Sweet Destiny

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Sweet Destiny Page 10

by LYNN, K. C.

  Catherine sits in the opposite row of my parents, wiping her own tears as she talks with another guest. A few rows behind her I notice a big, bright blue hat with a massive red feather sticking out of it. The lady’s head moves from side to side, almost as if she’s trying to get a look at me. When the two people in front of the woman split apart I see who it is, and every muscle in my body stiffens with shock.

  You have got to be shittin’ me.

  There, waving at me with the biggest smile on her face is none other than Madam fucking Juju.

  Sam invited her and didn’t tell me?

  My smile is strained as I send an awkward wave back.

  “Who the hell is that?” Austin asks.

  “Remember that psychic I told you guys about that Sam and I saw at the festival last year?” I murmur out of the corner of my mouth.

  He nods.


  Jake frowns. “You invited her to your wedding?”


  I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised. Sam does respect the woman. I’m still convinced she is a kook, even though I will admit she was right about some of the stuff she said. Okay, she was more than a little right. Honestly, the whole thing gives me the damn creeps.

  The volume on the music gets louder, the change in melody signaling we’re about to start. It has all eyes turning to the end of the aisle.

  “Man,” Sawyer groans, “I feel some chest pains coming on.”

  My head whips to the side to see him rubbing his chest.

  I swear I will kill the motherfucker.

  He flashes me that irritating smirk. “Kidding.”

  I glare back at him, not finding him the least bit funny.

  “Sorry. Just had to get that last one out. I’m good now.”

  Shaking my head, I turn back to the front. Despite my annoyance, I will say he has mostly kept his word. He was helpful today while getting ready and didn’t give me as much shit as usual so it’s a step in the right direction. As long as he keeps his “chest pains” to himself for the next thirty minutes, it will remain that way.

  Parker and Hope come into view first, beginning the procession. Hope smiles at everyone as she walks down the aisle, tossing the petals while Parker tries to not look awkward as he balances the pillow.

  “I have to admit, Evans. You sure do have some cute kids,” Cam says.

  “Of course I do. They are mine after all…”

  We all grunt at the arrogant remark.

  Catherine blows the kids kisses as they pass her, both of them heading in the direction of the two chairs that are set aside for them.

  Stepping forward, I clap Parker’s shoulder, telling him good job, then touch Hope’s cheek with a wink.

  “You look very handsome, Uncle Jase,” she tells me.

  “Thanks, kid. You look pretty good yourself.”

  “Why thank you.” She curtsies then walks past Sawyer. “Hi, Daddy. You look handsome, too. Just like always.”

  “Thanks, Shortcake. You and your brother did good.”

  The compliment has her beaming as she takes her seat.

  Grace walks down the aisle next, her cheeks flaming a bright shade of red at the heated look Sawyer sends her way.

  Eventually, it’s Jesse’s turn, her steps as slow as rehearsed. As much I appreciate the process, I’m ready for it to be Sam. It feels like it’s been years since I last saw her rather than hours. Sleeping without her the last two nights has been torture but all that changes tonight. Tonight, she will be back in my arms where she belongs.

  Zoey is the last to walk, a shy smile on her face as she watches Austin. Just as she takes her place, the music changes and everyone is told to rise.

  Anticipation hammers in my veins as I prepare for that first look, but there is no preparing for what I come face-to-face with.

  My chest seizes, breath stalling as Sam stands at the end of the aisle, her arm linked with her father’s. The long, flowing white dress that’s tailored to her slender body is simple yet also somehow extraordinary, just like the woman wearing it.

  When she looks up, her gaze colliding with mine, the ground falls out from beneath me, the connection changing my entire world as I know it.

  Austin claps my shoulder, slapping me back to reality. “There she is, man, the rest of your life.”

  My whole life.

  Sam’s gaze never leaves mine as she begins her walk down the aisle, her smile every bit as pure and genuine as her heart. The sun casts its rays as if it lives only for her. A metaphor I feel in every cell of my body. With every step that brings her closer, I know, without a doubt, that everything I did in my life up until this point was for this one moment with her.

  Unable to hold back any longer, I step down to meet her, because even one more second without her is too long.

  “Hi,” she whispers, almost shyly.

  “Hey, Peaches.” My hand lifts to her soft cheek, the need to touch her overpowering all else. “You’re beautiful, Sam.”

  A sweet smile takes over her face as she leans into my touch.

  John extends his hand to me. “Welcome to my family, Jase.”

  “Thank you, sir. I promise to take good care of her.”

  “I know you will.” He turns to Sam, kissing her cheek. “Love you, princess.”

  “Love you too, Daddy.”

  Once he takes a seat next to his wife, I take Sam’s hand and walk her up the couple steps, both of us coming to stand before the minister.

  He greets Sam with a smile and nod before starting the ceremony. “Dearly beloved.”

  His voice becomes nothing more than an echo, my gaze fixating on the woman next to me.

  “You’re supposed to look straight ahead,” she whispers past a smile, her gaze remaining on the minister.

  “I’d rather look at you.”

  She finally turns that smile my way, the same one I vow to see every day that I spend on this earth.

  It isn’t long before the exchange of vows take place. As instructed, I repeat after the minister but right after saying “until death do us part,” I add, “in this lifetime and the next.”

  The tears that have been glistening in her eyes begin to tumble down her cheeks.

  Everything we rehearsed up until this moment goes out the window when I step forward and take her face between my hands, the pads of my thumbs wiping the steady flow. “I would die a thousand deaths just to come back and love you each and every time, Samantha Evans.”

  The vow has a choked sob working its way up her throat. That’s when I cover her mouth with my own, sealing the words and our fate with the kiss that isn’t supposed to happen yet.

  It has everyone breaking into cheers.

  Sam gives into the moment, her arms wrapping around my neck as I lift her off her feet.

  “Right, well, I guess you guys can do the rings later,” the minister says, not sounding all that annoyed. “So all that is left to say is: I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may continue kissing the bride.”

  Everyone stands from their seats, breaking into another round of applause.

  Sam smiles against my lips. “I love you, Jase Crawford. In this lifetime and the next.”

  “For eternity, Samantha Crawford.”

  The rest of the afternoon passes by in a blur. From the walk back down the aisle as husband and wife to getting a thousand pictures snapped, something that ends up taking close to three hours because there are so many of us.

  It doesn’t help that Sawyer keeps pissing around, being the smart-ass he is. The fucker even messes with my hair for one of the pictures before slinging his arm around my shoulder and saying, “Smile for the camera, pretty boy.”

  It annoys the fuck out of me but has Sam laughing so I put up with it. However, I manage to sneak in a hard elbow to his ribs, which makes me feel a little better.

  By the end of it we are all starving and make our way over to the tented reception area where we are announced as husband and w
ife before taking a seat at the head table.

  We drink, we eat, and we laugh. We also kiss a lot, which is my favorite part. Then it’s time for the speeches.

  Austin kicks off the first one as best man, talking about all the times we had together from childhood into adulthood. Jesse is the one to do the toast to the bride, she and Sam both blubbering by the end of it.

  Then it’s time for the parents, and up first are John and Catherine. John is the one to hold the microphone while his wife stands next to him, her hand linked with his.

  “Every father knows it will be only a matter of time before this day comes,” he starts, his expression somber as he gazes at his daughter. “I spent a long time trying to prepare myself for it. I often wished for time to slow down but it only seemed to travel faster, and before I knew it my little girl was a beautiful young woman.”

  Sam blows him a kiss from where she sits.

  “I remember when Catherine told me Sam had fallen in love and with whom. I thought to myself. ‘Shit, not a damn Crawford.’”

  Soft laughter erupts from all the people who have no fucking clue of the rivalry between the two families. Meanwhile, I’m sitting here starting to sweat, wondering where he’s going with this. By the smile that is no longer on Sam’s face, it’s obvious she’s nervous, too.

  “I thought there was no way I could let this happen. The Evans and the Crawfords could never mix. There’s too much history. Too much bad blood.” He pauses, and I swear you could hear a fucking pin drop in the place it gets so quiet.

  I chance a look at my father and see his head down as he stares at his hands that are clasped between his legs. There seems to be no anger or resentment. If anything, I’d swear there is regret.

  “Then Jase showed up at my door one day and respectfully told me he was going to ask my daughter to marry him whether I liked it or not. This was, of course, after he gave my son a black eye.”

  Everyone laughs again before Sawyer cuts in with an explanation.

  “He didn’t give me a black eye, old man, I got it at the gym.”

  “Whatever you say, boy,” John smirks, clearly spotting the lie.

  It evokes more laughter, including mine.

  “During that meeting with Jase I saw something I didn’t expect. It was the way he spoke about my daughter. With love and respect, and the way he vowed to fight for her and protect her. He even went as far as saying he would give his own life for her.”

  I feel Sam’s hand squeeze mine, a sniffle of emotion following after.

  “That day I saw in him what I have felt myself since I was seventeen years old.” He looks down at his wife, letting her and everyone else know just whom he is talking about.

  Smiling, Catherine wraps both her arms around his one.

  “As time has gone on, he has more than proven himself to me. He has loved my daughter and protected her just as he said he would, including by putting people in their place when they needed it.” He gives me a pointed look, clearly talking about the night before. “More than anything though, he made me realize that the Crawfords and the Evans actually make a pretty damn good team.”

  I watch in shock as he walks over to my parents’ table.

  “Ben and Elise, you have a raised a fine young man that I am proud to welcome into my family, and I would also like to extend that welcome to the both of you. It’s clear by the love our children share that our two families as one would be a family to reckon with, and let’s face it, Ben, you and I both like a good victory.” A smirk takes over his face. “So to close this out I would just like to tell you that I have decided to have someone come over and look at my damn roof.”

  Laughter echoes once more, including my father’s before John extends his hand in a peace offering.

  My father doesn’t hesitate. Standing, he accepts the other man’s gesture, whispering words that John nods to while Catherine and my mom embrace.

  “Well look at that.” Austin smirks, clapping me on the shoulder. “Hell just froze over.”

  Sam bursts into tears, overcome with emotion by the one moment she has been praying for.

  As I pull her in close, my gaze finds Sawyer’s.

  He lifts his glass to me with a nod, solidifying the truce that took place between us last night.

  After all this time, the rivalries which have haunted us for years have finally been laid to rest and two families have just become one.



  It took months to prepare for a day that has passed in a blink of an eye, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world because it has been, hands down, the best day of my existence.

  Not only am I finally Mrs. Jase Crawford but the mending of two families took place, something that I didn’t think would ever happen. It only further proves just how powerful love is, especially one as strong as my and Jase’s.

  A love that has spanned lifetimes.

  “Keep smiling like that and your face will stay that way forever,” Sawyer teases as we dance under the white twinkling lights.

  “Can’t help it,” I say, turning that smile up at him. “Today has been everything I hoped for and more, and I have you to partly thank for it.”

  By the flash in his eyes he knows exactly what I am referring to but he feigns ignorance anyway. “I am pretty extraordinary but what did I do this time?”

  “Jase told me you made amends with him last night.”

  That amusement slowly fades from his face. “Yeah, well, I figured it was time. I also figured Dad had the rivalry covered. Of course that was before I knew what our old man had up his sleeve. Had I known I could have still faked my heart attack today.” He snaps his fingers, faking disappointment.

  I shake my head, knowing I should have expected the smart-ass remark.

  “But then I wouldn’t get to see you smile like this and there isn’t any rivalry worth that.”

  This is the brother I grew up with. The one who would do anything to make me happy, even if it meant sacrificing his own happiness. The same way he sacrificed his life every day for the sake of this country.

  “Thank you,” I whisper. “Not only for stepping up with Jase but for being the best big brother I could ever have. You always had my back growing up and you will never know how much that has meant to me.”

  His jaw ticks with emotion before he pulls me into his chest, wrapping me in the tightest embrace I’ve ever felt from him. “I will always have your back, Sam. No matter who you marry or how old you get. I’ll always be your big brother.”

  “Good, because I’ll always need one.” I hug him back just as tightly, soaking in a love that I relied on so much when we were children.

  “Mind if I cut in?”

  We break apart to find Jase standing off to the side. Despite the question being for Sawyer, his gaze is only on me.

  “Yeah,” Sawyer answers, his tone somber. “She’s all yours.”

  It’s more than just words. It’s a surrender. As if, after all this time, we truly have his blessing. I can’t imagine a better wedding gift than that.

  After a playful smile in my direction, followed by a wink, he crosses the dance floor to where Grace and the kids are, leaving me to start my new life while he continues his.

  I turn to my husband, my smile appearing once again as he picks up where my brother left off, leading us into a slow dance.

  “You doing okay?” he asks, gazing down at me with those deep dark eyes that are imprinted on my very soul.

  “More than okay,” I answer truthfully. “How can I not be? I just married my soul mate, had the most perfect wedding, and all the people I love most don’t hate each other anymore.”

  As if my words summoned them, both our fathers walk by, arguing up a storm.

  “I’m paying for the bar tonight, Evans, and that’s final,” Mr. Crawford bellows.

  “Like hell you are. I am the father of the bride. It’s my job to pay for it.”

  “Bullshit. The rules state i
t’s the groom’s parents’ responsibility.”

  “What rules?” my father asks.

  “The same damn rules you are following about the father of the bride paying for it all.”

  That earns him a grunt.

  “Come on, Evans. You have covered a lot and this is my only child. Let me have this.”

  I watch to see what my father does, hoping he chooses to do the right thing.

  Once again, he does.

  “Oh, all right, you stubborn bastard. Pay for it then.”

  It’s not the warmest of agreements but at least it’s an agreement.

  Mr. Crawford grins, clapping my father on the shoulder. “Good. Now let me buy your arrogant ass a drink.”

  The two continue their way to the bar, all the while finding something else to argue about.

  Looking back at Jase, I find him watching me in amusement.

  I clear my throat sheepishly. “Well, they’re trying at least.”

  A sexy chuckle leaves him. “They are because they love you.” His arms tighten around me. “And so do I.”

  No matter how many times the man tells me those words it still makes my heart skip a beat.

  “What do you say we get out of here?”

  “Ready to leave your own party already, Crawford?” I tease.

  He pulls me flush against his body, his erection pressing into my stomach. “I was ready the moment I kissed you at that altar and made you my wife.”

  My lips tingle as I remember that moment so vividly. “It was a good kiss. Even if it was out of order.”

  “Fuck order,” he growls. “The most important part of the ceremony is the end of it.”

  “I can’t argue with that.”

  “Want to know what else is the most important part?” he asks in that deep sexy baritone that sends shivers across my skin.

  “What’s that?” The two words fall breathlessly past my lips.

  My pulse races as he leans in close, trailing his lips across my cheek to stop just short of my ear. “The moment I get to fuck you as my wife.”


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