Tales of Aradia The Last Witch Volume

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Tales of Aradia The Last Witch Volume Page 25

by Jones, L. A.

  Dax then let him go, and took off down the hallway. Roy glared at him with his eyes positively glowing with hatred.

  No sooner did Dax reach the stairwell when he stopped, and started thinking. He hated to admit it, but Roy had a point he had never seen Aradia so upset. She was usually so happy, bright, cheerful, and always smiling.

  It is because of me, Dax thought bitterly, Roy was right. I am the reason she is acting so miserable. It is not my fault, he argued with himself, I was just being honest with her. I really do not know if I love her or not. Should I have lied to her? No! I swore to her that I would be honest with her, and that is what I was doing. I was doing the right thing.

  In spite of his reasoning, Dax's mood still plummeted.

  If I was doing the right thing, he asked himself, then why do I feel so poorly?

  He leaned against the stairwell, and stared at the ground. Ever since he had told Aradia that he did not want to be her consort, she had avoided him like a plague of locusts. Weeks had gone by without her even looking at him and Dax had not been able to sleep, eat, concentrate, or anything. No matter what he did, Aradia's face haunted his thoughts and dreams. Her laugh, her jokes, her smell, her boldness practically everything about her swirled around him like perfumed smoke. He tried calling her, visiting her house, emailing her, texting her, even parking his car across the street, and waiting for her to come home.

  All this to no avail. Aradia had ignored his calls, and her parents would tell him to buzz off whenever he rang their doorbell. She bounced back his emails, and she blocked his number on her cell phone so she could not get his texts. As for waiting for her, whenever he got out of the car to try to talk to her she would literally disappear in front of his very eyes, and he wouldn't be able to find her anywhere. Worst of all, since he could not control her mind he could not make her talk to him. He could neither tell what she was thinking or where she was going. Worst of all, because he could not read her mind he couldn't tell if she hated him.

  "Oh bloody hell Aradia." Dax dropped his books, and slid down to sit on the floor. "What have I done?"

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  "So is the plan ready?" Korrigan asked Dunc eagerly.

  Dunc shrugged, flicked a thumb to where Keon stood, and said, "Ask him."

  Korrigan looked past him to Keon who was standing by a window blocked by black curtains.

  Korrigan inhaled a deep breath, and began to approach him.

  Before he even got a word out, Keon spun around to face them. "So are all of you ready?"

  "Dude, I have been ready for the last three days," Tavis muttered.

  Keon ignored Maurice's comment.

  "So does everyone know what the plan is?" he asked.

  Everyone nodded.

  "So when do we start?" asked Korrigan.

  Keon smirked. "Right now!"

  Saul slipped away and followed Korrigan to his room. While his brothers were prepping for battle, Korrigan was busy trying to prep for what seemed like a date. He looked like he had just showered, was wearing new clothes, and humming. All the while constantly checking his reflection in the mirror. Saul figured that since Korrigan was part Witch, he still maintained his reflection.

  Wish I could say the same for his sanity, Saul thought grimly, the way he acts is probably why no one turned a witch into a vampire before. When the bloods of the different hiddens mix they start to unhinge the individuals grip on reality. Korrigan here is clearly no exception.

  Saul sighed, and turned to leave. He stopped, however, as soon as he noticed something. Plastered all over the wall were photos of Aradia! When she was at school, at home, talking to her friends, and dancing at her club. There was even some of her while she was in the bathtub!

  Korrigan noticed, and chuckled. "Daciantiful isn't she?"

  "Who?" Saul asked.

  Henry's laugh sounded more like a shriek. "As if you don't know whom I am talking about! But it matters not, all that does is the fact that I am seeing Aradia and she will finally be all mine!"

  "Why do you care so much about her?" Saul asked trying to keep his voice steady.

  Korrigan cocked his head. "For one thing look at her!"

  He pointed at the photos.

  Saul had barely time to answer before Korrigan added, "Besides she's spirited, smart, clever, powerful, plus when she screams it is amazing!"

  "Screams?" Saul asked him, "What do you mean?"

  "My philosophy is women are like horses," Korrigan explained, "All are very spirited, and seem untamable, but once you have broken them riding them is so much more fun. In my opinion, Aradia is no different. Hell, she is the perfect example. She's like a young spirited unbroken mustang waiting and wanting to be tamed"

  Korrigan sighed dreamily while Saul just stood, stunned.

  After a few moments, he managed to ask, "I beg your pardon? What do you mean women are like horses?"

  "Oh sure it's hard to tame them that at first, and I doubt Aradia will be any easier. God knows, how sometimes you have to be harsh or even brutal to them. In the end, however, it is all for the best so I know in the end no matter what I do to her Aradia will understand and appreciate it!"

  "But what if she doesn't want to be tamed?” Saul argued.

  Korrigan smiled at Saul. "Don't worry she will in time! At least after she's been with me."

  That is it, Saul thought as he spun around and stormed out of Henry's room. He had had doubts about this plan from the very beginning, talking to Korrigan had helped to resolve them. He had finally made up his mind, and what he was going to do.

  Dax could not believe his luck. After an entire month of ignoring him, Aradia had finally agreed to see him. Why she wanted it to be in one of the old bankrupted furniture stores he did not know, but at this point he was happy just to see her again. Besides, he thought as he chuckled to himself, a furniture store sells beds and couches right?

  Moreover, he wanted to tell Aradia that he was sorry for what he had said to her. He did care about her, and wanted to be with her. In addition, if she would have him he would be glad to be her consort, her boyfriend, and everything she could ever want. Unfortunately, all that would have to wait because now he had something else to deal with such as the vampire who had been following him.

  Dax turned the corner, knowing the other vampire would follow him. He then walked into the nearest empty building, leapt, and hid in the darkness of the rafters of the building.. It was as the vampire stood in the open, and Dax saw his shiny blonde hair when he pounced. Strangely, the vampire did not even attempt to fight back or anything.

  Dax slammed him against the brick wall and snapped, "What do you want?"

  The vampire looked at him and said, "I want to warn you."

  "Come again?" Dax said.

  "You must listen because I can only say this once: it is not what it seems."

  "I beg your pardon?” Dax asked him, confused.

  "I am sorry, but that is all I can tell you. I must go now," and with that the vampire broke free from his grip and disappeared.

  Aradia had had a bad week. She had failed her math quiz, gotten yelled at by a teacher in front of everyone, been teased by Bane and his goons, taunted by Tristan, and lost her homework that she had spent the last three days on. Needless to say, by the time she got home after school on Friday, she had plenty of reasons to feel poorly. The fact that her parents were not home to pamper, and comfort her made it worse. Her dad was not going to come home until much later because of a case he was working on. Her mother had had to stay after at the school as well to set up for the annual art show.

  So there was Aradia sitting at home alone, feeling heartbroken, and depressed. It did not take her long, however, to decide upon a course of action. She changed into an oversized shirt, and teddy bear pajama bottoms. She then went to the freezer, got ice cream, sat down on the couch, and got the remote. The moment she turned on the TV she a couple embracing. They stood on a sunny beach, the boy lovingly holding the girl while s
he pressed her head against his chest.

  "Say it again," the girl moaned.

  "I love you with all my heart and soul."

  "Ah shut up!" Aradia shouted and changed the channel.

  By the time Dax got to the meeting place, he was still confused over the vampire's warning. He paused once he concluded to himself that it did not matter now. He was here and Aradia was waiting for him.

  He then pushed open the door, and walked inside.

  "Rai? Aradia? Where are you?" he called out.

  He walked into the darkened, emptied out, dusty store, becoming more and more confused by the minute.

  What the hell is going on? Dax thought.

  Suddenly, he bumped into something.

  He looked around, and saw that it was Roy!

  "You!" they both shouted.

  "What the hell are you doing here?" Roy demanded.

  "I should ask you the same thing," Dax responded.

  "Hey you guys!" They both turned, and saw Lamont walking in.

  "You!" they both cried out again.

  Lamont shrugged sheepishly. "Yeah it's me. Have you seen Aradia around here? She sent me a text to meet her here."

  "A text?" Dax repeated.

  "Yeah," said Lamont.

  No one said anything until out of the darkness, a familiar obnoxious voice was heard. "It seems to me gentleman that have we become victims of a plot."

  All three of them turned and said, "Tristan!"

  "Is there an echo in here?" he joked.

  "You mean you tricked us?" Roy shouted, clenching his fists.

  "No you idiot I got the same text," Tristan argued while brandishing his phone.

  "But if you didn't then..." Dax started but stopped when he recognized a familiar odious smell wafting above them.

  Suddenly he shouted at the top of his lungs, "It's a trap!"

  After devouring the entire carton of ice cream, Aradia had fallen asleep on couch. She was now feeling more comfortable than she had ever felt before. At least until she heard the doorbell ring. She tried her best to ignore it, but it did no good. The ringing continued like a determined and demented bee.

  "Sounds like somebody has got a death wish," Aradia grumbled, shoving herself off the couch.

  Grumbling, muttering, and still feeling half-asleep Aradia walked to the door.

  She opened it and asked in a daze, "Who is it?"

  Once she saw who it was however, Aradia was shocked awake.

  Korrigan McAlester stood there as innocent as a love struck schoolboy with a large bouquet of red roses.

  "Hi there," he said sweetly.

  For a moment, Aradia just stood in complete and utter shock. At least until the seriousness of the situation struck her.

  "Oh shit," she muttered under her breath and slammed the door in his face.

  Quickly, Aradia locked the door and fastened the bolt.

  This did not seem to faze Korrigan.

  He just said sweetly from outside the door, "Open up. C'mon Aradia, it is all right. I am not going to hurt you. I’m just here to pick you up.”

  Aradia backed away from the door, shaking.

  "Say what?" she whispered nervously.

  From out of nowhere, the McAlester brothers attacked with two other vampires. The two new ones took on Tristan, and Lamont. Dunc once again took on Roy, and Tavis extended his claws and raced towards Dax. Roy narrowly avoided Jaxon's attack but as Roy tried to flip away Dunc grabbed his arm, and attempted to pin him down. Roy kicked, and leapt over him. Roy then shed off his jacket, and shifted into his werewolf form. Tavis once again drew his switchblade, and tried to stab Dax who lazily grabbed his wrist and kicked him away. Tristan elbowed the vampire that had grabbed hold of him, spun around, and proceeded to blast him with a huge ray of yellow light. Lamont shifted into the form of a crocodile, grabbed the vampire's ankle, and swung him away. As the battle raged on, the boys scattered as their individual enemies attacked them with everything they had.

  "So this was your plan?" Dax shouted at Tavis as he leaped away to dodge his attack. "To lure all of Aradia's suitors away to an isolated place to kill them all at once?"

  "I do hope one of the reasons Aradia is into you is because of your perceptiveness," Tavis shouted back at him, laughing, and throwing the switchblade at Dax.

  Dax smirked and batted away the switchblade like a paper airplane. However, as soon as he did this he cringed. He then grabbed his hand, and was shocked at the sudden burst of pain that was gripping him.

  "That was a silver blade?" Dax snapped at Tavis in astonishment.

  Tavis chuckled. "It was also blessed by a priest! And holy objects can burn or permanently scar us so I bet your hand is feeling pretty shitty by now."

  "Why you pompous ass!" Dax snapped.

  "Speaking of which, I still need to finish kicking yours!" Tavis cackled.

  Dax dodged him, and ducked behind a column.

  Well, Dax thought grimly, at least Aradia is safe.

  "Open up dammit!" Korrigan shouted as he pounded on the door so hard and so forceful the hinges began to creak. It gave the impression that with a few more pounds of Henry's fists they could pop right off.

  Aradia trembled on the staircase as Korrigan pounded and shouted. She glanced from left to right, trying to figure out what she was supposed to do. If she ran outside, he would probably find her! If she ran towards town, he would not hesitate to attack innocent people to get at her. She could not stay in her house for long though. Aradia's whole being shook, but with one last pound her front door fell on to the floor. There stood Korrigan looking angrier than a swarm of hornets!

  "Why?" he growled, "Why didn't you open the damn door when I asked you to? Huh why?"

  Aradia gulped while he fixed his deadly gaze on her. "I waited so long and I came all this way just to see you Aradia! The least you could do is show a little bit of gratitude!"

  "They are stalling!" Roy shouted to Dax while dodging another of Jaxon's attacks.

  "What?" Dax shouted back to Roy.

  However, he could not stay and listen to Roy's explanation for at that very instant he had to turn away to avoid Maurice. Hr then grabbed him and threw him onto the ground.

  Dax stood over Tavis with a puzzled expression. "Are you really stalling? Are you really holding back? Why? What on earth for?"

  "That's for me to know," Tavis remarked sneeringly. "And for you to die now!"

  He then lunged at Dax, and pinned him onto the ground. Tavis wrapped his hands around Dax's throat while he stared up at him, completely confused. His confusion didn't stop from kicking Tavis off though and for a few tense seconds the two of them just stood circling each other dangerously. As Dax looked at Maurice, the strange warning the stalker vampire had given him began to circulate in his mind.

  "Son of a bitch!" Dax cried out.

  He quickly cast his eyes around, and saw Maurice's switchblade. He then dive-bombed towards it, grabbed the knife, and threw it at Tavis who did not even hesitate. He grabbed the knife's handle, inches away from his face. Once he flipped it around in his hand, however, he saw Dax racing towards the exit!

  "Hey!" Tristan shouted after him. "Where in the hell do you think you are going?"

  Dax did not stop nor did he look back. "C'mon! Don't you blokes get it? This was not a setup! It was a diversion! They are after Aradia!"

  Roy froze, Lamont gasped, and Tristan muttered, "Dammit!"

  "Like I said," Tavis said smirking, "I hope your knack for being perceptive is why Aradia is into you. It's not like it really matters thought because now you will never see her again!"

  "But don't worry," Dunc shouted as he jumped up to the window. "Our little brother Korrigan will take very good care of her!"

  The two of them then jumped out of the sky window of the department store, cackling evilly. Roy, Lamont, and Tristan stared after them, extremely distraught. As for Dax, instead of using the front door he crashed right through the department's front glass window! Racing
up the street, he prayed to God that he would not be too late.

  "Hey now, don't be afraid little red riding hood," Korrigan said in a soothingly. "I promise not to eat you."

  He slowly reached for her, but Aradia slapped his hand away.

  "Get away from me!" She shouted.

  Quickly, she tried scuttling up the stairs. Korrigan grabbed Aradia's foot, and pulled her down to face him.

  Shaking with anger, he practically screamed, "Why are you afraid of me? Why are you trying to run away? Huh? Why? Why?"

  He raised his arm above his head, ready to strike her, and Aradia threw up her hands in an instinctive attempt to protect herself. Luckily, the arm he brought down was the one that held the bouquet of red roses. Therefore, all he did was smash it on her head and scatter the petals around her like soft red glass. Korrigan, however, was still instantly hit by a wave of remorse.

  He quickly dropped to his knees in front of her. "Oh God I am so sorry Aradia! I did not mean to do that! I swear to God! I won't hurt you! I promise! After all, I love you and I would never hurt the woman I love."

  "Love me?" Aradia shrieked sounding incredulous. "Love me? How can you love me? You barely know me!"

  "But you are a witch like me!" Korrigan argued, "A fellow pureblooded witch. Finding out you exist has made feel so happy because I no longer feel so alone!"

  He stopped, but only to sigh deeply. "Do you have any idea what it is like seeing your entire race wiped out and not being able to save them? How horrible it is to virtually the last of your kind for more than three hundred years? No matter whom I got close to vampire or not, no one understood how lonely I was. But then I saw you..."

  After a few tense minutes passed, he slowly raised his head from the lap to look at Aradia. He then placed his hand upon her cheek, and drew her closer to him.


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