Bad Boys Rule

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Bad Boys Rule Page 51

by Naughty Aphrodite

  The closer he got the more Darryl realized his worst fears were being revealed before him. Shuffling along the pavement briefly talking to Mia his domineering glares staring at Darryl as if he were some sort of prey that needed to be wiped out. What could he possibly be saying to her? After all, it was an accident and the charges were dropped. That was probably not enough for Cory Hawkins, his once best friend and hunting partner.

  Today seemed to be a day of reliving history for the twenty-five-years-old Darryl Crawford. Many of these memories were ones he had hoped were gone forever with no chances of coming back to haunt him. Starting to feel his idea of not coming back to the Pocono Mountains for so many years should have stayed that way for eternity. There were things here and secrets that occurred, which were best left in these burly mountains with the rough terrain.

  The closer Cory came to him, the more his heart began to leap into the pit of his stomach. He heard the clamorous roar of his vessels pumping fervently sending a wave of sweat and apprehension through his skin. Clenching his fists already reliving one too many bad experiences, Darryl had no idea what he would say to the man he practically killed after a bad fight.

  Cory treated his sisters like they were princesses but, in all reality, they were nothing more than whores something that went against all of Darryl's principles. He loved sex as much as the next guy on this planet but more than anything he loved a girl who was trustworthy, loyal and honest. This was something Cory's eldest sister Sally wasn't.

  That terrible night in the back of his parents' home, only a month since his own father died, brought terrible consequences for Darryl. Both boys had drunk a lot and had no idea of the words they were saying and one thing led to another on that sultry July night when Cory had a bullet hit him clear in his chest. Luckily, it had missed his heart but had caused a good deal of permanent damage.

  Cory's mother and Darryl's mother both friends since high school decided to end this amicably but the ongoing guilt that haunted Darryl for nearly ten years was one major reason he never returned here. Cory, only feet away, his twitching face gazing at his once best friend in the world had Darryl wonder if the now officer of the law would return the favor and shoot him square in the head. Chances of him getting in trouble were next to null. Darryl had heard that Cory had become a big thing in the Poconos and most worshiped him as if he were some god that had just landed out of the sky from heaven.

  "Darryl fucking Crawford. Long time no see, my friend. How are you?" Cory, the man Darryl had injured with his father's rifle, acted like nothing happened.

  Taken back Darryl wasn't sure if this was some sort of trick that maybe he threatened his sweet Mia, the love of his life, with dire consequences if she acted like there was trouble in paradise. Looking around he wondered if there was someone else he could possibly be talking to or maybe he had just fallen asleep and this was just a dream that one's twisted consciousness plays on someone when they feel guilty for something that could have been avoided.

  "Aren't you going to talk, man?" Cory spoke again, this time, putting out his hand.

  "Yeah, I am... I am doing..." Darryl lost for words felt a surge of anxiety swell through him. Something he wasn't accustomed to he totally felt out of control of the situation. It was a feeling that he really didn't like having.

  "Man if you are still thinking about that -- I am so over it, bro. I have often thought about looking you up on Facebook. I miss you, buddy." Cory said putting out his hand and grabbing Darryl's.

  "How could you forgive all that? The guilt and the shit that happened that night have been one of the reasons I never came back home."

  "Dude, I am saved now. I am a member of the Pocono Brothers Mission for Christianity. One thing I learned since I joined the mission is that we need to turn our cheeks just as the Lord has. By the way, not to be too sinful, but your girl is quite the hottie. Praise Jesus." He grinned. Darryl couldn't help but notice poor Cory had a crooked look on his mouth, probably the result of the bullets impending impact on his motor skills.

  "Well, I am glad you found some happiness. Also, I hope you didn't say anything to my girl up there about that incident, did you?" Darryl asked hoping that the hatchet on the shooting tragedy was buried for good.

  "Of course not, bro. I told you I am over that. Hey, so what happened here?" Cory asked looking at the driver in the truck.

  "Oh, this guy cut us off, was traveling crazy on the highway up there and drove down this cliff. I tried to see what I could do but he was pretty far gone when I got to him and I think he's... he's…"

  "Dead?" Cory asked his eyes raised in question as if he suspected something along the lines of foul play occurred.

  "Yes. He's dead. I am so sorry I came home. First I had a... forget it," Darryl said. He certainly didn't want to go on into his revelation of his father's vision along the hill and how he couldn't save this man and how he felt the same as he did at his own father's terrible death.

  "It's ok, man. I know coming home has to be hard. Listen, I will write up the report. You guys go on. Hey, by the way, here’s my phone number. Don't be a stranger, please. How long you guys here for?" Pulling out a white card with Cory's name in bright gold letters and a picture of Jesus leading his sheep in the background, confirmed of his new religious lifestyle.

  "We are here for the weekend. My girl teaches school so she has to be at work. You know how that goes." Darryl responded lying, knowing Mia took off.

  "Well, if you guys have time before you go home that's my phone number. Maybe you can stop by and have a barbecue with me." Cory responded his speech showing signs of slowed dialect, another impact of that terrible night.

  "Sure man. I will give you a call."

  Darryl gave Cory a brief hug and started his long incline back up the hill. The army of paramedics and other emergency responders passed him by their empty stares not bothering him a bit. Once serving on the volunteer fire department out here Darryl remembered many times when he would just be focused on the current task not thinking twice about anyone.

  "Is everything ok?" Mia asked.

  "Unfortunately, he died. I am starting to think this was a bad idea for us to come here. I should have taken us on a cruise or a trip to the shore. Anywhere is better than here." Darryl said wishing he truly never came back home.

  "That's crazy. We are here and we are going to have an awesome time. I won't hear such negative talk from you, Darryl Crawford. Besides, we love each other to the moon and back. Together we can beat anything that comes our way." Mia grabbed Darryl and kissed him on his cheek.

  Mia was so full of hope even though she was diminutive and petite. She had more vigor in here than some of the best Olympians. It was the major reason Darryl loved her so much.

  "You're right, baby. We can and we will." Kissing her again he began to feel his chest fill with a warm passion that could light up the entire world.

  Chapter 3

  Although Darryl appeared to feel better since talking about the dead truck driver, Mia sensed he was hiding something. It all became clearer when officer Cory Hawkins appeared on the scene. It was as if there were some mysterious history between the two. His facial gestures tightened up as if he saw something out of a scary movie. Mia wondered what secret could Darryl possibly be hiding.

  If anything she had learned in the entire five years she had been with Darryl, was you never questioned his behavior. His life here in the Pocono Mountains obviously wasn't a happy one with losing his father at a young age, thereafter there were a lot of sad memories here that he had bottled up so well that he wasn't willing to share them with anyone.

  She only wanted to be here for him whatever the trouble may be. Darryl was a good man, deep down he always did what was right. A hard worker and a honest man since the day she met him, there were just things that he didn't want her to know about mainly his life here.

  "Ah, coming back to my hometown where I grew up as a kid -- the place of my youth -- it fee
ls great," Darryl said smiling as he drove along the last stretch of road before the mountain park entrance.

  "I am so glad you're feeling better, baby. This will be so exciting for both of us." Mia responded reassuringly hoping that whatever fear he was having would eventually go away.

  Deep down Mia knew he came from good stock as her mother would sometimes say even though she preferred she dated someone of proper social stature. The eldest of three boys and self-sufficient and confident he was a man that was of his word and was the epitome of loyalty. Gorgeous, confident and honest -- three words she never thought she would find herself saying to describe one individual, let alone someone she was head over heels madly in love with. He obviously had a structured upbringing. Often, Darryl would even boost and give snippets of his secret, though happy, childhood and let her know in on things that were of a positive nature. However, such revelations were far and few in between, Mia realized, but they were small reassurances to her -- not that she needed any -- that he was really a good man with sound values.

  "Looks like we’re here, honey. You excited?" Darryl grinned as he pointed to the stretch of never ending path that sprawled on both sides of their vehicle.

  "Yes, I am. Let's do this."

  Mia could still hear her mother’s chastising words as she let her know of her impending plans for this upcoming weekend. Speaking in that shaky yet firm voice still trying to dictate policy and procedure, after a series of life-threatening strokes, she adamantly didn't approve of any child of hers roughing it in the wilderness and seeing what nature had to offer. She was a Gambroni, a woman of social status, a family with money and one that was to be reckoned with.

  Coming from a family of wealthy investors, Mia took routes in her life that did away years of her mother’s proper upbringing etiquette and social acceptances. You have disappointed me so much Mia, why can't you be like your sister Gracie, her mother would chastise relentlessly. There it went again -- Gracie, Miss Prim and Proper, with her goldilocks hair and trim body married to a well-known businessman worth over a billion dollars. What her mother didn't realize, Mia thought to herself as her eyes glazed over the impressive green landscape with the winding hills, was that she was her own woman and made her own decisions. Not everything in life fit into a perfect cookie cutter as her mother would like to believe resulting in error free results. Shaking her head, she couldn't believe that she was doing this herself as it went a little above her own comfort zone but in her entire time of being with Darryl, if anything, he has shown her how to explore the endless possibilities of adventure.

  "You ok, baby?" Darryl said reaching out to her.

  "Oh yeah. Just thinking of my silly mother. You know she didn't want me doing this. Then she goes on to compare me to Gracie miss perfect. I wish my mother would learn one day to accept me for who I am and that she would realize I am truly happy. Don't get me, wrong honey, I had a terrific upbringing with the finest things in life but what my mother expects of me is totally different than what I want and need in life. If that makes any sense."

  "It makes perfect sense, Ms. Crawford. It is why I love you so much." Kissing her on the tip of her lips, his hot breath sending waves of pleasure through her tingling body, she wanted to just lay down and let him make sweet passionate love to her.

  "I know what you want, naughty lady, but this is an open area and one never knows who is going to be around. Plus, it's daylight." Darryl said reading her mind.

  “You’re right, honey." She licked her soft lips.

  "Hey, let's get the camping equipment. Judging by my watch, sunset will be soon and we really don't want to get lost out in these parts. The woods of the Poconos are no place for a damsel in distress. You have heard of Little Red Riding Hood, right love?" Darryl teased.

  "Oh gosh, yeah. That was my favorite story in the first-grade class. Poor girl almost got gobbled up by a wolf and he ate her grandmother. Terrible thing that happened to her." Waving her hands in that oh-my-god fashion, Darryl burst out into a ball of laughter.

  Mia was grateful that the weather proved to be non-threatening. Not a cloud in the sky on this late mid-May afternoon. Nothing but endless pristine cerulean skies and a few wispy cirrus clouds. With no sign of bad weather to come their way, Mia reassured herself that this would be a trip, they would never forget. If anything, she felt herself connecting to Darryl in a more personal way than ever before.

  Chapter 4

  Darryl hated keeping things from Mia more than anything else. It went against every principle he was ever taught as a child. Growing up he recalled how his parents resembled a story perfect marriage. They did just about everything together whether it was going to mom's weekly Bingo games in that old russet building on the edge of town or to dad's night with his friends where they would all come to the Crawford cabin and have a night with drinks and good food. Many of his father's friends also married would bring their wives and children and the kids would play out in the big sprawling yard behind the property having hours of fun in the summer months. He never recalled once in the entire time from his childhood up until the day that God took his father that anything was kept a secret between the two.

  Here they were traveling up the winding south path observing mother nature at her finest as a school of geese fluttered their snow white wings against the sky, not a care in the world except for finding food and shelter and he was keeping something from the woman he claimed to love and cherish. Ever since leaving the scene with Cory as they drove away that afternoon he sensed Mia's soft yet inquisitive glares gazing at him. Even though he had focused on the traffic and the circuitous roads that these parts were known for, he sensed that Mia radar on him. It was that subtle, yet eerie, sense that every facial and body movement is being keenly observed.

  The temperature was a cool, yet warm, seventy degrees so far, however, Darryl felt his skin radiate on fire as if he were in the oppressive flame of some oven. Hammering in his chest he could hear his heart beating vibrantly its thumping sound, pulsing in his temples demanding he lay down or rest for the time being. That thought was the craziest one he had so far. Doing such a thing would admit a weakness that was one thing Darryl would never admit to any woman let alone his lover.

  "Hey, you ok?" Mia asked already several yards ahead of him, her beady eyes narrowing in on him as if he were some prey.

  "Yes, I am fine. Just letting you get ahead. Go ahead. You’re doing a great job, honey. I am really proud of you." Darryl responded encouraging Mia to keep going.

  "Hmmm... ok," Mia replied shaking her head as if to say I know you're hiding something, Darryl.

  Disregarding her glares waving her on he knew he would have to fess up to the secrecy sooner than later. For years he put off questions about his life here like it really didn't matter. Most of the time, he had a really great upbringing. Things changed when dad died.

  The medical bills and other bills started piling up with threats from the county that they would be evicted if they didn't pay their tax bill. Darryl had to do something, anything to get the family back on track. After all, he was the oldest and the man of the house. The last thing he would do is stand there and watch his entire family be thrown out of their home. The disgrace and the embarrassment would be more than his already frail mother could stand.

  Quitting high school against his mother’s desperate pleas he took a job in the local supermarket thanks to the store manager Mr. Mapley. Long working hour weeks sometimes even creeping up to the sixty-hour mark were enough to put food on the table and keep the bill collectors at bay. Sure, he gave up a high school diploma and a possibility of a college scholarship but his family came first.

  Things were just fine Darryl recalled for several years until he met Sally with her perky breasts and slender perfect body. She was the essence of sex with her skimpy cut off shorts and low cut tee shirts showing all of her womanhood for the entire county to see. Speaking in that loud voice that was as deep as any man's was the total oppos
ite of any type of girl that Darryl would date in the future. He was naïve, foolish and downright horny but looking for a girl that would just want to be with him and him only.

  "Hey, you sure you're ok. Look how far ahead I am." Sure enough standing at the peak of the hill Mia asked suspiciously, the sweat soaking her tee shirt.

  "I am fine. Just giving you a head start. I can get there if I wanted to really quick." Laughing Darryl did his best to play off his impending worries the best he could.

  Mia with all her education and proper upbringing would never understand anything Darryl explained to her about his life here. She would never understand not finishing his education and falling in love with Sally, a local girl, who he thought would be the mother of his children only to find out she was a complete whore.

  That night at his parents’ house came to him in one horrific wave. The memory flashed before him in one blurry cloud, the players in that event moving slowly along as if they were stuck on glue. Sitting in the backyard at the cherry red picnic table a pile of silver beer cans spiraling up in a pyramid as he and Cory sat looking at each other. With each sip of alcohol Cory's facial gestures tensed as if he were ready for a fight to the bitter end.


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