Tales of Aradia The Last Witch Volume

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Tales of Aradia The Last Witch Volume Page 16

by Jones, L. A.

  "That and so much more. In the end, I guarantee that if I was to bag Aradia I would have more of the one thing that all hiddens desire."

  "Oh yeah?" Titania said, rolling her eyes. "And what would that be? More headaches and a temptation to staple all redheaded women's lips shut?"

  "No, although the lip thing would be tempting. No, with Aradia I will have something much more valuable than anything else."

  "And what's that?" Titania finally asked, tired of Tristan's riddles.

  Tristan responded with only one word, "Power!"

  Chapter Eleven

  Aradia had not really expected it, but apparently throwing the guy whom she learned was Roy's Uncle Felipe (Phil for short) in the water was a smart move. Not only had it single handily prevented bloodshed, but it also helped the party to really get going. Aradia was now satisfied of how things were turning out. At least until she saw one of Phil's friends waddling out of the water looking freaked.

  Aradia immediately rushed over to him. "What’s wrong?"

  "It’s Brenna!" He shouted frantically, "She got caught in an undertow! I think she is being swept out to sea!"

  Everyone stopped, and looked at him with the same scared expression.

  "We should call the coast guard!" Phil yelled.

  "That will take too long!" Domitilla yelled back.

  "Then what should we do?" he responded looking livid.

  Aradia and the others all paused in eerie silence.

  Suddenly Aradia heard Dax shout, "Xan, what the hell are you doing?"

  Aradia turned around to see Xan march right up to the water, and dive in.

  "It’s alright," Ginevra argued. "Since he's a vampi...I mean a really good swimmer," She said after noticing Rhonda staring. "He can't possibly drown!"

  "But what if he gets swept out to sea too?" Phil demanded.

  “And what if he can't find Brenna?" Roy added shouting.

  Everyone stood facing the water in scared anxious silence. No one said anything or even moved. The minutes ticked away mercilessly while they scanned the horizon praying for a sight of either Xan or Brenna. After a few awful more minutes, Aradia began to feel her heart sinking into the bowels of her stomach.

  All of a sudden, she heard Domitilla screaming. "Look! Look over there!"

  Aradia raised her head, and squinted in the direction that Domitilla was pointing. A dark figure appeared to be ascending from the water, and holding someone in his arms.

  "Brenna!" Roy cried.

  He ran towards them with everyone else from the party following.

  Upon reaching them though, he continued to cry out in horror. "She's not breathing!"

  Aradia ran over forgetting that she was supposed to hide her powers and if she used them in front of Rhonda and the others the consequences would be amazingly horrific. She was only thinking of one thing to get to Roy's cousin, and do whatever is necessary to save her. However, before anyone even did anything Xan raised his fist high into the air, and brought it down hard on Brenna's chest. Brenna then spewed out a huge gush of water, and started coughing heavily.

  "Oh thank God! Thank God! Brenna! Brenna, you are alright!" Phil cried as he wrapped his arms around her. Roy followed his lead in addition to the other werewolves.

  Soon everyone, hidden and human, began hugging each other and crying out in relief and joy.

  "Okay, the first one to start singing Kumbaya will be the first one I beat up!" Titania muttered.

  Everyone turned to glare at her maliciously. She, however, just shrugged it off.

  However, attention was taken from Titania as soon as Brenna asked, "What happened?"

  "Xan saved you!" Aradia exclaimed.

  Phil glared at her while Brenna just looked over to Xan who was still hovering over her.

  "Really? You saved me? But why?" Brenna said softly.

  Xan grunted before muttering, "Because I had nothing better to do!"

  He ignored the look of hurt on her face, stood up, and walked over to the picnic table. Seeing all the food that had now been laid out, the guys jumped up and rushed over to join him.

  Brenna chuckled uneasily. "It's funny that what seems to be more important to guys than women is food."

  "Yes well," Aradia shrugged, not thinking of anything good to joke about.

  Still she managed to add. "You okay?"

  “Well considering I almost drowned, I feel pretty damn good I'd say," Brenna grumbled.

  Aradia chuckled, and helped Brenna to her feet.

  After everyone had finished consuming their dinner, Aradia suggested they make s’mores. It took some coaxing, but eventually Roy and his relatives were convinced to build a bonfire. Dax and his siblings helped to set out the various ingredients. Everrett was still playing music, Felix was reading yet another comic book, and Rhonda was helping Calvin haul the coolers filled with drinks out of Calvin's car.

  Soon everyone began to feast on the gooey sweetness of marshmallow, and chocolate tinged with graham cracker goodness. Looking at them from a distance and seeing how much fun they were all having, Aradia never would have guessed that at least three groups of these people were supposed to deadly enemies.

  "I am surprised that you actually pulled this off," Dax whispered in Aradia's ear.

  She snickered as she licked the remaining chocolate off her fingers. "Yes well it's like I said I am the last witch there is nothing I cannot do!"

  Dax chuckled as his eyes fastened on Aradia licking her fingers.

  "Here," he finally said, "Use this!"

  He pulled out a napkin, and helped Aradia to wipe her hands clean.

  "Sorry," Aradia chuckled sheepishly, "I guess I am kind of gross."

  "I don't know, seeing your tongue licking your hands...it was strangely erotic," Dax whispered seductively.

  Aradia hung her head, embarrassed.

  "Seeing you blush, that's erotic too," he added.

  Aradia raised her head to look Dax in the eyes. It soon became like every other moment when their eyes locked. The rest of the world faded away until it was only the two of them left. Both of their breathing becoming heavier as their faces slowly inched towards each other.

  "It’s amazing what deceitful opportunistic bastard's vampires can be," interrupted Tristan as he appeared suddenly in front of the two.

  Dax grunted while Aradia muttered, "I used to think you being a fairy was highly illogical, but now I am starting to notice the similarities."

  Tristan scowled and said, "Yes well the thing about fae women is at least they know when to shut up!"

  "A lesson you obviously never learned!" Aradia snapped.

  "I am not a fae woman Aradia," Tristan argued in a sarcastic tone.

  "No, but you are a bloody little bitch." Dax said grinning with satisfaction.

  Tristan stared at him with his mouth open in horror!

  Aradia, however, smiled as she added. "Oh I am sorry Tristan, would you like some lotion to put on that burn!"

  Tristan practically snarled at them while Dax and Aradia burst out laughing.

  "Yeah well," Tristan added, "We will see whose laughing after I win the volleyball tournament!"

  "Oh I am sorry Tristan, but it's getting dark and late. We all need to start heading home soon," said Aradia.

  Tristan was stunned and said, "But what about..."

  "We will finish it some other time,” Aradia concluded.

  Tristan grew angry. "Now see here it's bad enough you cheated me out of our date Aradia, but now you renege on our deal! You have no right..."

  "Good God man!" Dax interrupted, "I already called you a bloody little bitch to your face there is no need to give further proof of it!"

  Tristan was shocked even further.

  After staring at them for a while, however, he waved his hand at them both in a dismissive way. Finally, he turned on his heel, and stalked off to his car.

  "Nice touch on the bloody little bitch part Dax," Aradia complimented him.

  Dax just
shrugged. "It’s not like it isn't true."

  Aradia threw her head back heaving out peels of laughter.

  Chapter Twelve

  The beach trip had been a remarkable success, and everyone had had fun including Aradia. However, she was not so naive to think that one little party was enough to promote amelioration between all of the hidden. Therefore, she was not surprised that when she went to school the following Monday, nothing had changed. The fae's still stuck together in their little cliques, werewolves turned up their noses up at the vampires, and the vampires gave all those who were not the cold shoulder.

  However, Aradia could not forget that with a little good food, music, and fun all the races had been able to put aside their hatred. She knew one party could not change anything, but began to wonder if another one would. Therefore, from that point on and as often as she could Aradia would throw a party at the beach and invited everyone to it, both human and hidden.

  Sometimes people tried to sneak in drugs and booze so Aradia decided along with Dax and Roy they would patrol the parties every hour. Since Aradia always invited humans like Rhonda, Calvin, Felix, and Everrett the other hiddens had to hold back in order to avoid detection. More humans had began to join them as well such as Jayce's crew. He had shown up after hearing rumors of how great the parties were, and thought Aradia owed him since he had invited her to his party. At first, there had been some friction with them just showing up not being invited. However, after Aradia had talked to Jayce and made him promised that he and his friends would behave they had been allowed to stay. So far, they had stuck to their promise, but Aradia still kept an eye on them.

  All in all the parties had been a good idea.

  "I have to say Rai of sunshine," Dax said as he joined Aradia as she surveyed the crowd. "That I never expected you to pull this off, but once again you surprise me!"

  Aradia grinned at him.

  "Yes well I am just full of surprises,” said Aradia, "I am also full of blood, flesh, and double x chromosomes."

  "An excellent mixture if I do say so myself," Dax grinned.

  After they stopped laughing, Aradia leaned against the rocks with Dax holding his arm over her head. They were standing in a typical teen romance movie pose complete with the besotted look between the two lovers.

  The moment was interrupted, however, as soon as they heard glass being smashed.

  Dax looked up, and groaned. "I thought I told them not to bring glass!"

  "It's amazing how even when you tell people things right to their face they still don't listen," Aradia remarked, "Just ask Prince Charles."

  Dax looked back at her, extremely confused. "What?"

  Aradia sighed and asked, "What’s the one thing you remember most about the British royal family? At least the royal family during the modern times."

  Dax opened his mouth to respond, but Aradia cut him off. "The thing is when it really comes down to it the most famous royal couples is perhaps Diana and Charles. However, not because of the scandals (although that was part of it) what people truly about remember most about them was how beautiful Diana was. Although Charles gave speeches where ever they went the public remembers nothing about them."

  "Prince Charles gave speeches?" Dax repeated sounding stunned.

  "Case in point," Aradia said nodding her head as if there was nothing more to say on the matter.

  Apparently, there was because Dax added, "Yes well if anything their marriage provided an important lesson to all couples."

  "The media is not your friend, but a giant evil blood sucking parasite that is basically the living personification of Ridley Scott's Alien monster?" Aradia suggested with a smile.

  Dax, although stunned by her comment, still managed to shake his head and say, "No. The moral is if you have an opportunity to marry for love you should take it and not for any other reason."

  Aradia hung her head wondering if Dax was trying to give her a subtle hint.

  "But hey," he added with a casual shrug, "Important positions come with great sacrifices. If anything being a prince and princess are definitely important positions so Diana and Charles should have expected to make sacrifices."

  Aradia shrugged and said, "Maybe the reason why there have been so many coups in the past is because often the royal marriages never involved love."

  Dax nodded, but as he was about to comment he heard more glass shattering.

  He then muttered quickly, "Excuse me," and rushed over towards the crowd.

  Aradia sighed as he left.

  "You are really into that guy huh?"

  Aradia looked up to see where the voice had just come from. Jumping down from the rock to land confidently and smiling right by her side was the guy that Aradia had bumped into at school.

  "Hey Lamont, wassup?" Aradia asked him.

  Lamont grinned. "I am having a great time at your party, but I am little surprised that you let everyone be here."

  "What do you mean?" Aradia asked.

  "You know everyone," said Lamont gesturing with his hand to the mixed crowd.

  Aradia then nodded with sarcastic understanding. "Well this may sound too human of me, but I think prejudice is stupid and wrong."

  "Can't argue with that."

  Aradia was stunned to hear Lamont actually agree with her, and said so.

  "Yeah well," Lamont admitted, shrugging. "Maybe it takes a black man to notice this kind of stuff, but quite frankly I do not enjoy being told I am not welcome in certain places because of what I am."

  "You mean a shape shifter?" Aradia asked.

  "Yeah how did you...,” Lamont stopped himself and then shook his head. "This I ask the last witch who probably knows everything."

  "I do not," Aradia snapped, "Know everything that is. I being the last witch however...it’s not like I can deny it because according to everyone I ask, I smell too different to come from any of the other races.”

  "So basically random strangers tell you that you smell weird?" Lamont said, raising an eyebrow. "That's pretty classy of them."

  "Yeah almost classy as me asking random strangers how I smell," Aradia said, grinning.

  Lamont laughed.

  He then heard Everrett change the song on the turntables to I Like It by Enrique Iglesias. "Oh hey I love this song!"

  He grabbed Aradia's hand, and began dragging her to the spot near the bonfire where everyone was dancing.

  Aradia, however, hung back. "It's okay I will watch."

  He looked back at her and asked, "You sure?"

  She nodded, and watched Lamont as he danced. He was an amazing dancer, and moved on the sand with expertise. The light from the bonfire reflected off his sweat making his dark brown skin shimmer, and highlight his fine features. Aradia noticed that even with his shirt on Lamont had amazing muscles, legs, chest, and arms. All this, in addition to his smile, and amber round eyes, he looked too handsome to be real.

  At the end of the song, he sauntered through the crowd, which parted for him. He then reached into the cooler, got a soda, and went straight to Aradia. The moment he handed her the soda, she felt everyone's eyes on her filled with jealousy. She had never been the object of envy before, and oddly enough it made her feel good. It is all thanks to Lamont, Aradia thought to herself. She then hooked her arm through his, and strolled off back to the rocks where the two of them sat down to talk.

  However, by that time Dax was done taking care of the mess he had been called away from Aradia's side for. He glanced over to look at Aradia, and then saw her laughing, joking, and smiling with yet other guy. Dax sighed; he supposed he should be used to seeing guys hitting on Aradia all the time besides her being the last witch, she had sort of an interesting animal magnetism that drew everyone to her. Especially men, Dax chuckled with a sarcastic smile.

  "You know if it were me I would put Aradia on a leash to prevent her from humping any other guys," said Tristan, "Because God knows how much of a bad habit it seems to be for her."

  Dax groaned as he turned to loo
k at Tristan who was staring at him while grinning wickedly.

  "Oh bugger off Tristan, I am not in the mood," Dax snapped.

  "Of course you are not. I mean seeing your woman with another man would kill anyone's mood I am sure," Tristan interjected.

  Dax looked at him venomously. "Listen to me you sod. First of all, Aradia is not my woman so she is allowed to talk to anyone she wishes. Second, how dare you suggest I leash her like a bloody dog! In case you have not noticed Aradia is not a dog or an animal she is a living hidden creature like you and me. In my opinion, nothing that is alive has a right to be owned by anyone!"

  Tristan was awkwardly silent after Dax said all this.

  Finally, he said in a soft sarcastic drawl, "My, my, aren't we in a nasty temper today."

  "You would be too if you were talking to someone with your personality," Dax snapped and felt a wave of satisfaction.

  Tristan, however, did not look satisfied and with one last dirty look, he turned on his heel and stalked off. Dax chuckled, but as he looked back at Aradia talking to the other guy, his happiness at making Tristan miserable did not last. However, it seemed like fate was smiling on him for as he was staring at them another beautiful woman rushed up to the guy Aradia was talking to, and eagerly pulled him away. The guy gave one last look at Aradia, and then went off with the woman. Aradia gave a weak smile at their retreating backs, but as if she knew Dax was looking at her, Aradia turned, and stared right at him with an enticing grin. Now grinning in return, Dax made his way towards her.

  As Aradia waited for him to join her she rattled off her list of suitors in her mind and noted what was holding her back from choosing one of them. With Roy, she determined, it was his jealously issue. As for Lamont, he was obviously a player, Tristan was an egotistical son of a bitch, but he was still cute. Then there was Dax...Aradia did not know why she could not commit herself to Dax because in her mind he was perfect.

  "It's because you are young and you like your freedom. Often when you are in a relationship your freedom is the first thing to go," Dax said as he finally reached her.


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