Engravings of Wraith

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Engravings of Wraith Page 36

by Kiera Dellacroix

  “I don’t understand,” Bob said bewildered. “Why would he agree to such a constrictive contract?”

  “He’ll do it because he wants the reputation,” Terry said convincingly. “He excels at close quarter edged-weapon encounters and any doubts he has will be heavily outweighed by doubling his requested fee and the promise of a future relationship or employment with the Organization.”

  “You’re setting him up to die,” Keith said bluntly.

  “More than likely,” Terry agreed easily. “There’s a remotely small chance that he could pull it off, and if he does, the Organization will honor its promises.”

  “Why does it have to be done in front of the Tate woman?” Bob asked.

  “Because one of the things that makes Cameron so formidable is a lack of weaknesses. A personal relationship is a weakness she’s never allowed herself up to this point. Cameron is painfully aware that she can’t afford personal ties. Yet for unknown reasons, she’s developed a relationship anyway. The one thing that has kept her somewhat under our thumb is the axe we held over her family and with that gone, she has no cracks in her armor to exploit. It’s my opinion that Tate is unaware of the situation or of who Cameron really is. Forcing Cameron to reveal herself in eliminating Mr. Nguyen in full view of Tate will upset the relationship, perhaps even destroy it,” Terry explained. “Excuse me a moment,” he added as he punched a number into the speakerphone and waited through four rings for an answer.


  “Mr. Marland, I would like you to circulate a rumor Monday morning within C-Corp eluding to a lesbian relationship between Cameron and Piper Tate,” Terry said pleasantly. “Do this discreetly, you don’t want it tracked back to you or any of the people under you. Understand?”

  “Understood,” Marland replied. “Anything else?”

  “Not at the moment,” Terry said. “Thank you, Mr. Marland.” He hung up and returned his attention to those gathered.

  “Gentlemen, Cameron effectively removed the only weakness we could exploit when she repossessed her family, but with Tate, she has given us another opportunity to take advantage of,” Terry explained jovially. “If we disrupt her personal life, there’s a chance she’ll make a mistake. Cameron has never had a relationship of any kind that I’m aware of and she may not be emotionally prepared to deal with the repercussions any damage we inflict may cause. If we’re especially fortunate, Cameron may even love the Tate woman. This would have the potential to turn her world upside down and she could become vulnerable.”

  “Why the rumor?” Keith asked.

  “Cameron could care less about any rumor no matter how outlandish,” Terry said dismissively. “But it could be extremely detrimental to Tate and subsequently to their relationship.”

  “And Mr. Nguyen?” Keith asked. “And why would it affect Tate if Cameron shot a man that approached or attacked her?”

  “Cameron will know immediately that Nguyen is free lancing. This shouldn’t escalate any further antagonism between the Organization and Cameron, it’s not our style and she’s well aware of this. That and the fact that odds are, Mr. Nguyen will fail miserably. I believe that she’ll consider it an attempt by an overzealous Free Agent looking for accolades and a reputation. As for your second question, Cameron never carries a gun unless she has to, so Cameron will be forced to eliminate Nguyen with her hands or a knife. Either one of which will be brutal enough to reveal herself to Tate,” Terry speculated. “Bob, contact Mr. Nguyen immediately. I want this to happen as soon as possible.”

  “I’ll contact him now,” Bob said rising from his seat and exiting the room.

  Terry sprang sharply from his chair and poured himself a cup of coffee, returning to sit in his chair and sip it gingerly.

  “This may be a stupid question, Terry,” Keith asked.

  “Let’s hear it,” Terry said neutrally.

  “Why don’t we just take her out with a sniper?”

  “Mainly because she’s very aware of her surroundings but also because we can’t take any chances. Wounding her would only result in making her ten times as dangerous; she’s a relentless adversary, once engaged you have to kill her to survive because she won’t stop until she’s dead. She has a determination to survive like nothing I’ve ever seen. We could probably contribute this to the fact the she knew that at anytime while she was in our employ, if she had been killed or captured, her family would’ve been immediately disposed of. If the family hadn’t been a factor, I believe she would have let herself die. It scares the shit out of me to think about how truly formidable she would be if she had nothing to lose,” Terry said thoughtfully. “I’m sorry, I strayed a little there. Did I answer your question?”

  “Yes,” Keith said thoughtfully.

  Terry leaned back in his chair and returned to his coffee until Bob reentered the room and sat in his seat.

  “I didn’t think he’d buy it, Terry, but Nguyen agrees to our terms and requires a quarter of the fee to supplied in advance,” Bob said. “As luck would have it, he’s stateside and can be in Atlanta tonight.”

  “Fantastic,” Terry said approvingly. “See that he gets what he wants, Bob. In addition, give him only the information needed to acquire Cameron, no history, no background.”

  “He wants to know if the Tate woman is to be killed after eliminating Cameron,” Bob asked.

  “He won’t last a second,” Terry chuckled but shrugged. “But if he manages to get past Cameron, we can’t afford any witnesses.”

  “Very well,” Bob said neutrally. “Can I ask what you hope the end result to be with this course of action?”

  “I’m hoping to take advantage of the emotional distress the situation will inflict upon her,” Terry said. “In the hopes that she makes herself vulnerable enough for us to catch her unprepared or in a moment of weakness.”

  “I see,” Bob said slowly. “And if it doesn’t affect her in the slightest? I mean she knows we’re watching and hasn’t tried to hide Tate in any way.”

  “If our machinations have no effect, it’ll be time for another game plan. I very well could be wrong,” Terry said honestly. “But I don’t think I am. And you’re right, she knows we’re watching and the best place to keep something important is out in the open. Another reason why I’m fairly confident that Tate doesn’t know who she really is.”

  “Hmmm,” Bob said nodding. “Anything else?”

  “Make sure our people can contact Mr. Nguyen if Cameron steps into suitable territory for an attempt.”

  “I’ll see to it,” Bob nodded. “And the second Free Agent?”

  “He could prove to be very useful,” Terry said considering. “See if he’ll accept a retainer to be on standby for the next thirty days.”

  “Will do,” Bob said.

  “Alright, contact me if the situation changes,” Terry said obviously pleased. “I’m gonna catch some football and eat a decent meal for a change. Anyone know who’s playing today?” he asked happily as he rose from his seat.

  “Notre Dame,” an anonymous voice said.

  “The Fighting Irish,” Terry said amused as he strode for the door.


  Bailey awoke facedown with a giggle and a considerable weight resting on her thighs. She turned her head enough to see a panty clad Piper sitting up across her thighs with her back turned.

  “What are you doing?” Bailey asked with another giggle as Piper ran something across the bottom of her foot. “Stop that,” she said as Piper did it again.

  “I’m waking you up, goofy,” Piper said with a chuckle. “And people say I sleep like the dead,” she added with another pass of a silk flower over Bailey’s foot.

  “Cut it out,” Bailey said through another snicker and starting to squirm a little.

  “I dunno,” Piper said playfully. “Are you going to go get up anytime soon?”

  “Am I not up already?” Bailey asked and she tickled her foot again.

  “I guess so,” Piper said hopping o
ff Bailey’s legs and scooting around to face her.

  Bailey rolled over on to her side and lifted her head to glance at the clock. “Wow,” she said. “You must wear me out. I’ve slept more since I’ve known you than I usually sleep in a month.”

  “I’m looking forward to wearing you out,” Piper said waggling her eyebrows and smiled as Bailey shyly cast her eyes away.


  “It’s all the experiences you’re not used to dealing with. Stress tires you out faster than hard labor,” Piper said with a note of authority.

  “I see,” Bailey said with a grin. “When did you become so wise, Esmeralda?”

  “I should get you for that,” Piper said with a little scowl. “But I’m feeling generous today.”

  “Really?” Bailey said with smile. “What’s the occasion?”

  “No occasion,” Piper said with a shrug. “Just woke up in a great mood.”

  “Is that a fact?”

  “Yep,” Piper said nudging Baileys arm away from her chest with her chin so she could nibble on her breast.

  “That feels good,” Bailey said quietly as she felt Piper suckle her.

  “Tastes good too,” Piper said letting go and tracing little circles around the nipple with her tongue. “You have incredible breasts,” she complimented as she moved on to the other one.

  Bailey closed her eyes and gave in to the attention with a sigh but they snapped open seconds later with a knock at the door.

  “Girls, you gonna get up today?” Liz said through the door. “It’s almost one.”

  “We’ll be down in a minute, Mom,” Piper said dropping her head in frustration on Bailey’s chest.

  “Alright, I’ll make lunch then,” Liz said in parting. “Hurry along.”

  Bailey brought a hand up to pet the head on her chest. “You want the shower first?”

  “Will you take one with me?”

  “No way,” Bailey said shocked and Piper’s head raised with a little scowl. “I mean not with your parents downstairs,” she corrected.

  “So if they weren’t in the house, you’d take one with me?” Piper said with a teasing grin.

  “Perhaps,” Bailey said with a raised eyebrow.

  “Hmmm,” Piper hummed thoughtfully.

  “Quit plotting,” Bailey said with a smile.

  “Oh, alright,” Piper said with a little pout and sat up on the bed beside her.

  Bailey’s eyes tracked from the protruded lower lip to rest on Piper’s chest. “You have little freckles on your chest,” she said casually reaching out to touch one.

  “Well imagine that,” Piper said pretending not to have ever noticed before. “Where did they come from? They weren’t there yesterday,” she said with an alarmed expression and Bailey chuckled.

  “Stop,” Bailey said with a smile.

  “You can have the shower first,” Piper said with a chuckle.

  “Okay, are you gonna go downstairs or wait for me?”

  “I thought I’d wait…” Piper started but smiled mischievously, “…here and feed some urges,” she finished and almost laughed when she saw Bailey’s eyes widen.

  “Really?” Bailey asked shyly.

  Piper opened her mouth to tell her she was teasing but Bailey’s expression intrigued her. “I was thinking about it,” she said playfully.

  Bailey eyes dropped to study the bedspread.

  Piper looked at her carefully. “Would you like me to?” she asked gently and Bailey nodded bashfully with a powerful blush.

  Piper blushed a little herself. “That would be a new experience for me,” she admitted.

  Bailey glanced up at her quickly and didn’t say anything for a long moment so Piper took the initiative and stood up from the bed to remove her panties.

  “I’m kinda of embarrassed,” Piper admitted nervously...

  Bailey’s eyes came up. “Show me,” she whispered.

  Piper took a deep breath. “Sit up,” she said and Bailey arranged herself cross-legged in the middle of the bed, her long hair covering her chest.

  Piper crawled back into bed and sat with her back against the headboard, clasping her knees together and bringing them up to her chest. She waited until Bailey’s eyes rose timidly to meet hers and she slowly spread her legs apart, admitting to herself that she found the situation exciting. Deciding to show off, she brought her hands up to cup her own breasts and played with nipples, teasing at them until they hardened. She felt her heartbeat begin to quicken as she watched Bailey watch her with open curiosity and desire. She dropped a hand between her legs and ran a finger lovingly up the length of her sex, spreading her legs even further and emitting a soft moan.

  Her inhibitions fading rapidly, and her excitement growing unimaginably as she observed Bailey watching closely, she let a finger tease at her growing wetness. She inserted the finger leisurely and moved it in and out several times, withdrawing it slowly and bringing it up to her mouth to taste herself. Bailey’s mouth dropped open slightly in wonder and that was all the incentive she needed to go to work in earnest. She closed her eyes and dropped the hand back to her sex, gently spreading herself apart and excitedly manipulating her clitoris with her middle finger. Breathing heavily, she began to feel herself approaching the edge, so she gradually came to halt and teased at herself so she could gauge Bailey’s reaction.

  “Would you like to touch me?” she asked hopefully

  Bailey scooted forward and snuggled up to her side, hiding her face in the crimson hair.

  Piper waited patiently as she felt a hand feel its way down her belly to her pubic hair. She excitedly observed the fingers curiously investigate the crimson hair with trepidation before she heard a sigh and the hand was pulled away.

  “I’m sorry,” Bailey said. “I want to but I’m…” she stopped and buried her head further into Piper’s hair.

  “Would you like me to help?” Piper asked patiently.

  No sound but a slight nod was all she needed to take Bailey’s hand and lead it down until it covered her. She gasped into her neck and Piper began to wonder about the wisdom of her actions when Bailey rubbed her hand over her clitoris. The hand paused there and she felt a finger touch her gingerly in discovery, a sensation that resulted in the release of a moan that surprised even herself in volume.

  “Does that feel good?” Bailey asked softly.

  “Very much,” Piper said with quickening breath as the finger softly rubbed back and forth over its discovery as it had been shown how to do.

  “What would please you?” Bailey asked her face still hidden.

  Piper’s breath began to come heavily. “Stay right there and just don’t stop,” she pleaded and Bailey’s face finally came up to look closely at Piper’s.

  Bailey felt the hips under her hand begin to buck as Piper wrapped arms around her and buried her face between her breasts, breathing rapidly. She applied a little more pressure to her exploration and suddenly Piper’s whole body went rigid as she groaned loudly and let out a long, guttural moan that raised gooseflesh down the length of her arms and hardened her nipples pleasurably. Piper’s legs trapped her hand tightly between them and she emitted a series of rasping whimpers with such a startling loudness and intensity that it served to excite her indescribably. Involuntarily, she heard herself let out a pleased moan of her own in response. Piper suddenly put her hand on top of hers and gently led it away as she placed kisses on her chest and neck lovingly.

  “I love you,” Piper said gasping into her neck and Bailey smiled brightly.

  She let Piper catch her breath as she ran a hand curiously over the smooth skin of her body until her face came up and placed a gentle kiss on her mouth.

  “Was that okay?” Bailey asked uncertainly when Piper withdrew.

  “That was more than okay,” Piper said with a smile. “That was fantastic.”

  “It was?” Bailey asked with a grin.

  “Yes,” Piper said with another kiss.

  “It made me feel good to p
lease you,” Bailey said shyly.

  “That’s why they call it making love,” Piper said gently and smiled as Bailey’s eyes began to study the blanket. “I’d like very much to do that for you.”

  “I…” Bailey started blushing. “…I don’t think…”

  Piper cut her off with a kiss that lingered for a long moment. “Whenever you’re ready, love,” she said happily as she hopped out of bed and walked to the closet.

  “You’re very beautiful,” Bailey said with a timid look at the body on display before her.

  “Thank you,” Piper said with a smile at her bashfulness, putting on a robe and sitting back down on the bed beside her. “You don’t have to be shy, everything I have I want to share with you. That felt wonderful,” she said with a kiss. “Now, I’m going to hop in the shower before mother comes up here looking for us again. Are you okay?”

  “Yes,” Bailey said with a dazzling smile.

  “You’re my heart,” Piper said and stole another kiss on her way out.

  Bailey waited for the door to close and dove under the covers excitedly. “That was amazing,” she said to the room.


  “Good afternoon, Bailey,” Liz said brightly as Piper led her into the kitchen.

  “Hello,” Bailey said pleasantly as they sat down at the kitchen table to find Corey slouched over a bowl of cereal, his head leaning on one of his hands.

  “Hi, Mom,” Piper said sweetly.

  “Oh, hello,” Liz said as if she just realized Piper was in the room.

  Piper shook her head and sat down across from Corey.

  “Looks like someone’s hung over,” Piper said cheerily to Corey who just grunted.

  “Here you go, dear,” Liz said happily as she put a plate in front of Bailey.

  “Thank you,” Bailey said politely as she studied the large omelet on the plate before her.

  Piper looked enviously at Bailey’s omelet and narrowed her eyes when her mother put a box of Cheerios and a bowl in front of her. “Gee, Mom,” she said sweetly. “Thanks.”

  “You’re welcome,” Liz said happily.

  Bailey grinned at Piper and silently offered to share her omelet but she shook her head with an amused smile and poured herself a bowl of Cheerios.


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