Blood for the Empress: Part One of the Empress Trilogy

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Blood for the Empress: Part One of the Empress Trilogy Page 9

by Lon Varnadore

  "We trust each other's intent, White Hair. Not the same thing," Qyi said while settling back on his knees.

  "So, do you not trust this one?" Jonica asked, resettling herself.

  "I trust his family. I trust his father. Yet, Leyi is young and only recently back from his khayial."

  "That's your going-out-to-the-world thing, to be exposed to the 'sins' right?" Jonica asked.

  Qui nodded. "Most see the world and come back. A few are tempted by the vile ways." He waved his face tentacles and a strange odor of worry followed. "I'm not sure which Leyi has chosen."

  Kesh pushed the leathery flap up, allowing Meph to slip through first. In a cage of metal was Blue, curled up. When Kesh walked in, Blue let out a weak hiss and mewling noise. Kesh went towards him as another Europan came into view. It looked at Kesh and then at Blue.

  What does it want? Kesh asked Meph.

  She is saying he is still healing, but is strong.

  "Well, of course he's strong. He's a blue ridgeback scytheclaw." He put a hand on the cage, and Blue started to get up. "Careful, you stupid lizard. You can hurt yourself." He started to make soothing noises that caused Blue to settle back on to the floor of the cage, which was covered in a ripped-up bed of vegetation that stank of fish and seaweed.

  I think Blue can be taken out of the cage now, Kesh, Meph said, sitting next to Kesh while looking up at the lizard. Though I would prefer if you let me get to higher ground before you did.

  "Alright," Kesh said. He helped Meph up to a table and then went to the cage. He looked at the Europan, who nodded when his hand went to the cage handle. He unlatched it, and Blue squeaked as the door opened. Kesh got down on his knees and reached out to touch Blue's head. The scytheclaw gave a trilling chirp and butted his head against Kesh's hand.

  "Missed you too, buddy," Kesh said.

  The scytheclaw stood up.

  I do not like it.

  "What, Blue looked good," Kesh said, running an eye over his friend. They had done a great job of patching Blue up and the stitches and bandages looked clean, if a little smelly.

  I mean Jonica. There is something bothering her, and she has shut me out.

  "Why would she do that?" Kesh asked. He didn't use the mind-link because he wanted to soothe Blue using his voice. Plus, the talking-in-the-head thing was starting to give him a headache. He kept stroking Blue's chin which was keeping the scytheclaw comfortable and still.

  She does it when she does not want me to know something. It is irritating to say the least.

  "Of course, maybe she wants some privacy, ever think of that?"

  She is my Mistress, she should not have to worry about hiding anything from me.

  "Why is that?"

  She knows she can trust me with anything. There was something in Meph's voice that made Kesh turn and look at the psi-cat. He was laying on the operating table, his head hanging over the side, not looking at anything. His paws splayed out.

  "It isn't that bad," Kesh said. "Buck up."

  Uh huh, how am I supposed to do that?

  Kesh shrugged. "No idea, but I'm sure you'll think of something."


  What is going on? Where am I? Mommy? Daddy?

  Lyra reached out for them with her mind, trying to find them. It was cold and dark where she was. Lyra didn't know where she was. There was a distant glimmer for half a heartbeat of her sister. Then, it winked out too. Warm tears started to trickle down her cheek and her nose. She inhaled at the wrong time, causing her to cough and feel the nasty sting of her tears in her throat. She rubbed at her face, trying to banish them. It didn't work. She felt fresh tears welling up.

  Opening her eyes, Lyra found herself in the dark, and Jonica was sleeping next to her. Meph was in his customary spot on the pillow by Jonica wrapped up in a ball of fluff. He was fluffier than when she had first met the psi-cat. The Europan had let them stay in his hut while he slept elsewhere. Meph had returned without Kesh or Blue. Meph had said that Kesh was going to stay in the medical hut with Blue. Lyra had no idea why he would do that. She knew he was joking, but Jonica was being weird. Lyra missed the scytheclaw; he was wild, yet there was a connection she had with Blue.

  Lyra closed her eyes and touched Meph's mind. It was shielded and closed to her. She didn't want to pry, she had heard what could happen. Though her parents never had enough for a psi-cat, in better times, she had played with one a few times.

  Lyra felt a smile spread over her face thinking of the little kit. It had meowed and yowled with her and her older sister, Ryna, had it chasing bits of yarn and tried to understand why the people had pulled it away from her. And then the way it stopped and stared at her and Ryna, asking for the string in their minds.

  The smile vanished as another thought of her sister and family crashed into her. She pulled in on herself, balling herself up. Dark shadows of the Blood Empire's Rahl soldiers moving closer and closer to their home. They fled to hide in the ghettos with the rest of the Ghern, not people of The Blood. Yet, even there, they were hunted and sought by the Rahl. Her whole family line was hunted. Hers was a small Blood Family House. They weren't in any contentions with the other families. The Rahl had come more and more frequently until she was the only one left. The last of the Colston Family. Then there was the last-ditch effort to escape and find some peace in the Sol system. Then Collector Reince had found her. But she was safe. For now.

  She sat and banished the shadows of the past. Thanks to Jonica and Meph, she was safe a

  nd alone. No one could help her, not really.

  These rebels that Jonica was taking her to, who knew what they would want to do with her? Use her gifts as a weapons against the Empress? That was what Lyra expected the rebels wished. What could she do? She refused to be a weapon for them, for anyone. She was sure of that.

  Is that something you can promise yourself?

  Lyra looked around, seeing no one. She blinked, closing her eyes and entering herself. She wished her mother had taught her more of what was needed for her Talents. Yet, so little could be taught to her before...

  Little one, do not fear. I am here to help.

  Lyra looked around, seeking her inner eye. Opening it, she saw the pale glowing form of a woman in a dress of flowing white hovering near the bed. The woman grew faint but then brighter as she spoke. Her eyes were what drew Lyra. Her eyes were a deep violet. "Who are you?" Lyra asked.

  "I am a friend," the woman said. It was a pleasant and soft voice. Lyra felt a sense of safety from the voice immediately.

  Yet, she knew of tricks that the Empress used. "I don't trust—"

  There was a soft sigh. "I understand, little one."

  "The name is Lyra," She said, putting her hands on her hips. "I'm sick of being called 'little one' by so many."

  The pale translucent woman smiled. The smile was soft and familiar, and something about it reassured her. It reminded Lyra of her mother and older sister a little. "I understand, Lyra. I apologize." The voice started to take on a more firm quality. Looking more like her sister.

  "What are you doing here?"

  "I am here because you sought me out. You called me to come to you."

  "How?" Lyra was confused. How could I have—

  "Your mother told you of a guardian spirit, correct?"

  "Yes," Lyra said, nodding. She remembered, vaguely, something about a guardian. Someone who would come and give advice to those who called them. "But, I don't remember ever calling—"

  "Child...Lyra, you don't call me like a summoning. I am not a spirit like that. I am simply a personification of your own inner thoughts and unconsciousness."

  "How can you—"

  "You have to trust me." The hovering form said with a beatific smile.

  Lyra looked at the woman. She wasn't sure. Part of her believed that she was someone to help teach her. Another that it was only some conjuration of her own inner self. How can I tell? "I don't know. You could be..."

  Lyra didn't say anything. Sh
e remembered stories from the ghetto. Stories of a woman in white that would speak to a boy or girl with the Talent. The woman would speak to them, soothe them, and then kill them in their sleep. The Woman in White. Lyra looked up. "You are the Woman in—"

  "Nonsense. How could I be? I only know as much as you."

  "No," Lyra said, chilling fear creeping over her. "I don't think you are who you say you are." She summoned up her will and threw it into what little Talent she could. "Leave," she shouted. She opened her eyes and saw the woman gone. The struggle drained her. She fell back onto the bed and was asleep.


  Katerina took a deep breath when she fell from the machine, bracing herself on one of the black rails, so as to not hit the stone floor. She tried not to scream. "That damn whelp's stronger that I thought." She looked at the vessel that she had been using, the whelp's sister. She had used bits of DNA data from the vessel to create a construct that this Lyra would trust. She was close, but the girl was strong. She wouldn't be led down the primrose path so easily.

  "Does she not know I am trying to help the galaxy?" She screamed. She took the face of the vessel, pulling the waif's face closer. "Does she not realize!" Katerina saw pink spittle land on the vessel's face. She pulled her hands from the vessel, not wanting to hurt it. "You are needed to help me win against the Darkness, but no one else knows about it." She moved away, then back towards the vessel. "I could show you. Show you what I have seen."

  The vessel cringed as best it could. With the braces locking the female's body in place, it was impossible to truly move away from Katerina’s questing hand. Katerina's hands shook hard. Damn, not now. Sodding machine and its price.

  She looked around, feeling a rage starting to take her. One of her Rahl Bloodguard stepped forward. "Mistress..."

  Before he could say anything, she took his sword from his scabbard and slammed it into his chest. She pulled it out and stabbed again then slashed and stabbed. She felt the rage take her, and she let it consume her completely. Her vision disappeared in a red haze. She let out a long undulating scream that echoed throughout the chamber. After several moments of violence, she collapsed to her knees with the sword slammed point-first into the ground, her breathing coming in huge gasps. Looking around, she thought the rage was still upon her. Her white silk gown was stained vermillion, the blood of the guard on the floor spreading from the mangled corpse that was her former Bloodguard. She moved closer to the vessel. Ryna, use her name. She'll help if I use her name.

  Something started in the pit of her stomach. It started as a giggle that rippled through her until she was laughing. Her body trembled and shook from the laugh as it poured out of her, tears as bloody as the crimson that stained her sleeping gown fell from her face. Moments later, there was the clatter of the sword. She was buoyed by something. She felt two strong hands on her, keeping her from falling onto the granite floor. Katerina pulled at the hands of her Bloodguard. "Release me!"

  They did, and she collapsed to the floor, her face slamming into the spreading pool of congealing blood from the guard. The laughter turned to crying.

  Katerina Batoire, the Empress of Twenty Known Worlds, wept like an infant for ten minutes before one of her Bloodguard picked her up and carried her to her bath while the other took the ruined meat that was their comrade to the incinerator.

  As she was carried away, Katerina saw the face of the vessel again. The young woman's face was drawn and pale from fear. Poor thing is only now realizing she will never be released. A fresh sob choked Katerina. Is she worse off for having a death coming? Or me for having to live through their deaths, the death of my own subjects, for the darkness that is coming?

  The Bloodguard who carried her, stripped her of the ruined gown and gently lowered her into a warm bath. The bath soothed her a little. Very little. The Bloodguard then stood and walked to the edge of the room as one of Katerina's handmaidens appeared to help clean the Empress.

  "Empress? What—"

  "A darkness is coming, Wynna. A darkness is coming," Katerina sobbed, losing the thread for a moment and sobbing uncontrollably.

  Wynna was on her knees by Katerina's sides within moments. "You will protect us, Empress, ever may you reign," Wynna said with her hands reaching out. Her soothing fingers worked at Katerina's body. Sliding over her back and her neck, massaging away the tension that came with the fits of madness from the machine. It was the price of using the machine. To use it to increase the Talent of the vessel and allow Katerina to see and send herself across the galaxy. It also made her grip on sanity tenuous, which she knew and accepted. Rage, sorrow, and torment her constant companions.

  "The darkness—"

  Wynna took Katerina's face in both of her hands. Eye to eye with the young handmaiden, Katerina saw the youth and beauty of the girl. "I wish I could be as pretty as you, Empress, ever may you reign." Wynna then leaned in and kissed Katerina softly on the forehead.

  A warmth spread from where Wynna kissed her, sliding along her head, to her neck and shoulders, to her arms and legs and finally to her chest. The warmth unfurled the tight knot that wrapped and warped itself inside of the Empress. She looked at Wynna. "You are a prize, young one."

  "We should get you to bed, my Empress."

  "Will you stay with me?" Katerina asked. Her hand intertwined and held Wynna's close for a heartbeat.

  Wynna gave Katerina a gentle reassuring smile. "An honor, my Empress."


  Kesh didn't trust the squidheads. He felt that there was something that was being kept from him and that didn't sit right with him. Following behind Jonica and Lyra, Blue at his side, he felt as thought they were being watched. There was something about Leyi he didn't like or trust. He kept pulling away from Kesh as he tried to guide the creature through the smaller passages.

  "What's wrong with your beast?" Leyi asked, through Jonica's translation. The squidhead was upset that they were hanging behind, causing delays.

  "He isn't a hundred percent yet," Kesh said. "Jonica, you need to tell this guy to relax."

  "I think we're all a little frazzled, Kesh. We can keep moving in a few moments, I'll talk to Leyi."

  Kesh watched as she talked to the squidhead in their strange burbling language. Lyra moved closer to Kesh as Jonica and Leyi's words grew louder, and the reek coming off Leyi grew more pungent and sharp. After a handful of heartbeats, Jonica snarled something and walked away, coming towards Kesh and Lyra.

  "What was that all about?" Kesh asked.

  "Damn bastard is charging us more. And, he thinks he can dictate terms."

  Kesh shook his head. "I really don't trust that guy."

  "I know," Jonica said. "I don't completely either, but we need him to get through these tunnels. Unless you or Blue have some secret knowledge."

  Kesh glared at Jonica for a moment. "Yeah, Blue knows a great spot for fish." Blue gurgled next to Kesh when he made the joke. "Yeah, hold on," Kesh said when the scytheclaw head butted his shoulder.

  Jonica rolled her eyes. "Yeah, I got it."

  Kesh pulled out most of some mackerel-like fish that the Europans had given them before leaving. Blue bit into it before Kesh had a chance to pull it out completely.

  Leyi burbled something loudly. Kesh looked to Jonica, who rolled her eyes and gave the squidhead a dismissive wave of her hand.

  "Do I—"

  "He said something about like 'Why do you have to feed the beast again?'"

  "Uh-huh," Kesh said, glaring at the squidhead.

  "Let's go," Jonica said. "Be nice to him. He's the only one who can guide us through these twisted warrens.”

  The caverns weren't as cold as he thought they'd be. Kesh marveled at that. He felt a little hot in his thick jacket, but didn't take it off. According to the squidhead, they'd reach some point where they'd be on the surface soon.

  Something was nagging at him. He kept his slugthrower holster unlatched. He sensed Blue was feeling something from the way he pulled at his lead
and sniffed the air. "Calm down, ya stupid lizard."

  Blue looked at him and gave a clicking chirp as a response.

  "Paranoid?" Jonica asked.

  "No, but I think Blue—"

  There was a movement from Leyi. He jerked to one side. Half a heartbeat later, the loud piercing whine of a plasma blast screamed through the air, hitting Kesh in the shoulder. Jonica shouted something, and Kesh lost the Blue’s reigns. The scytheclaw went tearing down a side tunnel, shrieking as he went. Kesh didn't have a chance to curse as a column of Rahl soldiers stormed down from the tunnel in front of him. He saw Jonica grab Lyra and duck down another side passage. In the process, the staff she had brought fell to the ground. Kesh made a grab for it. A boot slammed down on the staff. All black, looking up, he saw the black and red of a Collector staring down at him. "Give up, boy," a carbine muzzle inches from his face

  Kesh stood slowly, arms held above his head. "No need for the violence," he said. He gave a smile, "Look, I'm glad I ran into—"

  The Collector backhanded him with a gauntleted fist. "Silence. The Empress, ever may she reign, has property you took. You shall be executed."

  Kesh looked at the Collector and licked his lips. “You don’t have to aim that thing at me.” He thought he could talk his way out of it. There was also the dagger in his belt if he felt brave, or foolish.

  The Collector lowered his carbine. Kesh took the moment and jerked the dagger from his belt in a wild stab to strike the armored figure. That is when the Collector brought up his left hand and a blade shot out from under the Collector’s wrist. The blade had a dark glint to it as it sparked against Kesh’s own. “Do you really think you can fight a master of the orichalcum blade?” The Collector asked through the helm.

  “Not at all,” Kesh said. He threw himself backwards, onto the floor. He kicked at the staff, letting part of it swing towards him. The Collector lunged for the staff as well. Kesh jammed the bulbous end hard into the Collector’s side. Kesh’s finger found a depression and touched it. There was a thrum of some kind of power in the staff, and the Collector let out a howl of pain and buckled to his knees. Bewildered, Kesh looked at the staff, at the Collector on his knees, and at the stunned Rahl troops. He then shot down the same side passage as Blue.


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