Tales of Aradia The Last Witch Volume

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Tales of Aradia The Last Witch Volume Page 20

by Jones, L. A.

  He looked as if he expected to see the sight that greeted his eyes, but was still hoping it would not be.

  "Oh sorry. Am I interrupting anything?" Roy asked in a bitter sarcastic tone.

  "Obviously," Dax retorted.

  Aradia ignored Dax and asked, "What’s up Roy?"

  "I have been checking with my brothers and we have all been wondering when you want to have the first party," Roy asked Aradia.

  "How quickly can your brothers make the food?" Aradia asked.

  Roy shrugged, turned to shout the question to his brothers, and then turned back to Aradia to answer her question. "They could ready by this weekend."

  "Then this weekend is when it's going to be!" Aradia decided.

  Chapter Eighteen

  They all felt like spies planning a covert operation, complete with secret plans hidden in their binders, and hushed whispers in their classes. They snuck in flyers for the club's first night on the bulletin boards all over the school, and spreading word of it from mouth to mouth. However, Aradia had to admit what was the hardest thing about this entire operation was the cleaning, and prepping of the club.

  "You think having powers would make this easier," Aradia grumbled as she conjured water in a bucket in order to clean the floor.

  "Nothing in life is ever easy sweetie. You should know that!" Titania sarcastically pointed out to Aradia as she sat on one of the bar stools, watching her as she cleaned.

  Aradia groaned again as she summoned several mops.

  Aradia knew that it was just as well that Rhonda was too busy to help her. Whenever she was around, Aradia had to hide her powers. Therefore, Aradia had asked Ginevra and Domitilla to keep her company but they too had bailed. Strangely, the only who had wanted to or at least shown up to help prep the club was Tristan's fiancée Titania. At the time, Aradia had enthusiastically accepted her help, but the enthusiasm was gradually wearing itself down once it was revealed that all Titania wanted to do was sit and criticize her.

  "Are you going to help me or what?” Aradia finally asked.

  "Or what?" Titania answered her.

  Aradia just stared at her, incredulously.

  "If you weren't planning on helping me then why are you here?" she asked.

  Titania shrugged. "I had nothing better to do."

  "Huh! No wonder you and Tristan are engaged," Aradia snapped, "You are just as inconsiderate as he is."

  "Thank you," Titania sneered sarcastically at her.

  Aradia groaned as she waved her hand directing the mops to begin cleaning the floor. Narrowly avoiding the waltzing cleaning mops, Aradia made her way to sit on a bar stool right next to Titania. Titania shuddered, distressed with Aradia's sudden nearness.

  Aradia, however, wanted to make conversation. "So how long have you and Tristan been engaged?"

  Titania shrugged. "A hundred and fifty years. Why?"

  Aradia stared at her, flabbergasted. "A hundred and fifty...why so long? When do you plan to get married anyway?"

  "Whenever Tristan feels like it I guess," was Titania's casual reply.

  Aradia was too stunned to speak.

  After a few moments of awkward silence, Aradia finally asked Titania what she had wanted to ask her since she first met her. "Why are you marrying him?"

  Titania shrugged yet again, but after a look at her nails, a faint smug smile came upon her lips. "Because out of all the women in the entire seelie fae court he chose me to be his bride, and eventually I will be his queen! Hell an offer like that is hard to walk away from let alone turn down. No matter how long I have to wait for it to finally happen. One day, I will be Tristan's wife and the queen of the entire Seelie fae court."

  "How many women are in the seelie fae court?" Aradia asked.

  "Too many," Titania stated as she pulled out a nail file out of her new handbag.

  Aradia noticed it and asked, "Is that a new coach bag?"

  Titania smiled more brightly than Aradia had ever seen her smile before. "Yes, isn't it lovely?"

  "How much did it cost?" Aradia asked feigning interest.

  "Nine hundred dollars," Titania answered without missing a beat.

  Aradia's mouth dropped open. "What?"

  "At least I think it did," Titania corrected herself. "Tristan bought it for me so I don't really know."

  "Why on earth would he buy you a nine hundred dollar handbag?" Aradia demanded.

  Titania smiled slyly. "Let’s just say there's something to be said for a guilty conscience."

  "Please explain," Aradia pressed.

  "Apparently, he slept with some chick in his science class. I found out about it and raised a little hell. He felt bad so he bought me a gift. Namely this!" Titania gloated as she brandished the bag in front of Aradia's face.

  Aradia tried hard to wrap her mind around the concept that Titania had just explained to her. "So wait? He cheats on you, you find out, and yet you are happy because he buys you a present!"

  "Exactly," Titania said nodding.

  "But didn't you make him promise to never do that again?" Aradia demanded.

  "To never buy me presents?" Titania asked sounding shocked.

  "No, no," Aradia said clarifying, "I mean cheat on you. Will he ever cheat on you again?"

  "Of course he will," Titania said looking strangely indifferent.

  "So you are ok with him cheating?" Aradia pressed not liking this situation even more.

  "Sort of," Titania admitted with a shrug. "I mean it would be nice if he could stay faithful to me, but alas he cannot. However, as long as both he and the girls he amuses himself continue to acknowledge that no matter what, I am his future wife and Queen and I am staying his future wife and queen, he can do whatever the hell he wants."

  "Do you love him?" Aradia inquired, trying to keep the shock out of her voice.

  "No," Titania said in a tone that bore no argument. "I don't love him, not one bit, but hey he's the crown prince of the seelie fae court. There is no way in hell, I can do better than that."

  "So wait you're marrying him for his title?" Aradia tried to restrain the urge to grab Titania by the shoulders and shake some sense into her.

  Titania laughed softly. "No. I am not just marrying him for his title. I am also marrying him for his money, and the position, and privilege that come with being the crown prince's wife! Most of all, I am marrying him because I am the only one who he has ever proposed to and that in itself is enough to make marriage to him worth anything."

  "What about love?" Aradia pressed her further.

  "Love is overrated." Titania argued. "It never really lasts but being a queen...that lasts longer and is way more rewarding."

  Aradia did not have the stomach to ask anything further.

  Unfortunately, Titania continued to speak. "And besides there are advantages to not being in love with my husband."

  Despite her better judgment, Aradia asked, "Such as?"

  "If I don't love him, it is easier for me to deal with him cheating on me. In addition to his other character flaws, but most of all if he becoming king doesn't work out it will be much easier for me to walk away."

  "You mean if he doesn't become king you'll abandon him?" Aradia asked sounding even more stunned.

  "I guess so." She finished filing her nails, and then examined her handiwork.

  Aradia was suddenly filled with a urge to escape. She then excused herself, and went to the bathroom. After she was done splashing water on her face, Aradia took a deep breath, and stared into her reflection. That is the girlfriend of the guy who wants to 'bag me' so to speak, Aradia thought bitterly. Worst of all, she continued thinking, he does not really want me for me. It is only because I am the last witch that he...Aradia's thoughts trailed away and she started remembering what Korrigan had said to her. About the two of them being able to make more of their kind. It would solve so many problems, Aradia pointed out to herself, I would not be alone. Most especially, I would not be such a big deal anymore. People like Tristan would leave
me alone, and all I would have to do is get pregnant by Korrigan. Aradia focused on that last thought, that is all I would have to do but can I really do that?

  It had taken a lot of work, but the club was finally ready by Friday night. The only thing that had been an issue was what to name the club, but Aradia had said that she already taken care of it.

  Dax rolled his eyes. "And what dare I ask will it be called?"

  Aradia grinned, and turned away from him. She raised her hands, and with a bit of dramatic flourish and flair she managed to create a dazzling sign above the stage that said two words: Club Melio

  "Melio?" Dax repeated, "what does 'melio' mean?"

  "It's a truncation of the word amelioration," Aradia explained, "more commonly known as the improvement of the hidden race which is basically the main idea right?"

  Dax said nothing.

  After three hours vampires, fae's, werewolves, shape-shifters, and even humans had packed themselves into the club. Some fights did break out, but thanks to Aradia's psychic power, she was able to spot the trouble beforehand. Thanks to Roy and Dax who stayed by her side through most of the night she was able to put a stop to it. Aradia was amazed, but satisfied especially with how everyone was getting along. Some animosity still existed between the hiddens though, so much so that even a few of the humans noticed. Luckily, with Aradia's determination to keep the peace everything stayed cool.

  "Jesus Aradia," Jayce shouted in her ear. "And I thought I knew how to throw great parties!"

  "Well," Aradia shouted back. "I guess you were a great teacher then huh?"

  Jayce paused in his dancing only to laugh aloud. Aradia then grinned as she turned her head and surveyed the crowd. Everyone was mingling freely, both the hiddens and the humans, and seemed to be having a good time. No vampires were in the corner draining people or anything else. However, there was one vampire she could not take her eyes off who was currently dancing with his sister. As if he could sense her watching, Dax twirled Ginevra in such a way that it was possible for him to flash a smile, and wink directly at Aradia. She giggled in response.

  "Hey do you want to dance?" Jayce suddenly shouted in her ear.

  Aradia opened her mouth but she was interrupted by Lamont who said, "Sorry Jayce, but this dance is mine!"

  He then grabbed Aradia's hand, and dragged her towards the dance floor. He gave a secret signal to Everrett who just winked in reply. Lamont then swept Aradia into his arms, and to the song of Evacuate the Dance Floor by Cascade they began to dance. Once again, Aradia was impressed by Lamont's dancing skill. Thanks to her psychic powers, she could sense his every move, and everything he wanted to do. Therefore, the two of them moved flawlessly around the floor like professional partners in a Latin dance championships. Just like the times before, once Aradia started dancing everyone turned to stare at her. This time, however, instead of animosity everyone looked at her with admiration in their eyes.

  Tristan hung in the background with Titania at his side, nuzzling his neck.

  "It's amazing really," he finally said.

  "What is?" Titania asked him.

  "The things she can do and pull off," Tristan observed tapping his chin and looking deep in thought.

  "Are you talking about Aradia?” Titania asked, but already knowing the answer.

  Tristan merely nodded. Following his gaze, Titania saw him focusing on Aradia. She had her long red hair up in a ponytail, a diamond choker around her neck, and diamonds sparkling from her ears. She was dressed in black leather leggings, and a pink off the shoulder top with flower decorations on it. Her cheeks were flushed, her smile was wide, and kept throwing her head back laughing. Aradia looked beautiful tonight even Titania had to admit it.

  It didn't stop her, however, from grousing. "You know she was asking a lot of questions today."

  "Yeah?" Tristan asked still staring at Aradia, "About what?"

  "You and me," Titania responded without missing a beat.

  Tristan whipped around to look at her intensely and Titania started trembling.

  "What did you tell her?" Tristan asked, his voice dangerously soft.

  Titania gulped, not knowing how to respond.

  Tristan snapped again, "Well? What did you tell her?"

  Titania gulped and said, "Everything."

  She braced herself for his explosive temper, but this time Tristan just sighed and turned back to look at Aradia.

  "Oh," he said with a sigh.

  "You're not angry?" Titania asked cautiously.

  "A little." Tristan muttered, "But it does not matter she would have found out the truth about us eventually. It does make things more complicated though because now I will have to put in extra effort to win her over. Seeing as she now has the impression that I am insensitive jerk."

  Titania giggled as she said, "Tristan honey, if you don't mind me saying so..."

  "I do!" he snapped.

  Chapter Nineteen

  If there was one thing that the McAlester brothers were good at, it was hiding in the shadows. In the rafters of the building, they looking down upon the dancing crowd being undetected by Aradia, and everyone.

  "Never thought I would live to see the day," Dunc muttered, "When vampires would be dancing in close proximity with werewolves, faes, and, others. Acting like they are buddies, and what not."

  Korrigan chuckled softly. "Told she was special."

  "Mmm," Tavis muttered nodding.

  The three of them just stared in silence until finally Dunc said, "So what's the plan?"

  "I have been giving it some thought," Tavis said, "And I think I got something that will work perfectly."

  Korrigan merely grunted before arguing "I say we snatch her now and be done with it."

  Tavis shrugged. "True, but there's over a thousand things that can go wrong, and besides she does not strike me as the 'coming quietly' type."

  "So what do we do?" Dunc asked.

  Tavis inhaled deeply. "First, we throw 'em off balance and then while everyone is distracted we snatch her."

  Korrigan looked eager as he asked, "So who is going snatch her?"

  Tavis smiled wolfishly as he turned to Korrigan. "I figured all three of us should have that honor little brother."

  "But don't worry," he added, "We will do it quickly so you won't have to wait for long. You will see her soon enough."

  Korrigan smiled as he caught sight of Aradia and watched her as she danced with Lamont; his eyes growing wide with hunger and slowly licking his lips.

  Saul and Keon were at the club that night as well. Saul was clearly having a good time while Keon was clearly brooding darkly as he sat at a table with his foot propped against a spare chair.

  "What's your problem?" Saul finally asked him.

  Keon grunted. "I am just in a hurry to for this to be done with!"

  "What done with?" Saul asked.

  Keon said nothing. Instead, he just looked up towards to where the McAlester’s were hiding, and secretly implored them to hurry up and kill the last witch so that he could go home! He slowly inhaled a frustrated breath, but then wrinkled his nose in disgust.

  "What?" Saul asked him.

  "That smell" Keon said as he looked toward the dancing, mingling, and laughing crowd. "It's the smell of werewolves, fae, shape-shifters, and humans all mixed with the smell of vampires!"

  Saul shrugged in a "yeah so?" gesture.

  Keon grunted angrily. "It’s a disgusting smell! Vampires are not meant to mix with these...."

  He waved his hand to the crowd as if what he thought was too sick to say aloud. Saul did not even have a chance to respond before Keon continued his rant.

  "I hate that this mere witch thinks she can just waltz right in here and try to change everything! There is a reason why vampires do not associate with other hiddens. We are superior to them. We are the ones with wealth, privilege, and more history than any of them! Therefore, we are more entitled to rule above all! It's not right for us to try to put our differences asid
e when it is our differences that make us their betters!"

  "And what's worse!" Keon continued and now standing up in a fit of a rage.

  He was finally releasing his pent up rage, and it was flowing hard and fast like water from a burst dam.

  "The thought of her acting so high mighty that she thinks she can shack up with a vampire, a werewolf, a shape-shifter, human, and fae at the same damn time! God it is sickening! It is grotesque! But most of all, it is revolting to think that she thinks that she can do this without any consequences!"

  He slammed his fist on the table and cracking it completely in two.

  People looked over to see what was going on, but once they recognized Keon and Saul they all hurriedly turned away. Unfortunately, by the time Aradia had made her way to where the two pieces of the shattered table lay, Keon and Saul had already left. Saul staring at Keon in trepidation, and Keon looking more furious and angry than Saul had ever seen him.

  Chapter Twenty

  The club's first night was a success, but Aradia knew more nights had to be involved. However, after what had happened with the beach trips she had to make sure that Club Amelioration stayed a secret so Aradia recruited several spies from all of the races to keep up with what the hidden leaders knew. Ironically, the spies included all of her suitors Dax, Roy, Lamont, Tristan, even Jayce who in addition to recently flirting with Aradia unwittingly reported to her about everything that was going on in the human world.

  Aradia was also amazed at the celebrity status she had now achieved. The fact that she was the last witch was enough to make every hidden stare at her, but now being known as the high school sophomore who had managed to open a great secret nightclub that only the high school students knew about and had access to. It was enough to part crowds wherever she went from the school hallways to even the mall.


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