The Widows of Sea Trail-Vivienne of Sugar Sands

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The Widows of Sea Trail-Vivienne of Sugar Sands Page 15

by Jacqueline DeGroot

  “Who flies it?”

  “There’s a pool of pilots that we call. So just tell me if you can come and I’ll make the arrangements.”

  I thought about it for a moment and said, “My Uncle Lester’s in town for a few days, but he should be gone by then.”

  “That would be great. Pick a day.”

  “The 26th should be fine, let’s do that.”

  “Great, I’ll set it up. All you’ll have to do is get to the Ocean Isle Beach Airport. Oh, and don’t forget to pack some of those new sultry skivvies. If I remember correctly wasn’t there one with rhinestones?”

  “Mmhmm, it’s red with hearts.”

  “Lovely, don’t forget that one.”

  “You make me feel young,” I murmured. “Young and naughty.”

  “Good. Naughty’s good, very good. Hold that thought until next week and we’ll be naughty together.”

  “So . . . this time you’ll be, ahem . . . involved, too ?”

  “I want you to know that it’s not all about me coming, but yes, it might be time to show you how I like to play.”

  “You’re scaring me.”

  “I would never hurt you.”

  “Then what are you talking about?”

  “Oh, a little light bondage might be nice. We could start with that.”

  “I can’t believe we’re talking about this.”

  “Why not? It’s sexy, and it gives us both something to look forward to, something to think about.”

  “Mmm. I suppose.” Several scenarios were already running through my head.

  “Can I ask a question?”

  “Mmmhmm. Sure.”

  “Who’s Heidi Meier?”

  “Oh, she a stunning soprano. She’ll be performing in a Russian spectacular; they’re doing Tchaikovsky’s Symphony No. 6 Pathétique. It’s passionate and deeply brooding. I absolutely love it.”

  “Oh. Not really familiar with her. Or him for that matter.”

  “Well! You not being into classical music simply won’t do. That should have been on the questionnaire. I may have to call one of the other finalists. I think the one who talked non-stop said she liked the symphony, although I can’t imagine her staying silent that long, to be honest with you.”

  His teasing caused me to smile, and to retaliate. “But I’m the one with the Crotchless Tangas, remember?”

  “Ah yes, there is that, never mind then, I’ll work on making you an Uptown girl.”

  “Naughty, Uptown? Which one do you want?”

  “I want you. Whatever way I can have you. All the ways I can have you. I take great pleasure in learning what a woman likes, wants, and needs, and pure male pride the moment I discover her secrets and she arches her back and screams like a banshee, rewarding me for my efforts.”

  I shivered from the words and the way he spoke them, dark and low, coming from deep in his throat. There was no way to answer that. I couldn’t stop the images from flashing through my mind. When I settled on one where I was on my hands and knees on the bed, presenting him with my ass, I blinked back to the present.

  “Any more strange phone calls?” he asked, breaking me out of my erotic reverie.

  “Actually, no. Not since the night you used my kitchen counter to serve me up.”

  “I remember that night very fondly, several times a day, in fact.”

  “Cat came over the next day to bring me some soup she’d made and she asked me why I kept wiping down the counter with Clorox Clean-up. I couldn’t think of a reply quick enough so she smiled and nodded as if she knew exactly why I was obsessively cleaning the countertop. I know I blushed six shades of red while she laughed and laughed.”

  “You’re funny, you know that?” he whispered softly. Then his voice changed and he said, “I think it’s about time I told you about my previous life. I need you to know certain things about me before we move on.”

  “Ooookay. Fire away.”

  “Not sure we should do this on the phone.”

  “Why not?”

  “No reason really, I guess. Actually, maybe it would be better if I didn’t have to see your face when you realize how ugly I’ve been. How much of an asshole I was in my younger days.”

  “Why is it so important to you that I know all this?”

  “Partly because my past made me who I am today. And partly because I suppose I’m looking for someone to absolve me of my sins so I can move on—let it go.”

  “I can’t forgive you, no matter what you did as you didn’t do anything to me.”

  “I know. But maybe you can tell me whether you think she would forgive me after all this time.”

  “She, meaning?”

  “My wife. The one who died so many years ago.” “Well. Hmmm. Okay, fire away . . . Once upon a time . . .”

  “It’s not that kind of story. And it’s not a fairy tale, this really happened, this is the story of a young fool’s life. And it didn’t end with the prince carrying the princess off on a white horse. Although I wish with all my heart that it had.”

  “Well, start at the beginning, I promise not to interrupt.”

  Chapter Nineteen

  A tale of two titties Iam going to be very frank with you, Viv. I won’t be holding anything back. This is not a pretty story and at the end of it, you’ll probably hate me for my part in it. But you have to know how evil I was, and how guilty I still feel, how my life has been defined by all this, and why on my wife’s birthday and on our wedding anniversary, I still go into a shell of depression that often takes me days to tunnel out of. Before I get started, I have to ask you something. Have you ever watched any porn?”

  I managed a timid nod and then when I realized that he couldn’t see me, I mumbled, “Mmm hmm. Some. I remember Tessa had a few she was supposed to be bringing me.”

  “Good or bad films?” he asked.

  “There’s such a thing as a good one?”

  “Oh yeah. Mine for example. They were the best the

  industry had to offer at the time. And the money I earned became the basis for everything that’s come after. It’s why I’m wealthy now. It’s also why I’m lonely, and why it’s taken this long to try to move on. So when I’m finished I will need you to tell me if I’ve lost you.”

  “You won’t lose me.”

  “You don’t know the awful things I’ve done.” “I forgive you.”

  “You can’t possibly—until you know the kind of man I

  once was.”

  “So tell me.”

  I heard him take a deep breath, then exhale. I could

  almost feel it push through me as it left him.

  “The day I heard Cassandra’s name for the very first time

  was a long, long time ago, but I remember it as if it were

  yesterday. I was in my office, the executive suite for Naughty

  and Novel Productions headquartered in San Francisco,

  looking out over my glossy mahogany desk to the sailboats

  in the bay. I was musing about my life and wondering how

  I had come to be where I was, living such a grand life.

  Without a backwards glance I had taken my law degree and

  my teaching credentials and cashed them in to become one

  of the biggest producers of porn in the country.”

  I couldn’t help but moan softly, commiserating. “Not so pretty, huh? Only I wasn’t just a producer, I was

  more often than not the lead actor, too.”

  I bit my tongue at this news. Good God, he’d been a

  porn star? Holy shit!

  “Well, there I sat pondering my past, thinking about the

  days I had taught law at U.C.L.A. and then the days I had

  spent beating my head against the wall as a fledgling D.A.

  I had spent most of my time in the D.A.’s office trying to

  keep some very evil men from taking young girls off the

  streets and using them to produce their sleazy brand of

p; porn—kiddie, deviant, beastial, snuff—you name it, they

  filmed it. The cases I worked on disgusted me, but I kept

  fighting, trying to make a difference until I became so

  disillusioned with the system I had to get out. Each time one

  of these sleazebags was taken off the street they came back—

  richer, smarter and cockier. I soon became an expert on the

  law with regard to pornography. Mostly from a lot of hard knocks—firsthand. I experienced the frustrating loopholes, the ridiculous exclusions, all the stupid exceptions, and the myriad of tactical things that could be done to keep the adult entertainment business thriving despite the city’s best

  attempts to close it down.

  “One case, one I’d worked on for eight months, ended

  very badly and I decided I wasn’t doing anyone any favors

  prosecuting these scumbags, it seemed all I was doing was

  educating them, making them better players at the game.

  So, I decided to best them at it and show them how a porn

  operation could be run, legitimately, by the book, and right

  in the middle of their turf.

  “I cashed in my savings and rented a warehouse. I

  bought some top-notch camera equipment, rented furniture,

  and hired a few actors and cameramen. And I made a porn

  movie, a good one as it turned out. It had a believable plot,

  reasonably good acting, and lots of innovative and creative

  sex with talented women who were young and beautiful. And

  the men, I was very particular about the men—the men were

  all devilishly handsome and amazingly virile. I knew women

  had power in the bedroom and I wanted to cater to them. If

  they liked my stuff, I knew they would tell their friends and

  demand their men buy them more of the same, so every man

  was buff. Every man was hung. I built to women’s fantasies

  as much if not more than to the men’s. I know where the

  control and the money is in most relationships, so I didn’t

  want the typical smarmy, pale-assed jerk with the black knee

  socks whose only claim to fame was his nine-inch dick. “The movies I produced went over big time. We couldn’t

  keep the videos in stock, they flew off the shelves—many

  were on backorder for over a year while we tried to keep

  up with the demand. My first film is still a best seller in the

  X-rated movie business. I even won an award, then another

  followed, then one after that. And soon I had made a name

  for myself, and a whole slew of money. More than I would

  ever have been able to earn as an attorney, in a lifetime. “Within two years I had run most the men I had prosecuted

  out of business, mostly because the actors and actresses

  wanted to work for me now. I paid top dollar and hired

  only the best. I was as legit in a backroom business as one

  could possibly be. I ran a clean operation—we never broke a

  single law. I paid taxes on allmy revenue, so the government

  was very happy with me. And the city had no complaints:

  every actor was documented and checked for priors, their

  age verified, and their body examined regularly by a battery

  of doctors. Penetration required condoms; the toys were

  thoroughly cleaned after every single use, everyone was

  meticulous and considerate. It was as professional, ethical,

  and as clean as the business of adult entertainment could be.

  We were raking in more money than I ever dreamed possible

  and we had a growing fan base that demanded more and


  “That afternoon while I sat there staring at the water

  in the bay, my feet propped on my desk, a crystal glass of

  Jagermeister in my hand, my ‘procurer’ called. Eddie was

  an agent I regularly dealt with, he helped me hire the actors

  I needed. New faces and new bodies were in demand and I

  was continually looking for new talent to keep things fresh.

  Eddie knew what I wanted, and he provided all the necessary

  documentation I insisted on. He was so good at his job that

  he pretty much had a blank check as far as I was concerned.

  He knew what I was willing to pay and was authorized to

  sign someone up if he felt they were right for my production


  “On this particular afternoon, I got a call from Eddie and

  he was very excited. He said he had just hired a Russian

  girl, just off the ship so to speak. Russian girls were all the

  rage back then, everybody was into Slavic girls at the time,

  something about the look and the demeanor, the waif-ish

  quality I suppose. He said she was stunningly beautiful and that one of our doctors had just certified her as a virgin. He said that she was very eager to break into the business so he quickly snapped her up before the competition did. He offered her fifty thousand and she had signed a contract—for one movie. That amount was staggering, more than double what we usually paid—no matter how beautiful the girl was. But of course, we’d never had a virgin on any set. So I asked him if he was crazy or what, and he said when I saw her, I’d understand. He assured me that she would be worth every fuckin’penny. He knew I had a script I had just finished that required a virgin, although he also knew that I wasn’t above faking that part. Certainly for twice the price, I would have. But mostly he knew that I was looking for a fresh new face, someone to become the hot new star for my production company, someone I could launch and build a brand name with. And he knew I was ready to start taping, and that I’d already lined up the male actors as he had most of them

  under contract.

  “After a few terse words, I finally relented and agreed to

  take her on. I told him to have her at the warehouse by nine

  the next morning and to have her see my assistant, Rabbit.

  He was my right hand man, my assistant, my gopher, and my

  gay flunky who took care of the actresses while they were on

  the set.

  “I drove home that night wondering about this new

  Russian girl. Smiling at how this newbie was going to be

  indoctrinated tomorrow. I’d seen a fax of the contract before

  I’d left the office, the terms spelled out exactly as I always

  required them. She was going to take on six of my best actors,

  one of which would be me. She was going to display her

  charms for the camera and allow liberties that would keep

  her blushing all day. She was going to earn the ridiculously

  excessive amount of money that Eddie had agreed to—she

  was going to earn every dime. I would see to it.

  “I wondered what it would be like tomorrow when I plunged into her body and felt her membrane tear. What it would be like to see her underneath me as the cameramen filmed my ejaculate spewing all over her youthful stomach, the required cum shot—as that is the way of all maleoriented porn—showing proof of the deed being an absolute prerequisite. I remember idly wondering if she’d ever seen a man shoot his load before. I prided myself on how much I had and how far I could shoot it.”

  I reached for my wineglass and took a huge gulp. I did not know what I had expected of Philip’s reminiscing, but this was not it! I closed my eyes for a second to get a grip and then refocused on his smooth, husky voice.

  “Irrationally, I was angry with her for the exorbitant price Eddie had made me pay for this ‘cherry’ piece of ass, and unfortunately, the anger hadn’t diminished much by the time I arrived on the set the next morning.

  “Driving in, I re
alized that I hadn’t bothered to ask Eddie if this ‘Cassandra’even spoke English. Wondering about all the logistical problems a language barrier like that could cause soured my mood. But I knew we’d muddle through somehow—sex was the universal language after all, and she wouldn’t need all that much direction, as she really didn’t have to do much. Initially, almost everything scripted required the actors to do things to her.

  “Upon entering the warehouse I heard loud shrieking and then I heard Rabbit swearing, so I went to investigate. The first time I saw her she was naked and I knew at that exact moment that I was going to name the movie after her, she was that beautiful.

  “Rabbit had been trying to get Cassandra’s clothes off and to get her into the shower. And she wasn’t having any of it. As I said, I was a stickler about cleanliness so I had a Roman bath of sorts installed on the premises, multiple shower heads in a long tiled room, a row of toilets and bidets, even a sauna and whirlpool for the actors to use between takes. Rabbit was my see-to-it guy and his job was to make sure everyone showered before going to the sets, regardless of whether they had bathed at home or not. It was also his job to do any grooming should it be necessary. He knew that I wanted our virgin to be au naturel. And she was, her lush bush had thick auburn curls, a wonderfully dark triangle that I knew would photograph nicely. And breasts that were divine, high and full with pouty nipples.

  “When I walked in and asked what the trouble was, she tried to cover herself with a hand over her mons and another over her ample breasts. Rabbit told me she was balking at being washed. I walked over and put my hand out and introduced myself. I saw her hesitate, after all it was pretty absurd, her being totally naked, me dressed in a business suit and expecting her to shake my hand. But eventually she did. She stood tall and proud and as beautiful a woman as I’d ever seen. I took over for Rabbit. I stripped, tossing Rabbit my clothes, and then pulled her to the closest open shower. Using all the different nozzles we had on hand, I thoroughly readied her for the first scene, which would be with me.

  “She spoke English with a delightful clipped accent, and I found I enjoyed her protestations while I watched her eyes looking anywhere but at me and my hardening cock. But once I got her to look at me, to really take a good look at me, she repeatedly returned to focus on either my face or my penis. So I knew she had an interest. And that she liked me, or at least how I looked. And I will admit that just looking at her made me unbearably hard. I rubbed my soapy hands over her marvelous tits, enjoying how the soft rosy tips became hard from not only my palm but from the pressure of the spray, and I cupped her mound while I thoroughly washed her pussy.


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