Time of the Picts: A Time Travel Romance (Hadrian's Wall Book 2)

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Time of the Picts: A Time Travel Romance (Hadrian's Wall Book 2) Page 9

by Jane Stain

  "We don’t know, only that they won’t be reachable for a while. Tavish and Tomas, too. Something super-secret is going on.”

  "Great, just great. What am I going to do?"

  "Well, you’re in love with this Pict Breth, and you want to go back to his time and marry him and live happily ever after, right?"

  Jaelle opened her mouth to say she wasn't sure yet, that it was too soon, but she realized it wasn't true.

  "Yes, I do want to go back and marry him right now, waiting time be damned."

  "That's the spirit. We could call Vange, tell her what her son’s doing and see if she’ll help us. If John has a time travel device, then certainly Vange and Peadar will have one too and can take you back there."

  Jaelle sighed heavily.

  "No, it doesn't work that way. Each device only goes to a certain place and time, and anymore, the Druids arrange the settings, not the time traveler themselves. And John was the only one going to Breth’s time. He did talk to me a little bit before he met the woman he left me for. No, if anyone is going to be able to help, it's Kelsey. I’ll try adding her to our call."

  Jaelle waited what seemed like forever but was probably only 30 seconds. And got voice mail yet again.

  "Hi Kelsey. Please call me!" She hung up and said to Lauren, “I really don't see why she can't just answer her phone. She's only doing archaeological work. It's not like she's attending royalty."

  "Maybe she is. Maybe she's back in time attending a queen or something, and that's why she can’t answer her phone."

  “No, she and Tavish are lucky enough to have their time-travel device set so that they return the moment they left."

  "Well, it couldn't hurt to call Vange, could it?"

  "That's looking like our best option right now, and I don't know for sure that she can't help, just that it's unlikely. Sec, her number’s in my phone book, but not in my phone.”

  Jaelle looked around frantically for the book she and John had compiled together, half of her not wanting to find it. Because then she’d have to look at his handwriting.

  And while she did so, her mouth spouted exactly what she was thinking.

  “Lauren, I’m so sorry I didn’t call you sooner. It sounds like you forgive me already, but I want you to have my heartfelt apology anyway. John said I shouldn’t talk to you or I might give away the secret, and I was an idiot to listen to him. Thank you so much for taking my call. You didn’t have to, and I wouldn’t blame you if you hadn’t. But I can't imagine what I'd do without you. I’m about to go crazy with you—"

  There was a loud knock on Jaelle’s front door.

  Jaelle just pretended she wasn't home. She didn't want to deal with her nosy neighbor right now. No one else ever came and knocked on her door except for Mr. Jones, the grocer who lived next door and sometimes came over ostensibly to offer her day-old milk, but she knew it was really to see what was going on here in her house where there used to be a man living and all of a sudden there was a woman living.

  Whoever was there knocked loudly again.

  "Aren't you answering it?"

  "No, I don't think I can deal with it right now."

  But then a voice she knew but couldn't quite place came in through the crack next to her front door.

  "Jaelle, I ken ye are in there.. I ha come tae help ye."

  Puzzled and a little bit curious, Jaelle went to a window in her L-shaped house that looked out on the front porch from the side. Barely parting the blinds, she peeked out.

  And instantly jumped back. It was that grey-haired archaeologist from the museum, the one who had tried to get her into his car. Alasdair! Who had told him where she lived? Had he followed her bus? Despite her training as a warrior, her heart thumped in her chest.

  Lauren sounded worried, too.

  "What's going on, Jaelle?"

  Before she had a chance to answer, Alasdair came over to her window. This time, he spoke very softly.

  "Jaelle, Kelsey sent me here tae help ye. Been trying, but I canna if ye willna hae it."

  "Did you hear that?” Jaelle whispered.

  "Did you mention Kelsey to him?”


  “Is there any way he would know about Kelsey from phone conversations you had that he might have overheard or something?"

  Jaelle wracked her brain, but she really didn't think so, not unless he had been on the bus with her. She raised her voice at the window.

  "All right, I'm going to let you in, but know that I'm on the phone with a friend who knows where I live.” Under her breath, Jaelle gave Lauren her address, then raised her voice to the window once more. “Understand?"

  "Good. Aye, I ken. I'm glad ye hae friends involved. That's good. Good for ye. I'm going o’er tae the front door nae, and I wull leave my hands oot sae ye see them. I mean ye nae harm. Kelsey begged me to come here and help ye, and that's what I hae been trying tae dae."

  But tough warrior though she may be, Jaelle was not willing to welcome in this creepy old man in just her woad.

  “Be right back,” she called out as she dashed to her bedroom and pulled on jeans and a T-shirt. When she got back to the front door, she opened it quickly, stepping to the side in case he tried to rush her.

  But he didn't. Alasdair was just standing there with his gnarled old hands out where she could see them, as he had said.

  "May I come in?"

  Jaelle jumped a little.

  "Yes, I'm sorry, do come in and sit down. Shall I get you some water?"

  Alasdair smiled at her kindly this time. Had his creepiness been her imagination? No. No, it definitely had not been. He still raised the hairs on her neck, even with the kind smile on his face – and she was sure he meant the kind smile.

  "Nae, but I dae thank ye."

  He sat down on her couch, the couch she and John had picked out together what seemed like a lifetime ago. John had turned out to be such an evil… He needed to be stopped, and all of her queasiness and reservations needed to be set aside if Alasdair had really been sent by Kelsey to help her. All she needed to do was confirm that he had been.

  "So, how can you help?"

  Holding her gaze with his and moving very slowly across the room, Alasdair raised up his hand and opened it palm-up to reveal a small flame that was emanating from his hand.


  "What?" asked Lauren breathlessly.

  Still holding Alasdair's gaze, Jaelle trained her phone’s camera on his hand.

  "Watch this.”

  With a slightly amused look on his face, Alasdair did his little parlor trick again.

  Lauren echoed Jaelle.


  Alasdair crossed his ankle over his thigh and relaxed into her couch, putting his arm up on the back.

  "Sae ye see, we Celtic University professors took Kelsey’s plea for help seriously, back when ye were stranded at the Roman fort."

  Jaelle got excited at this. She’d forgotten how Kelsey had promised to send her help, and he had magic! Maybe he could time travel! Maybe he could get her back to Breth! But she tried her best to temper her glee. What was the catch? Kelsey’s druids didn’t exactly have the best reputation among her group of friends, seeing how they controlled John, John’s uncle Tavish, and John’s grandfather Dall. And would control every fourth-born son in their family.

  "I understand you Druids don't just go around helping people like superheroes, so what's your interest in this?"

  The grey old professor gave Jaelle a slight nod and a knowing look.

  "It's true. We only help if yer need fits into our agenda, but it sae happens that stopping Richard meets all o’ our agendas."

  Jaelle gave Alasdair an appraising look.

  "Stopping Richard. Not helping Breth and his people, but stopping Richard."

  Alasdair nodded.

  She tried her best to seem intelligently puzzled rather than mystified.

  "Stopping Richard from doing what?"

  Chapter 20

n as Breth moved on toward the woods where he first tripped over Jaelle, he wondered why he was headed that way. She was just going to leave again, and seeing her for a few more hours would only hurt his heart.

  But he found that he couldn't stop himself from going to her.

  She had looked so desperate staring into his eyes, had pleaded for him to meet her, some deep concerning need plainly showing on her face. What could it possibly be? Why had she felt the need to put the helmet on so suddenly?

  Perhaps that was why he couldn't keep himself from walking out there to meet her. Perhaps he was so full of bafflement that…

  No. No, he knew that wasn’t it. He also knew that whenever she asked him to meet her, he would go. It made him feel weak, in a way, but even as a warrior, he found that he didn't mind. He wasn't ashamed. He was nothing but consumed by the need to see her again.

  Will I ever be able to move on? After she leaves tonight — saying she’ll be back in a few days but really meaning she’ll be back in a few months? And if I do go through the motions of marrying Morna, will I truly be a husband to her?

  I think not. I think my heart is irreversibly given to someone who…

  Breth, control yourself. You don't know Jaelle is toying with you. Meet her and find out what’s so urgently needed, and then make up your mind about what to do next.

  Yes, that was the best plan of action, so he made his way to the woods where he had first met the love of his life. And he waited there — not patiently, but at least with a hopeful heart.

  He waited while the short shadows of midday made it through the trees and elongated into the long shadows of afternoon and finally became the darkness of evening. He sat up all night awake, waiting.

  Because of the woad, he didn't feel hunger, nor the need to sleep.

  He did need water, however, and he hadn't brought any. Should he go to the river?

  No, what if she came while he was gone? Besides, he hadn't been doing anything but sitting here. He would be fine for a little while longer without water, so feeling a bit lightheaded, he waited. And waited.

  Finally, when he had but an hour of magic sustenance left — and it wasn’t strong, seeing how he and Jaelle had smeared the woad — Breth reluctantly turned back home.

  Chapter 21

  Jaelle held out the glass of water Alasdair had requested, despite his prior protest saying he didn't need any.

  He eagerly held out his hand for it.

  "Thank ye. Now there are a number o’ relics linked tae specific places, and the helmet is just one—"

  His lecture lasted quite a while, and she could tell it was something he had presented many times. That was odd, seeing how Kelsey hadn’t ever heard about time-travel objects while at his university. She’d had to fend for herself when confronted with them. Hm.

  Finally, he came to a stopping point.

  "However, the key is the link between the item, an era, and a location. This link can be copied."

  Jaelle was about to explode, so as soon as there was a lull in his talk, she cut in.

  "But the helmet is gone. Can you make another way to time travel with whatever you have in that pouch of yours? And what does any of this have to do with stopping Richard? You still haven’t told me what he’s up to."

  The professor sat back on the couch with his water and took a long drink, pointedly waiting for her to calm down.

  She made herself relax back into the couch as well and put one leg over the other, resting her hands at her sides.

  The creepy old guy smiled slightly.

  "All right, I wull cut tae the chase, as ye young folk like tae say. I can make a way for ye tae return tae yer lover if ye are willing tae trust me."

  Lauren piped up.

  "How do we know we can?"

  Plainly hearing her, he got up and headed toward the door.

  "I reckon ye dinna."

  Jaelle jumped up and took his hand.

  "Please. Please, I'm willing to give anything a try. Please stay."

  Chapter 22

  Talorac came out to greet Breth as soon as he topped the hill over the broch valley. He looked around and then back to Breth in sadness.

  "Where is she?"

  Breth shook his head, unable to say her name, let alone that she hadn't met him.

  His brother put his arm around him and gave Breth’s upper arm a squeeze in obvious sympathy. As this was unspoken, Breth was able to take it without breaking down, which was doubtless Tal's intent, being a warrior as well and understanding.

  Tal spoke offhandedly.

  "A new druid has come into the fold. He has an odd name. Richard, he calls himself. Not sure if I'm saying that right, but I think that's what it is. Anyway, he introduced himself to Drest and says he’s with the druids down the wall a ways, the ones that don't want any clan — I know you've heard of them, aye?"

  Glad to have something else to talk about, Breth threw himself into this new conversation.

  "Aye, that group Deoord sometimes goes to for counsel and instruction, so he says."

  "Aye, the same. Anyway, Richard says they’re behind him. He presented their support to Drest ‘in order to ensure that you truly defeat the barbarians from that place they call Rome’."

  Breth gave Tal his ‘Are you sure?’ look.

  "What assurance do we have that he actually does have the support of the other Druids and isn't just some imposter looking for information to pass on to the Romans, as he calls them?"

  Tal gave Breth his ‘Oh yeah, I'm sure’ look.

  "This Richard has a sickle that Deoord assures us belongs to the head Druid from that very same clutch of them. We’re all convinced."

  "Well, given the power of those Druids, it's a good arrangement, isn't it?"

  Tal nodded.

  “A few of the chieftains disagree—"

  "Let me guess who.”

  Tal laughed.

  "No need. But Drest is officially over all ten clans now. All the chieftains pledged to him last night while you were gone, and he accepted Richard's help willingly."

  They were getting near the broch now, and people started to greet them.

  "Grand news, eh?"

  “Here’s to being rid of the barbarians!”

  Nodding to each greeter and exchanging pleasantries, Breth found his thoughts wandering again to Jaelle. Why hadn’t she come? Was she well?

  No, don't think about it. Think about the battles ahead and the alliances that are forming and this new druid Richard and you might be right in the head. Keep your mind off her, for your own sanity.

  But one greeter asked a disturbing question.

  "What did you think of the strange look Richard had on his face right after he shook forearms with Drest, as if he'd seen a vision or something?"

  The chieftains’ meeting had resumed today. Drest was once again standing on his stone, presiding. Apparently, he was taking suggestions as to how they would begin their long series of raids on the wall.

  Resigned to his clan being part of a larger ten-clan group, Breth presented his own ideas.

  "We tried taking the fort quietly in partner pairs before. It would have worked if we hadn't been so careless. I think we should try that again and take over the fort closest to this broch and stage further raids from there.”

  Drest nodded to Breth in thanks.

  "I like this idea. We shall begin as soon as we can gear up, so get to that. Dismissed."

  The raid on the Roman fort was a success. Breth even managed to save Drest a few times, and Drest saved him a few times. It would have been a glorious day but for two things.

  One, why hadn’t Jaelle come back? Every time he crossed the courtyard of the fort, he saw her there kneeling in the center, Nechtan swinging the bag and hitting her in the head, and her disappearing from him. It haunted him so bad that he almost fell a few times.

  He had been the one who suggested they all stay here. Even now, runners were headed up to the broch to bring back a few necessities. But
not everyone was coming here. The fort wasn't big enough, and while the broch wasn’t either, it wasn’t so near the enemy. Two clans would stay, the two most loyal to Drest: Brude’s clan, and Leo’s.

  Maybe they’ll keep Morna here with them, since she sees eye to eye with them.

  What? Wherever had that thought come from? Of course Morna was to stay with his clan. What was he thinking?

  Well it would be nice if she would leave awhile so I didn't have to decide quite yet.

  Haunted. That's what he was.

  The second reason it wasn't a glorious day was because Breth had the uneasy feeling someone was watching them from the bushes up the hill, where he himself had hidden to watch the fort. One time, he thought he caught sight of a white Druid robe, just one time. It was probably his imagination, probably. But he still felt uneasy, and he kept looking up there until an hour before sunset, when his clan and the seven others who were going back to the broch were ready and Leo and Brude’s clans were settled in.

  Breth thought the walk back to the broch would be a relief, but it wasn't. He still had the itching feeling that he was being watched.

  Chapter 23

  To Jaelle's immense relief, Alasdair stopped walking toward the door and turned back toward the couch. She gave him her friendliest smile when he turned to look at her.

  "Why did Richard have to take my helmet, anyway? Couldn’t he just check something out from the University?"

  Alasdair shook his head.

  "He canna. Richard has been expelled from his professorship. If ye like, ye can go online and check that fact, since I can see ye still dinna fully believe Kelsey sent me."

  Lauren piped up.

  "Let’s try her again. She’s got to answer her phone sometime. I know she and Tavish just got married, but seriously."

  Plainly able to hear Lauren on the phone through Jaelle’s earbuds, Alasdair smiled sadly.

  "Kelsey willna be answering her phone until at least tomorrow."


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