Tempted: The Numb MC

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Tempted: The Numb MC Page 29

by Olivia Stephens

  “Keith?” his mother’s voice brought his attention back to the room.

  “Sorry, did you say something?”

  “You seem distracted?”

  “No,” Keith said quickly. “I’m just… there’s a gang meeting tonight, that’s all.”

  Emma sighed, as though she suspected he was lying. “Even this gang won’t stay together forever. Look at Miles… he’s going to be a father now, and that’s going to change everything.”

  “We’re still going to be his family,” Keith said confidently.

  “I don’t doubt it,” Emma said with understanding. “But you will be his second family, and that means his partner and his child will always outrank you…which is as it should be.”

  Keith thought about his mother’s words, and they made sense to him. Of course Miles would value the love and respect of his partner and child above the members of the Iron Dragons. What surprised him about the realization was the fact that it made him feel… like he was being left behind. It didn’t make him sad as much as lonely, and it was an unpleasant feeling to have.

  “I’ll always have you though, won’t I?” Keith asked with a smile, as he tried to brush off the seriousness of the moment.

  “Of course. You will always have me,” Emma said gently. “But that might not be enough.”

  “I’m happy being alone,” Keith said fervently, wondering why his voice sounded so robotic and emotionless.

  “Oh Keith,” Emma sighed. “You can’t be alone forever.”

  “Why not?” Keith demanded. “So many people are. There’s nothing wrong with being alone.”

  Emma shook her head at Keith, and when she spoke, her voice was soft and clear. “You think you’ve left your fear behind… but it’s still there, son. It’s just taken a different form.”

  Chapter Five


  Hiking had become something of a tradition with Kristina and Marie. It had started in their sophomore year, and it had initially all been a ruse to get closer to a certain handsome senior who Marie was interested in getting to know a little better.

  Being a loyal friend, Kristina had accompanied Marie on her quest, and for the most part it had succeeded. Marie and Malcolm dated for four months before she found him cheating on her with another girl, and that had been the end of their short-lived relationship. Ironically, however, it had not been the end of their hiking excursions.

  Monthly hikes had turned into a weekly fitness regimen, and both Kristina and Marie had found that they loved it. Since Marie was pre-med, she didn’t always have the time to hike, and in those instances, Kristina went alone, savoring the independence.

  As Kristina put on her hiking shoes, Marie looked at her with envy and gave a big sigh. “I wish I could come with you.”

  “Me, too,” Kristina said, as she nodded. Although the honest truth was that she had been looking forward to hiking alone that morning. “Next time.”

  “Next time,” Marie said, as she prepared for her first lecture. Kristina waved goodbye as she left their dorm.

  The morning was awash with dew and a thin veil of mist that had only just begun to lift. Kristina breathed it in, feeling adrenaline pump through her body as she jogged towards the trail that would lead her upwards to more hilly terrain. It was a route she had travelled countless times, and she knew the path like the back of her hand. She didn’t have to think about it anymore; there was no concentration involved, which meant her thoughts were free to travel where they pleased.

  As Kristina neared the trail, her thoughts invariably landed on Keith, and she sighed in frustration. She had tried all week to get him out of her head, but more often than not, she found herself thinking of him. Her task was made harder due to the fact that she had not seen him around Lee and Seton since he had dropped her off on his motorcycle.

  She had expected to see him the next day, and when he had failed to show up, she found herself having to swallow her disappointment and wait expectantly for the next day to come around. It was not a feeling she had experienced before, and Kristina realized that she hated it. She was not used to daydreaming about a man and fantasizing about all the things she would do to him. It made her feel more vulnerable than she was comfortable being.

  When the trail started winding, Kristina turned left off the beaten path so as to avoid the main trail. It wasn’t usually crowded, but she had used that path so often that sometimes it was boring. She veered off, using the thin trees as guides and supports as she moved higher up the gently sloping hills filled with small pebbles that had once been large rocks. She followed the light until she reached a small clearing that was surrounded by large trees and lots of rubble. She was about to head west when the sound of footsteps made her stop short and turn in the direction of the sound.

  She almost felt her heart skip a beat when the figure of a man approached, and she realized she was staring at Keith’s chiseled features and brooding stare. He was wearing a sleeveless shirt and an expression that indicated that he was as shocked to run into her, as she was to run into him.

  “Keith?” Kristina said instinctively.

  “Hi,” he said after a moment’s pause.

  It didn’t appear that he was going to say anything more so Kristina cleared her throat awkwardly and attempted to fill the silence. “Do you hike often?”

  “Lately I have,” Keith nodded.

  “It’s good to keep fit,” Kristina said lamely.

  “I don’t do it to keep fit,” Keith said. “I do it to distract myself.”

  “What are you trying to distract yourself from?” Kristina asked with interest.

  Kristina saw his face change slightly, almost as though he regretted saying too much. His eyes were hooded, and that made it hard for Kristina to read what lay behind them.

  “A number of things,” Keith said finally.

  Kristina shrugged. “I just do it to stay fit… and it’s a good pastime to do when you want to think.”

  “You do a great deal of thinking, do you?” Keith asked.

  Kristina smiled. “Yeah, I suppose. Doesn’t everyone?”

  “I try to avoid it as much as possible,” Keith said.

  Kristina felt a thrill in realizing that they were actually having a conversation. She had the feeling that he wanted to leave, but he couldn’t bring himself to do so, and that gave her a boost of confidence that made her take a step closer.

  “Sounds like you have demons you don’t want to face,” Kristina said, lowering her voice without realizing it.

  Keith gave her a pointed look. “You think so?”

  “Why else would you want to avoid your own thoughts… why else would you have approached me that night?”

  She had not meant to say the last part of that sentence, and her cheeks flushed pink instantly as she lowered her gaze so that she wouldn’t have to look him in the eyes. It was amazing how eyes that were so icy could burn so fiercely.

  “Are you just naturally presumptuous, or is this just a side effect of studying psychology?” Keith asked in a hard tone.

  Kristina flinched internally at his tone, but she kept her expression calm and unaffected. “Sorry, sometimes I speak without thinking.”

  “Ironic,” Keith said sarcastically. “Considering that you come here specifically to think.”

  Kristina turned hard eyes on him and gave him an annoyed smile. “Are you always this charming?” she asked, matching his sarcasm. “Or is this just a side effect of being a too cool for school, bad ass biker dude?”

  Kristina thought she saw the corner of his mouth twitch upwards for a second, but he managed to keep it straight. “Does my personality irritate you?” he asked, as though he were hoping she would say yes.

  “No,” Kristina said calmly. “I know better than to let clichés bother me. I’d spend my whole life being irritated.”

  “I’m a cliché?” Keith asked in a tone of feigned hurt.

  “The brooding biker who fucks his way through life?” Kristina
said. “Come on.”

  “Didn’t your mother ever teach you that stereotyping is insensitive?”

  “Your mother should have told you the value of being polite.”

  “She did,” Keith said with a smirk. “It’s not her fault I didn’t listen.”

  “Why am I not surprised?” Kristina snapped as she whirled around. “Enjoy your hike, dill hole.”

  Her back was to him, but she heard him laugh out loud and the sound almost made her turn back just so that she could see it. She forced herself to keep walking, but she was extremely aware of Keith’s heavy footsteps close behind her.

  “There are plenty of trails,” Kristina said, stumbling slightly over her words. “You don’t have to follow me.”

  “You’ve given me no choice,” Keith said, making Kristina stop in her tracks and turn to face him.


  “Nothing,” he said quickly.

  It was the first time that Kristina had seen him smile, and she was suddenly aware of the heat rising through her body. She felt her breath speed up and memories of the night they had shared together came crashing into her head. She tried to shake them loose, but Keith was standing really close to her and his smile was scrambling her will.

  “You don’t strike me as the kind of guy who follows up after… a one-night stand,” Kristina said because that was the only thing on her mind, and she couldn’t think clearly enough to make something up.

  “I’m not,” Keith said, as the smile drifted off his face. It was replaced with a searching expression, as though he were trying to figure some things out.

  “Then why are you still standing here?” Kristina asked bluntly.

  “I don’t have a reason other than I want to,” Keith said, matching her honesty. “Is that answer enough for you?”

  “I guess,” Kristina said hesitantly, feeling her indignation slowly leave her body. She breathed out slowly and felt herself calm down in the same breath. “It’s a nice day.”

  Keith looked as though he were about to smile. “It is,” he nodded.

  Kristina nodded, feeling slightly awkward as she tried to make sense of this new cordiality. She was trying to avoid staring at the rippling muscles that were on full display in the sleeveless t-shirt Keith was wearing.

  “Something on your mind?” Keith asked.

  Kristina turned her eyes down immediately. “No.”

  “Sure?” he asked, and she could sense that he had noticed her preoccupation and he was teasing her. She felt her chin jerk up in response to that realization, and she stared at him unblinkingly. “I’d better get going.”

  “Ok,” he said evenly.

  “Ok,” Kristina repeated.

  Despite their goodbye, both held their ground and each other’s gaze. When it was clear that neither one was leaving, Kristina felt her curiosity peak again. She could feel the sexual tension build between them, and she wondered how far this would go if she allowed it.

  “I haven’t seen you around the auto shop lately,” she said.

  “Have you been hoping to see me?”

  Kristina rolled her eyes. “Hardly,” she said. “I’m just making conversation.”

  “If that were the case, you would have commented on the weather,” Keith pointed out.

  “The fact that you’re avoiding the question makes me think suspicion is in order,” Kristina said.

  Keith raised his eyebrows. “What are you suspicious about?”

  “What your meetings are about for one,” Kristina said honestly. “And what other lucrative businesses you boys run when the auto shop is closed.”

  “Someone’s being paying attention,” Keith said. “But if I were you, I’d stick to answering the calls.”

  “Calls from Anton Kovic you mean?” Kristina matched his condescending tone. “Are those the kinds of calls you usually get around a body shop?”

  Keith’s expression ironed out into one of seriousness. “I wouldn’t ask too many questions, Kristina… it’s better that way.”

  “You are doing something you’re not supposed to, aren’t you?” Kristina said. “Is it drugs?”

  “We run a body shop,” Keith said tonelessly. “That’s all we do.”

  “Is that what you’re sticking to?”

  “That’s what I’m sticking to,” Keith said.

  “I’m not an idiot you know,” Kristina said hotly.

  “Oh you are many, many things,” Keith said, looking her up and down without shame, “and an idiot is not one of them. That much I know.”

  “Do you do this often?” Kristina asked.

  “What?” Keith asked, raising his eyebrows questioningly.

  “Fuck girls and then annoy the crap out of them afterwards?” Kristina demanded.

  Keith’s face split into a wide smile. His pale blue eyes glittered under the warm rays of sunshine that were streaming in through the cracks hanging over them. “Actually… I don’t usually care to see the girls I fuck after I’ve fucked them.”

  “Guess I must be special then,” Kristina said sarcastically.

  Keith’s eyes blazed suddenly with an emotion Kristina couldn’t quite catch, and before she could decipher what it meant, that fleeting emotion was gone. He stared at her in an altogether different way, and it made Kristina feel completely vulnerable, as though she were naked.

  “I should get going,” Keith said, repeating the words that Kristina had said only moments before.

  Kristina looked at him, slightly taken back by the abruptness of his change and curious as to the reason for it. “Ok,” she was forced to say.

  He turned his back on her and walked back in the direction he had come from, leaving Kristina standing there, wondering what on earth had just happened.

  Chapter Six


  “Do you do this often?” she asked him, her dark blue eyes burning.

  “What?” Keith asked, in barely contained amusement.

  “Fuck girls and then annoy the crap out of them afterwards?” Kristina snapped.

  She was standing in front of him, five foot four and half his size, but she looked at him as though she was the taller one. It amused him, but it impressed him at the same time. She looked so sexy in those skin-tight leggings and that bright sports bra. Keith imagined what it would be like to push her into the muck and dirt of the forest floor and fuck her so hard that her screams would wake up every nocturnal animal around them.

  “Actually… I don’t usually care to see the girls I fuck after I’ve fucked them.”

  “Guess I must be special then,” Kristina said sarcastically.

  Keith felt a wave of sadness overwhelm him as Kristina spoke the words, and immediately, he was catapulted into the past when that word had held meaning for him. He imagined a different woman standing before him for a second before his eyes focused on Kristina once more.

  She was looking at him searchingly, as though she was worried, and Keith felt the need to grab a hold of her and pull her close to his body. What terrified him most about that thought was that it wasn’t connected to sex at all. He wasn’t thinking about fucking her in that moment. He just wanted to hold her and feel the warmth of her body against his.

  “I should get going,” Keith said quickly.

  She hesitated in confusion, but she nodded. “Ok.”

  Without another word, Keith turned tail and walked back the same way he had come. He knew she was watching him, but he resisted the urge to turn around and steal one last glance of her. His mind was reeling with sudden panic, as he realized that he had managed to let her in. Somehow, slowly, without him even truly being aware of it, he had let her become more important to him than she should have been.

  It baffled him that he had been so careless, given everything he had learned in the past. Keith couldn’t believe that after everything that had happened, he had been so foolish as to allow animal lust to turn into more. Within half an hour, he was back on solid ground and flat surfaces, but instead of heading to
wards Lee and Seton, Keith found his bike, kicked his leg over it, and started riding.

  As he rode, he tried to turn his brain off so that he could concentrate on the wind in his face, but memories of her face kept haunting him. Keith tried to shake them free, but they were only replaced with new ones.


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