Tempted: The Numb MC

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Tempted: The Numb MC Page 44

by Olivia Stephens

  “I told my mother about you,” Kristina said, abrupt again, but this time she was looking directly at Keith and she was really seeing him.

  “You did?” Keith asked taken back. “Why?”

  “She asked a bunch of questions about you,” Kristina went on, ignoring his question. “She wasn’t too thrilled.”

  “I can’t imagine she would be,” Keith said, as he put on a show of unconcern, but he was surprised that it bothered him slightly.

  “She told me that you were not the boy for me,” Kristina went on.

  “She’s right,” Keith nodded, wondering if Kristina was headed in the direction he thought she was headed. Perhaps he would never have to give the speech he had been preparing in his head this whole time. Perhaps Kristina would beat him to the punch. Perhaps after all this time she had finally realized that he was beneath her and she could do a lot better.

  “Yes, I know she’s right,” Kristina nodded. “And I told her so, too. But the thing is… even though I know she’s right… I still didn’t believe her.”

  “Believe her?” Keith asked in confusion. “What do you mean?”

  “There is no recipe, Keith,” Kristina said, as though she had found all the answers she had been searching for this whole time. “My mother thinks that in order to be happy you have to find the man who most reflects yourself. Someone who was born in the same place, with the same values, someone who is going in the same direction that you are.”

  “That is what most people think, Kristina,” Keith reminded her.

  “But are they right?” Kristina demanded. “Are they happy? Because that’s not what I’ve seen. My parents followed that formula and look at where they ended up. You can’t always lead with your head, Keith… sometimes you’ve got to go with your gut. You have to listen to what your insides are telling you. You have to go with what you feel is right rather than what adds up on paper.”


  “I’ve never experienced that warm, fuzzy feeling of being a part of a family, Keith,” Kristina went on as she spoke over him. “The only time I ever did, I was sitting in your house, at your dinner table with your mother. And she was asking me questions and she was interested in my answers. She gave me advice even when I didn’t ask for it; she put food on my plate when I wasn’t looking; she wanted to know about my opinions, my dreams, my life.”

  “Kristina—” Keith tried again, but again he was cut off.

  “I know you and I are different, and I know we’re not right for each other… but who’s to say what’s right and what’s wrong. It doesn't make sense on paper, and I know that, but the paper is not what’s important. Maybe the feeling is what’s important here. I can feel you pulling away from me. I can see it in your eyes, and I can hear it in your tone. I know that you’re scared to get close to me for whatever reason. But I think that’s a mistake. We’re good together, Keith, and I think we’ve been kidding ourselves by saying that this is not a relationship. It is. We’re just not willing to call it one.

  “I care about you, Keith. I’m invested in you—and in this—and I don’t know where I got the courage to say these things, but since I’m talking I might as well tell you everything that’s on my mind. I don’t want to do this pretend friendship thing anymore. I don’t want to have to deny a relationship with you. I don’t want to avoid the question when someone asks me if I have a boyfriend. I want to do this with you, because it feels right. It feels right, and I know you’ve felt it too. I’ve seen that look in your eye when we’re together. You care about me, too, and you want this, too. You’re just scared to admit it.”

  Keith swallowed hard and stared at Kristina. She was standing before him, framed in the half shadows of his poorly lit apartment, and yet, her face was ablaze. It was as though a spotlight had been cast on her person, and Keith wasn’t sure if his mind was playing tricks on him or if the light was naturally falling that way. He had never heard a speech like that before; there was something dramatic about it. There was something so intensely natural about it that it floored him. It made him feel like he had a spotlight falling on him, too.

  Her blue eyes were burning, and they made her look delicate and fierce. She was so full of contradictions, and they only served to heighten her beauty. Her breasts were rising and falling slowly from her passionate speech, and Keith appreciated the nerve it took for her to make it in the first place. It was a hard thing to stand in front of someone and bare your soul, to make yourself as vulnerable as the day you were born and not know what you were going to receive in return. Rejection left a bitter taste, no matter who you were or where you came from. It didn’t matter how strong or how powerful you were, rejection could have you on your knees in a heartbeat.

  “Kristina,” Keith said for what felt like the hundredth time. “I can’t.”

  Her expression didn’t change. “Why?” she demanded.

  “I can’t get into it.”

  “I deserve an explanation,” Kristina said in the same tone.

  Keith looked down at his tattoo instinctively. “Natalie,” he said.

  “Yes,” Kristina nodded. “You lost her.”

  “I lost her to Kovic,” Keith replied. “In a gang war much like this one. I won’t go through that again.”

  “What makes you think you will?”

  “Experience,” Keith said shortly.

  “Don’t you have faith?”

  “Believing has never been part of my DNA,” Keith replied. “You’re right, Kristina, I do care about you, but I was clear from the start. I don’t want a relationship with you… or anyone. I want to ride, I want to drink, and I want to fuck without strings or attachments or names. That’s my code now…and there’s no room for you in it. After this battle is over, you will be safe and you can get on with your life. Until then, I’ll have Tucker watch over you.”

  “You’re not going to do it anymore?” Kristina asked.

  “I think it’s best we end this now,” Keith said. “We’ve already taken it too far.”

  Kristina stared at him for a long while. “I want one thing from you before I leave.”

  “What is it?”

  “Promise me that whatever it is, you will do it without argument.”

  Keith hesitated, but then he nodded in agreement. “Tell me.”

  “Since Tucker will be my guardian angel from now on I won’t be seeing you after this, will I?”

  “Probably not,” Keith said.

  “Fine, then I don’t want any goodbyes or farewells. I don’t want empty words. I want something real before I walk out of here, something that can’t be faked.”

  Keith frowned. “What do you want?”

  “I want you,” Kristina said, and for the first time since they had begun this conversation, her voice shook slightly. “I want you to fuck me one more time before I leave. I want you to give me that one thing at least so that I can take it with me through the rest of my life. I don’t want words. I want you to fuck me goodbye.”

  Keith felt every nerve in his body come alive suddenly. It was almost as if he could feel everything. “That I can do,” he said at last.

  Chapter Twenty Five


  Kristina didn’t know what had made her speak out so boldly. She didn’t know what had possessed her to be so honest, to be so completely uncaring of everything and anything, but once she had spoken all sense of embarrassment or shame left her. It was as though she had released herself from every feeling that could possibly make her shy or hesitant.

  “I can’t,” Keith’s words resonated in her ears and made the choice final.

  Kristina knew that once she was back in the privacy of her own bedroom she would feel the sting of his words. She would feel the black heat of rejection, and it would hurt her more deeply than any rejection that had come before. But in that moment, she was immune to it, and she knew she had to capitalize on that immunity.


  “I can’t get into it.”
/>   “I deserve an explanation,” Kristina demanded. She deserved at least that.

  “Natalie,” was all he said.

  Kristina already knew this. She had known it the minute she had seen that tattoo ingrained on his skin. For all Keith’s body art, the one thing that was most clearly written all over him was loss. “Yes,” Kristina replied. “You lost her.”

  “I lost her to Kovic,” Keith said in a deadpan voice. “In a gang war much like this one. I won’t go through that again.”

  “What makes you think you will?”

  “Experience,” Keith said in a tone that suggested he was done talking.

  She could see it in Keith’s eyes. She knew he would not bend for her, the pull of his past was too strong, and it was keeping him from admitting what he really wanted. Kristina had never trusted her instincts more and her instincts told her that he did want her. He wanted more than just the carnal pleasures of her body, but he was too mired down in guilt and fear to admit to it. That was the reason she knew she could ask for that one parting gift before she left, and he would not refuse her.

  Kristina didn’t know why she wanted this so much; it was a purely visceral urge. She felt the need in her bones, and it wasn’t just tied to bodily desires. A part of her wanted to steal something, anything she could before she left. Because Kristina had realized something profound in the last few days, and it had only formed a coherent thought while she was standing in front of Keith. This wasn’t a phase. She was not living out some misplaced fantasy that she would turn from one day. This was for real, her feelings for Keith were concrete, and even if she were forced to walk away from him, those feelings would not fade easily.

  “… I want you to fuck me goodbye,” Kristina said, in the simplest way she could.

  Keith looked at her with intensity for a moment, and she wondered if he had understood her request. “That I can do,” he said finally, and he approached her with single-minded ferocity.

  He grabbed her around the hips and hiked her up around his waist so that he was carrying her effortlessly. His lips were on her neck, and Kristina could feel her eyes close in response as she left her body take control.

  Kristina gasped as she was pushed down onto Keith’s small, hard bed. She didn’t struggle or move, as he ripped the clothes off her and came down on her as though he were a starving man who had just been offered salvation. Kristina grabbed his hair, as he travelled downwards between her legs and settled there, forcing them apart at the same time. Instantly she felt his tongue explore her, and in one delirious moment of ecstasy, Kristina could feel him all the way inside her, in a place that she didn’t even know existed.

  Kristina was writhing against the mattress, unwilling to detach from the moment when Keith’s face rose to meet hers. He kissed her long and hard and Kristina could taste herself on his tongue. She felt a thrill of excitement race down her spine as she grabbed Keith and rolled on top of him. Slowly, she slipped down and freed him from his trousers. His cock was rock hard and standing at attention. She traced her fingers along the length of him, and she felt him shudder underneath her touch.

  Without building up to it, Kristina took his cock in her mouth and sucked down deep. She felt the convulsions of Keith’s body, having been unprepared for the sensations that coursed through him. She moved up and down, sucking him deep before finally releasing to allow her time to breath.

  “Fuck,” Kristina heard Keith say with his eyes closed and his hand on her head. “Fuck.”

  She ignored him and continued sucking on him until the heat between her legs became unbearable. Then she sidled upwards and slipped him inside her. His cock felt amazing inside her, as though she had found that last little piece of a jigsaw that fit perfectly. She moved back and forth and then up and down, trying to memorize each sensation so that she would never forget it later on.

  Keith’s hands roamed her body as she rode him. His eyes were open, and they were fixed on her face, as though he, too, were trying to memorize something. Kristina did not allow herself to be sad in that moment. All she wanted to feel was the pleasure of their joining, so that later when she looked back on this memory, it wouldn’t be tainted by the goodbye that was in the air.

  Keith reached up and pulled Kristina towards him. Her breasts were pressed against his chest, and his breath was hot against her cheek. She felt him move more forcefully inside her until she couldn’t bring herself to move at all. He grabbed her, and they rolled again so that this time, Keith was the one on top. He took one of her legs and hiked it over his shoulder, as he continued to pummel into her as though he were searching for something.

  The climax was building, but Kristina kept pushing it back, struggling against it, and hoping that it would last just a little longer. She didn’t want to let go, not now, not yet. Keith’s breath was hot and heavy and it created a melody when it mixed with hers. She could hear the sad, strange beat of music in the air, but she knew there was none. Kristina could only grab ahold of him, close her eyes, and lose herself to the feel of his cock sliding in and out of her with increasing urgency.

  They came together, so deeply entwined that Kristina had a hard time distinguishing her limbs from Keith’s. For just a second, in the warm heat of the aftermath, they were one fused person and there was nothing that separated them. Kristina clung to Keith for a second longer than she should have and then she released. Immediately, the air rushed to greet her naked body and she felt cold and vulnerable. She pushed aside the feeling and got dressed without looking at Keith.

  “Stay,” he said quietly.

  “What?” Kristina asked, turning to face him.

  “Stay for a while longer,” Keith said. “And then I’ll take you home.”

  “And tomorrow?” Kristina asked.

  “And tomorrow… Tucker will be waiting for you.”

  Kristina knew she shouldn’t have expected anything different. She wanted to turn him down; she wanted to tell him that the thing she desired least in the world right now was to have him take her back home. She said none of this however; she only nodded and settled into the bed next to him. They were inches apart but neither one reached for the other. Kristina could feel the divide already, and the magic of intimacy earlier had already evaporated.

  Kristina waited till Keith’s eyes were shut and his breathing was coming in the low, shallow calm of sleep before she rose from the bed for the second time that night. She grabbed her bag and tiptoed out of the room, hoping that she wouldn’t be caught sneaking out. Once she had shut the door behind her, she hurried down the stairs and into the cold night air.

  She had just turned the corner at the end of the street when she noticed a shadow over her left shoulder. She felt her insides grow cold, and she froze in place as terror gripped her heart. Again it was instinct, because she knew, she knew that she had been found.

  “Hello, doll,” his voice was thick with contempt, but there was an undercurrent of satisfaction there. It spoke of victory. He came up around Kristina and the streetlights fell onto his face.

  “Who are you?” Kristina asked.

  He was incredibly tall and incredibly frightening to look at. His eyes were hooded in black pools, and they set a sharp contrast against the white blonde of his long hair. He smiled slowly, exposing his canines and causing goosebumps to erupt on Kristina’s skin.

  “My name is Anton… Anton Kovic,” he said. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”

  Kristina felt the scream at the back of her throat, but before she could release it, he was on her. His hand fell over her mouth, and she was incapable of making a sound. He was whispering things in her ear, but Kristina could feel nothing but the sound of her fear.

  “Keith,” Kristina tried to shout as she struggled against Kovic. “Keith!”

  Then her world went dark…and her consciousness fell into blackness.

  Chapter Twenty Six


  For just a moment after he woke up, Keith believed that Kristina was still th
ere, lying next to him. His eyes were still closed, but his hands reached for her, and for a moment, he could almost feel the curve of her body, nestled in close next to his. He could feel the heat coming off her, the intimacy that cocooned him, and the smell of sex that still lingered in the air.

  When he finally opened his eyes, the feeling dissolved, and he found himself staring at empty sheets. There was no one but him in the little apartment, and it felt oddly unfamiliar to him, as though Kristina had taken all the comfort from it when she had left. He rose quickly and grabbed his phone. He listened to the dial tone, hoping he hadn’t caught her during a class or a lecture. After a few moments, he got her voice mail.

  “This is Kristina Reilly.” Kristina’s voice was clear and crisp. “Please leave a message and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.”


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