Blood for the Empress: Part One of the Empress Trilogy

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Blood for the Empress: Part One of the Empress Trilogy Page 4

by Lon Varnadore

  "I know what you are thinking," Dillon said. The youth gave Kesh an easy smile. "But first, how you doing, Blue?"

  The scytheclaw growled a little, and Dillon backed away. "Alright, alright." He turned back to Kesh, putting Kesh between himself and Blue. "As I was saying, I know you think I'm going to ask for coin, but I am not. I'm here to help you."

  "And why would you help me?"

  "Helping you get to your mom," Dillon said.

  Kesh stopped and looked at Dillon. He pushed him against the wall of the entrance to Tharsis City. Dillon looked at Kesh with a wild look. "What the—"

  "Where is she?"

  "She's being held at the Federation detention center on the south side of town," Dillon said, pulling himself away from Kesh. "What the—"

  "You are coming with us."

  "Um, what the—"

  Dillon stopped as Kesh yanked him into the city. Meph and Blue followed as Kesh strode through the gates, pulling Dillon by the shirt sleeve. The massive gates of Tharsis City were built of red-tinged metal, as were the outer walls of the city. Inside, the buildings were an amalgam of wood, steel, plaster, and adobe. There was a cluster of huts along with a thick three-story inn at the entrance to the city proper.

  We need a plan, Kesh. You cannot rush in and break her out on your own.

  "Watch me," Kesh said.

  Dillon looked at Kesh. "Watch you what?"

  "Nothing, I thought you were a psychic? One of those...What do you call yourselves?"

  "Brotherhood of the Void."

  Kesh, he is not lying. He can read minds.

  Sure he can, Kesh rolled his eyes.

  "What is going on?" Dillon asked, finally able to pull himself away from Kesh's grip. "And why are you sending thoughts to that cat?"


  "Dammit," Kesh said. He grabbed Dillon again. "Look, keep quiet about him. There are bad—"

  "The Rahl, I know," Dillon said. Kesh looked at him. "They are in the city, Kesh. They have taken over part of the city. The detention center is part of their occupation."

  That will make things more… complicated.

  Kesh looked at Meph. What about your Mistress?

  She is laying low.

  "What are you two saying to each other?" Dillon asked.

  "Don't worry about it, Dillon. We need a plan."

  "Luckily, I have one," Dillon said.


  "When do I not?"

  Kesh rolled his eyes. "Let's hear it."

  Dillon shook his head. "Not out in the open. Come, you can get me a drink and let Blue rest up. And," he said looking at Meph, "tell me about this cat."

  Kesh followed, pulling Blue's reigns. Meph followed behind the scytheclaw. Kesh felt the anxiety coming off of Meph. What's wrong?

  Trying to find my Mistress, and I cannot sense her. Could be the city, or it could be the Rahl.

  How can the Rahl do that? And what did they do to you and Blue? I heard stories, but—

  Not here, Kesh. Meph leapt onto Blue's saddle. Kesh was afraid he would have to jerk Blue away, yet the scytheclaw seemed to have grown accustomed to the cat. We need to get somewhere safe where I can try and contact my Mistress. We will talk more then.

  Kesh turned around, trying to figure out what happened, when he saw that the cat had curled up and fallen asleep on the scytheclaw. Blue turned to see the cat curled into a circle of black and white fluff. Blue then looked at Kesh and kept walking.

  Dillon looked at Kesh. "You have some unusual allies recently, my good friend."

  "I'm not your friend."

  "One day, you will see it is true."

  "If that day ever comes," Kesh said.

  Kesh looked around the inn. It had been some time since he'd been in the Pearls and Swine Inn. It was less cantina and more actual bar, with high ceiling beams of actual wood, probably brought in from Terra, though he didn't know exactly. The smell of spilled beer permeated the area as that the miasma of the known worlds' varied tobaccos. He saw Martians, Terrans, even other near-humans sitting around in clumps eating and drinking and minding their own business. Or so it seemed.

  He ordered a drink with Dillon, grabbed the table, and waited for him to start questioning about Meph. Of course, Dillon didn't have the coin for it, and Kesh had to pluck out his last trade bar. He was down to a handful of black trade coins. Better get paid by your Mistress soon, Meph.

  You will, Kesh. I swear by—

  No need for that, Kesh tried to hide the shiver. What the psi-cat had said in the desert was exactly what the Eridani used as their oath. It had to be a coincidence, didn't it?

  "Kesh? Are you ready to talk?" Dillon asked, waving a hand in front of Kesh's eyes.


  Over a small cup of Martian red, Dillon sat across from him, drinking. Meph settled on the bench beside Kesh, looking at Dillon with an untrusting eye. "And, now you will explain about the cat."

  "No I shan't."

  "You said you would," Dillon said.

  "No, you assumed I would. Not the same thing."

  Dillon shook his head. "No, no, no. You will tell me about this cat. Now."

  Kesh cocked an eyebrow, looking at Dillon with a critical eye. "You had too much to drink?"

  Dillon looked from Kesh to Meph and back. Several times. He then let out a small shout and smacked his head. "Of course. You’re a psi-cat!" Dillon shouted.

  "Not so loud, Dillon," Kesh said, grabbing ahold of Dillon's arm.

  "Why?" Dillon looked at Kesh, then at Meph. He smiled. "Oh, of course."

  "The plan, please…" Kesh said, getting ready to punch Dillon in the face.

  "What is your plan?"

  "You come with me, I turn you in for the bounty and—"

  "What bounty?"

  Dillon produced a papyrus sheet with an artistic rendition of Kesh. "I think it is a good likeness," Dillon said.

  "What, is that supposed to mean me?" Kesh asked.

  "Yes, I do believe it is supposed to be you, Kesh."

  Tesh looked at Dillon, "Who's gonna believe that you are a bounty hunter?"

  "It doesn't matter as long as I bring you in."

  "And then what?"

  Dillon smirked, "You reunite with your mom. I find the way to get you out."


  "I'll find a way."

  Kesh looked at Meph, "Do you believe any of this?"

  Meph shook his head.

  "See? Even he doesn't believe you," Kesh said, looking back at Dillon

  Dillon plastered on his best con man smile, "You never believe me. But you will one day."

  "You keep saying that, and I really don't believe you," Kesh said will taking a deep drink of the Martian red. It was remarkably sweet.

  Dillon has a point, Meph said towards Kesh. It could work.

  Don't you start.

  It would be the fastest way to get —

  I'm not gonna listen to this.

  Then how do you propose to get her out?

  Kesh looked at the two of them, not believing what he was about to say. He took a deep breath and sighed. "All right, let's do this."

  "This plan, it’s going to work?" Kesh asked.

  "I have no idea."

  Kesh grabbed the small wooden bowl and took a deep drink of the sweet wine. "Well, that is wonderful. Let's go."

  Dillon walked to the front of the detention center, holding the binders on Kesh. Kesh was glad Blue was away from this whole thing. Kesh tested the bindings, and they were tight. "You sure that these will work?"

  "Trust me," Dillon said. "They will come off at the right moment."

  Kesh rolled his eyes.

  "Look dejected. I captured you. Play the part."

  Kesh grumbled and stared at Dillon's boots. They walked the next hundred feet in silence. Kesh went through the plan: get inside, get through the interrogation room, and find his mom. Then, Dillon would be outside and escape with a diversion from Meph and Blue.

  Do your part, a
nd we will do ours, Meph said in Kesh's head.

  Better, we are counting on you two. Kesh felt something wrong the moment that they were stopped at the front gate. He looked up in time to see the woman that he had escaped from, the blue Rahl fatigues smirking at Kesh over the shoulder of the thick, blocky Fedrat officer when the door opened.

  Dillon was trying to talk his way through, but the woman stopped him. "I don't think you caught him, boy," she said, looking Dillon over. She stepped in front of the officer, who backed away like a whipped dog. She smiled as she walked closer. "His face isn't dirty enough, he has fifty pounds on you and three inches."

  Dillon tried to catch himself with a desperate lie. "I was able to talk him into—"

  She slapped Dillon across the face. "Lying to a member of the Rahl is like lying to the Empress herself, ever may she reign. Are you trying to lie?"

  "Never," Dillon said. Kesh felt his stomach drop as Dillon yanked the binders from his wrists. "He tricked me into this." Dillon let out a cry as Kesh tried to kick him.

  Two hulking men in blue Rahl fatigues surged through the door of the detention center and grabbed Kesh. He was pinned to the ground as they started to punch and kick him. The woman slapped Dillon, who was already backing away like a beaten child before she came closer. She gestured, and the two men pulled Kesh to his feet.

  "You are a hard one to track down, Kesh. Where is the cat? Your precious scytheclaw?"

  "Away from you." Kesh said giving her a bloody sneer.

  "I am sure we will find them." She leaned closer and whispered, "Your mother has been asking for you."

  He started to struggle. "What did you do to her?" Kesh shouted, his mouth was sore, and he tasted blood from a boot to the face. "If you—"

  The woman backhanded him. It sent him reeling. She was strong. "Bring him," she said, before turning and walking into the center.

  What is going on Kesh?

  The Rahl are here.

  What about your friend?

  He ran off. Kesh heard the slam of the detention door shut behind him. The woman stopped and turned on her heel towards Kesh, her face contorted in fury.

  "Where is the psi-cat! I can feel him! He is speaking to you."

  "I'm not gonna—"

  The woman struck him again, harder. He felt something rake across his face. He felt a burning pain along his face and felt a warmth trickle down his face. She held her hand in front of him, each finger tipped with a claw wet with blood. "Do you wish to anger me any more?"

  Kesh was silent.

  "Where is the cat? Where is his owner?"

  "I don't know," Kesh said. He shrugged his shoulders. "I swear, I don't know where either of them are."

  She curled a lip and looked as if she would strike him again. Instead, she turned and pointed towards a cage where Kesh saw the form of his mother cured up and crying. She was wrapped in a blanket, her face covered in bruises, and he saw a bandage around both wrists.

  "She tried to kill herself," the woman said as Kesh was propelled towards the cell. "She will be relieved to see you are safe. Until she knows you are killing her."

  Kesh looked at the Rahl woman. She smirked. "I'll let that circulate in your mind a little before I come to you again. You have one standard hour to tell me what I want to know."

  The cell door shut with a clang. It sent chills down Kesh's spine.


  His mother looked at Kesh, her eyes bruised. "Why are you here?"

  "To get you out of here."

  "Are you insane!" She stood up, her metal hand bound in a thick rope of some kind. "You should have stayed away."

  "I couldn't do that." He moved closer to his mom. She closed her eyes and hugged him.

  "Thank you, son."

  He smiled and hugged her back.

  "Did you have a plan?" She asked, looking up at Kesh. He knew she was shorter than him, but somehow looked even smaller in the cell.

  "You know I don't believe in those," he said smirking.

  "I know. Then, what are you—"

  "Dillon does have a plan."

  Human, are you safe?

  For the moment. Is Dillon—

  Yes, the youth is getting closer to... Kesh, I will return.

  Meph... Meph, what are you...

  "Kesh, what's wrong?" Kesh's mom asked, tugging at his arm. He shook his head and smiled at her. She smiled back and then looked at his hand. "When was your last injection?" She asked, running her hand over his gauntlet.

  "Right before I got into the city. I'll be okay for a few days."

  She sighed, letting his hand drop and then looking at her mechanical hand. "At times, I think it would have been better had you removed your hand as well. You wouldn't do such dangerous things if you didn't have that on you."

  "Mom, I can take care of myself. I'm not seven anymore."

  "No. You aren't." She looked as though she was about to say something when Meph interrupted.

  Kesh, I suggest you get away from the walls and brace yourself.

  What are you—

  Do it human!

  "Mom, I can't explain right now. But I need you to get away from the wall."

  She moved closer to him. "What are you—"

  Her last words were lost in the roar of an explosion. Kesh grabbed her and pulled himself on top of her. Her smaller body was saved from the brunt of the rocks falling from the ceiling and metal fixtures crashing around them.

  Kesh blacked out from the pain. He woke up. His mother was standing over him, Dillon next to him, and there was a large hole in the wall.

  "What is that?"

  "Your way out," a white-haired woman shouted from the hole. "Come on!"

  The three ran out of the ruined cell. Looking around, Kesh saw that two of the Rahl were dead, and the militia looked like it was battling a small group of near-human rioters.

  "What is—"

  "Run now, questions later," the white-haired woman said.

  "How do I know—"

  "Meph sent me."

  "We need to follow her, Mom."


  "Trust me," Kesh said, taking his mom's actual hand. They bolted out of the cell, following the white-haired woman. They zigzagged down alleys and small clusters of fighting between militia and random people.

  "What is going on?" Kesh shouted.

  The white-haired woman stopped, spun to one side, and squeezed off two shots at a Rahl trooper that menaced two men in priest robes. They nodded, hefted their makeshift slugthrowers, and ran off into another fray down the street.

  "Started a food riot," Dillon said.


  "Are you questioning this?" The white-haired woman asked. "Do you want to go back to your cell?"

  Kesh shut his mouth, shook his head, and kept his mother close.

  After a handful of moments, the white-haired woman stopped. "This is where you two split off," she said, pointing towards Dillon and Kesh's mom. "Say your goodbyes."

  "You're Jonica?" Kesh asked, though the question was moot at this point. She nodded. Kesh wanted to go with his mom, but he knew he had to follow Jonica. At least for the moment.

  Kesh looked at his mother, holding her artificial hand in his. "Mom, you have to get out of here."

  "Where am I supposed to go?"

  "I don't know. But—"

  "They are incoming, come on," the white-haired woman said. She looked at Dillon, "Diversion now?"

  He nodded his head and was stone still for a second, his eyes closed in concentration. Kesh then snapped his head around when he heard the sound of prayer bells clanging loudly in the square.

  "What about my mom?"

  "She can stay with me for a bit," Dillon said.

  "You'd do that for—"

  "Kesh, I almost got you arrested, I have gost," Dillon gave Kesh a wink.

  Kesh understood and nodded. He pulled his mom into a bear hug. "I love you."

  "I love you too." Once Kesh let her go, she clutched his hand
harder. "If, on your travels, you somehow find your father—"

  "Mom, I'm not—"

  "Don't talk back to your mother," she said.

  For a moment, Kesh was seven years old, being scolded by his mother. "Yes, Mother."

  She pulled her hand away, leaving a small crystal shard in his hand. "If you do, give this to him. He will know what it is."

  Kesh closed his hands around the crystal, his eyes tearing up as he turned away.

  "We have to go too. Come on, we can escape this way," the white-haired woman said, pointing toward the star dock.

  Kesh and the woman, Jonica, ducked into a cantina. Kesh was about to ask why when he spied a Rahl trooper dash by.

  Greetings, Kesh.

  Kesh turned to see Meph on one of the worn dented metal tables of the cantina. Two drunk Martians were the only occupants besides the bearded, chunky bartender. He turned his head towards them looking through thick glasses. He gave Jonica a nod, who nodded back and went towards Meph.

  Jonica looked at Kesh, then down at Meph. She nodded and then looked back at Kesh. "So, you are Kesh?" the white-haired woman said, looking at Kesh and Meph.

  "Yeah, you’re this psi-cat's owner?" Kesh asked, reaching out to pet Meph.

  "More like partner," she said, pushing away from the table. She walked towards Kesh with a swagger that was helped by the pants she wore. She looked at Meph, then at Kesh and smirked. "I'm Jonica." She reached out a gloved hand. "Though if you try anything, I'll break your hand."

  Kesh looked down at Meph, "Get out of my head, you bastard."

  "Oh, he didn't say anything," Jonica said. She reached down to pick up Meph. The psi-cat let out a pathetic mewl when she did. She righted herself and stroked Meph under his jaw. "Good to have you back, buddy." She walked away from Kesh for a moment, then stopped and looked down into her arms. "Alright kid, follow me. According to the mangy cat here, you are part of this as well."

  "I'm not a kid," Kesh said.

  "Tha's what they all say."

  He followed her out of the cantina, out through the back alleys. She didn't stop at any of the flop houses or rooms for rent, like he thought. After following for more than few minutes, he asked, "Where are we going?"


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