Grim Ambition

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Grim Ambition Page 17

by Jennifer Reinfried

  “It’s possible. Or it could be an issue with the implants in your eyes. I mean, we only have the records I snuck a peek at in Dad’s study a few years ago.”

  “I thought you made copies.”

  “Nah. They didn’t say much about the experiment, just that it failed and the lab burned down one night. No names of scientists or doctors. That’s why I said before that maybe it’s a lie. Your records.”

  “But the implants are real.”

  “Yeah, I know. Fuck, I’m just theorizing.”

  Shawn frowned. Back to regular, irritable Jaxon again. He swallowed another mouthful of his beer.

  “When’s the last time you went out?”

  “The weapons deal a bit ago. I figured I should give my eyes a rest for a little while.”

  “Probably a good idea.” Jaxon sighed and moved around on his stool. “While I’m here, it might be a good idea to brainstorm ideas to make the suit safer. Especially against bullets.”

  “I told you, all of our ideas so far would work, but they’d prevent it from being light and flexible. When I’m out there, jumping from tall buildings and running—”

  “Fine, get shot. Whatever.”

  “Jax, come on. What’s your deal today?”

  “What does that mean? Nothing’s wrong.”

  “Bullshit. Talk to me. Let me help my little brother.”

  “We’re the same age.”

  “I know, I’m just—”

  “Oh, little because I’m shorter than you, right? Not strong and covered in muscle you never have to work for. Little in that sense?”

  Shawn sighed and took a long swallow of his beer. “You’ve been so angry lately.”

  “Have not.”

  “You have friends and family that care about you. If you need help, just ask, man.”

  “Are you joking? You think I need help?”

  Shawn leaned back from the workbench, disbelief riddling his mind. He’s worse than before. Something happened.

  “Look, I know I’ve had a lot of sleepless nights. I’m just trying to cope with everything. Yes, Julie’s been gone for two years. I’m trying to get over it, but how do you think it makes me feel, falling for my dead fiancée’s sister? I thought spending time with her would help, but now I’m just more confused. But I’ll figure it out, man. Okay? That’s all.”

  Shawn’s concern didn’t waver. “I understand what you’re going through, Jax.” He shrugged. “Freaking out or worrying doesn’t help anything. I figure if I focus too much on something that’s upsetting me, I’ll fall into a bottomless pit of depression and just lay on the floor curled in a ball for days.” He laughed and raised his bottle, intent on another swallow of beer.

  “Seriously? That’s what you think of me?”


  “Because I can’t keep my head, I’m a depressed ball of—”

  “That is not what I said, and you know it.” Shawn lowered the bottle and set it on the workbench behind him.

  “Yet that’s exactly how it sounded.”

  “Hey, Jax. Come on.”

  “Forget it, dude.”

  Shawn stared off into space, confounded. How can I help him if he snaps at every single thing I say? “Jax...”

  “I think I just need a break from all of this.” His brother stood suddenly. “I’m getting together with Cassie tomorrow night. I think I should just focus on that aspect of my life right now.”

  “That’s great. I totally understand. Take your time. I can deal with Vance and his thugs.”


  “I think getting out is good for you. Me, too. Both of us. We can’t just sit in here cooped up like hermits.” Shawn stood from his stool. “I took your advice, by the way. Just so happens I have my own date later today with Emma.” He grinned, and a slight flush colored his cheeks. “We’re going to—”

  “Wait, what? The girl we met last week?”


  “How the hell do you have a date with her already?”

  “I...called her?” Shawn chuckled. “The day after The Dirty Martini. Meeting her made me realize Bruce was right, that I don’t get out often enough, and I’m missing out on something that could be really good. I called her the next morning and we set up a date, for today.”

  “You have got to be kidding me.” Jaxon began to pace, his blur moving back and forth in front of Shawn.

  “I’m so confused right now...”

  “Nothing ever goes wrong for you, does it?” Jaxon’s voice held a fury low in his throat as he headed for the stairs.

  “Seriously? What the hell, man?

  “You get to be a superhero, something we’ve both wanted to do since we can remember.” Jaxon’s words flung out of him as he ascended the steps. “You have this super strength, this ability that lets you help people. You can jump from buildings, stop people from hurting others, and what can I do, huh? I have nothing.”

  Shawn followed close behind his brother. They reached the top of the stairs and continued through the house, toward the front door. “Are you fucking kidding me?” he threw back. “I’m blind. I have no idea where my strength comes from, my healing. I constantly question why I can’t see, where these fucking implants in my head came from. You think that’s fun?”

  “And now you get a date with this hot chick less than twenty-four hours after meeting her because you’re so good looking and charming and funny. Who the hell calls someone that fast, anyway?” Jaxon whirled around and faced his brother.

  Shawn stood a few feet away, arms down, hands clenched at his side. His mouth was open, but he was at a loss for words.

  “I have to work my ass off just to get a girl I like to notice me, and look at you. Nothing’s hard for you. Fuck you, dude.”

  A sudden loud shatter sounded behind Shawn and he jumped. “What the hell...what did you just throw at me?” he yelled, incredulous.

  “Just fuck off,” Jaxon muttered. He slammed through the front door.

  Shawn stood in his home, silent and full of anger. Trying to make sense of what had happened, he cautiously moved into the kitchen to investigate what had been thrown. He walked forward one step at a time until his stockinged foot came down on a small, sharp piece of glass. Breathing in sharply through his teeth, Shawn recoiled. He leaned over and peeled off his sock, then leaned against the counter and felt the sore spot on his foot. His fingers found a small amount of hot blood. Great. More to clean up. Fuck me? Fuck him. If Jax wants to be a fucking baby, by all means, fine. I’m done caring.

  Knowing he was lying to himself, Shawn replaced his sock and walked back to the basement, where he pulled his mask on. Activating his lenses, he chuckled despite his mood. The Almighty Grim, at your service to clean up some scary broken glass.


  A chime sounded as Shawn entered So Board, mind still aghast at the fight with Jaxon hours earlier. The scent of tantalizing coffee mixed with unshowered gamers hit him as soon as the door shut, and he blinked. That’s an interesting smell. His walking stick bumped into someone and he apologized under his breath, shifting back against the wall.

  “Shawn.” Emma’s voice was light, and he could detect a smile in it. “I’m so happy we could do this.” Before he could reply, he felt her give him a light hug. It was over quickly, but his heart stuttered nonetheless.

  “So am I.”

  “I have a table over here.” She took him by the hand, which elicited another skip in his chest, and led him to the other end of the cafe. First date jitters. Haven’t felt these since...too long.

  “What do you want to drink?” Emma’s voice was light, and he turned his head to hear her over the sounds of rolling dice that came from all sides of the cafe.

  “Honestly, I’m a big fan of just regular coffee.” Shawn maneuvered into a tall, wooden chair.

  “I’m on it.”

  “Thank you!” he called after her.

  Shawn fidgeted while he waited for her to return, ignoring the occasional
burst of laughter from nearby gamers. First, he ran his tongue around in his mouth, then checked his breath as discreetly as he could. You’re going to smell like coffee soon, anyway, he reminded himself. He ran a hand through his shaggy hair once, then twice, then quickly pawed at it, worried he’d made it too messy. Sliding his arms out of his coat, Shawn placed his hands on the table, clasped together. Too much like an interview. He moved them down to his lap. Now I look like a creeper. He leaned back in his chair and was chastising himself for now appearing too casual when Emma returned with their drinks.

  “A piping hot regular for you, and an iced mocha for me.”

  “Iced? Isn’t it a little cold outside?” A tantalizing aroma filled his nose and he slid his fingers forward on the table slowly until they bumped the cup.

  “Yes, but it’s nice and warm in here,” came her reply.

  “True.” Shawn laughed, then fell silent, unsure of what to say next. A short, awkward silence followed.

  “So.” Emma spoke first. “You said on the phone you wanted to get a group together for an RPG?”

  “Uh, I mean, I figured you and I could just brainstorm a few things. I don’t have any set ideas, per se, but, uh, you could always...” He trailed off. He knew he was rambling, and his cheeks warmed.

  “Shawn. Did you just say that so I’d go on a date with you?”

  His stomach turned over. “No! I, uh, I’m really interested in...I’ve already screwed this up.” He heard her giggle.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to fluster you. To be honest, I was kind of hoping we weren’t meeting just for that.”


  “Mmhmm.” She touched the back of his hand lightly for a moment.

  “Well in that case, I totally planned the whole thing out.”

  Emma laughed. “Oh, you did, did you?”

  “Yup. I had an intricate system in place that would no doubt completely impress you and end in me asking you out again.”

  “Oh no, I’ve ruined everything.” She was still laughing, and Shawn chuckled in return.

  “It’s okay. We can stick to the plan and pretend nothing happened.”

  “Good idea. Okay, so. Have you been here before?”

  “I have not, but Jaxon comes here often.”

  “He does? Maybe we’ve seen each other before, then.”

  “Maybe. So what’s it like?”

  She paused a moment. “Well, we’re sitting at a small table, like everyone else, but the long ones in the back are all taken right now. Basically, you just rent a game from the side rooms and play it. You have to give them an ID for collateral. The front half of the store is a cute little coffee shop where they sell home brewed drinks and fresh pastries. They don’t have anyone waiting on tables, though, so you have to get the drinks yourself.”

  “Games and coffee, huh? Sounds like my kind of place.”

  “I love the atmosphere. Cozy. It’s not too bright.”

  “That’s what Jaxon says about me.”

  Emma laughed. “Shawn, you are too much.”

  His cheeks warmed.

  “Tell me about yourself. Music tastes?”

  Taking a small sip of his coffee, he said, “I like little bit of everything, except hip hop and pop country. You?”

  “I love jazz and blues. Classical music when the mood hits me. But when I’m out and about, I have a thing for singing along to old one-hit wonders.”

  “Oh, God,” he said. “Oh, no. Like ‘Whip It’? ‘Turning Japanese’?”

  “Solid gold.”

  They shared another laugh. Another silence filled the air between them, but it was less uncomfortable this time.

  “So how long have you been friends with the two you were with at the club?”

  “Jaxon I’ve known forever.” Shawn swallowed another mouthful of his hot drink. “We’re technically brothers.”


  “His dad adopted me when we were both young. My parents died when I was eleven.”

  “Shawn, I’m so sorry.” Emma covered his hand with hers once more and this time let it linger.

  “Thanks. It was a long time ago.”

  “Yeah, but still. I know that pain doesn’t leave you. My mother died when I was young, like you.” He felt her thumb run over the side of his hand before she removed it.

  Shawn cleared his throat. He thought he could feel a slight tingle on his skin where her fingers had been. “Were you raised by your father then?”

  “No. I never knew him. He left my mom when he found out she was pregnant with me.” She paused. “So do you two get along well?”

  He noticed the subject change, but in no way wanted to dig further into a past she didn’t want to discuss. “Jax and I are close. He can be a pain, but hey, that’s a brother for you, right? I’ve known Cassie, what, seven years now?” He thought a moment. “Nearly eight, I think.”

  “Wow. I don’t have close friends like that. Most people come and go through my life.”

  “That’s so hard to understand. Your wit, your charm, your good looks?”

  “Good looks?

  “Jaxon described you.” Shawn flinched inwardly as he said it, and he instantly regretted the words.

  “Oh, he did? And what did he say, exactly?”

  “Well...” He was at a loss; he had no idea what she looked like. “He said you were...uh, pretty.”

  “Pretty? That’s sweet.” She laughed. “Shawn, you look so scared right now.”

  His face warmed yet again and he let out a nervous laugh. His heart was a leaping mess, his stomach a tangle of wires that twitched and sparked.

  “Okay, new subject. What do you do?”

  “Not much. I like to mess around with science experiments here and there with Jaxon. He’s really smart.”

  “What kind of experiments?”

  “Nothing impressive. In fact, it’s a lot of coding. Computer coding.”

  “Ah, yes. I may be a nerd, but I know nothing about that stuff.”

  “So what do you do, outside of work?” He took another sip of his coffee, which had cooled.

  “One of my passions is drawing, actually.”

  “Really? What do you draw?”

  “People, mostly. It’s not that big of a deal, it just calms me down, takes my mind off of things.”

  “I’d love to see what you can do. I mean. Well, you know what I mean.”

  Her voice held a smile. “I do.”

  Another short silence.

  “I drank that too fast.” Emma rattled her plastic cup. “Be right back, okay?”

  Shawn nodded, happy for the ability to plan out what he’d say next to her as she went for a refill. The voices of what sounded like two older men drifted over to him as he waited.

  “You didn’t tap your Gatherer,” one said. “You used it.”

  The other man scoffed and replied, “Said the person who pretended to have more mana than he really did.”

  Shawn grinned. I wonder if she plays Magic. I bet she does. She totally does.

  “Okay, where were we?” Emma’s return startled him, but he managed to keep from jumping.

  “You were telling me about your Magic: the Gathering collection you have.”

  She giggled. “Nope, not me. I play it here and there, but man, that gets expensive fast. I do love deck builders, though. My friend and I often play one called Star Cities.”

  “That’s one I haven’t heard of.”

  Over two hours of small talk passed before the pair finally exited the cafe.

  “I can’t believe how cold it got,” Emma said as she stood next to Shawn.

  “Tell me about it.” He pulled the collar of his overcoat tight around his neck, his hands now clad in gloves.

  “Well, hey, I’m really glad we did this.”

  “So am I.” Shawn hesitated a moment and steeled himself. It had been so long since he’d been out with anyone, but he loved the connection between them. He hoped she felt it as well, and not knowing if she d
id made his body tingle with nervousness.

  “Emma, I’d really like to see you again,” he blurted.

  “I would, too.” Relief flooded his mind, but he kept an impassive face.

  “When are you normally free?” he shyly pried. He could feel her warmth as she stood close to his side while they talked, and resisted the urge to take her hand.

  “I’m pretty open during most nights. I don’t have anything going on this weekend, though. If you’re free, I’d love to meet up somewhere.”

  Shawn grinned. “It’s a date.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Alex sat in the backseat of the SUV, eyes scanning the dark street outside of Shawn Thorton’s home. Weeks had passed since his dinner with Emma, and he hadn’t been with her since. Not because of Vance’s warning, but because she needed to keep up appearances of being a single woman during the infiltration. The way he craved her presence by his side disgusted him, but he’d stayed calm and collected, doing Vance’s biddings without a moment’s hesitation, but watching Emma every chance he got.

  Now, merely two weeks after her first “date” with him, she was already over at his home for dinner. Alex sneered at the small but elegant gate that closed others out of the man’s property, at the two-story house that looked like it was straight out of a magazine.

  “I thought you said this guy had money,” Nate said from the front seat.

  “He does. A settlement from when his parents were killed in a work-related accident.”

  “Huh. I would think he’d splurge on a more impressive place.”

  Emma’s in there. She’s in there and she’s alone with him and they’re—

  Alex’s eye twitched. He reminded himself that Emma was his, and that regardless of what Vance wanted, he was never going to let her go.

  “She’s been in there a long time.” Nate tapped a tuneless rhythm on his thigh, eyes forward.

  “She’s doing her job.”

  “Yeah, but isn't she supposed to be infiltrating Cassie?”

  He ground his molars together. “Her instructions were clear. She knows what she’s doing. By getting through to one of them, she’s gaining trust from the rest of the group.”


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