A Brother's Promise

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A Brother's Promise Page 18

by Mindy Obenhaus

  “What about Mick and Sadie?” Paisley tilted her head, sending her long red braid spilling over her shoulder.

  “They have their own life.” One she’d give anything to be a part of.

  Her three best friends looked at each other.

  “What happened?” Laurel’s tone held a note of sympathy.

  After a moment, she gave in to their pleading looks and told them about her desire to expand the store and everything that had transpired in the last week.

  Rae shifted in her seat. “I guess that explains the special deliveries Mick asked for.”

  Christa looked at her. “What deliveries?”

  “The macchiato and cookies. Lunch yesterday.”

  “That was Mick?” Christa wasn’t sure how to feel about that.

  “Yes, he said he knew you were too busy to stop, so he wanted to help you out.” Her brow lifted. “I just assumed you knew.”


  “So you’ve decided to run away.”

  Christa shifted her attention to Paisley, who sat there stone-faced, arms crossed tightly over her chest, one leg over the other, bobbing it at a frenzied pace. “No.” She thought about seeing Mick yesterday and how much it hurt knowing she couldn’t be with him. “He should have told me as soon as I revealed I was the one wanting to buy the Gebhardt building. But he didn’t say a word until I confronted him with the truth.” Resting her elbow on her desk, she plunked her chin in her hand. “Why is it that every guy I like feels the need to lie to me?”

  Uncrossing her legs, Paisley leaned forward. “Mick isn’t Brody, Christa.” Gripping the edges of her chair, she added, “Before you had this little exchange with Mick, how did you feel about him?”

  Christa lifted a shoulder, refusing to look at her friends. “At first I thought my feelings were just about Sadie. But the more we were together, the more I realized he was a tenderhearted man who was willing to do almost anything for someone he loved. Just the kind of man I’d always dreamed of finding. Until he lied.”

  Laurel stood and moved around the desk to grab a piece of chocolate from Christa’s emergency stash. “I don’t think Mick’s hesitance can compare with what Brody did. Brody was calculated and self-serving. Mick is grieving his sister and learning to be a father.” She set a hand on Christa’s shoulder. “He deserves a little grace.”

  Paisley cleared her throat. “I think the real problem here, Christa, is you.”

  “What? Why?” She shoved her chair back and grabbed the entire bucket of candy.

  “I think you’re afraid.”

  “Of Mick?” She fished out a Tootsie Roll before setting her stash on the desk.

  “Of love. Or more to the point, of losing someone you love.” Paisley cocked her head. “It’s easier to send him away on your terms than to risk your heart again.”

  Tears sprang to Christa’s eyes. Her friend knew her too well. “How can you say that when you lost your husband and child?”

  “Better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all, my friend.” Standing, Paisley moved toward Christa. “I miss Peter and Logan terribly. But I was so blessed to have had them in my life if only for a little while.” She paused a moment to ward off her emotions. “You love Mick, don’t you?”

  Christa lowered her head. “Yes.”

  “Then remember the passage in First John. ‘There is no fear in love.’” She knelt in front of Christa. “Don’t let fear dictate your life, darlin’, because you just might miss the greatest blessing ever.”

  There was a knock on her office door.

  Christa looked up as Paisley stood. “Come on in, Patsy.”

  “This just came for you and I was instructed to give it to you right away.” She placed square gift box on the desk.

  Christa eyed her assistant manager. “Who’s it from?”

  Instead of responding, Patsy merely clamped her lips together and closed the door on her way out.

  Christa looked from the silver-colored box to her friends.

  “Well, open it already.” Rae stood to join Laurel and Paisley around the desk.

  Christa lifted the lid. Inside was a note card. When she lifted it out, there was a key on a heart-shaped chain beneath it with a tag that read The Gebhardt Building.

  Her breath caught in her throat as she opened the card. “The key to your success. Check it out.” She glanced at each of her friends, excitement welling inside her.

  “Well, don’t just sit there,” said a grinning Rae. “Let’s go.”

  They made their way out of the store and to the building next door like a bunch of giddy schoolgirls.

  Christa paused to take in the narrow building with a blue door situated between two picture windows. A week ago, this was what she wanted. But now?

  “Don’t keep us waiting,” Laurel said. “Unlock the door.”

  With trembling hands, Christa finally managed to do just that. Inside the building, century-old longleaf pine flooring stretched front to back while exposed brick walls climbed to meet the original tin ceiling. It was even better than she remembered.

  Lowering her gaze, she nearly lost her footing when she spotted the path of red rose petals that wove through a series of floor easels that held large photos of her, Mick and Sadie.

  After a moment, a gentle shove urged her forward. “Check it out, darlin’.”

  She glanced back at Paisley. “Did you know about this?”

  “No, but I wish I had.”

  Christa moved past the images of the three of them in the ice storm, with the calf and around the campfire. The final picture sat atop a tall pedestal table and was of her and Mick beside the cow pond. Sadie had taken it on their last night together. A night that had held so much promise.

  Her gaze fell to the bouquet of red roses, then continued to a velvet box beside a note that read, I want to make all of your dreams come true.

  A sound had her looking up, and she drew in a sharp breath when she saw Mick moving toward her, looking finer than any man had a right to. His hair had been trimmed, he was clean shaven and he wore a pair of medium wash jeans and that black pearl-snap shirt she liked so much.

  Could her heart beat any faster without exploding?

  He stopped beside her, his smile tremulous as he took hold of her hands. “Christa, you brought color into my camo world and made it fuller, richer and more beautiful than I ever thought it could be.” He looked away for a moment and swallowed before meeting her gaze. “I know I messed up. But if you could find it in your heart to forgive me, I’d like nothing more than to spend the rest of my life making you smile. I love you, Christa, with every fiber of my being.” Letting go of her hands, he reached around her to retrieve the box. Then he opened the lid to reveal a glistening solitaire ring before dropping to one knee. “Will you marry me?”

  If she thought she was giddy before... “Yes!”

  Looking up at her, he appeared shocked. “Really?”

  She set her hands on his cheeks. “Really.”

  Standing, he pulled her to him and kissed her with an intensity she’d never felt before. How could she have doubted this man? He was as honest as the day was long. Steady and unchanging. And he was hers.

  But—she abruptly pulled away. “Where’s Sadie?”

  “Stand by.” He pulled out his phone and sent off a text before looking at her. “I wanted to make sure you said yes first.”

  A second later, Bum’s daughter Sandy approached the door with Sadie. The child that had stolen Christa’s heart was wearing her prettiest dress and those pink cowboy boots.

  She cautiously entered the space, scanning the faces until she found her uncle and Christa.

  Mick practically beamed. “She said yes!”

  Sadie’s face lit up as she rushed into his waiting arms. “See, I tolded you.”

u sure did, princess.” He slipped his other arm around Christa’s waist, looking deep into her eyes as he tugged her close. “You sure did.”

  Across the room, Rae cleared her throat. “So, does this mean you’re not leaving us?”

  As Mick slid the ring on Christa’s finger, she said, “Not on your life. Bliss is where I belong, and Bliss is where I’m staying.”

  * * *

  The happiest day of Mick’s life was about to collide with the scariest day of his life.

  Deciding they had no reason to wait, he and Christa had acquired their marriage license first thing Monday morning and were married Thursday morning, only hours before he was due in court. The ceremony had taken place at Bliss Community Church, with only their closest friends and Sadie in attendance. He’d never been happier.

  But now, as they posed for wedding photos among the magnolia and live oak trees on the courthouse square, the weight of this afternoon’s hearing threatened to choke him. There was no telling how many lawyers the Sandersons would have with them. Probably a whole army.

  “These are some great shots.” Birds chirped overhead as the photographer looked up from her camera and smiled at Mick, Christa and Sadie. “The three of you are such an adorable family.”

  Her statement only intensified the knot in his stomach. Then he spotted the white Mercedes SUV pulling into a parking space along the square. Moments later, Chuck and Belita Sanderson emerged.

  His hold on Christa’s waist tightened.

  “What is it?” She looked up at him, then followed his stare. Squeezing his arm, she whispered, “David took down Goliath with a slingshot and a stone. This is God’s battle, Mick.”

  He peered down at her, fully aware of how blessed he was to have her at his side. She looked so beautiful in her wedding dress. Not the typical gown with a train and a veil, but the ivory knee-length dress with sheer sleeves and lace was no less stunning. “I’m so glad I married you.”

  “Me, too.” She smiled.

  “Sadie, sweetheart.”

  He turned to see Chuck and Belita coming toward them. Belita’s arms were wide, her gaze fixed on her granddaughter.

  Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Christa whisper something to Sadie before the child started toward her grandmother. Though Sadie appeared somewhat nervous, she earnestly hugged the woman.

  Mick and Christa had talked with her several times over the past few days, carefully explaining that her grandparents wanted her to live with them. At first she’d stomped her foot, stating emphatically that she didn’t want to live with them. Thankfully, she seemed to have calmed some since. Though there was no telling what things might look like if she was forced to leave with them today.

  “Mick.” Chuck continued toward them.

  Mick took hold of Christa’s hand as Belita drew nearer with Sadie in tow. “Chuck. Belita.” He nodded. “This is my wife, Christa.”

  Their wary gazes narrowed.

  “Wife?” Chuck winced.

  Mick glanced at his watch. “As of about an hour-and-a-half ago.”

  Belita pressed a hand to her chest, her blue eyes raking over Christa. “My, isn’t that convenient.”

  “Sadie’s told me a lot about you.” Christa smiled graciously at the couple.

  “Yes, I’m sure she has.” Releasing Sadie, Belita turned. “Come along, Chuck.”

  Christa’s hazel eyes widened as she faced Mick. Placing her mouth beside his ear, she said, “That woman is scary.”

  He chuckled, then whispered back, “Not near as scary as you’d be if she did anything to hurt Sadie.” Looking up, he saw Cole crossing the courthouse lawn.

  “I hear congratulations are in order.” The attorney eyed the two of them.

  “Yes, sir,” Mick said. “Let’s just hope it continues.”

  They said goodbye to their friends then Mick knelt in front of Sadie. “You have fun with Miss Laurel and Sarah-Jane, and we’ll see you in a bit.”

  She hugged his neck. “I love you, Uncle Mickey.”

  Uncertainty had him battling his emotions as he hugged her back. “I love you, too, princess.”

  Christa gave Sadie a squeeze, then they watched until Laurel drove away before heading into the courthouse.

  Inside the courtroom, Mick and Cole sat at a long wooden table to the front and right of the judge’s bench while the Sandersons sat opposite with, to Mick’s surprise, only one lawyer. Christa, Bum and Sadie’s teacher, Tammy Shelton, were all slated to testify and sat in the gallery behind Mick.

  He swiped his damp palms along his trousers. For the second time this week, he had a lot at stake. He could only pray that today’s outcome would go as well as his proposal to Christa had.

  “All rise.”

  The judge entered the courtroom and wasted no time getting down to business. The Sandersons’ attorney laid out their case first, going on about how Sadie would want for nothing with her grandparents.

  “She will have access to the best caretakers, schools and health care,” the man said.

  Mick shook his head in disbelief. The caretakers and schools were the main reasons Kyle didn’t want Sadie with his parents.

  Next, the man revealed that the Sandersons had, indeed, hired a private investigator. Though aside from Sadie’s sprained arm and the fact that Christa had stayed with them, there wasn’t much else.

  “Your Honor,” their lawyer said in closing, “my clients are still grieving the loss of their only child. Now they’re in danger of losing their grandchild, too.”

  Mick straightened. Could that be what this was all about? They thought he’d keep Sadie from them. Had he done something to make them believe that?

  Finally it was Cole’s turn. He called Sadie’s teacher first and the judge asked her some questions about Sadie, what her observations were of the child’s relationship with Mick and if she’d ever seen the Sandersons before.

  Bum was the next to take the stand, where he spoke about Mick’s character, telling them he’d known Mick since he was born.

  Finally Christa took the stand.

  “How long have you known Mr. Ashford?” the judge asked.

  “Approximately three years.”

  “What can you tell the court about his relationship with the child?”

  “Mick has gone out of his way to help Sadie adjust.” She looked at Mick. “I’ll never forget the day he came into the hardware store, wanting this ugly pink paint for Sadie’s bedroom so she would feel at home. I managed to talk him out of that particular color but have seen how willing he is to adapt to Sadie’s needs. He’s attentive and conscientious. Sure, he’s struggled some, but he’s learning.”

  “And how does Sadie respond to Mr. Ashford?”

  “She adores him. I’ve seen them work together, celebrate together and grieve together. Just the way a family should.” Again, her gaze turned to Mick. “And I’m so thankful they asked me to be a part of it.”

  The love Mick felt for this amazing woman swelled within him. Knowing how much she believed in him made him want to be a better man.

  “The court will recess for ten minutes.” The judge stood and left the room.

  Mick briefly thanked Tammy and Bum for their input before pulling his wife aside. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  He glanced toward the Sandersons, noting that their attorney had left the room. “I’ll be right back.” He continued to the other table.

  This time when they looked up at him, there was something different. Instead of two people ready to attack, he saw only fear. Fear of losing someone they loved.

  He cleared his throat. “You know, nothing or no one can ever change the fact that you are Sadie’s grandparents. And I want you to know that no matter what happens here today, I would never stand in the way of your relationship with her.”

e older couple looked at each other. Belita sent her husband the slightest hint of a nod before Chuck turned to him.

  “We appreciate that, Mick. Sadie is all we have left of Kyle.”

  “I’m aware of that. We’ve all suffered a great loss.”

  “Mick.” Cole tugged at his elbow, noting that the judge was returning.

  With a nod toward the Sandersons, Mick returned to his seat.

  The judge sat behind the bench and stared out over the small group. “These types of cases are never easy. Decisions are made based on what’s been presented here today.”

  Mick’s breathing intensified. His heart felt as though it was in his throat.

  “That said, after listening to both sides, the court finds it is in the best interest of Sadie Louise Sanderson to remain in the custody of Michael John Ashford. Court is adjourned.”

  As the gavel came down, Mick breathed a sigh of relief. Thank You, God. You are, indeed, my defender.

  Mick again thanked Cole, Bum and Tammy for their help. “I hope y’all will join us across the street at Rae’s, because you’ve certainly played a part in making this an extra special celebration.”

  After shaking their hands, he found his wife and hugged her like crazy. “You were amazing up there. I couldn’t have done this without you.”

  Pulling back, she looked him in the eye. “Yes, you could. You love Sadie and you would do anything for her.”

  “I reckon you’re right about that.” He couldn’t stop grinning at the beautiful woman before him. “She’s ours.” Resting his forehead against Christa’s, he said, “I am so glad this is over.”

  “Me, too. Because we have a party to get to.” She tilted her head to look at him. “I contacted Laurel and she said they’re already over at Rae’s.”

  “Good, then we can tell Sadie.” He turned to look for the Sandersons, but they were already gone. And the disappointment Mick felt surprised him.

  Taking Christa by the hand, they made their way downstairs and outside where Sadie waited with Laurel.

  Mick scooped his precious niece into his arms. “Princess, I sure hope you like living at the ranch, ’cause that’s where you’re going to stay.”


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