain anymore. I numb myself and that just blocks it out. Nothing else to it."

  I slowly start to get some common sense back into my brain as I realize what I just said.

  "What do you mean some? Has this happened to you before?" he questions, stepping closer, the same intensity in his voice.

  "Ye-" Before I can finish that sentence, someone whistles and catches both our attention. We look toward the door and see Callum standing there looking at what once was the door.

  He looks at us with a cheeky smile, before it drops when he sees Axel's eyes. I look at them too, only to see they are still shining brightly. I start to get lost in them again, but will myself to look away.

  "Axel, can I talk to you outside for a moment?" Callum asks, all cheekiness gone. Axel stiffly nods as Callum makes his way out to the hall.

  Axel looks back at me and his eyes are back to their normal grayish silver color. I gulp as I look back at him. He sighs once again and grips my shoulders lightly, pulling me to him so he can kiss my forehead.

  "I'll be back soon, just give me a moment to speak to Callum," he gently says and I nod... again.

  "Axel!" I hear Callum shout and I giggle a bit. Axel groans, but leaves the room anyway. I head to the bed before hearing Axel's faint footsteps stop a few meters from the door.

  Being a wolf and having excellent hearing, I hear their whole conversation and it leaves me very confused...



  "What the hell did you think you were doing?" Callum whispers but really yells to Axel. I hear a low growl, then Callum's voice again.

  "Don't you dare growl at me after what you just did."

  What did Axel do? I don't understand...

  "She wasn't telling me what was wrong! What else was I supposed to do?" Axel also whisper yells. I'm a tad confused right now. I'm pretty sure they're talking about me, but I'm not sure why.

  "You're supposed to wait for her to tell you, you moron! You can't just go pulling out one of your powers from your ass!" Callum seethes and now I'm beyond confused.

  Power? I know Axel briefly spoke to me about it once, but this is the second time he's used it on me. Whatever it is...

  "She looked sad and hurt. I couldn't just let it go," Axel mutters quietly now. It's silent for a few seconds and I wonder if they've walked away.

  "I know you care about her," Callum's voice suddenly breaks the silence. "She'll find out eventually though, and you know it. You can't just keep pulling these tricks on her. This is the second time, the first when you drained part of her energy. Just let her grow on you and give her time. Maybe then she'll learn to trust you, and you her. Then you can tell her, just stop with the powers."

  I’d never guess that Callum has this sincere, yet gentle side to him, some sternness mixed in there.

  Silence falls once again at Callum's words. A heavy sigh is soon heard and a groan of annoyance. "I know. She just frustrates me sometimes," Axel says in frustration and I'm slightly offended. I frustrate him? Does he ever think how frustrating he is?

  "I think you'll be experiencing that a lot now. Good luck, buddy," Callum says with a laugh then I hear his footsteps walk off. That's the Callum I know.

  Before Axel can walk back in the room, I launch myself on the bed and quickly lay down on it, staring at the ceiling. Act natural...

  Axel walks back in and I smile at him. He looks at me warily. Ok, smiling isn't natural then...

  "What are you smiling about?" he asks and the smile drops from my face.

  "Oh, um, nothing?" I try to sound convincing, but it comes out more as a question than a statement. Axel frowns at me and I look away. He walks over to the bed and sits down next to me, grabbing my hands.

  "It doesn't sound like nothing," he pushes. Would it be wise to ask him about his powers? Right after he just had a conversation about them? No, probably not, but I do anyway, out of pure curiosity.

  "What did you do to me?" I question in a rush, but as soon as the question leaves my mouth, I know it sounds totally ridiculous. "I mean like..." I trail off for a second, then decide to just blurt it out. "What are your powers?"

  Axel looks shocked by my question, staying silent. I knew I shouldn't have asked...

  "What?" he questions idio
tically and I smile sheepishly. I guess I should confess about overhearing their conversation. Before I can get a word out though, realization shows on Axel's face.

  "You heard the conversation," he mumbles and I nod. He curses under his breath and drops my hands, getting off the bed. He's silent for what feels like forever, just pacing the room. Back and forth, back and forth, back and forth...

  "Please talk to me," I beg. "I just want to know what's going on."

  Axel stops his pacing of the room and stares at me, long and hard. I look at him with wide golden eyes and he sighs, his silver ones showing defeat.

  He comes back to sit on the bed and pulls me onto his lap, my chest against his back. It feels a little weird to me to be in a guy’s lap, but it also feels right. This is what mates do, isn't it? Comfort each other?

  Axel buries his face in the side of my neck and breathes in. I just sit there awkwardly. What is he doing?

  "God, you smell amazing," he mumbles into my neck and that's when I realize what he is doing.

  "Are you sniffing me?" The question comes out without my permission and I blush crimson. Axel chuckles and lifts his head from my neck.

  "Yes, I am 'sniffing you', as you like to put it. It's a sign of affection mates show to each other," he explains and my mouth forms an O shape. Axel chuckles again, then buries his face back in my neck, planting a soft kiss where my collar bone meets my neck. My soft spot. I hold in my moan and focus back onto the situation at hand.

  "Axel, don't change the subject. I asked you a question and I want it answered," I sternly state, but it sort of loses its effect when Axel bites the same spot he kissed before. I can't hold back the moan that escapes my throat, it feels so good.

  "Calm down, Celina, everything will be answered in due time. For now, I'm just going to let your little imagination run wild," he teases as I lean my head back onto his shoulder and close my eyes. He is still working on my soft spot.

  "Axel, why can't you just tell me?" I try to say, but it comes out as more of a muffled moan. Axel ignores me this time and continues on with what he's doing. It feels different from the first time he did this. It feels... pleasurable instead of forced.

  He leaves my soft spot and kisses his way up my neck slowly and tortuously, working his way to my ear.

  He nibbles on my ear lobe then whispers in my ear, "Looks like you're warming up to me, sweetheart."

  As soon as the words leave his mouth, he jumps up from the bed and walks casually to what once was the door. I stare after him in shock and he looks over his shoulder and smirks at me.

  "You're dealing with the alpha, sweetheart. Time to step up your game," he challenges, then walks out, leaving me dumbfounded.

  He wants a challenge? I'll show him a challenge.

  I jump up off the bed and sprint to the stairs. Just as he's about to take the first step, I launch myself onto his back while screaming, "Axel!"

  He obviously isn't prepared for the weight of me suddenly on his back, so he stumbles forward a bit, gripping the stair railing. He growls lowly and somehow switches me from his back to his front, so my legs are wrapped around his torso.

  He opens his mouth to say something, but I put my finger to his lips. He raises an eyebrow.

  "Uh uh uh, no talking." I tell him sternly and he obliges. "You-" I stick my finger to his chest, "will not do that ever again, do you hear me? You can't just go and seduce a girl like that and then just get up and walk away!" I scream in his face. I have no clue where this newly found confidence has come from, but I think I like it.

  "Did you go-" He tries to say, but I cut him off.

  "If you want a game, you're going to get a game. It just might not be in the way you think." I smile sweetly and then jump down from his torso and onto the step below him. "My move, alpha." I giggle and then I skip down the stairs. I hear a low growl behind me and large hands are suddenly gripping my waist, pushing me up against his hard chest.

  He drags his nose up my neck and I take in a staggered breath. "Do you know how hot it sounds when you say that?" Axel questions huskily and I feel something hard and large press against my upper thigh.

  I moan and drop my head forward. "Whatever do you mean, alpha?" I question innocently and another growl erupts from his throat.

  "Don't test me, little Celina. I can take you right here, right now, without a regret in the world," he whispers in my ear, tangling his hand in my black hair and pulling my head gently back. "I can guarantee you'll enjoy it," he whispers again, his voice a lot deeper and huskier than before.

  He plants a soft kiss behind my ear and works his way down. I moan as my knees go weak, leaving Axel to support all my weight. His lips leave my neck way too soon and I whimper quietly while Axel chuckles.

  "Don't worry, sweetheart, all in due time," he repeats the words he said earlier and, yep, he walks away again. Déjà vu.

  I groan and follow closely behind him into the kitchen. As soon as we walk through the door, about four pairs of eyes land on us. My eyes widen. Oh, I did not think this through. Of course the pack would be up by now. It's at least a little past midday.

  "Alpha," they all say with great honor as they bow their heads in respect to their alpha

  "You will address your Luna as well when in her presence," Axel states firmly and my eyes widen. I hit his back lightly and he turns to look at me. I look at him with wide eyes and shake my head furiously.

  "You'll be fine," he whispers in my ear. "It's the weekend, these are about the only people left in the pack house."

  He gently wraps an arm around my waist and drags me forward to be in eye view of the four pairs of curious eyes.

  "Luna," they all say the same way they addressed Axel. I bury my face in Axel's chest, trying to find comfort and hide myself at the same time.

  I hear Axel chuckle. "She's a bit shy with people she doesn't know," he mentions and out of the corner of my eye, I see all their heads nod in acceptance.

  "Celina?" Axel questions, but I don't move. "Do you want to meet some of the pack?"

  I take a deep breath, do I want to? Of course I want to, just maybe not right now...

  "What if I say please?" he bribes. I giggle a bit and take my head away from his chest and look at the floor.

  "Celina, this is Jasper." Axel points to the first person and I look through my lashes to see him. He would be about my age, in fact, all of them seem to be. He has gentle brown eyes and matching brown hair.

  He bows his head to me. "It's a pleasure to meet you in person, Luna, a true honor," he compliments, causing me to blush.

  "Those are the twins, Chloe and Declan," he continues to say while pointing to a blonde haired girl with bright blue eyes and a very small petite frame. The boy standing next to her must be her twin, but they certainly don't look like it. Declan has brown hair and the same blue eyes as Chloe, but his frame is a lot bigger and buffer than hers.

  "Luna," they both say simultaneously and also bow their heads.

  Before I can stop myself, I ask a question that is totally uncalled for. "Are you guys really twins? You look nothing alike." I gasp and cover my mouth with my hand, turning bright red all over again.

  The twins crack up laughing and once again say together, "We get that a lot." The boy next to them rolls his eyes and Jasper whacks Declan over the head.

  "Everyone asks that question, don't be embarrassed," the guy next to them speaks up and smiles at me. He has messy blonde hair and almost black eyes. A weird match actually, it's usually brown hair and brown eyes.

  "Finally, that is Matthew," Axel says last. Matthew smiles at me and does a little bow like thing, similar to what they did in the medieval days.

  "M'lady. Please call me Matt."

  I giggle at his horrid accent and turn to see Axel subtly roll his eyes.

  He does remind me of someone though, but I can't put my finger on it. The looks remind me of that someone too.

  "If you haven't figured it out yet, Matthew is Callum's brother," Axel whis
pers in my ear and I look at him in shock. Of course! The joking and the looks are exactly like Callum's! I can be really slow at times.

  "That makes sense" I mumble and Axel chuckles at me. I look back up to the faces of Jasper, Chloe, Declan, and Matt.

  "Well, it was nice meeting you all. I think I'm going to go back upstairs now," I say politely and make a move to leave.

  "Wait!" A sweet voice shouts and I turn to see it's Chloe. She's stepped slightly forward from the others and Declan is eyeing her in case he needs to jump in and save her or something. I wish I had an overprotective brother like that...

  I wait for Chloe to say what she wants to say, moving back to Axel's side. She bites her pink lip and shifts her eyes to Axel's, looking very unsure.

  "Won't you stay for lunch? There are heaps here," she suggests hopefully and I blink a couple of times. I look to Axel for guidance, but he just shrugs. I look back at Chloe's hopeful face and the eager faces of the three boys. I guess a Luna has to get to know her pack, right?

  "Sure," I agree with a small smile. We all head over to the kitchen table that is stacked with pancakes, pizza and party pies. I stare at it in disbelief.

  "This is lunch?" I ask, shocked, and everyone nods. "Whoa..."

  Everyone immediately tucks in and Axel does the honors of putting a pancake, a slice of pizza and two party pies on my plate for me. Jasper goes straight for the pizza, as does Matt. Declan takes half of everything and Axel takes what's left. Chloe just has two pancakes.

  I look down at the food on my plate and eye it warily. I've never had these foods before and I'm too scared to admit it.

  "I'm not too hungry actually," I say, pushing the plate away. I guess it's better not to eat what you're unfamiliar with than take a chance, right?

  Axel pushes it back. "At least eat the pancake then. You missed out on breakfast this morning because of your little... accident," he mutters as a guilty look overtakes his face.

  "It wasn't your fault," I say before pulling a piece of the pancake off.

  "Oh wait!" Declan exclaims and I freeze. He grabs the maple syrup and whipped cream, covering my pancake with it. "Ok, now eat it."


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