Married to the Dragon

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Married to the Dragon Page 44

by Selina Coffey

  It was finally happening. After all of these years she was finally getting her wish. Gage and Felix were hers, at least for the night. If that’s all she ever had of them, Mari decided, it was more than enough.

  Chapter Three

  Mari’s eyes flew open as Gage pulled away, his eyes boring into hers. Something unnamable shown from their bright green depths, something she’d never seen on his face before and Mari reached up to pull him back down to her. He kissed her, their tongues entwining as Felix pulled at her, wanting to taste her lips as well.

  Gage sighed as Mari’s head turned, her eyes seeking out Felix’s as his lips pressed to her in a sweet kiss filled with promise. His hands moved up her leg, to rest at her stomach as Gage’s hands moved down, from her face connected with Felix’s to smooth down her arm and up her waist, cupping the breasts that had ached for human touch for two days now. Through her light bra and the flannel shirt she had on to ward off the chill she felt Gage’s touch.

  Mari’s eyes popped open as she pulled away from Felix’s lips, the sensation of being touched by both men an explosion of sensation that was slightly overwhelming yet highly erotic. Mari’s pulse raced, her body squirmed, and she started panting as her excitement grew. She wasn’t aware of it but her face flushed, delighting both men as they watched her in the firelight. Felix’s hand moved up, cupping her other breast and Mari moaned, staring at Felix, her eyes pleading for more.

  Both of Mari’s men, her men she told herself, watched as her eyes closed and she gave herself up to sensation. Their fingers were nimble, teasing and Mari thought she couldn’t feel any better than this until Gage shifted and his other hand moved down her stomach, popping the button of her jeans. The zipper seemed to magically melt away and her flesh was bared to the night air, Gage’s fingers sliding underneath the flaps of her open pants to find her skin bare, no panties in his way.

  Mari’s head arched back as Gage’s fingers slid into her moist heat, her breath all but gone now as she waited, wanting the intrusion of his fingers into her secret places. Felix’s lips reclaimed hers as Gage found her entrance, his hand deep inside of her jeans now. Mari cried out, Gage’s fingers inside of her as his palm pressed into the source of her greatest pleasure.

  “Don’t stop.” Mari whimpered the words against Felix’s lips, her eyes opening to blaze into his as her body quickly reacted to the attention it was being given. Her eyes shifted over to Gage and she became transfixed by him, his hunger for her evident for the first time. She spoke once more, pleading with Gage now.

  “Please don’t stop.”

  Gage didn’t respond, his simply kept up his teasing touches, his fingers gripping a tender nipple slightly tighter as his palm rubbed at her in time with his plunging fingers. Then Felix sat up, his hand sliding over Gage’s, his own fingers sliding behind Gage’s to stretch Mari, to fill her full as she cried out once more, lost now to a pleasure that arched her back and made her knees draw up as if to take one of them between her legs.

  Mari’s cries carried on as her body surged, pleasure tearing away any thought she may have had. For the first time in a long time her mind was blank and her senses filled with the men sending her to oblivion. Their fingers nipped, dipped, and stroked, the sensation of both of them with two fingers inside of her almost more than she could take. Her hips surged up to meet their hands as her back continued to arch. She was lost to the world of sensation these men gave her.

  Gage pulled at her pants as Mari came down, removing her clothing before she could even blink. She wanted him, she wanted Felix, but she couldn’t take them both at the same time, not yet. Gage moved between her thighs, a condom coming into his hand and over his hard flesh before he came to the mouth of her opening.

  Felix moved behind her, propping her up to watch as Gage finally slid into her. She felt as though she’d been waiting a lifetime for this moment and it was finally happening. In a much better way than she could have imagined it! Mari felt every inch of Gage’s long cock sliding into her, thick and hard as it invaded the dark places of her grasping body. He moved in a slow rhythm at first, teasing her as his fingers stroked at her clit.

  Mari panted, giving small cries of pleasure but she needed more. She moved her head, seeking out Felix’s lips just as his fingers found her nipples. She moved her hands, awkward but manageable, until she found the throbbing hard length of flesh pressed into her back. Felix hissed as her fingers, long and slim, stroked at his cock, and the trio lost themselves in each other. Mari’s body tensed as Felix whispered into her ear, telling her of all the things he and Gage had discussed doing to her.

  Mari shattered into oblivion as Felix described how they wanted to be inside of her at the same time, fucking her into a pleasure she’d never known before. Her cry of passion rang around the campground, unhindered by discretion or care for decorum. Mari was in the throes of fulfilment unlike anything she’d ever felt before and the pulsing of her body set Gage off. His cries joined hers and soon Felix joined them as well.

  As the last waves of pleasure passed through them the trio slumped back to the ground, lost in their own private paradise. Mari’s eyes were closed and soon Felix and Gage could both hear gentle snoring as a satisfied smile refused to budge from her lips, even in sleep.

  “I guess that’s our night finished then.” Felix said to Gage, sitting up to look at his friend, a quiet laugh rumbling up his chest.

  “I suppose it is. I guess we wore her out. Tough little cookie my ass! But how incredible was that? I’ve waited so long to touch her, to hold her, to kiss her, to make her cry out like that and it’s happened now. I just hope she won’t regret any of it tomorrow.” Gage said, looking over at Felix with worry.

  “I don’t think that’s going to be a problem at all, Gage. She wants us both, she can have us both. We’ve already discussed that, haven’t we?” Felix looked over at Gage with a serious look, wondering if his friend was changing his mind now.

  “Yes, we have.” Gage sighed and brushed a lock of hair from Mari’s still face. “I think we’re all in for a mind-blowing experience and if that’s what Mari wants, that’s what Mari’s going to get.”

  Gage and Felix got up then, working to settle Mari into her tent without waking her up fully. They zipped the tent up and went to theirs, settling in for a quieter night than they’d expected but filled with memories of what they’d already done while the promise of tomorrow lead to a restless night for both.

  Mari woke up the next morning head throbbing just slightly, but with a sense of satisfaction and she knew why. Although she’d basically passed out on the fellas last night they’d finally woken up to her, they saw her for who she was. A grown woman with needs, a woman they suddenly found far more interesting and worth another glance. Mari stretched herself out; assuming one of them had put her in her tent once she’d fallen asleep on them.

  Mari dressed then unzipped her tent flap and crawled out of the roomy enclosure. She looked up to see Felix completing his morning wash. Felix was fastidious, always had been and washed up every morning, chilly or not. He stood there now, his skin covered in goose pimples as water flowed down his chest, over his taught flat stomach and pooled at a towel he’d wrapped around his waist. Mari gulped as a flame lit in her stomach that turned into an ache. Oh my.

  Unsure of how to act this morning Mari carried on as if the men hadn’t had their fingers buried inside of her the night before causing her to cry out as she writhed in pleasure. Her toes knotted in her boots, trying not to rush up to either man as she found her wash bag and began to scrub at her teeth. She felt a pair of arms encircle her waist and tensed for a moment before looking back to see Gage.

  “Morning, little sister. Sleep well?” His tone teased but his lips on hers scorched as they made promises against hers that she knew he’d keep. At least she knew how to play it this morning now.

  “I did actually. I’ll break my tent down and we can get rolling again. I can’t wait to see what tonight brings.” Mari
said, giving him a wink before she moved to her own tent.

  Mari was smiling, possibilities about the night flitting through her mind as she pulled up the small bendy frame of the tent before going over to pull her sleeping bag out. Something skittered across the ground as she did so and she bent to retrieve it. It was her mobile phone.

  With a creased brow Mari hit the power button and was surprised when it came on. The battery should be dead by now. She wasn’t even sure why she’d hit it, just out of curiosity perhaps. She saw her camera app was open and looked down to see that pictures had been taken. Pressing the image to bring up the file she saw that the pictures were from last night!

  Images of Felix and Gage sprawled over her as she writhed beneath them filled the camera’s memory almost to capacity. Mari’s first response was confusion, then anger, then something close to fear. She called out to Gage and Felix, a note of panic in her voice, before she looked around the campsite, wondering if the person that took the pictures was still there. She didn’t see any other campers until she looked close to the entrance to the site and saw a familiar van. That weird guy she’d seen yesterday. And now that she thought about it, he was that guy she’d bumped into at the store when they first started this trip.

  Just as the men reached her side the van’s brake lights came on, and then went off as the van pulled away.

  “It was him! It was that scuzzy little toad! I know it was. I’m starting to think he’s following us!” Mari gesticulated at the brown and orange van as it sped away and Gage and Felix just stared at her, totally perplexed about what had her upset.

  She looked up to see their confusion and realized she needed to explain. She held up her phone, with one of the pictures open on the screen.

  “I found my phone. I’m guessing Scuzzo there had it. He took pictures of us last night. Somebody did anyway, then snuck over here and left my phone in the tent while we were asleep. But he was kind enough to charge the phone before he gave it back so I suppose I should be grateful for that.” Mari handed the phone over to Felix as he held his hand out.

  Felix and Gage flicked through the files, spotting some from when they were still on the road. They looked at each other then stepped closer to Mari, looking around.

  “Right, this is what we’re going to do. Obviously this guy is following us so we’re going to start heading back home. Gage, you look up the nearest police station and I’m going to book us a room somewhere on the way back home. No more sleeping outside.” Felix’s voice was stern, brooking no argument.

  “That’s fine, I’m going to the bathroom, and I’ll be right back.” Mari said, the call of nature getting the best of her. Using the woods at night was one thing, nobody could see you, or at least you had that illusion, but during the day Mari wanted a little more privacy.

  She headed over to the area where a sign pointed to the bathrooms and followed a short trail down. She was almost to the bathroom when she heard footsteps approaching her. Then she felt a hand going around her waist, pulling her back to the woods. With a terrified scream and a stomping foot Mari tried to break free but couldn’t. Then a hand came down over her mouth as she heard laughter.

  Mari felt herself being pulled into the woods and kicked and bit at the hand over her mouth. With a sudden inhalation of air Mari screamed once more before the scream was cut off. She could hear her attacker trying to soothe her but panic had set in and escape was the only thing on her mind. She went limp for a moment, hoping to take the strong person off guard before breaking away from their grip. She gave a cry of anger and stomped down on a booted toe, feeling a moment of satisfaction as the attacker screeched in pain.

  She was about to flee, run in terror as fast as she could when she heard a new sound, a roar that made all of the hairs on her body stand on end. She stopped, staring down the path, wondering what new fresh form of terror was heading her way when a huge black bear came barreling up the path, teeth on show as it ran straight for Mari.

  Mari froze in panic, her only thought being to play dead, so she flopped down on the ground and remained as still as a stick as the bear looked around, huffing as it looked over Mari and at the trees. Then something odd happened. The air around the bear shimmered and began to sparkle in a way that really hurt Mari’s eyes. She clamped her eyes shut, the pain almost unbearable. When she opened her eyes Felix was standing there, naked as the day he was born.

  Mari sat up, staring at him as she started to doubt her own sanity. Wondering if her attacker was still in range Mari looked over, a feeling of total calm and disconnection starting to take over. Shock was definitely settling in. That shock wasn’t eased by the sight of Gage standing there, favoring his foot as if it had just been stomped on.

  “I take it you were the one dragging me off into the woods?” Mari asked calmly, almost numbly.

  “No! I wasn’t dragging you off into the woods, I wanted a hug, and maybe some fooling around before we headed out but you panicked and started screaming. And the rest of it; I was trying to get you to calm down but you were just getting worse. It was funny at first but then I realized you were really panicked and I just wanted to calm you down. Then you stomped my toes!” Gage looked contrite but put out about his toes.

  “And you’re what? A bear? Is that what I really saw?” Mari asked her tone accepting. It explained a lot anyway about why Felix disappeared and could be so cagey about questions over his past. So her reality had to tip on its axis, do a complete 360 degree spin, and still come back wrong side up, it made sense. At least it would until the shock wore off, she told herself.

  Felix looked at Gage and Mari, his face filled with relief and a whole lot of concern before he turned and ran away. Mari called out for him but he just kept running and Gage came to help her up.

  “Come on, let’s get you to the bathroom. I expect you could really use it now.” Gage helped her stand and brush herself off before he walked her to the bathroom.

  He was waiting patiently for her when she came out, cleaned up and a lot more calm than she had been. They walked back into their camp and Felix was dressed, everything packed up and ready to go except for three chairs. They’d been told to wait for the police.

  Chapter Four

  “I’m really sorry I scared you like that, Mari. Felix, man, I can’t apologize enough to you either. It was stupid of me considering the situation. I really did just want to comfort Mari, though, and maybe take her mind off the big scary thing we’re dealing with here.” Gage looked at the pair over a late lunch, their meals devoured and coffee steaming as they waited for dessert.

  “It’s cool, Gage. Mari’s fine, which was my concern at the time, and she hasn’t run away screaming from both of us. I knew she’d have to find out eventually but I hadn’t planned on disclosing that little nugget of information quite like that.” Felix responded, stirring cream into his coffee.

  “I’m fine with it, really. And I know why you didn’t tell me but now that I do know, let me just say, it’s not going to ever be told by me. I know what would happen to you. I wouldn’t put you in harm’s way like that.” Mari tried to express her promise with her voice, hoping that Felix would understand that she cared for him far too much to ever put him in danger like that.

  Felix took Mari’s hand, letting it go as their server brought their orders and waited until the woman had left.

  “Thanks, Mari. To answer a few questions I’m sure are buzzing in your head, yes, there are bear shifters, some cats, even wolves, and a few otherworldly types. I’m actually around 280 years old, I’ve never been sure because I was found as a toddler by a group of settlers up in the mountains if West Virginia. I’ve since lived in every state with the exception of Hawaii. Something about crossing all of that water just sets my nerves on edge.” Felix ended his little speech by taking a bite of his food.

  “But your parents?” Mari led into another question, not wanting to ask bluntly if they were alive too.

  “I never knew who they were. As I said, I was
found when I was between two and three years old, or thereabouts. One assumes that anyway. We reach adult at the same rate as normal humans but it can be slower for some. The aging process slows as we reach our early twenties and we can live for about 500 years. So yes, I’ve been alone for a long time. I left the family that raised me around the time they started to wonder why I still looked like I was eighteen when I was in my thirties. I’d managed to hide my bear form but not my lack of aging.”

  “Your childhood must have been overwhelming. You had no answers as to who or what you were, and no guidance. I take it you met someone, erm, like you, along the way?” Mari asked.

  “Yeah, I met Gage.” Felix said, looking over at the friend who’d been awfully quiet since they’d stopped.

  “What?” Mari asked with a raised eyebrow, looking over at Gage.

  “Let’s get to the cabin; we can discuss it more there.” Felix finished his last bite of cake and they all filed out after paying.

  Mari lifted her face to the last rays of sunshine as the sun started to set and thought about the day. The wind started blowing against her as she leaned with Gage’s bike, taking the first curve to the cabin Felix rented. Her bottom might be sore, her world might have been turned upside down by a strange stalker, and finding out the two men she adored the most in the world were far more than they appeared but right now, she was in heaven.

  An hour later and they were all sat around a fire, a bed of pillows, blankets, and cushions creating a soft play to rest their weary muscles and bones. Mari stared into the fire, wondering when one of them was going to start speaking when Gage finally spoke up.

  “I’m a bear as well, Mari. I have an entire clan but I left to find my own way for a while. I have parents that I do go home to see, as you know, and a brother, twin sisters, and a few nieces and nephews. I’ve had everything Felix hasn’t. That’s why he’s such a loner and I’m not. He’s spent a lot more time making his way in the world than I have. We met in Georgia and came out here, looking to make a name for ourselves. Something that we could eventually walk away from if questions started getting asked.” Gage broke off, taking a sip of the red wine they were all sharing.


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